--- /dev/null
+Record Buckets
+Record buckets are containers for MARC records. Once records are in a bucket, you can take
+various types of actions, including:
+* Editing all the records at once using the MARC Batch Editor.
+* Deleting all the records in the bucket.
+* Merging all the records in the bucket.
+* Downloading the MARC files for all records in the bucket, so you can edit them in another
+program like http://marcedit.reeset.net[MARCEdit].
+Creating Record Buckets
+. Click on _Cataloging_ -> _Record Buckets_.
+. On the _Buckets_ menu, click _New Bucket_.
+. Give the bucket a name and (optionally) a description.
+Adding Records to a Bucket
+From the Record Bucket Interface
+. Click on _Cataloging_ -> _Record Buckets_.
+. On the _Buckets_ menu, choose the bucket that you'd like to add records to.
+. Go to the _Record Query_ tab.
+. Enter your query into the _Record Query_ box.
+. Select the records you would like to add.
+. On the _Actions_ menu, click _Add to Bucket_.
+.Advanced record queries
+The _Record Query_ tab allows some advanced search functionality through the use of search keys,
+which can be combined with one another.
+.Record Bucket search keys
+|Search key |Abbreviated version |Usage example |Description
+|author: |au: |au:Anzaldua |An author, creator, or contributor
+|available: | |available:yes |Limits to available items. There is no way to limit to _unavailable_ items
+|keyword: |kw: |kw:Schirmer |A keyword
+|lang: | |lang:Spanish |A language
+|series: |se: |se:avatar last airbender |A series title
+|site: | |site:LIB3 |The shortname of the library/system/consortium you'd like to search
+|subject: |su: |su:open source software |A subject
+|subject||geographic: | |subject\|geographic:Uruguay |A geographic subject
+|title: |ti: |ti:Harry Potter |Title proper or alternate title
+|title\|proper: | |title\|proper:Harry Potter |Title proper taken from 245
+You can combine these in the same query, e.g. `ti:borderlands au:anzaldua available:yes`. However -- with the exception of the _lang_ search key,
+you should not repeat the same search key twice.