<field reporter:label="Circulating Library" name="circ_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
<field reporter:label="Circulating Staff" name="circ_staff" reporter:datatype="link"/>
- <field reporter:label="Circ ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="text" />
+ <field reporter:label="Circ ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="int" />
<field reporter:label="Checkout Date/Time" name="xact_start" reporter:datatype="timestamp" />
<field reporter:label="Create Date/Time" name="create_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp" />
<field reporter:label="Circulation Type" name="circ_type" reporter:datatype="text"/>
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE action.maintain_usr_circ_history();
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation_combined_types AS
- SELECT 'regularcirc'::text || acirc.id AS id,
+ SELECT acirc.id AS id,
asset.copy ac_acirc
WHERE acirc.target_copy = ac_acirc.id
- SELECT 'noncatcirc'::text || ancc.id AS id,
+ SELECT ancc.id::BIGINT AS id,
ancc.circ_time AS xact_start,
ancc.staff AS circ_staff,
config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancc
WHERE ancc.item_type = cnct_ancc.id
- SELECT 'inhouseuse'::text || aihu.id AS id,
+ SELECT aihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
aihu.use_time AS xact_start,
aihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
aihu.staff AS circ_staff,
asset.copy ac_aihu
WHERE aihu.item = ac_aihu.id
- SELECT 'noncatinhouseuse'::text || ancihu.id AS id,
+ SELECT ancihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
ancihu.use_time AS xact_start,
ancihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
ancihu.staff AS circ_staff,
config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancihu
WHERE ancihu.item_type = cnct_ancihu.id
- SELECT 'agedcirc'::text || aacirc.id::text AS id,
+ SELECT aacirc.id AS id,
+++ /dev/null
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
-DROP VIEW action.all_circulation_combined_types;
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation_combined_types AS
- SELECT 'regularcirc'::text || acirc.id AS id,
- acirc.xact_start,
- acirc.circ_lib,
- acirc.circ_staff,
- acirc.create_time,
- ac_acirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
- 'regular_circ'::text AS circ_type
- FROM action.circulation acirc,
- asset.copy ac_acirc
- WHERE acirc.target_copy = ac_acirc.id
- SELECT 'noncatcirc'::text || ancc.id AS id,
- ancc.circ_time AS xact_start,
- ancc.circ_lib,
- ancc.staff AS circ_staff,
- ancc.circ_time AS create_time,
- cnct_ancc.name AS item_type,
- 'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
- FROM action.non_cataloged_circulation ancc,
- config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancc
- WHERE ancc.item_type = cnct_ancc.id
- SELECT 'inhouseuse'::text || aihu.id AS id,
- aihu.use_time AS xact_start,
- aihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
- aihu.staff AS circ_staff,
- aihu.use_time AS create_time,
- ac_aihu.circ_modifier AS item_type,
- 'in-house_use'::text AS circ_type
- FROM action.in_house_use aihu,
- asset.copy ac_aihu
- WHERE aihu.item = ac_aihu.id
- SELECT 'noncatinhouseuse'::text || ancihu.id AS id,
- ancihu.use_time AS xact_start,
- ancihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
- ancihu.staff AS circ_staff,
- ancihu.use_time AS create_time,
- cnct_ancihu.name AS item_type,
- 'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
- FROM action.non_cat_in_house_use ancihu,
- config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancihu
- WHERE ancihu.item_type = cnct_ancihu.id
- SELECT 'agedcirc'::text || aacirc.id::text AS id,
- aacirc.xact_start,
- aacirc.circ_lib,
- aacirc.circ_staff,
- aacirc.create_time,
- ac_aacirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
- 'aged_circ'::text AS circ_type
- FROM action.aged_circulation aacirc,
- asset.copy ac_aacirc
- WHERE aacirc.target_copy = ac_aacirc.id;
--- /dev/null
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation_combined_types AS
+ SELECT acirc.id AS id,
+ acirc.xact_start,
+ acirc.circ_lib,
+ acirc.circ_staff,
+ acirc.create_time,
+ ac_acirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
+ 'regular_circ'::text AS circ_type
+ FROM action.circulation acirc,
+ asset.copy ac_acirc
+ WHERE acirc.target_copy = ac_acirc.id
+ SELECT ancc.id::BIGINT AS id,
+ ancc.circ_time AS xact_start,
+ ancc.circ_lib,
+ ancc.staff AS circ_staff,
+ ancc.circ_time AS create_time,
+ cnct_ancc.name AS item_type,
+ 'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
+ FROM action.non_cataloged_circulation ancc,
+ config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancc
+ WHERE ancc.item_type = cnct_ancc.id
+ SELECT aihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
+ aihu.use_time AS xact_start,
+ aihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
+ aihu.staff AS circ_staff,
+ aihu.use_time AS create_time,
+ ac_aihu.circ_modifier AS item_type,
+ 'in-house_use'::text AS circ_type
+ FROM action.in_house_use aihu,
+ asset.copy ac_aihu
+ WHERE aihu.item = ac_aihu.id
+ SELECT ancihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
+ ancihu.use_time AS xact_start,
+ ancihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
+ ancihu.staff AS circ_staff,
+ ancihu.use_time AS create_time,
+ cnct_ancihu.name AS item_type,
+ 'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
+ FROM action.non_cat_in_house_use ancihu,
+ config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancihu
+ WHERE ancihu.item_type = cnct_ancihu.id
+ SELECT aacirc.id AS id,
+ aacirc.xact_start,
+ aacirc.circ_lib,
+ aacirc.circ_staff,
+ aacirc.create_time,
+ ac_aacirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
+ 'aged_circ'::text AS circ_type
+ FROM action.aged_circulation aacirc,
+ asset.copy ac_aacirc
+ WHERE aacirc.target_copy = ac_aacirc.id;
--- /dev/null
+New circulation report source "All Circulation Combined Types"
+This report source will allow you to create a single report template for all of the following:
+ * In House
+ * In House Non Cat
+ * Circulation (standard)
+ * Non Cat Circulation
+These columns are important to display:
+ * Item Type
+ * Circulation Type
+++ /dev/null
-New circulation report source "All Circulation Combined Types"
-This report source will allow you to create a single report template for all of the following:
- * In House
- * In House Non Cat
- * Circulation (standard)
- * Non Cat Circulation
-These columns are important to display:
- * Item Type
- * Circulation Type