. The term of each Board member is three years.
- . At the end of the Evergreen Conference for a calendar year,
- the term of outgoing Board members will end and the term
- of incoming Board members will begin. If no Evergreen Conference
- is held during a calendar year, terms will begin and end at
- midnight EDT on April 30.
- . Approximately one-third of the Board positions shall be open for election each
- year. To implement this, each Board seat shall be designated a
- member of a cohort labeled "A", "B", or "C". Appendix A lists
- the current members.
- . Each year, the Board shall promulgate procedures for nominating
- and electing new Board members. Nominations may be made by
- any individual who has contributed to Evergreen or who is
+ . At the end of the Evergreen Conference for a calendar year, the
+ term of outgoing Board members will end and the term of incoming
+ Board members will begin. If no Evergreen Conference is held
+ during a calendar year, terms will begin and end at midnight EDT
+ on April 30.
+ . Approximately one-third of the Board positions shall be open for
+ election each year. To implement this, each Board seat shall be
+ designated a member of a cohort labeled "A", "B", or "C". Appendix
+ A lists the cohort and next election date for Board members as of
+ 23 March 2014.
+ . Each year, the Board shall review and promulgate procedures for
+ nominating and electing new Board members. If no changes to the
+ procedures are to be made, the Board shall follow the procedure
+ established the previous calendar year. Nominations may be made
+ by any individual who has contributed to Evergreen or who is
employed by an institution that runs Evergreen.
- . Each year, the Board shall undertake the electronic collection
- and counting of votes for the Board election using a documented
- voting platform that is widely accessible to the Evergreen community.
+ . Each year, the Board shall undertake the electronic collection
+ and counting of votes for the Board election using a documented
+ voting platform that is widely accessible to the Evergreen
+ community. Election processes should begin 6 weeks prior to the
+ annual conference or April 1st, whichever comes first. No less
+ than one full week shall be set aside for voting. All voting,
+ including officer elections must be completed prior to the first
+ day of the Evergreen Conference.
+Newly elected officers will take office at the end of the Evergreen
+Conference for that calendar year. If no Evergreen Conference is held
+during a calendar year, office terms will begin and end at midnight
+EDT on April 30. Officers rotating off the Board leave office at the
+end of the Evergreen Conference for that calendar year or midnight
+EDT on April 30 if no Evergreen Conference is held in that calendar