my $node_rank = 'COALESCE(' . $node->rank . " * ${talias}.weight * 1000, 0.0)";
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 4 ."LEFT JOIN (\n"
+ my $search_cte = ",\n $talias AS (\n"
. ${spc} x 5 . "SELECT fe.*, fe_weight.weight, ${talias}_xq.tsq, ${talias}_xq.tsq_rank /* search */\n"
. ${spc} x 6 . "FROM $table AS fe\n"
. ${spc} x 7 . "JOIN config.metabib_field AS fe_weight ON ( = fe.field)";
- if ($node->dummy_count < @{$node->only_atoms} ) {
+ if ($node->dummy_count < @{$node->only_atoms} or @{$node->phrases}) {
$with .= ",\n " if $with;
$with .= "${talias}_xq AS (SELECT ". $node->tsquery ." AS tsq,". $node->tsquery_rank ." AS tsq_rank )";
if ($node->combined_search) {
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . "JOIN $ctable AS com ON (com.record = fe.source";
+ $search_cte .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . "JOIN $ctable AS com ON (com.record = fe.source";
if (@field_ids) {
- $from .= " AND com.metabib_field IN (" . join(',',@field_ids) . "))";
+ $search_cte .= " AND com.metabib_field IN (" . join(',',@field_ids) . "))";
} else {
- $from .= " AND com.metabib_field IS NULL)";
+ $search_cte .= " AND com.metabib_field IS NULL)";
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . "JOIN ${talias}_xq ON (com.index_vector @@ ${talias}_xq.tsq)";
+ $search_cte .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . "JOIN ${talias}_xq ON (com.index_vector @@ ${talias}_xq.tsq)";
} else {
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . "JOIN ${talias}_xq ON (fe.index_vector @@ ${talias}_xq.tsq)";
+ $search_cte .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . "JOIN ${talias}_xq ON (fe.index_vector @@ ${talias}_xq.tsq)";
} else {
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . ", (SELECT NULL::tsquery AS tsq, NULL::tsquery AS tsq_rank ) AS ${talias}_xq";
+ $search_cte .= "\n" . ${spc} x 7 . ", (SELECT NULL::tsquery AS tsq, NULL::tsquery AS tsq_rank ) AS ${talias}_xq";
if (@field_ids) {
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 6 . "WHERE IN (" .
+ $search_cte .= "\n" . ${spc} x 6 . "WHERE IN (" .
join(',', @field_ids) . ")";
# NOTE: only real fields that match the (component) tsquery will
# get to contribute to and increased rank for the record.
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 8 . "UNION ALL\n"
+ $search_cte .= "\n" . ${spc} x 8 . "UNION ALL\n"
. ${spc} x 5 . "SELECT, fe.source, fe.field, fe.value, fe.index_vector, "
. "fe_weight.weight, ${talias}_xq.tsq, ${talias}_xq.tsq_rank /* virtual field addition */\n"
. ${spc} x 6 . "FROM $vtable AS fe\n"
- $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 4 . ") AS $talias ON (m.source = ${talias}.source)";
+ $with .= $search_cte . ')';
+ $from .= "\n" . ${spc} x 4 . "LEFT JOIN $talias ON (m.source = ${talias}.source)";
my %used_bumps;
my @bumps;
my $classname = $self->node->classname;
- return $self->sql("to_tsquery('$classname','')") if $self->{dummy};
+ return $self->sql("''::tsquery") if $self->{dummy};
my $normalizers = $self->node->plan->QueryParser->query_normalizers( $classname );
- my $fields = $self->node->fields;
- my $lang;
- my $filter = $self->node->plan->find_filter('preferred_language');
- $lang ||= $filter->args->[0] if ($filter && $filter->args);
- $lang ||= $self->node->plan->QueryParser->default_preferred_language;
- my $ts_configs = [];
- if (!@$fields) {
- $ts_configs = $self->node->plan->QueryParser->class_ts_config($classname, $lang);
- } else {
- for my $field (@$fields) {
- push @$ts_configs, @{$self->node->plan->QueryParser->field_ts_config($classname, $field, $lang)};
- }
- }
- $ts_configs = [keys %{{map { $_ => 1 } @$ts_configs}}];
- # Assume we want exact if none otherwise provided.
- # Because we can reasonably expect this to exist
- $ts_configs = ['simple'] unless (scalar @$ts_configs);
+ my $fields = $self->node->fields;
$fields = $self->node->plan->QueryParser->search_fields->{$classname} if (!@$fields);
my %norms;
$suffix_op = ":$suffix" if $suffix;
$suffix_after = "|| '$suffix_op'" if $suffix;
+ my $ts_configs = $self->node->ts_configs;
my @sql_set = ();
for my $ts_config (@$ts_configs) {
- push @sql_set, "to_tsquery('$ts_config', COALESCE(NULLIF($prefix '(' || btrim(regexp_replace($sql,E'(?:\\\\s+|:)','$suffix_op&','g'),'&|') $suffix_after || ')', '()'), ''))";
+ push @sql_set, "to_tsquery('$ts_config', COALESCE(NULLIF($prefix '(' || btrim(regexp_replace($sql,E'(?:\\\\s+|:)','$suffix_op&','g'),'&|') $suffix_after || ')', $prefix '()'), ''))";
$sql = join($joiner, @sql_set);
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq/;
use Data::Dumper;
+sub ts_configs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ts_configs = $self->{ts_configs} || [];
+ if (!@$ts_configs) {
+ my $classname = $self->classname;
+ my $lang;
+ my $filter = $self->plan->find_filter('preferred_language');
+ $lang ||= $filter->args->[0] if ($filter && $filter->args);
+ $lang ||= $self->plan->QueryParser->default_preferred_language;
+ my $fields = $self->fields;
+ if (!@$fields) {
+ $ts_configs = $self->plan->QueryParser->class_ts_config($classname, $lang);
+ } else {
+ for my $field (@$fields) {
+ push @$ts_configs, @{$self->plan->QueryParser->field_ts_config($classname, $field, $lang)};
+ }
+ }
+ $ts_configs = [keys %{{map { $_ => 1 } @$ts_configs}}];
+ # Assume we want exact if none otherwise provided.
+ # Because we can reasonably expect this to exist
+ $ts_configs = ['simple'] unless (scalar @$ts_configs);
+ $self->{ts_configs} = $ts_configs;
+ }
+ return $ts_configs;
sub abstract_node_additions {
my $self = shift;
my $aq = shift;
for my $atom (@{$self->query_atoms}) {
if (ref($atom)) {
- $self->{tsquery} .= "\n" . ${spc} x 3 . $atom->sql;
+ $self->{tsquery} .= "\n" . ${spc} x 3;
+ $self->{tsquery} .= '(' if $atom->explicit_start;
+ $self->{tsquery} .= $atom->sql;
+ $self->{tsquery} .= ')' if $atom->explicit_end;
} else {
$self->{tsquery} .= $atom x 2;
+ # any phrases that are more than empty or all-whitespace
+ if (my @phrases = grep { /\S+/ } @{$self->phrases}) {
+ my $neg = $self->negate ? '!!' : '';
+ $self->{tsquery} ||= "''::tsquery";
+ $self->{tsquery} .= ' && ' . join(
+ ' && ',
+ map { "${neg}phraseto_tsquery('simple', \$_$$\$$_\$_$$\$)" } @phrases
+ );
+ }
return $self->{tsquery};
$self->{tsquery_rank} = join(' ||', @atomlines);
$self->{tsquery_rank} = "''::tsquery" unless $self->{tsquery_rank};
+ # any non-negated phrases that are more than empty or all-whitespace
+ if (!$self->negate) {
+ if (my @phrases = grep { /\S+/ } @{$self->phrases}) {
+ for my $tsc (@{$self->ts_configs}) {
+ $self->{tsquery_rank} .= ' || ' . join(
+ ' || ',
+ map { "phraseto_tsquery('$tsc', \$_$$\$$_\$_$$\$)" } @phrases
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
return $self->{tsquery_rank};
warn "Query tree before pullup:\n" . Dumper($self->parse_tree) if $self->debug;
$self->parse_tree( $self->parse_tree->pullup );
+ warn "Query tree after pullup:\n" . Dumper($self->parse_tree) if $self->debug;
return $self;
my $negate = $1;
my ($substruct, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( $', $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
- $substruct->negate(1) if ($substruct && $negate);
- $substruct->explicit(1) if ($substruct);
- $struct->add_node( $substruct ) if ($substruct);
+ if ($substruct) {
+ $substruct->negate(1) if ($negate);
+ $substruct->explicit(1);
+ $struct->add_node( $substruct );
+ }
$_ = $subremainder;
warn ' 'x$recursing."Query remainder after bool group: $_\n" if $self->debug;
my $LHS = $struct;
#my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( "$group_start $_ $group_end", $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( $_, $current_class, $recursing + 2 );
- $_ = $subremainder;
+ $remainder = $subremainder;
warn ' 'x$recursing."RHS built\n" if $self->debug;
warn ' 'x$recursing."Post-OR remainder: $subremainder\n" if $self->debug;
my $class_node = $struct->classed_node($current_class);
- if ($req_ness eq $pkg->operator('disallowed')) {
+ if (grep { $req_ness eq $_ } ($pkg->operator('disallowed'), $pkg->operator('negated'))) {
+ $req_ness = $pkg->operator('negated');
+ } else {
+ $req_ness = '';
- $class_node->add_phrase( $phrase );
- # Save $' before we clean up $phrase
- my $temp_val = $';
- # Cleanup the phrase to make it so that we don't parse things in it as anything other than atoms
$phrase =~ s/$$r{phrase_cleanup_re}/ /g;
+ $class_node->add_phrase( $phrase );
+ $class_node->add_dummy_atom;
- $_ = $phrase . $temp_val;
+ last;
$last_type = '';
- } elsif (/^\s*($$r{required_re}|$$r{disallowed_re})($$r{atom_re})/) { # convert require/disallow word to {un}phrase
- warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered required atom (mini phrase), transforming for phrase parse: $1\n" if $self->debug;
- $_ = $1 . '"' . $2 . '"' . $';
- $last_type = '';
- } elsif (/^\s*($$r{atom_re})/) { # atom
+ } elsif (/^\s*((?:$$r{required_re}|$$r{disallowed_re}|$$r{negated_re})?)($$r{atom_re})/) { # atoms
warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered atom: $1\n" if $self->debug;
warn ' 'x$recursing."Remainder: $'\n" if $self->debug;
- my $atom = $1;
+ my $req_ness = $1;
+ my $atom = $2;
my $after = $';
$_ = $after;
my $class_node = $struct->classed_node($current_class);
- my $prefix = ($atom =~ s/^$$r{negated_re}//o) ? '!' : '';
+ my $prefix = '';
+ if ($req_ness) {
+ $prefix = ($req_ness =~ /^$$r{required_re}/) ? '' : '!';
+ }
my $truncate = ($atom =~ s/\*$//o) ? '*' : '';
if ($atom ne '' and !grep { $atom =~ /^\Q$_\E+$/ } ('&','|')) { # throw away & and |, not allowed in tsquery, and not really useful anyway
$q .= ":";
$isnode = 1;
} elsif ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'atom') {
+ my $add_space = $q ? 1 : 0;
+ if ($abstract_query->{explicit_start}) {
+ $q .= ' ' if $add_space;
+ $q .= $gs;
+ $add_space = 0;
+ }
my $prefix = $abstract_query->{prefix} || '';
$prefix = $qpconfig->{operators}{negated} if $prefix eq '!';
- $q .= ($q ? ' ' : '') . $prefix .
- ($abstract_query->{content} || '') .
+ $q .= ($add_space ? ' ' : '') . $prefix .
+ ($abstract_query->{content} // '') .
($abstract_query->{suffix} || '');
+ $q .= $ge if ($abstract_query->{explicit_end});
} elsif ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'facet') {
my $prefix = $abstract_query->{negate} ? $qpconfig->{operators}{disallowed} : '';
$q .= ($q ? ' ' : '') . $prefix . $abstract_query->{name} . "[" .
$q = "$gs$q$ge" if ($isnode);
- $q = $negate . $q if ($q);;
+ $q = $negate . $q if ($q);
return $q;
sub pullup {
my $self = shift;
- my $current_joiner = shift;
# burrow down until we our kids have no subqueries
my $downlink_joiner;
for my $qnode (@{ $self->query_nodes }) {
- $downlink_joiner = $qnode if (!ref($qnode));
- if (ref($qnode) && $qnode->can('pullup')) {
- $qnode->pullup($downlink_joiner);
- }
+ $qnode->pullup() if (ref($qnode) && $qnode->can('pullup'));
+ warn "Entering pullup depth ". $self->plan_level . "\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- warn "Entering pullup depth ". $self->plan_level . "\n"
- if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- my $old_qnodes = $self->query_nodes; # we will ignore all but ::node objects in this list
- warn @$old_qnodes . " plans at pullup depth ". $self->plan_level . "\n"
+ my $old_qnodes = $self->query_nodes;
+ warn @$old_qnodes . " query nodes (plans, nodes) at pullup depth ". $self->plan_level . "\n"
if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- # PASS 0: If I only have one child, collapse filters/modifiers into me
- if (@$old_qnodes == 1) {
- my $kid = $$old_qnodes[0];
- if ($kid->isa('QueryParser::query_plan')) {
+ # Step 1: pull up subplan filter/facet/modifier nodes. These
+ # will bubble up to the top of the plan tree. Evergreen doesn't
+ # support nested filter/facet/modifier constructs currently.
+ for my $kid (@$old_qnodes) {
+ if (ref($kid) and $kid->isa('QueryParser::query_plan')) {
$self->add_filter($_) foreach @{$kid->filters};
$self->add_facet($_) foreach @{$kid->facets};
$self->add_modifier($_) foreach @{$kid->modifiers};
$kid->{filters} = [];
$kid->{facets} = [];
$kid->{modifiers} = [];
- my $kid_qnodes = $kid->query_nodes;
- if (@$kid_qnodes == 1) { # And if my kid is a plan with only one node, absorb that
- my $a = $$kid_qnodes[0];
- if ($a->isa('QueryParser::query_plan')) {
- $self->{query} = [$a];
- return $self;
- }
- }
- # PASS 1: loop, attempting to pull up simple nodes
+ # Step 2: Pull up ::nodes from subplans that only have nodes (no
+ # nested subplans). This is in preparation for adjacent node merge,
+ # and because this is a depth-first recursion, we've already decided
+ # if nested plans can be elided.
my @new_nodes;
- my $prev_node;
- my $prev_op;
- my $prev_joiner;
- while (my $p = shift(@$old_qnodes)) {
- # joiners and ::node's get pushed onto the stack of new nodes
- if (!ref($p) or !$p->isa('QueryParser::query_plan')) {
- push @new_nodes, $p;
- next;
- }
- # keep explicit and floating plans
- if ($p->explicit or $p->floating) {
- push @new_nodes, $p;
- next;
- }
- if ($p->atoms_only) {
- # 1-node plans get pulled up regardless of the plan's joiner
- if (@{$p->query_nodes} == 1) {
- for my $a (@{$p->query_nodes}) {
- if (ref($a) and $a->can('plan')) {
- $a->plan($self);
- }
- push @new_nodes, $a;
- }
+ while (my $kid = shift @$old_qnodes) {
+ if (ref($kid) and $kid->isa('QueryParser::query_plan')) {
+ my $kid_query_nodes = $kid->query_nodes;
+ my @kid_notnodes = grep { ref($_) and !$_->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node') } @$kid_query_nodes;
+ my @kid_nodes = grep { ref($_) and $_->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node') } @$kid_query_nodes;
+ if (@kid_nodes and !@kid_notnodes) {
+ warn "pulling up nodes from nested plan at pullup depth ". $self->plan_level . "\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ push @new_nodes, map { $_->plan($self) if ref; $_ } @$kid_query_nodes;
- # gather the joiners
- my %joiners = ( '&' => 0, '|' => 0 );
- my @nodelist = @{$p->query_nodes};
- while (my $n = shift(@nodelist)) {
- next if ref($n); # only look at joiners
- $joiners{$n}++;
- }
- if (!($joiners{'&'} > 0 and $joiners{'|'} > 0)) { # mix of joiners? stop
- if ($joiners{$self->joiner} > 0) { # needs to be our joiner in use
- for my $a (@{$p->query_nodes}) {
- if (ref($a) and $a->can('plan')) {
- $a->plan($self);
- }
- push @new_nodes, $a;
- }
- next;
- }
- }
- # default is to keep the whole plan
- push @new_nodes, $p;
+ push @new_nodes, $kid;
- warn @new_nodes . " nodes after pullup of simple nodes at depth ". $self->plan_level . "\n"
- if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- # PASS 2: merge adjacent ::node's
- my $dangling = 0;
- my $sync_node = $prev_joiner = undef;
+ # Step 3: Merge our adjacent ::nodes if they have the same requested_class.
+ # This could miss merging aliased classes that are equiv, but that check
+ # is more fiddly, and usually searches just use the class name.
$old_qnodes = [@new_nodes];
@new_nodes = ();
- while ( my $n = shift(@$old_qnodes) ) {
- # joiners
- if (!ref($n)) {
- $prev_joiner = $current_joiner;
- $current_joiner = $n;
- warn "Joiner, recording it. [$prev_joiner => $current_joiner]\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- next;
- }
- # ::plan's etc get pushed onto the stack of new nodes
- if (!$n->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node')) {
- push @new_nodes, $current_joiner if (@new_nodes);
- push @new_nodes, $n;
- $sync_node = undef;
- warn "Not a ::node, pushing onto the stack [$n]\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- next;
- }
- # grab the current target node
- if (!$sync_node) {
- warn "No sync_node, picking a new one\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- $sync_node = $n;
- push @new_nodes, $current_joiner if (@new_nodes);
- push @new_nodes, $n;
- next;
- }
+ while ( my $current_node = shift(@$old_qnodes) ) {
- if (@{$n->query_atoms} == 0) {
- warn "weird ... empty node ...skipping\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- push @new_nodes, $current_joiner if (@new_nodes);
- shift @$old_qnodes;
- next;
+ unless (@$old_qnodes) { # last node, no compression possible
+ push @new_nodes, $current_node;
+ last;
- my $sync_joiner = $sync_node->effective_joiner;
- my $n_joiner = $n->effective_joiner;
- # plans of a different class or field set stay where they are
- if ($sync_node->classname ne $n->classname or !_identical($sync_node->fields,$n->fields)) {
- warn "Class/Field change! Need a new sync_node\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- push @new_nodes, $current_joiner;
- push @new_nodes, $n;
- $sync_node = $n;
- $dangling = 1;
- next;
+ my $current_joiner = shift(@$old_qnodes);
+ my $next_node = shift(@$old_qnodes);
+ # if they're both nodes, see if we can merge them
+ if ($current_node->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node')
+ and $next_node->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node')
+ and $current_node->requested_class eq $next_node->requested_class
+ and $current_node->negate eq $next_node->negate
+ ) {
+ warn "merging RHS atoms into atom list for LHS with joiner $current_joiner\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ push @{$current_node->query_atoms}, $current_joiner if @{$current_node->query_atoms};
+ push @{$current_node->query_atoms}, map { if (ref($_)) { $_->{node} = $current_node }; $_ } @{$next_node->query_atoms};
+ push @{$current_node->phrases}, @{$next_node->phrases};
+ unshift @$old_qnodes, $current_node;
+ } else {
+ push @new_nodes, $current_node, $current_joiner;
+ unshift @$old_qnodes, $next_node;
+ }
- if (!$sync_joiner or !$n_joiner) { # a node has a mix ... can't merge either
- warn "Mixed joiners, need a new sync_node\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- push @new_nodes, $current_joiner;
- push @new_nodes, $n;
- $sync_node = $n;
- $dangling = 1;
- next;
- } elsif ($sync_joiner ne $n_joiner) { # different joiners, can't merge
- warn "Differing joiners, need a new sync_node\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- push @new_nodes, $current_joiner;
- push @new_nodes, $n;
- $sync_node = $n;
- $dangling = 1;
- next;
- }
+ $self->{query} = \@new_nodes;
- # we can push the next ::node's atoms onto our stack
- push @{$sync_node->query_atoms}, $current_joiner;
- for my $a (@{$n->query_atoms}) {
- if (ref($a)) {
- $a->{node} = $sync_node;
- }
- push @{$sync_node->query_atoms}, $a;
+ # Step 4: As soon as we can, apply the explicit markers directly
+ # to ::atoms so that we retain that for canonicalization while
+ # also clearing away useless explicit groupings.
+ if ($self->explicit) {
+ if (!grep { # we have no non-::node, non-joiner query nodes, we've become a same-class singlton
+ ref($_) and !$_->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node')
+ } @{$self->query_nodes}
+ and 1 == grep { # and we have exactly one (possibly merged, above) ::node with at least one ::atom
+ ref($_) and $_->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node')
+ } @{$self->query_nodes}
+ ) {
+ warn "setting explicit flags on atoms that may later be pulled up, at depth". $self->plan_level . "\n"
+ if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ $self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms->[0]->explicit_start(1) if @{$self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms};
+ $self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms->[-1]->explicit_end(1) if @{$self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms};
+ } else { # otherwise, the explicit grouping is meaningless, toss it
+ $self->explicit(0);
- warn "Merged ".@{$n->query_atoms}." atoms into sync_node\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- $dangling = 0;
- push @new_nodes, $sync_node if ($dangling && $sync_node != $new_nodes[-1]);
- warn @new_nodes . " nodes at pullup depth ". $self->plan_level . " after compression\n"
- if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ warn @new_nodes . " nodes at pullup depth ". $self->plan_level . " after compression\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- $self->{query} = \@new_nodes;
return $self;
+sub joiners {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %list = map { ($_=>1) } grep {!ref($_)} @{$self->{query}};
+ return keys %list;
+sub classes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %list = map {
+ ($_->classname . '|' . join('|',sort($_->fields)) => 1)
+ } grep {
+ ref($_) and ref($_) =~ /::node$/
+ } @{$self->{query}};
+ return keys %list;
sub QueryParser {
my $self = shift;
return undef unless ref($self);
my $kids = [];
+ my $prev_was_joiner = 0;
for my $qnode (@{$self->query_nodes}) {
# Remember: qnode can be a joiner string, a node, or another query_plan
if (QueryParser::_util::is_joiner($qnode)) {
- if ($abstract_query->{children}) {
- my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
- next if $open_joiner eq $qnode;
- my $oldroot = $abstract_query->{children};
- $kids = [$oldroot];
- $abstract_query->{children} = {$qnode => $kids};
- } else {
- $abstract_query->{children} = {$qnode => $kids};
+ unless ($prev_was_joiner) {
+ if ($abstract_query->{children}) {
+ my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
+ next if $open_joiner eq $qnode;
+ my $oldroot = $abstract_query->{children};
+ $kids = [$oldroot];
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qnode => $kids};
+ } else {
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qnode => $kids};
+ }
+ }
+ $prev_was_joiner = 1;
+ } elsif ($qnode) {
+ if (my $next_kid = $qnode->to_abstract_query(%opts)) {
+ push @$kids, $qnode->to_abstract_query(%opts);
+ $prev_was_joiner = 0;
- } else {
- push @$kids, $qnode->to_abstract_query(%opts);
my $content = $atom;
my @parts = @_;
- $atom = $self->new_atom( content => $content, @parts );
+ $atom = $self->new_atom( content => $content, node => $self, @parts );
push(@{$self->query_atoms}, $self->plan->joiner) if (@{$self->query_atoms});
my $self = shift;
my @parts = @_;
- my $atom = $self->new_atom( @parts, dummy => 1 );
+ my $atom = $self->new_atom( node => $self, @parts, dummy => 1 );
push(@{$self->query_atoms}, $self->plan->joiner) if (@{$self->query_atoms});
push(@{$self->query_atoms}, $atom);
my $kids = [];
- for my $qatom (@{$self->query_atoms}) {
+ my $prev_was_joiner = 0;
+ for my $qatom (grep {!ref($_) or !$_->dummy} @{$self->query_atoms}) {
if (QueryParser::_util::is_joiner($qatom)) {
- if ($abstract_query->{children}) {
- my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
- next if $open_joiner eq $qatom;
- my $oldroot = $abstract_query->{children};
- $kids = [$oldroot];
- $abstract_query->{children} = {$qatom => $kids};
- } else {
- $abstract_query->{children} = {$qatom => $kids};
+ unless ($prev_was_joiner) {
+ if ($abstract_query->{children}) {
+ my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
+ next if $open_joiner eq $qatom;
+ my $oldroot = $abstract_query->{children};
+ $kids = [$oldroot];
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qatom => $kids};
+ } else {
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qatom => $kids};
+ }
+ $prev_was_joiner = 1;
} else {
push @$kids, $qatom->to_abstract_query;
+ $prev_was_joiner = 0;
$abstract_query->{children} ||= { QueryParser::_util::default_joiner() => $kids };
- if ($self->{phrases} and not $opts{no_phrases}) {
- for my $phrase (@{$self->{phrases}}) {
+ if ($self->phrases and @{$self->phrases} and not $opts{no_phrases}) {
+ my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
+ if ($open_joiner ne '&') {
+ my $oldroot = $abstract_query->{children};
+ $kids = [$oldroot];
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {'&' => $kids};
+ }
+ for my $phrase (@{$self->phrases}) {
# Phrases appear duplication in a real QP tree, and we don't want
# that duplication in our abstract query. So for all our phrases,
# break them into atoms as QP would, and remove any matching
my $tmp_prefix = '';
$tmp_prefix = $QueryParser::parser_config{$pkg}{operators}{disallowed} if ($self->{negate});
- my $tmptree = $self->{plan}->{QueryParser}->new(query => $tmp_prefix.'"'.$phrase.'"')->parse->parse_tree;
+ my $tmptree = $self->{plan}->{QueryParser}->new(query => $phrase)->parse->parse_tree;
if ($tmptree) {
# For a well-behaved phrase, we should now have only one node
# in the $tmptree query plan, and that node should have an
eval {
$tmplist = $tmptree->{query}->[0]->to_abstract_query(
no_phrases => 1
- )->{children}->{'&'}->[0]->{children}->{'&'};
+ )->{children}->{'&'};
- next if $@;
- foreach (
- QueryParser::_util::find_arrays_in_abstract($abstract_query->{children})
- ) {
- last if $self->replace_phrase_in_abstract_query(
- $tmplist,
- $_,
- QueryParser::_util::fake_abstract_atom_from_phrase($phrase, $self->{negate}, $pkg)
- );
- }
+ next if $@ or !ref($tmplist);
+ $$tmplist[0]{prefix} = $tmp_prefix.'"';
+ $$tmplist[-1]{suffix} = '"';
+ push @{$abstract_query->{children}->{'&'}}, @$tmplist;
$abstract_query->{children} ||= { QueryParser::_util::default_joiner() => $kids };
+ my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
+ return undef unless @{$abstract_query->{children}->{$open_joiner}};
return $abstract_query;
return $self->{suffix};
+sub explicit_start {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $explicit_start = shift;
+ $self->{explicit_start} = $explicit_start if (defined $explicit_start);
+ return $self->{explicit_start};
+sub dummy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dummy = shift;
+ $self->{dummy} = $dummy if (defined $dummy);
+ return $self->{dummy};
+sub explicit_end {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $explicit_end = shift;
+ $self->{explicit_end} = $explicit_end if (defined $explicit_end);
+ return $self->{explicit_end};
sub to_abstract_query {
my ($self) = @_;
return {
- (map { $_ => $self->$_ } qw/prefix suffix content/),
+ (map { $_ => $self->$_ } qw/dummy prefix suffix content explicit_start explicit_end/),
"type" => "atom"