return $type;
-=head2 find_barcode
+=head2 find_user_barcode
C<my $barcode = $ils-E<gt>find_user_barcode($request);>
If you have a request type that includes a user barcode identifier
-value, this routine will find it. It presently works only on
-LookupUser requests.
+value, this routine will find it.
It will return the barcode in scalar context, or the barcode and the
tag of the field where the barcode was found in list context.
my $field;
my $message = $self->parse_request_type($request);
return unless($message);
- if ($message eq 'LookupUser') {
- my $authinput = $request->{$message}->{AuthenticationInput};
- if ($authinput) {
- $field = 'AuthenticationInputData';
- # Convert to array ref if it isn't already.
- if (ref $authinput ne 'ARRAY') {
- $authinput = [$authinput];
- }
- foreach my $input (@$authinput) {
- if ($input->{AuthenticationInputType} =~ /barcode/i) {
- $barcode = $input->{$field};
- last;
- }
+ # Check for UserId first because it is more common and still valid
+ # in LookupUser.
+ my $authinput = $request->{$message}->{UserId};
+ if ($authinput) {
+ $field = 'UserIdentifierValue';
+ if (ref $authinput ne 'ARRAY') {
+ $authinput = [$authinput];
+ }
+ foreach my $input (@$authinput) {
+ # UserIdentifierType is optional, so we check if it is
+ # there. If it is, we skip this entry unless the
+ # identifier type contains the string barcode
+ if ($input->{UserIdentifierType}) {
+ next unless ($input->{UserIdentifierType} =~ /barcode/i);
- } else {
- $authinput = $request->{$message}->{UserId};
- if ($authinput) {
- $field = 'UserIdentifierValue';
- if (ref $authinput ne 'ARRAY') {
- $authinput = [$authinput];
- }
- foreach my $input (@$authinput) {
- if ($input->{UserIdentifierType} =~ /barcode/i) {
- $barcode = $input->{$field};
- last;
- }
- }
+ # We take the first field we find, unless the
+ # identifier type says it is not a barcode.
+ $barcode = $input->{$field};
+ last;
+ }
+ } elsif ($message eq 'LookupUser') {
+ $field = 'AuthenticationInputData';
+ $authinput = $request->{$message}->{AuthenticationInput};
+ # Convert to array ref if it isn't already.
+ if (ref $authinput ne 'ARRAY') {
+ $authinput = [$authinput];
+ }
+ foreach my $input (@$authinput) {
+ if ($input->{AuthenticationInputType} =~ /barcode/i) {
+ $barcode = $input->{$field};
+ last;