char* req_copy = strdup(request);
parse_request( req_copy );
- if( request && strlen(request) > 2 ) {
+ if( request && strlen(request) > 1 ) {
else if (!strcmp(words[0],"print"))
ret_val = handle_print(words);
+ else if (!strcmp(words[0],"math_bench"))
+ ret_val = handle_math(words);
else if (words[0][0] == '!')
ret_val = handle_exec( words );
buffer_add( resp_buffer, "\n" );
} else {
- char* content = json_object_to_json_string(omsg->result_content);
+ char* content = json_object_get_string(omsg->result_content);
buffer_add( resp_buffer, "\nReceived Data:" );
buffer_add( resp_buffer, content );
buffer_add( resp_buffer, "\n" );
"relay <service> <method>\n"
" - Performs the requested query using the last received result as the param\n"
+ "\n"
+ "math_bench <num_batches> [0|1|2]\n"
+ " - 0 means don't reconnect, 1 means reconnect after each batch of 4, and\n"
+ " 2 means reconnect after every request\n"
if(object == NULL)
return NULL;
- char* string = json_object_to_json_string(object);
+ char* string = json_object_get_string(object);
growing_buffer* buf = buffer_init(64);
int i;
} else if( string[i] == ',' ) {
-// tab_var--;
-// buffer_add(buf, "\n");
buffer_add( buf, ",");
buffer_add( buf, "\n" );
char* tab = tabs(tab_var);
buffer_add(buf, tab);
-// tab = tabs(tab_var);
-// buffer_add( buf, tab );
-// free(tab);
} else {
return result;
+int handle_math( char* words[] ) {
+ if( words[1] && words[2] )
+ return do_math( atoi(words[1]), atoi(words[2]) );
+ return 0;
+int do_math( int count, int style ) {
+ osrf_app_session* session = osrf_app_client_session_init( "opensrf.math" );
+ json* params = json_object_new_array();
+ json_object_array_add(params, json_object_new_string("1"));
+ json_object_array_add(params, json_object_new_string("2"));
+ char* methods[] = { "add", "sub", "mult", "div" };
+ char* answers[] = { "3", "-1", "2", "0.500000" };
+ float times[ count * 4 ];
+ memset(times,0,count*4);
+ int k;
+ for(k=0;k!=100;k++) {
+ if(!(k%10))
+ fprintf(stderr,"|");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr,".");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
+ int running = 0;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i!= count; i++) {
+ int j;
+ for(j=0; j != 4; j++) {
+ ++running;
+ struct timeb t1;
+ struct timeb t2;
+ ftime(&t1);
+ int req_id = osrf_app_session_make_request( session, params, methods[j], 1 );
+ osrf_message* omsg = osrf_app_session_request_recv( session, req_id, 5 );
+ ftime(&t2);
+ double start = ( (int)t1.time + ( ((float)t1.millitm) / 1000 ) );
+ double end = ( (int)t2.time + ( ((float)t2.millitm) / 1000 ) );
+ times[(4*i) + j] = end - start;
+ if(omsg) {
+ if(omsg->result_content) {
+ //char* jsn = json_object_to_json_string(omsg->result_content);
+ char* jsn = json_object_get_string( omsg->result_content );
+ //if(jsn == answers[j])
+ if(!strcmp(jsn, answers[j]))
+ fprintf(stderr, "+");
+ else
+ //fprintf(stderr, "|");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n![%s] - should be %s\n", jsn, answers[j] );
+ }
+ osrf_message_free(omsg);
+ } else { fprintf( stderr, "\nempty message for tt: %d\n", req_id ); }
+ osrf_app_session_request_finish( session, req_id );
+ if(style == 2)
+ osrf_app_session_disconnect( session );
+ if(!(running%100))
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ }
+ if(style==1)
+ osrf_app_session_disconnect( session );
+ }
+ osrf_app_session_destroy( session );
+ json_object_put( params );
+ int c;
+ float total = 0;
+ for(c=0; c!= count*4; c++)
+ total += times[c];
+ float avg = total / (count*4);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n Average round trip time: %f\n", avg );
+ return 1;