use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
my $parser = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new;
+my $cache;
+my $cache_timeout;
sub get_processor_settings {
my $e = shift;
my $org_unit = shift;
unless $psettings->{enabled};
# Now we branch. Stripe is one thing, and everything else is another.
+ # TODO: rename/refactor these methods, we're layering in Smartpay as well
if ($cc_args->{processor} eq 'Stripe') { # Stripe
my $stripe = Business::Stripe->new(-api_key => $psettings->{secretkey});
+ } elsif ($cc_args->{processor} eq 'SmartPAY') { # SmartPAY
+ my $smartpay_secret = $cc_args->{smartpay_secret};
+ my $smartpay_session = $cc_args->{smartpay_session};
+ if ($smartpay_secret =~ /^smartpay/) {
+ my $cache = OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new('global');
+ my $secret_data = $cache->get_cache( $smartpay_secret );
+ $logger->debug("SmartPAY secret_data: " . Dumper($secret_data));
+ my $sessionA = $secret_data->{session_key};
+ my $sessionB = $smartpay_session;
+ if ($sessionA =~ /([A-Za-z0-9]+)/) {
+ $sessionA = $1;
+ }
+ if ($sessionB =~ /([A-Za-z0-9]+)/) {
+ $sessionB = $1;
+ }
+ if ($sessionA ne $sessionB) {
+ $logger->info("SmartPAY payment failed: session_key mismatch: <$sessionA> vs <$sessionB>");
+ return OpenILS::Event->new(
+ payload => { 'result' => 'session_key mismatch' }
+ );
+ }
+ if ($cc_args->{smartpay_result} == 1) {
+ $logger->info('SmartPAY payment succeeded');
+ return OpenILS::Event->new(
+ 'SUCCESS', payload => {
+ invoice => 'N/A',
+ customer => 'N/A',
+ balance_transaction => 'N/A',
+ id => 'N/A',
+ created => 'N/A',
+ card => 'N/A'
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ $logger->info('SmartPAY payment failed: ' . $cc_args->{smartpay_result});
+ return OpenILS::Event->new(
+ payload => { 'result' => $cc_args->{Result} }
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $logger->info('SmartPAY payment failed: secret key malformed');
+ return OpenILS::Event->new(
+ payload => { 'result' => 'secret key malformed' }
+ );
+ }
} else { # B::OP style (Paypal/PayflowPro/AuthorizeNet)
return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS', note => 'Need CC number')
unless $cc_args->{number};
$target .= "&APIKey=$api_key";
my @payment_xacts = ($self->cgi->param('xact'), $self->cgi->param('xact_misc'));
- #$logger->error('SmartPAY debug, cache_args = ' . Dumper($cache_args) );
# generate a temporary cache token for our secret
my $token = 'smartpay_' . md5_hex($$ . time() . rand());
$target .= "&Secret=$token";
- #$logger->error('SmartPAY debug, target= $target ' . Dumper($target) );
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
# there has been API flux with whether to send API-Key and Secret as HTTP headers or URL params
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ($response->is_success() && $response->content() !~ /HTML/) {
- $logger->info('SmartPAY initialized for ' . $self->editor->authtoken);
+ $logger->info('SmartPAY initialized for ' . $self->editor->authtoken . ' with ' . $token);
my $session_key = $response->content();
- # we'll test this secret key again in the create payment method
+ # we'll test this secret key again in the create payment method and grab the payment_xacts in main_pay_init
my $cache_args = {
user => $self->ctx->{user}->id,
- session_key => $session_key
+ session_key => $session_key,
+ xacts => \@payment_xacts
my $cache = OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new('global');
- $cache->put_cache($token, $cache_args, 300);
+ $cache->put_cache($token, $cache_args, 3600); # 1 hour
# this will be for our follow-up call client-side
$self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= "&CustomerID=$customer_id";
$self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= "&LocationID=$location_id";
$self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&PatronID=' . $self->ctx->{user}->id; # $e->requestor->id;
- $self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&InvNum=1234';
- $self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&Amount=' . $self->ctx->{fines}->{balance_owed};
+ my $psuedo_invoice_number = $self->cgi->param('xact') . ',' . $self->cgi->param('xact_misc');
+ $psuedo_invoice_number =~ s/^,//;
+ $self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= "&InvNum=$psuedo_invoice_number";
+ $self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&Amount=' . sprintf("%.2f",$self->ctx->{fines}->{balance_owed});
$self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&URLPostBack=' . CGI::escapeHTML( $self->ctx->{hostname} );
#$self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&ScriptPostBack=' . CGI::escapeHTML('/cgi-bin/offline/');
$self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&URLReturn=' . CGI::escapeHTML( $self->ctx->{opac_root} . '/myopac/main_pay_init' );
- $self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&URLCancel=' . CGI::escapeHTML( 'https://' . $self->ctx->{hostname} . $self->ctx->{opac_root} . '/myopac/charges');
+ $self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&URLCancel=' . CGI::escapeHTML( 'https://' . $self->ctx->{hostname} . $self->ctx->{opac_root} . '/myopac/main');
$self->ctx->{smartpay_target} .= '&UserName=&Password=&Field1=smartpay&Field2=&Field3=&ItemsData=';
} else {
my @payment_xacts = ($self->cgi->param('xact'), $self->cgi->param('xact_misc'));
if (!@payment_xacts) {
- # for consistency with load_myopac_payment_form() and
- # to preserve backwards compatibility, if no xacts are
- # selected, assume all (applicable) transactions are wanted.
- my $stat = $self->prepare_fines(undef, undef, [$self->cgi->param('xact'), $self->cgi->param('xact_misc')]);
- return $stat if $stat;
- @payment_xacts =
- map { $_->{xact}->id } (
- @{$self->ctx->{fines}->{circulation}},
- @{$self->ctx->{fines}->{grocery}}
- );
+ if ($self->cgi->param('Secret')) { # we stashed the xacts in the cache for SmartPAY
+ my $smartpay_cache = $cache->get_cache($self->cgi->param('Secret'));
+ @payment_xacts = @{$smartpay_cache->{xacts}};
+ } else {
+ # for consistency with load_myopac_payment_form() and
+ # to preserve backwards compatibility, if no xacts are
+ # selected, assume all (applicable) transactions are wanted.
+ my $stat = $self->prepare_fines(undef, undef, [$self->cgi->param('xact'), $self->cgi->param('xact_misc')]);
+ return $stat if $stat;
+ @payment_xacts =
+ map { $_->{xact}->id } (
+ @{$self->ctx->{fines}->{circulation}},
+ @{$self->ctx->{fines}->{grocery}}
+ );
+ }
return $self->generic_redirect unless @payment_xacts;
if ($self->cgi->param('Secret')) {
$cc_args->{smartpay_secret} = $self->cgi->param('Secret');
+ if ($self->cgi->param('SessionKey')) {
+ $cc_args->{smartpay_session} = $self->cgi->param('SessionKey');
+ }
if ($self->cgi->param('CCNumber')) {
$cc_args->{number} = $self->cgi->param('CCNumber');