// onChange() is NOT fired when applying the default value,
// unless startIdFiresOnChange is set to true.
@Input() startId: any = null;
+ @Input() idlClass: string;
@Input() startIdFiresOnChange: boolean;
// Allow the selected entry ID to be passed via the template
// It's possible the selected ID lives in a set of entries
// that are yet to be provided.
this.startId = id;
+ if (this.idlClass) {
+ this.pcrud.retrieve(this.idlClass, id)
+ .subscribe(rec => {
+ this.entrylist = [{
+ id: id,
+ label: rec[this.idlField]()
+ }];
+ this.selected = this.entrylist.filter(e => e.id === id)[0];
+ });
+ }
return this.selected ? this.selected.id : null;
- @Input() idlClass: string;
@Input() idlField: string;
@Input() idlIncludeLibraryInLabel: string;
@Input() asyncDataSource: (term: string) => Observable<ComboboxEntry>;