"(with card and home_ou) for a given stream ID, sorted by pos",
"params" => [
{"desc" => "Authtoken", "type" => "string"},
- {"desc" => "Stream ID", "type" => "number"},
+ {"desc" => "Stream ID (int or array of ints)", "type" => "mixed"},
"return" => {
"desc" => "Stream of routing list users", "type" => "object",
sub get_routing_list_users {
my ($self, $client, $auth, $stream_id) = @_;
- return undef unless $stream_id = int $stream_id; # sic, assignment
my $e = new_editor("authtoken" => $auth);
return $e->die_event unless $e->checkauth;
- # Now we can strip the stream/distribution info (only used for perm
- # checking) and send back the srlu's to the caller.
- $client->respond($_) for map { $_->stream($_->stream->id); $_ } @$users;
+ my @users = map { $_->stream($_->stream->id); $_ } @$users;
+ @users = sort { $a->stream cmp $b->stream } @users if
+ ref $stream_id eq "ARRAY";
+ $client->respond($_) for @users;
xulG.new_tab(path, tabInfo, options);
- openils.XUL.newTabEasy = function(url, tab_name, extra_content_params) {
+ openils.XUL.newTabEasy = function(
+ url, tab_name, extra_content_params, wrap_in_browser
+ ) {
var content_params = {
"session": openils.User.authtoken,
"authtime": openils.User.authtime
if (extra_content_params)
dojo.mixin(content_params, extra_content_params);
- xulG.new_tab(
- xulG.url_prefix(url), {"tab_name": tab_name}, content_params
- );
+ var loc = xulG.url_prefix(url);
+ if (wrap_in_browser) {
+ loc = urls.XUL_BROWSER + "?url=" + window.escape(loc);
+ content_params = dojo.mixin(
+ {
+ "no_xulG": false, "show_print_button": true,
+ "show_nav_buttons": true,
+ "passthru_content_params": extra_content_params
+ }, content_params
+ );
+ }
+ xulG.new_tab(loc, {"tab_name": tab_name}, content_params);
--- /dev/null
+var list_renderer;
+function n(name, ctx) { return dojo.query("[name='" + name + "']", ctx)[0]; }
+function ListRenderer() {
+ var self = this;
+ this.render = function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.streams.length; i++) {
+ var stream = this.streams[i];
+ var list = dojo.clone(this.list_template);
+ n("title", list).innerHTML = this.mvr.title();
+ n("issuance_label", list).innerHTML = this.issuance.label();
+ n("distribution_holding_lib", list).innerHTML =
+ stream.distribution().holding_lib().shortname();
+ n("distribution_label", list).innerHTML =
+ stream.distribution().label();
+ if (stream.routing_label()) {
+ n("stream_routing_label", list).innerHTML =
+ stream.routing_label();
+ openils.Util.show(
+ n("stream_routing_label", list), "inline"
+ );
+ } else {
+ n("stream_id", list).innerHTML = stream.id();
+ openils.Util.show(n("stream_id_container", list), "inline");
+ }
+ this.render_users(stream, list);
+ if (i) {
+ dojo.create(
+ "hr",
+ {"style": "page-break-after: always"}, this.target, "last"
+ );
+ }
+ dojo.place(list, this.target, "last");
+ }
+ return this; /* for chaining */
+ };
+ this.render_users = function(stream, list) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.users_by_stream[stream.id()].length; i++) {
+ var user = this.users_by_stream[stream.id()][i];
+ var node = dojo.clone(this.user_template);
+ if (user.reader()) {
+ n("barcode", node).innerHTML = user.reader().card().barcode();
+ n("name", node).innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(
+ "${0}, ${1} ${2}", [
+ user.reader().family_name(),
+ user.reader().first_given_name(),
+ user.reader().second_given_name()
+ ].map(function(n) { return n || ""; })
+ );
+ n("ou", node).innerHTML = user.reader().home_ou().shortname();
+ openils.Util.show(n("reader_container", node), "inline");
+ } else if (user.department()) {
+ n("department", node).innerHTML = user.department();
+ openils.Util.show(n("department_container", node), "inline");
+ }
+ if (user.note()) {
+ n("note", node).innerHTML = user.note();
+ openils.Util.show(n("note_container", node), "inline");
+ }
+ dojo.place(node, n("users", list), "last");
+ }
+ };
+ this.print = function() {
+ this.print_target.print();
+ }
+ this._sort_users = function() {
+ this.users_by_stream = {};
+ this.users.forEach(
+ function(user) {
+ var key = user.stream();
+ if (!self.users_by_stream[key])
+ self.users_by_stream[key] = [];
+ self.users_by_stream[key].push(user);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ /* Unfortunately, when we print the main window with dijits
+ * wrapping everything, the page-break-* CSS properties don't work
+ * inside of there, so we need an iframe to print from.
+ */
+ this._prepare_iframe = function() {
+ var iframe = dojo.create(
+ "iframe", {
+ "src": "", "width": "100%", "height": "500", "frameborder": 0
+ }, "iframe_in_here", "only"
+ );
+ iframe.contentWindow.document.open();
+ iframe.contentWindow.document.write(
+ "<html><head><style type='text/css'>" +
+ ".item-title { font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold; }\n" +
+ ".item-issuance-label { font-size: 120%; }\n" +
+ ".item-dist-and-stream { font-size: 110%; }\n" +
+ ".hidden { display: none; }\n" +
+ "</style></head>\n<body></body></html>"
+ );
+ iframe.contentWindow.document.close();
+ this.target = iframe.contentWindow.document.body;
+ this.print_target = iframe.contentWindow;
+ };
+ this._init = function(data) {
+ this.user_template = dojo.byId("user_template");
+ this.user_template.removeAttribute("id");
+ this.user_template.parentNode.removeChild(this.user_template);
+ this.list_template = dojo.byId("list_template");
+ this.list_template.removeAttribute("id");
+ this.list_template.parentNode.removeChild(this.list_template);
+ dojo.mixin(this, data);
+ this._sort_users();
+ this._prepare_iframe();
+ }
+ this._init.apply(this, arguments);
+ function() {
+ if (!xulG) {
+ alert(
+ "This interface is not designed for use outside " +
+ "the staff client." /* XXX i18n */
+ );
+ } else {
+ list_renderer = new ListRenderer(xulG.routing_list_data);
+ list_renderer.render().print();
+ }
+ }
<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.note "Note">
<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.location "Copy Location">
<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.price "Price">
+<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.print_routing "Routing List">
+<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.print_routing.tooltip "Print this item's routing list upon receipt, if it has one.">
<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.receive "Receive?">
<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.auto_generate "Auto-generate?">
<!ENTITY staff.serial.batch_receive.recieve_selected "Receive Selected Items">
--- /dev/null
+[% WRAPPER default/base.tt2 %]
+[% ctx.page_title = "Serial Routing List" %]
+<div class="hidden">
+ <div id="list_template">
+ <div class="item-title" name="title"></div>
+ <div class="item-issuance-label" name="issuance_label"></div>
+ <div class="item-dist-and-stream">
+ (<span name="distribution_holding_lib"></span>)
+ <span name="distribution_label"></span> /
+ <span name="stream_routing_label"></span>
+ <em name="stream_id_container">
+ Unlabeled stream ID #<span name="stream_id"></span>
+ </em>
+ </div>
+ <ol name="users">
+ <li id="user_template">
+ <span class="hidden" name="reader_container">
+ Reader: <span name="barcode"></span> /
+ <span name="name"></span>
+ (<span name="ou"></span>)
+ </span>
+ <span class="hidden" name="department_container">
+ Department: <span name="department"></span>
+ </span>
+ <span class="hidden" name="note_container">
+ <br /> <em name="note"></em>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+<div style="padding: 1em 0;">
+ <button onclick="list_renderer.print()" accesskey="P"><u>P</u>rint</button>
+<div id="iframe_in_here"></div>
+<script type="text/javascript"
+ src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/serial/print_routing_list_users.js"></script>
+[% END %]
batch_receive.cn_for_lib=Do you want to use this call number at %1$s?\nIt doesn't exist there, and it will have to be created.
batch_receive.missing_units=You have not provided barcodes and call numbers for all of the selected items. Choose OK to receive those items anyway, or choose Cancel to supply the missing information.
batch_receive.missing_cn=You cannot assign a barcode without selecting a call number. Please correct the non-conforming units.
+batch_receive.print_routing_list_users=Print Routing List
pattern_wizard.enumeration.a=First level
pattern_wizard.enumeration.b=Second level
pattern_wizard.enumeration.c=Third level
var batch_receiver;
this._prepared_call_number_controls = {};
this._location_by_lib = {};
this._copy_template_cache = {};
+ this._wants_print_routing = {};
/* empty the entry receiving table if we're starting over */
if (this.item_cache) {
return menulist;
+ this._build_print_routing_toggle = function(item) {
+ var start = true;
+ var checkbox = dojo.create(
+ "checkbox", {
+ "oncommand": function(ev) {
+ self._print_routing(item.id(), ev.target.checked);
+ },
+ "checked": start.toString()
+ }
+ );
+ this._print_routing(item.id(), start);
+ return checkbox;
+ }
this._build_receive_toggle = function(item) {
return dojo.create(
"checkbox", {
"oncommand": function(ev) {
self._disable_row(item.id(), !ev.target.checked);
- "checked": "true"
+ "checked": "true",
+ "name": "receive_" + item.id()
this._disable_row = function(item_id, disabled) {
var row = this.rows[item_id];
- dojo.query("textbox,menulist", row).forEach(
+ dojo.query(
+ "textbox,menulist,checkbox:not([name^='receive_'])", row
+ ).forEach(
function(element) { element.disabled = disabled; }
this._row_disabled(row, disabled);
this._row_disabled = function(row, disabled) {
if (typeof(row) == "string") row = this.rows[row];
- var checkbox = dojo.query("checkbox", row)[0];
+ var checkbox = dojo.query("checkbox", row)[1];
if (typeof(disabled) != "undefined")
checkbox.checked = !disabled;
return !checkbox.checked;
+ this._row_print_routing_disabled = function(row, disabled) {
+ if (typeof(row) == "string") row = this.rows[row];
+ var checkbox = dojo.query("checkbox", row)[0];
+ if (typeof(disabled) != "undefined") {
+ checkbox.checked = !disabled;
+ checkbox.doCommand();
+ }
+ return !checkbox.checked;
+ };
this._row_field_value = function(row, field, value) {
if (typeof(row) == "string") row = this.rows[row];
+ this._print_routing = function(id, value) {
+ this._wants_print_routing[id] = value;
+ };
this._user_wants_autogen = function() {
return dojo.byId("autogen_barcodes").checked;
+ this.print_routing_lists = function(streams) {
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ["open-ils.serial",
+ "open-ils.serial.routing_list_users.fleshed_and_ordered.atomic"],{
+ "params": [
+ this.authtoken, streams.map(function(o) { return o.id(); })
+ ],
+ "async": false,
+ "oncomplete": function(r) {
+ if ((r = openils.Util.readResponse(r)) && r.length) {
+ openils.XUL.newTabEasy(
+ "/eg/serial/print_routing_list_users",
+ S("print_routing_list_users"), {
+ "show_print_button": false, /* we supply one */
+ "routing_list_data": {
+ "streams": streams, "mvr": self.bibdata.mvr,
+ "issuance": self.issuance, "users": r
+ }
+ }, true /* wrap_in_browser */
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ };
this.bib_lookup = function(bib_search_term, evt, is_actual_id, sub_id) {
if (evt && evt.keyCode != 13) return;
+ this.toggle_all_print_routing = function(checked) {
+ for (var id in this.rows) {
+ this._row_print_routing_disabled(id, !checked);
+ }
+ };
this.build_batch_entry_row = function() {
var row = dojo.byId("entry_batch_row");
this.batch_controls.price = dojo.create("textbox", {"size": 9})
+ node_by_name("print_routing", row).appendChild(
+ dojo.create(
+ "checkbox", {
+ "oncommand": function(ev) {
+ self.toggle_all_print_routing(ev.target.checked);
+ },
+ "checked": "true"
+ }
+ )
+ );
node_by_name("receive", row).appendChild(
"checkbox", {
n("price").appendChild(dojo.create("textbox", {"size": 9}));
+ n("print_routing").appendChild(this._build_print_routing_toggle(item));
"async": true,
"oncomplete": function(r) {
try {
- while (item_id = openils.Util.readResponse(r))
+ var streams_for_printing = [];
+ while (item_id = openils.Util.readResponse(r)) {
+ if (self._wants_print_routing[item_id]) {
+ streams_for_printing.push(
+ self.item_cache[item_id].stream()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (streams_for_printing.length)
+ self.print_routing_lists(streams_for_printing);
} catch (E) {
<h:th name="price">
+ <h:th name="print_routing">
+ <description
+ id="print_routing_desc"
+ value="&staff.serial.batch_receive.print_routing;"
+ tooltiptext="&staff.serial.batch_receive.print_routing.tooltip;" />
+ </h:th>
<h:td name="note"></h:td>
<h:td name="location" align="center"></h:td>
<h:td name="price"></h:td>
+ <h:td name="print_routing" align="center"></h:td>
<h:td name="receive" align="center"></h:td>
<h:td name="apply"></h:td>
- <h:td colspan="8">
+ <h:td colspan="9">
<h:hr size="4" />
<h:td name="note"></h:td>
<h:td name="location" align="center"></h:td>
<h:td name="price"></h:td>
+ <h:td name="print_routing" align="center"></h:td>
<h:td name="receive" align="center"></h:td>
border: none;
.padded_bottom { padding-bottom: 10px; }
+description#print_routing_desc { margin: 0; padding: 0 1em; }