my $opt_start_all = 0;
my $opt_stop_all = 0;
my $opt_restart_all = 0;
+my $opt_force_clean_process = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $sclient;
my @perl_services;
'fast-shutdown-all' => \$opt_shutdown_fast_all,
'immediate-shutdown-all' => \$opt_shutdown_immediate_all,
'kill-with-fire' => \$opt_kill_with_fire,
+ 'force-clean-process' => \$opt_force_clean_process,
'signal-timeout' => \$opt_signal_timeout,
'signal=s' => \$opt_signal,
'signal-all' => \$opt_signal_all,
my $C_COMMAND = "opensrf-c -c $opt_config -x opensrf -p $opt_pid_dir -h $hostname";
-my $PY_COMMAND = ""; #TODO
+my $PY_COMMAND = " -f $opt_config -p $opt_pid_dir ". ($opt_localhost ? '-l' : '');
sub do_signal_send {
my $service = shift;
my $signal = shift;
- my @pids = get_service_pids($service);
+ my @pids = get_service_pids_from_file($service);
if (!@pids) {
# no PID files exist. see if the service is running anyway
- my $ps = ($service eq 'router') ?
- "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Router'" :
- "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Listener \\[$service\\]'";
- $ps .= " | grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1";
- @pids = `$ps`;
- s/^\s*|\n//g for @pids;
+ @pids = get_service_pids_from_ps($service);
if (!@pids) {
msg("cannont signal $service : no pid file or running procesesses");
return 0;
# status of any failures, but not the successes.
sub do_signal_wait {
my $service = shift;
- my @pids = get_service_pids($service);
+ my @pids = get_service_pids_from_file($service);
my $stat = 1;
for my $pid (@pids) {
# services usually only have 1 pid, but the router will have at least 2
-sub get_service_pids {
+sub get_service_pids_from_file {
my $service = shift;
my $pid_file = get_pid_file($service);
return () unless -e $pid_file;
return @pids;
-sub do_start_router {
- my $pidfile = get_pid_file('router');
- if (-e $pidfile) {
- msg("router already running", 1);
- return;
- }
+sub get_service_pids_from_ps {
+ my $service = shift;
+ my $ps = ($service eq 'router') ?
+ "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Router'" :
+ "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Listener \\[$service\\]'";
+ $ps .= " | grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1";
+ my @pids = `$ps`;
+ s/^\s*|\n//g for @pids;
+ return @pids;
+sub do_start_router {
`opensrf_router $opt_config routers`;
sleep 2; # give the router time to fork
my @pids = `ps -C opensrf_router -o pid=`;
s/^\s*|\n//g for @pids;
+ my $pidfile = get_pid_file('router');
open(PF, '>', $pidfile) or die "Cannot open $pidfile: $!\n";
foreach (@pids) {
# start a specific service
sub do_start {
my $service = shift;
- return do_start_router() if $service eq 'router';
- if(-e get_pid_file($service)) {
- msg("$service is already running");
- return;
+ my @pf_pids = get_service_pids_from_file($service);
+ my @ps_pids = get_service_pids_from_ps($service);
+ if (@pf_pids) { # had pidfile
+ if (@ps_pids) {
+ msg("service $service already running : @ps_pids");
+ return;
+ } else { # stale pidfile
+ my $pidfile = get_pid_file($service);
+ msg("removing stale pid file $pidfile");
+ unlink $pidfile;
+ }
+ } elsif (@ps_pids) { # orphan process
+ if ($opt_force_clean_process) {
+ msg("service $service pid=@ps_pids is running with no pidfile");
+ do_signal($service, 'KILL');
+ } else {
+ msg("service $service pid=@ps_pids is running with no pidfile! ".
+ "use --force-clean-process to automatically kill orphan processes");
+ return;
+ }
+ return do_start_router() if $service eq 'router';
load_settings() if $service eq 'opensrf.settings';
if(grep { $_ eq $service } @perl_services) {
my ($svc) = grep { $_->{service} eq $service } @nonperl_services;
if ($svc) {
if ($svc->{lang} =~ /c/i) {
- `$C_COMMAND -a start -s $service`;
+ system("$C_COMMAND -a start -s $service");
+ return;
+ } elsif ($svc->{lang} =~ /python/i) {
+ system("$PY_COMMAND -a start -s $service");
sub do_start_all {
msg("starting all services for $hostname", 1);
- clear_stale_pids();
- do_start_router();
+ do_start('router');
if(grep {$_ eq 'opensrf.settings'} @perl_services) {
do_start($service) unless $service eq 'opensrf.settings';
- # TODO: check for already-running services...
- # opensrf-c has its own start_all command.
- # allow the opensrf-c output to go directly to the terminal
- system("$C_COMMAND -a start_all");
+ # start each non-perl service individually instead of using the native
+ # start-all command. this allows us to test for existing pid files
+ # and/or running processes on each service before starting.
+ # it also means each service has to connect-fetch_setting-disconnect
+ # from jabber, which makes startup slightly slower than native start-all
+ do_start($_->{service}) for @nonperl_services;
return 1;
# returns the list of running services based on presence of PID files.
# the 'router' service is not included by deault, since it's
# usually treated special.
-sub get_service_list_from_pids {
+sub get_service_list_from_files {
my $include_router = shift;
my @services = `ls $opt_pid_dir/*.pid 2> /dev/null`;
s/^\s*|\n//g for @services;
sub do_signal_all {
my ($signal, @services) = @_;
- @services = get_service_list_from_pids() unless @services;
+ @services = get_service_list_from_files() unless @services;
do_signal_send($_, $signal) for @services;
# start with the listeners, then drones, then routers
my @greps = (
- "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Listener' | grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1",
- "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Drone' | grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1",
- "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Router' | grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1"
+ "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Listener' ",
+ "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Drone' ",
+ "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Router' "
+ $_ .= "| grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1" for @greps;
for my $grep (@greps) {
my @spids = `$grep`;
s/^\s*|\n//g for @spids;
sub clear_stale_pids {
- my @pidfile_services = get_service_list_from_pids(1);
+ my @pidfile_services = get_service_list_from_files(1);
my @running_pids = get_running_pids();
for my $svc (@pidfile_services) {
- my @pids = get_service_pids($svc);
+ my @pids = get_service_pids_from_file($svc);
for my $pid (@pids) {
next if grep { $_ eq $pid } @running_pids;
my $pidfile = get_pid_file($svc);
msg("stopping all services for $hostname", 1);
- my @services = get_service_list_from_pids();
+ my @services = get_service_list_from_files();
@signals = qw/TERM INT KILL/ unless @signals;
for my $signal (@signals) {
Restart the service specified by --service
+ --force-clean-process
+ When starting a service, if a service process is already running
+ but no pidfile exists, kill the service process before starting
+ the new one.
==== stopping services =====