Circulation - Patron Record
Searching Patrons
. Fill in the necessary patron information for your library, and click *Save* to create the permanent patron account.
Updating Patron Information
indexterm:[patrons, updating]
Retrieve the patron record as described in the section
-<<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>.
+<<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>.
Click on _Edit_ from the options that display at the top of the patron record.
image::media/circulation_patron_records-11_web_client.png[circulation_patron_records 11]
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
-<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
+<<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating Patron Information>>.
Navigate to the information field labeled _Privilege Expiration Date_. Enter a
new date in this box. When you place your cursor in the _Patron Expiration Date
indexterm:[library cards, replacing]
Retrieve the patron record as described in the section
-<<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>.
+<<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>.
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
-<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
+<<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating Patron Information>>.
Next to the _Barcode_ field, select the _Replace Barcode_ button.
If a patron’s barcode is mistakenly replaced, the old barcode may be reinstated.
Retrieve the patron record as described in the section
-<<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>. Open the patron record in
-edit mode as described in the section <<updating_patron_information,Updating
+<<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>. Open the patron record in
+edit mode as described in the section <<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating
Patron Information>>.
Select the _See All_ button next to the _Replace Barcode_ button. This will
A patron’s password may be reset from the OPAC or through the staff client. To
reset the password from the staff client, retrieve the patron record as
-described in the section <<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>.
+described in the section <<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>.
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
-<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
+<<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating Patron Information>>.
Select the _Reset Password_ button next to the _Password_ field.
A patron may be barred from circulation activities. To bar a patron, retrieve
the patron record as described in the section
-<<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>.
+<<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>.
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
-<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
+<<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating Patron Information>>.
Check the box for _Barred_ in the patron account.
Staff-Generated Messages
indexterm:[patrons, messages]
There are several types of messages available for staff to leave notes on patron records.
*Patron Notes*: These notes are added via _Other_ -> _Notes_ in the patron record. These notes can be viewable by staff only or shared with the patron. Staff initials can be required. (See the section <<circulation_patron_notes,Patron Notes>> for more.)
-*Patron Alerts*: This type of alert is added via _Edit_ button in the patron record. There is currently no way to require staff initials for this type of alert. (See the section <<circulation_patron_alerts,Patron Alerts>> for more.)
+*Patron Alerts*: This type of alert is added via _Edit_ button in the patron record. There is currently no way to require staff initials for this type of alert. (See the section <<circulation_patron_alerts_wc,Patron Alerts>> for more.)
*Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages*: These messages are added via the _Messages_ button in the patron record. They can be a note, alert or block. Staff initials can be required. (See the section <<staff_generated_penalties,Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages>> for more.)
Patron Alerts
indexterm:[patrons, Alerts]
When an account has an alert on it, a Stop sign is displayed when the record is
*Staff-generated alerts*: Must be added and removed manually.
To add an alert to a patron account, retrieve the patron record as described
-in the section <<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>.
+in the section <<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>.
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
-<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
+<<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating Patron Information>>.
Enter the alert text in the Alert Message field.
_Save_ the record. The screen will refresh and the alert will display.
To remove the alert, retrieve the patron record as described in the section
-<<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>.
+<<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>.
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
-<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
+<<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating Patron Information>>.
Delete the alert text in the _Alert Message_ field.
image::media/circulation_patron_records-23_web_client.png[circulation_patron_records 23]
To insert or remove a note, retrieve the patron record as described in the
-section <<circulation_searching_patrons,Searching Patrons>>.
+section <<searching_patrons_wc,Searching Patrons>>.
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
-<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
+<<updating_patron_information_wc,Updating Patron Information>>.
Use the Other menu to navigate to _Notes_.