--- /dev/null
+Setting limits on allowed payment amounts
+Two new settings have been added to prevent library staff
+from accidentally clearing all patron bills by scanning a
+barcode into the Payment Amount field, or accidentally
+entering the amount without a decimal point (such as you
+would when using a cash register).
+Both settings are available via the Library Settings Editor.
+The Payment amount threshold for Are You Sure? dialog
+(`ui.circ.billing.amount_warn`) setting identifies the amount
+above which staff will be asked if they're sure they want
+to apply the payment. The Maximum payment amount allowed
+(`ui.circ.billing.amount_limit`) setting identifies the
+maximum amount of money that can be accepted through the
+staff client.
+These settings only affect the staff client, not credit
+cards accepted through the public catalog, or direct API
+calls from third party tools.