For more information on WCAG, see
+Bug Fixes
+A serious security flaw that allows unauthorized remote access to
+organizational unit settings is fixed in the following releases of
+Evergreen: 2.5.9, 2.6.7, and 2.7.4. All prior releases of Evergreen
+are vulnerable to exploitation of this flaw to reveal sensitive system
+information. If you are running a vulnerable release of Evergreen you
+are *strongly* encouraged to upgrade to a non-vulnerable release as
+soon as possible.
+Set resource limits for Clark Kent
+Several parameters are now available for the reporter daemon process
+(``) to control resource usage. These can be used to
+reduce the chances that a malformed report can cause indigestion
+on a database or reports server. The new parameters, which can be
+set in `opensrf.xml` or as command-line switches for `` are
+* `//reporter/setup/statement_timeout` / `--statement-timeout`
+Number of minutes to allow a report's underlying SQL query
+to run before it gets cancelled. Default value is
+60 minutes. If a report's query gets cancelled, the
+error_text value will be set to a valid that indicates that
+the allowed time was exceeded.
+* `//reporter/setup/max_rows_for_charts` / `--max-rows-for-charts`
+Number of rows permitted in the query's output before
+Clark Kent refuses to attempt to draw a graph. Default
+value is 1,000 rows.
+* `//reporter/setup/resultset_limit` / `--resultset-limit`
+If set, truncates the report's output to the specified
+number of hits. Note that it will not be apparent
+to a staff user if the report's output has been
+truncated. Default value is unlimited.
+The report concurrency (i.e., the number of reports that Clark
+Kent will run in parallel) can now also be controlled via
+the `opensrf.xml` setting `//reporter/setup/parallel`.
The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following