gridDataSource: GridDataSource;
initDone = false;
cspSource: GridDataSource = new GridDataSource();
- @ViewChild('partsGrid') partsGrid: GridComponent;
@ViewChild('editDialog') editDialog: FmRecordEditorComponent;
@ViewChild('grid') grid: GridComponent;
@ViewChild('successString') successString: StringComponent;
@ViewChild('createString') createString: StringComponent;
@ViewChild('createErrString') createErrString: StringComponent;
@ViewChild('updateFailedString') updateFailedString: StringComponent;
+ @ViewChild('deleteFailedString') deleteFailedString: StringComponent;
+ @ViewChild('deleteSuccessString') deleteSuccessString: StringComponent;
@ViewChild('cspFlairTooltip') private cspFlairTooltip: StringComponent;
cspRowFlairCallback: (row: any) => GridRowFlairEntry;
canCreate: boolean;
canDelete: boolean;
deleteSelected: (rows: IdlObject[]) => void;
permissions: {[name: string]: boolean};
// Default sort field, used when no grid sorting is applied.
@Input() sortField: string;
- @Input() idlClass: string = "csp";
+ @Input() idlClass = 'csp';
// Size of create/edito dialog. Uses large by default.
@Input() dialogSize: 'sm' | 'lg' = 'lg';
// Optional comma-separated list of read-only fields
// @Input() readonlyFields: string;
- @Input() set recordId(id: number) {
- this.recId = id;
- // Only force new data collection when recordId()
- // is invoked after ngInit() has already run.
- if (this.initDone) {
- this.partsGrid.reload();
- }
- }
private pcrud: PcrudService,
private toast: ToastService
// Default sort field
orderBy[this.idlClass] = this.sortField;
const searchOps = {
offset: pager.offset,
limit: pager.limit,
order_by: orderBy
return this.pcrud.retrieveAll('csp', searchOps, {fleshSelectors: true});
- }
- this.cspRowFlairCallback = (row: any): GridRowFlairEntry => {
+ };
+ this.cspRowFlairCallback = (row: any): GridRowFlairEntry => {
const flair = {icon: null, title: null};
if ( < 100) {
flair.icon = 'not_interested';
flair.title = this.cspFlairTooltip.text;
return flair;
- }
+ };
+ this.deleteSelected = (idlThings: IdlObject[]) => {
+ idlThings.forEach(idlThing => idlThing.isdeleted(true));
+ this.pcrud.autoApply(idlThings).subscribe(
+ val => {
+ console.debug('deleted: ' + val);
+ this.deleteSuccessString.current()
+ .then(str => this.toast.success(str));
+ },
+ err => {
+ this.deleteFailedString.current()
+ .then(str => this.toast.danger(str));
+ },
+ () => this.grid.reload()
+ );
+ };
- cspReadonlyOverride = (field: string, copy: IdlObject): boolean => {
- if ( >= 100) {
+ cspReadonlyOverride = (field: string, csp: IdlObject): boolean => {
+ if ( >= 100 || === undefined) {
return true;
return false;
cspGridCellClassCallback = (row: any, col: GridColumn): string => {
- if ( === "id" && row.a[0] < 100) {
- return "text-danger";
+ if ( === 'id' && row.a[0] < 100) {
+ return 'text-danger';
- return "";
- };
+ return '';
+ }
showEditDialog(standingPenalty: IdlObject): Promise<any> {
this.editDialog.mode = 'update';
- this.editDialog.recId = standingPenalty["id"]();
+ this.editDialog.recordId = standingPenalty['id']();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {{size: this.dialogSize}).subscribe(
result => {
this.editDialog.mode = 'create';
// We reuse the same editor for all actions. Be sure
// create action does not try to modify an existing record.
- this.editDialog.recId = null;
+ this.editDialog.recordId = null;
this.editDialog.record = null;{size: this.dialogSize}).subscribe(
ok => {