my $cmsa = $_storage->request(
- { alias => { like => '%.%'} }
+ { alias => { '!=' => undef } }
- foreach my $alias (@$cmsa) {
- my ($qualifier, $name) = $alias->alias =~ m/^(.+?)\.(.+)$/;
- push(@{$aliases{$qualifier}}, $name);
+ foreach (@$cmsa) {
+ if ($_->alias =~ /\./) {
+ my ($qualifier, $name) = $_->alias =~ m/^(.+?)\.(.+)$/;
+ push(@{$aliases{$qualifier}}, $name);
+ } else {
+ # au/kw/se/su/ti go into the default 'eg' qualifier
+ push(@{$aliases{'eg'}}, $_->alias);
+ }
return \%aliases;
+ # Append the non-search-alias attributes to the qualifier map
+ push(@{$qualifier_map{'eg'}}, qw/
+ available
+ ascending
+ descending
+ sort
+ format
+ before
+ after
+ statuses
+ locations
+ site
+ depth
+ lasso
+ offset
+ limit
+ preferred_language
+ preferred_language_weight
+ preferred_language_multiplier
+ /);
my $list = $supercat
} elsif ( $resp->type eq 'explain' ) {
return_sru_explain($cgi, $req, $resp, \$ex_doc,
- \%OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::nested_qualifier_map,
+ undef,
sub return_sru_explain {
- my ($cgi, $req, $resp, $explain, $qualifier_map, $qualifier_ids) = @_;
+ my ($cgi, $req, $resp, $explain, $index_map, $qualifier_ids) = @_;
+ $index_map ||= \%qualifier_map;
if (!$$explain) {
my ($doc, $e) = explain_header($cgi);
- for my $name ( keys %$qualifier_map ) {
+ for my $name ( keys %{$index_map} ) {
my $identifier = $qualifier_ids->{ $name };
$set_node->setAttribute( name => $name );
$e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:indexInfo')->shift->appendChild( $set_node );
+ my %attribute_desc = (
+ site => 'Evergreen Site Code (shortname)',
+ sort => 'Sort on relevance, title, author, pubdate, create_date or edit_date',
+ dir => 'Sort direction (asc|desc)',
+ available => 'Filter to available (true|false)',
+ );
- for my $index ( @{$qualifier_map{$name}} ) {
+ for my $index ( @{$index_map->{$name}} ) {
+ my $title = $index;
+ if (exists $attribute_desc{$title}) {
+ $title = $attribute_desc{$title};
+ }
my $name_node = $doc->createElementNS( '', 'name' );
$index_node->appendChild( $map_node );
$index_node->setAttribute( id => "$name.$index" );
- $title_node->appendText( $index);
+ $title_node->appendText($title);
$name_node->setAttribute( set => $name );