Import Item Attributes
If you are importing copies with your records, you will need to map the data in
-your holdings tag to fields in the copy record. Click the *Import Item
-Attributes* button to map this information.
+your holdings tag to fields in the copy record. Click the *Holdings Import
+Profile* button to map this information.
. Click the *New Definition* button to create a new mapping for the holdings tag.
+. Add a *Name* for the definition.
. Use the *Tag* field to identify the MARC tag that contains your holdings
. Add the subfields that contain specific copy information to the appropriate
. Select the *Keep* box if Evergreen should keep this holdings tag in the
record after it is imported. Otherwise, Evergreen will remove this holdings
-. At a minimum, you should add a name for the definition, identify the MARC
- holdings tag, and add the subfields that identify the circulating library, the
- owning library, the call number and the barcode.
+. At a minimum, you should add the subfields that identify the *Circulating
+Library*, the *Owning Library*, the *Call Number* and the *Barcode*.
+. For more details, see the <<_import_item_attributes_2,full list of import fields>>
+NOTE: All fields (except for Name, Tag and Keep) can contain static
+values, a MARC subfield code (such as "a"), or an XPATH query.
+image::media/batch_import_profile.png[Partial Screenshot of a Holdings Import Profile]
Overlay/Merge Profiles
+Import Item Attributes
+If you are importing copies with your records, you will need to map the data in
+your holdings tag to fields in the copy record. Click the *Holdings Import
+Profile* button to map this information.
+. Click the *New Definition* button to create a new mapping for the holdings tag.
+. Add a *Name* for the definition.
+. Use the *Tag* field to identify the MARC tag that contains your holdings
+ information.
+. Add the subfields that contain specific copy information to the appropriate
+ copy field.
+. Select the *Keep* box if Evergreen should keep this holdings tag in the
+ record after it is imported. Otherwise, Evergreen will remove this holdings
+ tag.
+. At a minimum, you should add the subfields that identify the *Circulating
+Library*, the *Owning Library*, the *Call Number* and the *Barcode*.
+NOTE: All fields (except for Name, Tag and Keep) can contain static
+values, a MARC subfield code (such as "a"), or an XPATH query.
+image::media/batch_import_profile.png[Partial Screenshot of a Holdings Import Profile]
+.Holdings Import Profile Fields
+|Field | Recommended | Description
+|Name | Yes | Name you will choose from the MARC Batch Import screen
+|Tag | Yes | MARC Holdings Tag/Field (e.g. 949). Use the Tag field to
+identify the MARC tag that contains your holdings information.
+|Keep | Yes | Select the Keep box if Evergreen should keep this holdings
+tag in the record after it is imported. Otherwise, Evergreen will remove
+this holdings tag.
+|Barcode | Yes |
+|Call Number | Yes |
+|Circulating Library | Yes |
+|Owning Library | Yes |
+|Alert Message ||
+|Circulate ||
+|Circulate As MARC Type ||
+|Circulation Modifier ||
+|Copy Number ||
+|Deposit ||
+|Deposit Amount ||
+|Holdable ||
+|OPAC Visible ||
+|Overlay Match ID || The copy ID of an existing copy to overlay
+|Price ||
+|Private Note ||
+|Public Note ||
+|Reference ||
+|Shelving Location ||
+|Stat Cat Data || Of the format `CATEGORY 1\|VALUE 1\|\|CATEGORY 2\|VALUE 2`.
+If you are overlaying existing copies which already have stat cats
+attached to them, the overlay process will keep those values unless the
+incoming copies contain updated values for matching categories.
+|Status ||
Import Records