+* add/remove individuals in course sites
+* make sure volume, issue, source title, etc. are exposed over unAPI.
+* make "DVD" and other media types obvious (icons, explicit descriptions, etc.)
+* bookbag-URL search should import all items from the bookbag (if they don't already exist)
+* Sakai linkup -- test, seems not to work on SHOWCASE
+* show call number (852c) on index pages
+* index pages when printed, should show call all numbers clearly
+* search should include course number (fragments too, not just full course codes)
+* catalogue search should autodetect call numbers, as well as copy barcodes.
+* download declaration only needed for "fair dealing". This may be uwindsor specific.
+* optional, persistent link between a course site and a bookbag URL, as an interim step for windsor.
+* uwindsor only: import data from ERes and bookbags into Syrup.
+* permissions: clicking "add group" should pull the whole form into focus.
* how should "join this site" be managed?
* write up some documentation
* why are .focus() calls not working properly?
-* add/remove individuals in course sites
-* make sure volume, issue, source title, etc. are exposed over unAPI.
+* hit counts for item accesses?
+* unapi on single-item pages
* review CLEW integration. KISS.
+* repair unAPI -- it seems broken on SHOWCASE (it was just not working for non-physical items)