+-- seed data for new-style copy alerts
+-- staff-usable alert types with no location awareness
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew)
+VALUES (1, 1, FALSE, 'Normal checkout', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKOUT', FALSE);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew)
+VALUES (2, 1, FALSE, 'Normal checkin', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKIN', FALSE);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew)
+VALUES (3, 1, FALSE, 'Normal renewal', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKIN', TRUE);
+-- copy alerts upon checkin or renewal of exceptional copy statuses are not active by
+-- default; they're meant to be turned once a site is ready to fully
+-- commit to using the webstaff client for circulation
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (4, 1, FALSE, 'Checkin of lost copy', 'LOST', 'CHECKIN');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (5, 1, FALSE, 'Checkin of missing copy', 'MISSING', 'CHECKIN');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (6, 1, FALSE, 'Checkin of lost-and-paid copy', 'LOST_AND_PAID', 'CHECKIN');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (7, 1, FALSE, 'Checkin of damaged copy', 'DAMAGED', 'CHECKIN');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (8, 1, FALSE, 'Checkin of claims-returned copy', 'CLAIMSRETURNED', 'CHECKIN');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (9, 1, FALSE, 'Checkin of long overdue copy', 'LONGOVERDUE', 'CHECKIN');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (10, 1, FALSE, 'Checkin of claims-never-checked-out copy', 'CLAIMSNEVERCHECKEDOUT', 'CHECKIN');
+-- copy alerts upon checkout of exceptional copy statuses are not active by
+-- default; they're meant to be turned once a site is ready to fully
+-- commit to using the webstaff client for circulation
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (11, 1, FALSE, 'Checkout of lost copy', 'LOST', 'CHECKOUT');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (12, 1, FALSE, 'Checkout of missing copy', 'MISSING', 'CHECKOUT');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (13, 1, FALSE, 'Checkout of lost-and-paid copy', 'LOST_AND_PAID', 'CHECKOUT');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (14, 1, FALSE, 'Checkout of damaged copy', 'DAMAGED', 'CHECKOUT');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (15, 1, FALSE, 'Checkout of claims-returned copy', 'CLAIMSRETURNED', 'CHECKOUT');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (16, 1, FALSE, 'Checkout of long overdue copy', 'LONGOVERDUE', 'CHECKOUT');
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event)
+VALUES (17, 1, FALSE, 'Checkout of claims-never-checked-out copy', 'CLAIMSNEVERCHECKEDOUT', 'CHECKOUT');
+-- staff-usable alert types based on location
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew, at_circ)
+VALUES (18, 1, FALSE, 'Normal checkout at circ lib', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKOUT', FALSE, TRUE);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew, at_circ)
+VALUES (19, 1, FALSE, 'Normal checkin at circ lib', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKIN', FALSE, TRUE);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew, at_circ)
+VALUES (20, 1, FALSE, 'Normal renewal at circ lib', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKIN', TRUE, TRUE);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew, at_owning)
+VALUES (21, 1, FALSE, 'Normal checkout at owning lib', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKOUT', FALSE, TRUE);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew, at_owning)
+VALUES (22, 1, FALSE, 'Normal checkin at owning lib', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKIN', FALSE, TRUE);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_alert_type (id, scope_org, active, name, state, event, in_renew, at_owning)
+VALUES (23, 1, FALSE, 'Normal renewal at owning lib', 'NORMAL', 'CHECKIN', TRUE, TRUE);
+-- OU settings related to copy alerts
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+ (name, grp, label, description, datatype)
+ ('circ.copy_alerts.forgive_fines_on_lost_checkin',
+ 'circ',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('circ.copy_alerts.forgive_fines_on_lost_checkin',
+ 'Forgive fines when checking out a lost item and copy alert is suppressed?',
+ 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('circ.copy_alerts.forgive_fines_on_lost_checkin',
+ 'Controls whether fines are automatically forgiven when checking out an '||
+ 'item that has been marked as lost, and the corresponding copy alert has been '||
+ 'suppressed.',
+ 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'bool');
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+ (name, grp, label, description, datatype)
+ ('circ.copy_alerts.forgive_fines_on_long_overdue_checkin',
+ 'circ',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('circ.copy_alerts.forgive_fines_on_long_overdue_checkin',
+ 'Forgive fines when checking out a long-overdue item and copy alert is suppressed?',
+ 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('circ.copy_alerts.forgive_fines_on_lost_checkin',
+ 'Controls whether fines are automatically forgiven when checking out an '||
+ 'item that has been marked as lost, and the corresponding copy alert has been '||
+ 'suppressed.',
+ 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'bool');
INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr (key, label) VALUES