char *methodtype = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash *) ctx->method->userData, "methodtype" );
char *inside_verify = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->session->userData, "inside_verify" );
int need_to_verify = (inside_verify ? !atoi(inside_verify) : 1);
- int has_controller = osrfStringArrayContains(osrfHashGet(class_meta, "controller"), modulename);
int i_respond_directly = 0;
int flesh_depth = 0;
- // XXX This can be redundant with another instance of the same test that happens
- // within the functions that call doFieldmapperSearch(), but we have it here to
- // prevent any non-pcrud-controlled classes from being fleshed on.
- //
- // TODO To avoid redundancy, move this block to right before we recurse,
- // and change the class we're checking to the one we're /about/ to search for,
- // not the one we're currently searching for.
- if (
- (!has_controller && !enforce_pcrud) // cstore client-level case: we require the controller, period
- || (!has_controller && enforce_pcrud && need_to_verify) // pcrud case: we require the controller in need_to_verify mode
- ) {
- osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s is not listed as a controller for %s, moving on",
- modulename, core_class);
- return jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY ); /* empty */
- }
char* sql = buildSELECT( where_hash, query_hash, class_meta, ctx );
if( !sql ) {
osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Problem building query, returning NULL" );
fields, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" ) );
+ int kid_has_controller = osrfStringArrayContains( osrfHashGet(kid_idl, "controller"), modulename );
+ // fleshing pcrud case: we require the controller in need_to_verify mode
+ if ( !kid_has_controller && enforce_pcrud && need_to_verify ) {
+ osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s is not listed as a controller for %s; moving on", modulename, core_class );
+ jsonObjectSetIndex(
+ cur,
+ (unsigned long) atoi( osrfHashGet(field, "array_position") ),
+ jsonNewObjectType(
+ !strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) ? JSON_ARRAY : JSON_NULL
+ )
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
osrfStringArray* link_map = osrfHashGet( kid_link, "map" );
if( link_map->size > 0 ) {