--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+describe('egReporterTest', function() {
+ beforeEach(module('egCoreMod'));
+ beforeEach(module('egReportMod'));
+ beforeEach(module('egReporter'));
+ var reportEditCtrl, reportEditScope;
+ beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, $location, egIDL) {
+ egIDL.parseIDL();
+ reportEditScope = $rootScope.$new();
+ reportEditCtrl = $controller('ReporterTemplateEdit', {$scope: reportEditScope});
+ }));
+ /** egReportTemplateSvc tests **/
+ describe('egReportTemplateSvcTests', function() {
+ it('egReportTemplateSvc should start with empty lists', inject(function(egReportTemplateSvc) {
+ expect(egReportTemplateSvc.display_fields.length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(egReportTemplateSvc.filter_fields.length).toEqual(0);
+ }));
+ });
+ // test template
+ var display_fields = [{
+ "name": "family_name",
+ "label": "Last Name",
+ "datatype": "text",
+ "index": 0,
+ "path": [
+ {
+ "label": "ILS User",
+ "id": "au",
+ "jtype": "inner",
+ "classname": "au",
+ "struct": {
+ "name": "au",
+ "label": "ILS User",
+ "table": "actor.usr",
+ "core": true,
+ "pkey": "id",
+ "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_id_seq",
+ "core_label": "Core sources",
+ "classname": "au"
+ },
+ "table": "actor.usr"
+ }
+ ],
+ "path_label": "ILS User",
+ "transform": {
+ "transform": "Bare",
+ "label": "Raw Data",
+ "aggregate": false
+ },
+ "doc_text": ""
+ }, {
+ "name": "first_given_name",
+ "label": "First Name",
+ "datatype": "text",
+ "index": 1,
+ "path": [
+ {
+ "label": "ILS User",
+ "id": "au",
+ "jtype": "inner",
+ "classname": "au",
+ "struct": {
+ "name": "au",
+ "label": "ILS User",
+ "table": "actor.usr",
+ "core": true,
+ "pkey": "id",
+ "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_id_seq",
+ "core_label": "Core sources",
+ "classname": "au"
+ },
+ "table": "actor.usr"
+ }
+ ],
+ "path_label": "ILS User",
+ "transform": {
+ "transform": "Bare",
+ "label": "Raw Data",
+ "aggregate": false
+ },
+ "doc_text": ""
+ }, {
+ "name": "value",
+ "label": "Note Content",
+ "datatype": "text",
+ "index": 2,
+ "path": [
+ {
+ "label": "ILS User",
+ "id": "au",
+ "jtype": "inner",
+ "classname": "au",
+ "struct": {
+ "name": "au",
+ "label": "ILS User",
+ "table": "actor.usr",
+ "core": true,
+ "pkey": "id",
+ "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_id_seq",
+ "core_label": "Core sources",
+ "classname": "au"
+ },
+ "table": "actor.usr"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "User Notes",
+ "from": "au",
+ "link": {
+ "name": "notes",
+ "label": "User Notes",
+ "virtual": true,
+ "type": "link",
+ "key": "usr",
+ "class": "aun",
+ "reltype": "has_many",
+ "datatype": "link"
+ },
+ "id": "au.aun",
+ "jtype": "left",
+ "uplink": {
+ "name": "notes",
+ "label": "User Notes",
+ "virtual": true,
+ "type": "link",
+ "key": "usr",
+ "class": "aun",
+ "reltype": "has_many",
+ "datatype": "link"
+ },
+ "classname": "aun",
+ "struct": {
+ "name": "aun",
+ "label": "User Note",
+ "table": "actor.usr_note",
+ "pkey": "id",
+ "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_note_id_seq",
+ "core_label": "Non-core sources",
+ "classname": "aun"
+ },
+ "table": "actor.usr_note"
+ }
+ ],
+ "path_label": "ILS User -> User Notes (left)",
+ "transform": {
+ "transform": "Bare",
+ "label": "Raw Data",
+ "aggregate": false
+ },
+ "doc_text": ""
+ }];
+ describe('egReporterTemplateEditTests', function() {
+ it('initialize and set core source for ReporterTemplateEdit', inject(function(egIDL, egCore) {
+ egIDL.parseIDL();
+ // initialize
+ expect(reportEditScope.class_tree.length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(reportEditScope.coreSourceChosen).toEqual(false);
+ // set core source
+ reportEditScope.changeCoreSource('au');
+ expect(reportEditScope.coreSourceChosen).toEqual(true);
+ expect(reportEditScope.class_tree.length).toEqual(1);
+ }));
+ it('LP#1721807: construct join key correctly when using virtual field', function() {
+ var tmpl = reportEditScope._mergePaths(display_fields);
+ expect(tmpl).toBeDefined();
+ expect(Object.keys(tmpl)).toContain('join');
+ expect(Object.keys(tmpl.join).length).toEqual(1);
+ var join_key = Object.keys(tmpl.join)[0];
+ var lcol = join_key.split(/-/)[0];
+ expect(lcol).toEqual('id');
+ });
+ });