Version 5 template additions
authorAdam Bowling <>
Wed, 26 Aug 2020 19:58:14 +0000 (15:58 -0400)
committerChris Sharp <>
Mon, 22 Mar 2021 14:17:48 +0000 (10:17 -0400)
25 files changed:
config/IDL.json [new file with mode: 0644]
images/PINESLogo.gif [new file with mode: 0644]
images/pinetree-banner.png [new file with mode: 0644] [changed mode: 0755->0644]
models/temp.json [new file with mode: 0644]
models/temp2.json [new file with mode: 0644]
models/temp3.json [new file with mode: 0644]
models/templateDecoder.class.php.20201216 [new file with mode: 0644]
models/templateDecoder.class.php.202012162234.php [new file with mode: 0644]
models/ver5_formatted.json [new file with mode: 0644]
perl/execreports/ [changed mode: 0755->0644]
perl/execreports/ [changed mode: 0755->0644]
perl/execreports/ [changed mode: 0755->0644]
tester.20201216.php.bak [new file with mode: 0644]
tester.php [new file with mode: 0644] [new file with mode: 0755]
ver5.json [new file with mode: 0644]
views/terran_equal_in_list.json [new file with mode: 0644]
views/terran_saved_list.json [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/config/IDL.json b/config/IDL.json
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e047cb5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25757 @@
+  "aaactsc": {
+    "name": "aaactsc",
+    "label": "Circ-Archived Patron Statistical Category Entries",
+    "table": "action.archive_actor_stat_cat",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.archive_actor_stat_cat_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "xact",
+        "label": "Circ",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "combcirc",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "stat_cat",
+        "label": "Statistical Category",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "actsc",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "value", "label": "Entry Value", "datatype": "text" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aaasc": {
+    "name": "aaasc",
+    "label": "Circ-Archived Copy Statistical Category Entries",
+    "table": "action.archive_asset_stat_cat",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.archive_actor_stat_cat_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "xact",
+        "label": "Circ",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "combcirc",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "stat_cat",
+        "label": "Statistical Category",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "asc",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "value", "label": "Entry Value", "datatype": "text" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aaca": {
+    "name": "aaca",
+    "label": "Active Copy Alert",
+    "table": "asset.active_copy_alert",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Id", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "alert_type",
+        "label": "Alert Type",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ccat",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "copy",
+        "label": "Copy",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "temp", "label": "Temporary", "datatype": "bool" },
+      {
+        "name": "create_time",
+        "label": "Create Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "create_staff",
+        "label": "Creator",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "note", "label": "Note", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "ack_time",
+        "label": "Acknowledge Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "ack_staff",
+        "label": "Acknowledger",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": {
+      "create": { "perms": ["ADMIN_COPY_ALERT", "CREATE_COPY_ALERT"] },
+      "retrieve": { "perms": ["ADMIN_COPY_ALERT", "VIEW_COPY_ALERT"] },
+      "update": { "perms": ["ADMIN_COPY_ALERT", "UPDATE_COPY_ALERT"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["ADMIN_COPY_ALERT", "DELETE_COPY_ALERT"] }
+    }
+  },
+  "aacct": {
+    "name": "aacct",
+    "label": "All Circulation Combined Types",
+    "table": "action.all_circulation_combined_types",
+    "core": true,
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
+        "label": "Circulating Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_staff",
+        "label": "Circulating Staff",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Circ ID", "datatype": "int" },
+      {
+        "name": "xact_start",
+        "label": "Checkout Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "create_time",
+        "label": "Create Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "circ_type", "label": "Circulation Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "item_type", "label": "Item Type", "datatype": "text" }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": { "perms": ["VIEW_CIRCULATIONS"] } }
+  },
+  "aacs": {
+    "name": "aacs",
+    "label": "Combined Aged and Active circulations",
+    "table": "action.all_circulation_slim",
+    "core": true,
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "money.billable_xact_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "checkin_lib",
+        "label": "Check In Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "checkin_staff",
+        "label": "Check In Staff",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "checkin_time",
+        "label": "Check In Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
+        "label": "Circulating Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_staff",
+        "label": "Circulating Staff",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "desk_renewal", "label": "Desk Renewal", "datatype": "bool" },
+      { "name": "due_date", "label": "Due Date/Time", "datatype": "timestamp" },
+      {
+        "name": "duration",
+        "label": "Circulation Duration",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "duration_rule",
+        "label": "Circ Duration Rule",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "name",
+        "class": "crcd",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fine_interval",
+        "label": "Fine Interval",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Circ ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      { "name": "max_fine", "label": "Max Fine Amount", "datatype": "money" },
+      {
+        "name": "max_fine_rule",
+        "label": "Max Fine Rule",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "name",
+        "class": "crmf",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "opac_renewal", "label": "OPAC Renewal", "datatype": "bool" },
+      { "name": "phone_renewal", "label": "Phone Renewal", "datatype": "bool" },
+      {
+        "name": "recurring_fine",
+        "label": "Recurring Fine Amount",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "recurring_fine_rule",
+        "label": "Recurring Fine Rule",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "name",
+        "class": "crrf",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "renewal_remaining",
+        "label": "Remaining Renewals",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "grace_period",
+        "label": "Grace Period",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
+      { "name": "stop_fines", "label": "Fine Stop Reason", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "stop_fines_time",
+        "label": "Fine Stop Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "target_copy",
+        "label": "Circulating Item",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "xact_finish",
+        "label": "Transaction Finish Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "xact_start",
+        "label": "Checkout Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "create_time",
+        "label": "Record Creation Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_circ",
+        "label": "Parent Circulation",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acirc",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "checkin_scan_time",
+        "label": "Checkin Scan Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "checkin_workstation",
+        "label": "Checkin Workstation",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aws",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "usr",
+        "label": "Patron",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "billings",
+        "label": "Transaction Billings",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "xact",
+        "class": "mb",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "payments",
+        "label": "Transaction Payments",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "xact",
+        "class": "mp",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "billable_transaction",
+        "label": "Base Transaction",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "mbt",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "workstation",
+        "label": "Workstation",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aws",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_type",
+        "label": "Circulation Type",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "rcirct",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "billing_total",
+        "label": "Billing Totals",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "xact",
+        "class": "rxbt",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "payment_total",
+        "label": "Payment Totals",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "xact",
+        "class": "rxpt",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "aaactsc_entries",
+        "label": "Archived Patron Stat-Cat Entries",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "xact",
+        "class": "aaactsc",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "aaasc_entries",
+        "label": "Archived Copy Stat-Cat Entries",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "xact",
+        "class": "aaasc",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "active_circ",
+        "label": "Linked Active Circulation",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "circ",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "aged_circ",
+        "label": "Linked Aged Circulation",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acirc",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": { "perms": ["VIEW_CIRCULATIONS"] } }
+  },
+  "aahr": {
+    "name": "aahr",
+    "label": "Aged Hold Request",
+    "table": "action.aged_hold_request",
+    "core": true,
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.hold_request_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "status",
+        "label": "Status",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "capture_time",
+        "label": "Capture Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "current_copy",
+        "label": "Currently Targeted Copy",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "email_notify",
+        "label": "Notify by Email?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "expire_time",
+        "label": "Hold Expire Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fulfillment_lib",
+        "label": "Fulfilling Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fulfillment_staff",
+        "label": "Fulfilling Staff",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fulfillment_time",
+        "label": "Fulfillment Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "hold_type", "label": "Hold Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "holdable_formats",
+        "label": "Holdable Formats (for M-type hold)",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Hold ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "phone_notify",
+        "label": "Notify by Phone?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      { "name": "sms_notify", "label": "Notify by SMS?", "datatype": "bool" },
+      {
+        "name": "pickup_lib",
+        "label": "Pickup Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "prev_check_time",
+        "label": "Last Targeting Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "request_lib",
+        "label": "Requesting Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "request_time",
+        "label": "Request Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "usr_post_code", "label": "Patron ZIP", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "usr_home_ou",
+        "label": "Patron Home Library",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      }
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+  },
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+      { "name": "id", "datatype": "id" },
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+    ]
+  },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
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+      }
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+  },
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+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Id", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "create_time",
+        "label": "Create Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "create_staff",
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+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "ack_time",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "ack_staff",
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+        "key": "id",
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+      }
+    ],
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+    }
+  },
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+    "label": "Copy Alert Suppression",
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+      { "name": "id", "label": "Id", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      }
+    }
+  },
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+      {
+        "name": "checkout_workstation",
+        "label": "Checkout Workstation",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_renewal_time",
+        "label": "Last Renewal Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_stop_fines",
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+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_stop_fines_time",
+        "label": "Last Stop Fines Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_renewal_workstation",
+        "label": "Last Renewal Workstation",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "last_checkin_workstation",
+        "label": "Last Checkin Workstation",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_checkin_time",
+        "label": "Last Checkin Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_checkin_scan_time",
+        "label": "Last Checkin Scan Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "checkin_time",
+        "label": "Check In Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "name": "circ_staff",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
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+      },
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+      {
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+        "label": "Circulation Duration",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "fine_interval",
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+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Circ ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "name": "max_fine_rule",
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+        "name": "recurring_fine",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "amount",
+        "label": "Total Allocated from Funding Source",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "acqfsrcb",
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+      },
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+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "acqfsrcct",
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+      },
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+        "name": "amount",
+        "label": "Total Credits to Funding Source",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "acqfst",
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+      },
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+    ],
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+      "retrieve": { "perms": ["ADMIN_ACQ_FUND", "VIEW_FUND", "MANAGE_FUND"] }
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+  },
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+    "name": "acqfsum",
+    "label": "Fund Summary",
+    "core": true,
+    "source": "( SELECT acqf.*, COALESCE(acqfat.amount, 0.00) AS allocated_total, COALESCE(acqfst.amount, 0.00) AS spent_total, COALESCE(acqfet.amount, 0.00) AS encumbrance_total, COALESCE(acqfcb.amount, 0.00) AS combined_balance FROM acqf LEFT JOIN acq.fund_allocation_total acqfat ON ( = LEFT JOIN acq.fund_spent_total acqfst ON ( = LEFT JOIN acq.fund_encumbrance_total acqfet ON ( = LEFT JOIN acq.fund_combined_balance acqfcb ON ( = )",
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+      },
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+        "label": "Org Unit",
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+      },
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+      { "name": "active", "label": "Active", "datatype": "bool" },
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+        "label": "Balance Warning Percent",
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+      },
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+        "name": "balance_stop_percent",
+        "label": "Balance Stop Percent",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "allocated_total",
+        "label": "Total Allocated",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      },
+      { "name": "spent_total", "label": "Total Spent", "datatype": "money" },
+      {
+        "name": "encumbrance_total",
+        "label": "Total Encumbered",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "combined_balance",
+        "label": "Remaining Balance",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      }
+    ],
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+      "retrieve": { "perms": ["ADMIN_ACQ_FUND", "VIEW_FUND", "MANAGE_FUND"] }
+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "acqft",
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+          "ADMIN_ACQ_FUND_TAG",
+          "ADMIN_ACQ_FUND",
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+          "MANAGE_FUND"
+        ]
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Destination Amount",
+        "datatype": "money"
+      },
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+        "name": "transfer_time",
+        "label": "Transfer Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "scheduled_time",
+        "label": "Scheduled Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "applied_time",
+        "label": "Applied Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "pkey_value",
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+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+    ],
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+      "create": { "perms": ["CREATE_FIELDSET", "ADMIN_FIELDSET"] },
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+    }
+  },
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+      { "name": "id", "label": "Column Value ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+      },
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+    ],
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+      "create": { "perms": ["CREATE_FIELDSET_ENTRY", "ADMIN_FIELDSET_ENTRY"] },
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+      },
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+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "afsg",
+    "label": "Fieldset Group",
+    "table": "action.fieldset_group",
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+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Fieldset Group ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "name",
+        "label": "Fieldset Group Name",
+        "required": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "create_time",
+        "label": "Creation Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "complete_time",
+        "label": "Complete Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "container",
+        "label": "Container ID",
+        "required": true,
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "container_type",
+        "label": "Container Type",
+        "required": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "rollback_group",
+        "label": "Rollback Group",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "afsg",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "rollback_time",
+        "label": "Rollback Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "creator",
+        "label": "Creator",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "owning_lib",
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": {
+      "create": { "perms": ["CREATE_FIELDSET_GROUP", "ADMIN_FIELDSET_GROUP"] },
+      "retrieve": {
+      },
+      "update": { "perms": ["UPDATE_FIELDSET_GROUP", "ADMIN_FIELDSET_GROUP"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["DELETE_FIELDSET_GROUP", "ADMIN_FIELDSET_GROUP"] }
+    }
+  },
+  "ahcm": {
+    "name": "ahcm",
+    "label": "Hold Copy Map",
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+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.hold_copy_map_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "target_copy",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "proximity", "datatype": "number" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "ahf": {
+    "name": "ahf",
+    "label": "Authority Heading Fields",
+    "table": "authority.heading_field",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "authority.heading_fields_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "datatype": "id" },
+      { "name": "heading_type", "label": "Heading Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "heading_purpose",
+        "label": "Heading Purpose",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      { "name": "label", "label": "Heading Field Label", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "format", "label": "Heading XSLT Format", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "heading_xpath", "label": "Heading XPath", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "component_xpath",
+        "label": "Heading Component XPath",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "type_xpath",
+        "label": "Related/Variant Type XPath",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "thesaurus_xpath",
+        "label": "Thesaurus XPath",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "thesaurus_override_xpath",
+        "label": "Thesaurus Override XPath",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      { "name": "joiner", "label": "Joiner string", "datatype": "text" }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": {
+      "create": { "perms": ["CREATE_AUTHORITY_CONTROL_SET"] },
+      "retrieve": {},
+      "update": { "perms": ["UPDATE_AUTHORITY_CONTROL_SET"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["UPDATE_AUTHORITY_CONTROL_SET"] }
+    }
+  },
+  "ahn": {
+    "name": "ahn",
+    "label": "Hold Notification",
+    "table": "action.hold_notification",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.hold_notification_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "label": "Hold",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Notification ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      { "name": "method", "label": "Notification Method", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "note", "label": "Notification Note", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "notify_staff",
+        "label": "Notifying Staff",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "notify_time",
+        "label": "Notification Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": {
+      "create": { "perms": ["CREATE_HOLD_NOTIFICATION"] },
+      "retrieve": { "perms": ["VIEW_HOLD_NOTIFICATION"] },
+      "update": { "perms": ["CREATE_HOLD_NOTIFICATION"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["CREATE_HOLD_NOTIFICATION"] }
+    }
+  },
+  "ahopl": {
+    "name": "ahopl",
+    "label": "Hold On Pull List",
+    "source": "( SELECT ahr.*, COALESCE(acplo.position, acpl_ordered.fallback_position) AS copy_location_order_position, CASE WHEN au.alias IS NOT NULL THEN au.alias ELSE au.first_given_name END AS usr_alias_or_first_given_name, au.first_given_name AS usr_first_given_name, au.second_given_name AS usr_second_given_name, au.family_name AS usr_family_name, au.prefix AS usr_prefix, au.suffix AS usr_suffix, au.alias AS usr_alias, CASE WHEN au.alias IS NOT NULL THEN au.alias ELSE REGEXP_REPLACE(ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY[ COALESCE(au.family_name, ''), COALESCE(au.suffix, ''), ', ', COALESCE(au.prefix, ''), COALESCE(au.first_given_name, ''), COALESCE(au.second_given_name, '') ], ' '), E'\\s+,', ',') END AS usr_alias_or_display_name, REGEXP_REPLACE(ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY[ COALESCE(au.family_name, ''), COALESCE(au.suffix, ''), ', ', COALESCE(au.prefix, ''), COALESCE(au.first_given_name, ''), COALESCE(au.second_given_name, '') ], ' '), E'\\s+,', ',') AS usr_display_name, TRIM(acnp.label || ' ' || acn.label || ' ' || acns.label) AS call_number_label, siss.label AS issuance_label, (ahr.usr <> ahr.requestor) AS is_staff_hold, ahcm_1.copy_count AS potential_copies FROM action.hold_request ahr JOIN asset.copy acp ON ( = ahr.current_copy) JOIN asset.call_number acn ON (acp.call_number = JOIN asset.call_number_prefix acnp ON (acn.prefix = JOIN asset.call_number_suffix acns ON (acn.suffix = JOIN actor.usr au ON ( = ahr.usr) JOIN ( SELECT *, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) + 1000000) AS fallback_position FROM asset.copy_location ) acpl_ordered ON ( = acp.location) LEFT JOIN actor.usr_standing_penalty ausp  ON (ahr.usr = ausp.usr AND (ausp.stop_date IS NULL OR ausp.stop_date > NOW())) LEFT JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON ( = ausp.standing_penalty AND  csp.block_list LIKE '%CAPTURE%' AND ( (csp.org_depth IS NULL AND ahr.pickup_lib = ausp.org_unit) OR (csp.org_depth IS NOT NULL AND ahr.pickup_lib IN ( SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ausp.org_unit, csp.org_depth)) ) ) ) JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(target_copy) AS copy_count, hold FROM action.hold_copy_map GROUP BY 2 ) ahcm_1 ON (ahcm_1.hold = LEFT JOIN serial.issuance siss ON (ahr.hold_type = 'I' AND = LEFT JOIN asset.copy_location_order acplo ON (acp.location = acplo.location AND acp.circ_lib = WHERE ahr.capture_time IS NULL AND ahr.cancel_time IS NULL AND IS NULL AND (ahr.expire_time is NULL OR ahr.expire_time > NOW()) AND acp.status IN (0,7) )",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "status",
+        "label": "Status",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "transit",
+        "label": "Transit",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "hold",
+        "class": "ahtc",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "capture_time",
+        "label": "Capture Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "current_copy",
+        "label": "Currently Targeted Copy",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "email_notify",
+        "label": "Notify by Email?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "expire_time",
+        "label": "Hold Expire Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fulfillment_lib",
+        "label": "Fulfilling Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fulfillment_staff",
+        "label": "Fulfilling Staff",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fulfillment_time",
+        "label": "Fulfillment Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "hold_type", "label": "Hold Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "holdable_formats",
+        "label": "Holdable Formats (for M-type hold)",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Hold ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "phone_notify",
+        "label": "Notifications Phone Number",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "sms_notify",
+        "label": "Notifications SMS Number",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "sms_carrier",
+        "label": "Notifications SMS Carrier",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "csc",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "pickup_lib",
+        "label": "Pickup Library",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "prev_check_time",
+        "label": "Last Targeting Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "request_lib",
+        "label": "Requesting Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "request_time",
+        "label": "Request Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "requestor",
+        "label": "Requesting User",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "selection_depth",
+        "label": "Item Selection Depth",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "selection_ou",
+        "label": "Selection Locus",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      { "name": "target", "label": "Target Object ID", "datatype": "link" },
+      {
+        "name": "usr",
+        "label": "Hold User",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "cancel_time",
+        "label": "Hold Cancel Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "notify_time",
+        "label": "Notify Time",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "notify_count",
+        "label": "Notify Count",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+        "name": "notifications",
+        "label": "Notifications",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
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+        "class": "ahn",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "bib_rec",
+        "label": "Bib Record link",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "rhrr",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "eligible_copies",
+        "label": "Eligible Copies",
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "hold",
+        "class": "ahcm",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "frozen", "label": "Currently Frozen", "datatype": "bool" },
+      {
+        "name": "thaw_date",
+        "label": "Activation Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "shelf_time", "label": "Shelf Time", "datatype": "timestamp" },
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+        "name": "cancel_cause",
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+        "name": "cancel_note",
+        "label": "Cancelation note",
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+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "mint_condition",
+        "label": "Is Mint Condition",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "shelf_expire_time",
+        "label": "Shelf Expire Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "copy_location_order_position",
+        "label": "Copy Location Sort Order",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+        "name": "usr_first_given_name",
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+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "usr_second_given_name",
+        "label": "User Second Given Name",
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+      },
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+        "name": "usr_family_name",
+        "label": "User Family Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      { "name": "usr_suffix", "label": "User Suffix", "datatype": "text" },
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+        "name": "usr_alias_or_first_given_name",
+        "label": "User Alias or First Given Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "usr_display_name",
+        "label": "User Display Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "usr_alias_or_display_name",
+        "label": "User Alias or Display Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      { "name": "usr_alias", "label": "User Alias", "datatype": "text" },
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+        "name": "call_number_label",
+        "label": "Call Number Label",
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+      },
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+        "name": "issuance_label",
+        "label": "Issuance Label",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "is_staff_hold",
+        "label": "Is Staff Hold?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "potential_copies",
+        "label": "Potential Copies",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+  },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "expire_time",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "prev_check_time",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "usr",
+        "label": "Hold User",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "label": "Hold Cancel Date/Time",
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+      },
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "label": "Notify Count",
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+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "thaw_date",
+        "label": "Activation Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "cancel_cause",
+        "label": "Cancelation cause",
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+        "key": "id",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "cancel_note",
+        "label": "Cancelation note",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "mint_condition",
+        "label": "Is Mint Condition",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "shelf_expire_time",
+        "label": "Shelf Expire Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "notes",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      }
+    ],
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+  },
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+    "name": "ahrcc",
+    "label": "Hold Request Cancel Cause",
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+    "fields": [
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+      }
+    ],
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+      "update": { "perms": ["ADMIN_HOLD_CANCEL_CAUSE"] },
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+    }
+  },
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+      { "name": "id", "label": "ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+      },
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+      { "name": "pub", "label": "Pub?", "datatype": "bool" },
+      { "name": "staff", "label": "Staff?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ],
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+      "create": { "perms": ["UPDATE_HOLD"] },
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+      "delete": { "perms": ["UPDATE_HOLD"] }
+    }
+  },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ccs",
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "name": "dest_recv_time",
+        "label": "Receive Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "hold",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Transit ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "name": "persistant_transfer",
+        "label": "Is Persistent?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "source",
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+        "name": "source_send_time",
+        "label": "Send Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "prev_dest",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "name": "cancel_time",
+        "label": "Cancel Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      }
+    ],
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+    }
+  },
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+      },
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+      },
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+    ],
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+  },
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+    "name": "aiit",
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+    ],
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+      "create": { "perms": ["CREATE_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE"] },
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+      "update": { "perms": ["UPDATE_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["DELETE_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE"] }
+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "alci",
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+    "core": true,
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+      { "name": "id", "label": "Latest Inventory ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "label": "Latest Inventory Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "inventory_workstation",
+        "label": "Latest Inventory Workstation",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aws",
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+  },
+  "alhr": {
+    "name": "alhr",
+    "label": "Last Captured Hold Request",
+    "source": "( SELECT ahr.* FROM action.hold_request ahr JOIN (SELECT current_copy, MAX(capture_time) AS capture_time FROM action.hold_request WHERE capture_time IS NOT NULL AND current_copy IS NOT NULL AND fulfillment_time IS NULL GROUP BY current_copy)x USING (current_copy, capture_time) )",
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+        "label": "Status",
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+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "capture_time",
+        "label": "Capture Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "label": "Notify by Email?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+        "name": "expire_time",
+        "label": "Hold Expire Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Notifications Phone Number",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "name": "prev_check_time",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "label": "Request Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+        "label": "Hold Cancel Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "class": "ahcm",
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+      },
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+        "name": "thaw_date",
+        "label": "Activation Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "label": "Cancelation cause",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahrcc",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
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+      },
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+        "name": "cancel_note",
+        "label": "Cancelation note",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "mint_condition",
+        "label": "Is Mint Condition",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "shelf_expire_time",
+        "label": "Shelf Expire Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "label": "Notes",
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aur",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      }
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+  },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ccmm",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "id"
+      },
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+      { "name": "fail_part", "label": "Failure Part", "datatype": "text" }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "ancc",
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+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.non_cataloged_circulation_id_seq",
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+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "name": "circ_time",
+        "label": "Circulation Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Non-cat Circulation ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "name": "item_type",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "label": "Patron",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "staff",
+        "label": "Circulating Staff",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "duedate",
+        "label": "Virtual Due Date/Time",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": { "perms": ["VIEW_CIRCULATIONS"] } }
+  },
+  "ancihu": {
+    "name": "ancihu",
+    "label": "Non-cataloged In House Use",
+    "table": "action.non_cat_in_house_use",
+    "core": true,
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.non_cat_in_house_use_id_seq",
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+      { "name": "id", "label": "Use ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "org_unit",
+        "label": "Using Library",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+    ],
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+  },
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+    "name": "aoa",
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+      { "name": "county", "datatype": "text" },
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+      { "name": "street2", "datatype": "text" },
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+      { "name": "san", "label": "SAN", "datatype": "text" }
+    ],
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+    }
+  },
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+      },
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+      { "name": "id", "datatype": "id" },
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+      },
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+  },
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+        "name": "can_have_vols",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "max_delay",
+        "label": "Max Event Validity Delay",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
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+        "name": "delay_field",
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "reltype": "has_a",
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+      },
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+        "label": "Event Repeatability Delay",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
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+        "name": "message_template",
+        "label": "Message Template",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "message_usr_path",
+        "label": "Message User Path",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "message_library_path",
+        "label": "Message Library Path",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "retention_interval",
+        "label": "Retention Interval",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      }
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+      "create": {
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      }
+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "atevparam",
+    "label": "Trigger Event Parameter",
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+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Parameter ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "atevdef",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      { "name": "value", "label": "Parameter Value", "datatype": "text" }
+    ],
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+      "create": {
+      },
+      "retrieve": {
+      },
+      "update": {
+      },
+      "delete": {
+      }
+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "ath",
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+    "table": "action_trigger.hook",
+    "pkey": "key",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "key", "label": "Hook Key", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "core_type", "label": "Core Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "description",
+        "label": "Description",
+        "i18n": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      { "name": "passive", "label": "Passive", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": {
+      "create": { "perms": ["ADMIN_TRIGGER_HOOK", "CREATE_TRIGGER_HOOK"] },
+      "retrieve": {},
+      "update": { "perms": ["ADMIN_TRIGGER_HOOK", "UPDATE_TRIGGER_HOOK"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["ADMIN_TRIGGER_HOOK", "DELETE_TRIGGER_HOOK"] }
+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "atreact",
+    "label": "Trigger Event Reactor",
+    "table": "action_trigger.reactor",
+    "pkey": "module",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "module", "label": "Module Name", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "description",
+        "label": "Description",
+        "i18n": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      }
+    ],
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+      "create": {
+      },
+      "retrieve": {},
+      "update": {
+      },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["ADMIN_TRIGGER_REACTOR", "DELETE_TRIGGER_REACTOR"] }
+    }
+  },
+  "atul": {
+    "name": "atul",
+    "label": "Action Trigger User Log",
+    "source": "( SELECT atevdef.hook,, atevdef.reactor,, atev.event_def, atev.add_time, atev.run_time, atev.start_time, atev.update_time, atev.complete_time, atev.update_process, atev.state, atev.user_data, atev.template_output, atev.error_output, atev.async_output, AS target_circ, AS target_hold, COALESCE( targ_circ.circ_lib, targ_ahr.pickup_lib ) AS perm_lib FROM action_trigger.event atev JOIN action_trigger.event_definition atevdef ON ( = atev.event_def) JOIN action_trigger.hook ath ON (ath.key = atevdef.hook) LEFT JOIN action.circulation targ_circ ON (ath.core_type = 'circ' AND = LEFT JOIN action.hold_request targ_ahr ON (ath.core_type = 'ahr' AND = WHERE atev.add_time > NOW() - (SELECT MIN(value) FROM ( SELECT value::INTERVAL FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting( 'circ.staff.max_visible_event_age', COALESCE(targ_circ.circ_lib, targ_ahr.pickup_lib) ) UNION SELECT '1000 YEARS'::INTERVAL AS value ) ous) )",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hook",
+        "label": "Hook",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "key",
+        "class": "ath",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "name", "label": "Name", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "reactor", "label": "Reactor", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Event ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "event_def",
+        "label": "Event Definition ID",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "add_time",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "run_time",
+        "label": "Event Run Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "start_time",
+        "label": "Event Start Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "update_time",
+        "label": "Event Update Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "complete_time",
+        "label": "Event Complete Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "update_process",
+        "label": "Event Update PID",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+        "name": "template_output",
+        "label": "Event Template Output",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ateo",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "error_output",
+        "label": "Event Error Output",
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+        "class": "ateo",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "label": "Event Async Output",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ateo",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "label": "Target Circulation",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "circ",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "target_hold",
+        "label": "Target Hold",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+  },
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+    "label": "Trigger Condition Validator",
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+        "datatype": "text"
+      }
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+      },
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+      },
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+      }
+    }
+  },
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+      },
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+        "class": "ac",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "usr",
+        "class": "circ",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "hold_requests",
+        "label": "All Hold Requests",
+        "virtual": true,
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "usr",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_many",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "permissions",
+        "label": "All Permissions",
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+        "class": "pupm",
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+      },
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+        "label": "All User Settings",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Workstation ID",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Privilege Expiration Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Last Transaction ID",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "master_account",
+        "label": "Is Group Lead Account",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+        "name": "net_access_level",
+        "label": "Internet Access Level",
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "last_update_time",
+        "label": "Record Last Update Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "label": "Preferred Prefix",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "User Notes",
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "key": "usr",
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+      },
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+        "name": "money_summary",
+        "label": "Money Summary",
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "usr",
+        "class": "mus",
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+      },
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+        "name": "open_billable_transactions_summary",
+        "label": "Open Billable Transactions",
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+        "type": "link",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "checkins",
+        "label": "Checkins",
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "checkin_staff",
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+      },
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+        "label": "Circulations Performed as Staff",
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+        "key": "circ_staff",
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+      },
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+        "name": "fund_alloc_pcts",
+        "label": "Fund Allocation Percentages",
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "allocator",
+        "class": "acqfap",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "reservations",
+        "label": "Reservations",
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "usr",
+        "class": "bresv",
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+      },
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+        "name": "usr_activity",
+        "label": "User Activity Entries",
+        "virtual": true,
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+        "key": "usr",
+        "class": "auact",
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+      },
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+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": { "perms": ["VIEW_USER", "user_request.view"] } }
+  },
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+    "name": "aua",
+    "label": "User Address",
+    "table": "actor.usr_address",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_address_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "address_type", "label": "Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "city", "label": "City", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "country", "label": "Country", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "county", "label": "County", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Address ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      { "name": "post_code", "label": "Postal Code", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "state", "label": "State", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "street1", "label": "Street (1)", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "street2", "label": "Street (2)", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
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+        "label": "User",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "valid", "label": "Valid Address?", "datatype": "bool" },
+      {
+        "name": "within_city_limits",
+        "label": "Within City Limits?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "replaces",
+        "label": "Replaces",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aua",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "pending", "label": "Pending", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": {
+      "create": { "perms": ["UPDATE_USER"] },
+      "retrieve": { "perms": ["VIEW_USER"] },
+      "update": { "perms": ["UPDATE_USER"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["UPDATE_USER"] }
+    }
+  },
+  "auact": {
+    "name": "auact",
+    "label": "User Activity",
+    "table": "actor.usr_activity",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_activity_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+        "class": "au",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "etype",
+        "label": "Activity Type",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "cuat",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "event_time", "label": "Event Time", "datatype": "timestamp" }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": { "perms": ["RUN_REPORTS"] } }
+  },
+  "auch": {
+    "name": "auch",
+    "label": "User Checkout History",
+    "table": "action.usr_circ_history",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.usr_circ_history_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "target_copy",
+        "label": "Circulating Item",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "checkin_time",
+        "label": "Checkin Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "due_date", "label": "Due Date", "datatype": "timestamp" },
+      {
+        "name": "xact_start",
+        "label": "Checkout Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "source_circ",
+        "label": "Source Circulation",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "circ",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aufh": {
+    "name": "aufh",
+    "label": "Unfulfilled Hold Targets",
+    "table": "action.unfulfilled_hold_list",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "action.unfulfilled_hold_list_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "current_copy",
+        "label": "Non-fulfilling Copy",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "fail_time",
+        "label": "Retargeting Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "label": "Hold",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Record ID", "datatype": "id" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aufhil": {
+    "name": "aufhil",
+    "table": "action.unfulfilled_hold_innermost_loop",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "label": "Hold ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
+        "label": "Circulating Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "count", "label": "Loop Count", "datatype": "int" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aufhl": {
+    "name": "aufhl",
+    "table": "action.unfulfilled_hold_loops",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "label": "Hold ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
+        "label": "Circulating Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "count", "label": "Loop Count", "datatype": "int" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aufhml": {
+    "name": "aufhml",
+    "table": "action.unfulfilled_hold_min_loop",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "label": "Hold ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "min", "label": "Min Loop", "datatype": "int" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aufhmxl": {
+    "name": "aufhmxl",
+    "table": "action.unfulfilled_hold_max_loop",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "label": "Hold ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "max", "label": "Max Loop", "datatype": "int" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aufhol": {
+    "name": "aufhol",
+    "source": "( SELECT  DISTINCT l.* FROM  action.unfulfilled_hold_loops l JOIN action.unfulfilled_hold_max_loop m USING (hold) WHERE l.count = m.max )",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "hold",
+        "label": "Hold ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
+        "label": "Circulating Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "count", "label": "Loop Count", "datatype": "int" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "aum": {
+    "name": "aum",
+    "label": "User Message",
+    "table": "actor.usr_message",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_message_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "create_date",
+        "label": "Creation Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "read_date",
+        "label": "Read Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "sending_lib",
+        "label": "Creating Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      { "name": "deleted", "label": "Deleted?", "datatype": "bool" },
+      { "name": "title", "label": "Title", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "usr",
+        "label": "User",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+    ],
+    "permacrud": {
+      "retrieve": { "perms": ["VIEW_USER"] },
+      "update": { "perms": ["UPDATE_USER"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["UPDATE_USER"] }
+    }
+  },
+  "auml": {
+    "name": "auml",
+    "label": "User Message (Limited Access)",
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+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "actor.usr_message_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "create_date",
+        "label": "Creation Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "read_date",
+        "label": "Read Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "sending_lib",
+        "label": "Creating Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
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+      },
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+      },
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+  },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        ]
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "datatype": "link"
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+    "fields": [
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+      },
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+      },
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+    ],
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+    }
+  },
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+        "i18n": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "magnetic_media",
+        "label": "Magnetic Media",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "avg_wait_time",
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+      }
+    ],
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+    }
+  },
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+  },
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+        "key": "id",
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "datatype": "link"
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+        "name": "usr_age_lower_bound",
+        "label": "User Age: Lower Bound",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "usr_age_upper_bound",
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "label": "Grace Period Override",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
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+      {
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+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
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+        "name": "available_copy_hold_ratio",
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+      },
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+    ],
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+      },
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+  },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+    ],
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+      { "name": "enabled", "label": "Enabled", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ],
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+    }
+  },
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+    ],
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+        "label": "Strict OU matches?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      },
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+      { "name": "item_age", "label": "Item Age <", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "holdable", "label": "Holdable?", "datatype": "bool" },
+      {
+        "name": "distance_is_from_owner",
+        "label": "Range is from Owning Lib?",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+        "name": "transit_range",
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+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "include_frozen_holds",
+        "label": "Max includes Frozen",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "age_hold_protect_rule",
+        "label": "Copy Age Hold Protection Rule",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
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+      },
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+    ],
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+      "create": { "perms": ["ADMIN_HOLD_MATRIX_MATCHPOINT"] },
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+      },
+      "update": { "perms": ["ADMIN_HOLD_MATRIX_MATCHPOINT"] },
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+  },
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+        "name": "id",
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+      },
+      { "name": "name", "label": "Name", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
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+        "label": "User Home Library",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      { "name": "request_ou", "label": "Request Library", "datatype": "float" },
+      { "name": "pickup_ou", "label": "Pickup Library", "datatype": "float" },
+      {
+        "name": "item_owning_ou",
+        "label": "Owning Library",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "item_circ_ou",
+        "label": "Item Circ Library",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "usr_grp",
+        "label": "User Permission Group",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "requestor_grp",
+        "label": "Requestor Permission Group",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_modifier",
+        "label": "Circulation Modifier",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
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+      { "name": "marc_form", "label": "MARC Form", "datatype": "float" },
+      {
+        "name": "marc_bib_level",
+        "label": "MARC Bib Level",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "marc_vr_format",
+        "label": "Videorecording Format",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      { "name": "juvenile_flag", "label": "Juvenile?", "datatype": "float" },
+      { "name": "ref_flag", "label": "Reference?", "datatype": "float" },
+      { "name": "item_age", "label": "Item Age <", "datatype": "float" }
+    ],
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+      "create": { "perms": ["ADMIN_HOLD_MATRIX_MATCHPOINT"] },
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+      "update": { "perms": ["ADMIN_HOLD_MATRIX_MATCHPOINT"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["ADMIN_HOLD_MATRIX_MATCHPOINT"] }
+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "cifm",
+    "label": "Item Form Map",
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+    "pkey_sequence": "",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "code",
+        "label": "Item Form Code",
+        "selector": "value",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "value",
+        "label": "Item Form",
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+        "datatype": "text"
+      }
+    ],
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+      "create": { "perms": ["ADMIN_MARC_CODE"] },
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+      "update": { "perms": ["ADMIN_MARC_CODE"] },
+      "delete": { "perms": ["ADMIN_MARC_CODE"] }
+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "cin",
+    "label": "Indexing Normalizer",
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+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+      {
+        "name": "description",
+        "label": "Description",
+        "i18n": true,
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "param_count",
+        "label": "Required Parameter Count",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      }
+    ],
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+  },
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+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "money.billable_xact_id_seq",
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+        "class": "aou",
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "name": "checkin_staff",
+        "label": "Check In Staff",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "checkin_time",
+        "label": "Check In Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Circulating Staff",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "au",
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+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      { "name": "due_date", "label": "Due Date/Time", "datatype": "timestamp" },
+      {
+        "name": "duration",
+        "label": "Circulation Duration",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
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+        "name": "duration_rule",
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+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "name",
+        "class": "crcd",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+        "name": "fine_interval",
+        "label": "Fine Interval",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Circ ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+      },
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+        "name": "recurring_fine",
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+        "datatype": "money"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "renewal_remaining",
+        "label": "Remaining Renewals",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+        "name": "grace_period",
+        "label": "Grace Period",
+        "datatype": "interval"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "stop_fines_time",
+        "label": "Fine Stop Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Transaction Finish Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "xact_start",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "create_time",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "checkin_scan_time",
+        "label": "Checkin Scan Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+  },
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+  },
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+      },
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+      { "name": "name", "label": "Name", "i18n": true, "datatype": "text" },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Patron Birth Year",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Hold Cancel Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "thaw_date",
+        "label": "Activation Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "mint_condition",
+        "label": "Is Mint Condition",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+        "label": "Shelf Expire Time",
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+      },
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+  },
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+      { "name": "extended", "datatype": "interval" },
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+    ],
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+      },
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+      { "name": "id", "label": "ID", "datatype": "id" },
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+      },
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+      },
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+  },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "deleted_count",
+        "label": "Total deleted copies",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "visible_count",
+        "label": "Total visible copies",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "total_count",
+        "label": "Total copies attached",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "erfcc",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
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+  },
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+    ],
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+  },
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+  },
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+    }
+  },
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+    "name": "iatc",
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+        "class": "ccs",
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+        "label": "Destination",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
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+      },
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+        "label": "Receive Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Transit ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "persistant_transfer",
+        "label": "Is Persistent? (unused)",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
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+        "name": "prev_hop",
+        "label": "Previous Hop (unused)",
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+    "name": "puwoum",
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+      },
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "Recalculation Interval",
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+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "last_calc",
+        "label": "Last Refresh Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+    }
+  },
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+        "label": "Billing Location Short (Policy) Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "billing_location_name",
+        "label": "Billing Location Name",
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+      },
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+      },
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+        "label": "User Home Library Short (Policy) Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "usr_home_ou_name",
+        "label": "User Home Library Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      },
+      {
+        "name": "xact_start",
+        "label": "Transaction Start Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "xact_finish",
+        "label": "Transaction End Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      { "name": "xact_type", "label": "Transaction Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "total_paid", "label": "Total Paid", "datatype": "money" },
+      { "name": "total_owed", "label": "Total Billed", "datatype": "money" },
+      {
+        "name": "last_payment_ts",
+        "label": "Last Payment Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_payment_note",
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+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "label": "Last Payment Type",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "label": "Last Billing Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "name": "last_billing_note",
+        "label": "Last Billing Note",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "last_billing_type",
+        "label": "Last Billing Type",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "demographic_general_division",
+        "label": "User Age Demographic",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      { "name": "patron_zip", "label": "User ZIP Code", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "balance_owed", "label": "Balance Owed", "datatype": "money" },
+      {
+        "name": "profile_group",
+        "label": "User Profile Group",
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+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+      {
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+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "id"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "circ_lib",
+        "label": "Library Circulation Location Short (Policy) Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "label": "Library Circulation Location Link",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "name": "xact_start",
+        "label": "Circulation Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
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+        "label": "Owning Library Short (Policy) Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      { "name": "item_form", "label": "MARC Form", "datatype": "text" },
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+      {
+        "name": "shelving_location",
+        "label": "Shelving Location",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "profile_group",
+        "label": "Patron Profile Group",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "demographic_general_division",
+        "label": "Patron Age Demographic",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+      },
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+        "name": "call_number_label",
+        "label": "Call Number Label",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "dewey",
+        "label": "Call Number Dewey/Prefix",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "label": "Patron Link",
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+        "class": "au",
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+      },
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+        "label": "Patron Home Library Link",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
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+      },
+      {
+        "name": "patron_home_lib_shortname",
+        "label": "Patron Home Library Short (Policy) Name",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      { "name": "patron_county", "label": "Patron County", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "patron_city", "label": "Patron City", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "patron_zip", "label": "Patron ZIP Code", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "stat_cat_1",
+        "label": "Legacy CAT1 Link",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "rsce1",
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+      },
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "rsce2",
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+      },
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+        "name": "dewey_range_tens",
+        "label": "Dewey Range - Tens",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "dewey_range_hundreds",
+        "label": "Dewey Range - Hundreds",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "dewey_block_tens",
+        "label": "Dewey Block - Tens",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
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+        "name": "dewey_block_hundreds",
+        "label": "Dewey Block - Hundreds",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "stat_cat_1_value",
+        "label": "Legacy CAT1 Value",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "stat_cat_2_value",
+        "label": "Legacy CAT2 Value",
+        "datatype": "text"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "rcirct": {
+    "name": "rcirct",
+    "label": "Circulation Type",
+    "table": "reporter.circ_type",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "id",
+        "label": "Circulation ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "circ",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "id"
+      },
+      { "name": "type", "label": "Circulation Type", "datatype": "text" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "rhcrpb": {
+    "name": "rhcrpb",
+    "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio per Bib",
+    "core": true,
+    "source": "( SELECT y.bre AS id, COALESCE( x.copy_count, 0 ) AS copy_count, y.hold_count AS hold_count, (y.hold_count::REAL / (CASE WHEN x.copy_count = 0 OR x.copy_count IS NULL THEN 0.1 ELSE x.copy_count::REAL END)) AS hold_copy_ratio FROM ( SELECT (SELECT bib_record FROM reporter.hold_request_record r WHERE = LIMIT 1) AS bre, COUNT(*) AS hold_count FROM action.hold_request h WHERE cancel_time IS NULL AND fulfillment_time IS NULL GROUP BY 1 )y LEFT JOIN ( SELECT  (SELECT id FROM biblio.record_entry  WHERE id = (SELECT record FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = call_number and deleted is false) ) AS bre,  COUNT(*) AS copy_count FROM asset.copy JOIN asset.copy_location loc ON (copy.location = AND loc.holdable) WHERE copy.holdable  AND NOT copy.deleted  AND copy.status IN ( SELECT id FROM config.copy_status WHERE holdable )  GROUP BY 1 )x ON x.bre = y.bre )",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "biblio.record_entry",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "id",
+        "label": "Record ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "bre",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "id"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "copy_count",
+        "label": "Holdable Copy Count",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      { "name": "hold_count", "label": "Active Holds", "datatype": "int" },
+      {
+        "name": "hold_copy_ratio",
+        "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": {} }
+  },
+  "rhcrpbap": {
+    "name": "rhcrpbap",
+    "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio per Bib and Pickup Library",
+    "source": "( SELECT *, CASE WHEN copy_count_at_pickup_library = 0 THEN 'Infinity'::FLOAT ELSE holds_at_pickup_library::FLOAT/copy_count_at_pickup_library END AS pickup_library_ratio, CASE WHEN copy_count_everywhere = 0 THEN 'Infinity'::FLOAT ELSE holds_everywhere::FLOAT/copy_count_everywhere END AS everywhere_ratio FROM (SELECT bib_record as id, pickup_lib, count(DISTINCT AS holds_at_pickup_library, COALESCE(count(DISTINCT,0) as copy_count_at_pickup_library FROM action.hold_request ahr JOIN reporter.hold_request_record rhrr USING (id) LEFT JOIN action.hold_copy_map ahcm ON ( = ahcm.hold) LEFT JOIN asset.copy ac ON (ahcm.target_copy = AND ahr.pickup_lib = ac.circ_lib) WHERE ahr.cancel_time IS NULL AND ahr.fulfillment_time IS NULL GROUP BY bib_record, pickup_lib )x JOIN (SELECT bib_record as id, count(DISTINCT AS holds_everywhere, COALESCE(count(DISTINCT target_copy),0) as copy_count_everywhere FROM action.hold_request ahr JOIN reporter.hold_request_record rhrr USING (id) LEFT JOIN action.hold_copy_map ahcm ON ( = ahcm.hold) WHERE ahr.cancel_time IS NULL AND ahr.fulfillment_time IS NULL GROUP BY bib_record )y USING (id) )",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "biblio.record_entry",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "id",
+        "label": "Record ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "bre",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "pickup_lib",
+        "label": "Pickup Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "holds_at_pickup_library",
+        "label": "Active Holds at Pickup Library",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "copy_count_at_pickup_library",
+        "label": "Holdable Copy Count at Pickup Library",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "holds_everywhere",
+        "label": "Active Holds Everywhere",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "copy_count_everywhere",
+        "label": "Holdable Copy Count Everywhere",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "pickup_library_ratio",
+        "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio at Pickup Library",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "everywhere_ratio",
+        "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio Everywhere",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": {} }
+  },
+  "rhcrpbapd": {
+    "name": "rhcrpbapd",
+    "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio per Bib and Pickup Library (and Descendants) ",
+    "source": "( WITH counts_at_ou AS ( SELECT  rhrr.bib_record AS id, AS pickup_lib_or_desc, COUNT(DISTINCT AS holds_at_or_below, COALESCE(COUNT(DISTINCT,0) AS copy_count_at_or_below FROM  actor.org_unit aou JOIN actor.org_unit_type aout ON (aou.ou_type =, action.hold_request ahr JOIN reporter.hold_request_record rhrr USING (id) LEFT JOIN action.hold_copy_map ahcm ON ( = ahcm.hold) LEFT JOIN asset.copy ac ON (ahcm.target_copy = WHERE ahr.cancel_time IS NULL AND ahr.fulfillment_time IS NULL AND ac.circ_lib IN (SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( AND (actor.org_unit_ancestor_at_depth(ahr.pickup_lib,aout.depth)).id = (actor.org_unit_ancestor_at_depth(ac.circ_lib,aout.depth)).id GROUP BY 1, 2 ) SELECT, x.pickup_lib_or_desc, x.holds_at_or_below, x.copy_count_at_or_below, y.holds_everywhere, y.copy_count_everywhere, CASE WHEN copy_count_at_or_below = 0 THEN 'Infinity'::FLOAT ELSE x.holds_at_or_below::FLOAT/x.copy_count_at_or_below END AS hold_copy_ratio_at_or_below_ou, CASE WHEN copy_count_everywhere = 0 THEN 'Infinity'::FLOAT ELSE y.holds_everywhere::FLOAT/y.copy_count_everywhere END AS everywhere_ratio FROM counts_at_ou x JOIN (SELECT bib_record AS id, count(DISTINCT AS holds_everywhere, COALESCE(count(DISTINCT target_copy),0) as copy_count_everywhere FROM action.hold_request ahr JOIN reporter.hold_request_record rhrr USING (id) LEFT JOIN action.hold_copy_map ahcm ON ( = ahcm.hold) WHERE ahr.cancel_time IS NULL AND ahr.fulfillment_time IS NULL GROUP BY bib_record )y USING (id) )",
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+    "pkey_sequence": "biblio.record_entry",
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+      {
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+        "class": "bre",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "pickup_lib_or_desc",
+        "label": "Pickup Library",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "holds_at_or_below",
+        "label": "Active Holds at Pickup Library and its Descendants",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "copy_count_at_or_below",
+        "label": "Holdable Copy Count at Pickup Library and its Descendants",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "holds_everywhere",
+        "label": "Active Holds Everywhere",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "copy_count_everywhere",
+        "label": "Holdable Copy Count Everywhere",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "hold_copy_ratio_at_or_below_ou",
+        "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio at Pickup Library and its Descendants",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "everywhere_ratio",
+        "label": "Hold/Copy Ratio Everywhere",
+        "datatype": "float"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": {} }
+  },
+  "rhr": {
+    "name": "rhr",
+    "virtual": true,
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "public_name", "virtual": true, "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "target_url", "virtual": true, "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "target_coverage", "virtual": true, "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "target_embargo", "virtual": true, "datatype": "text" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "rhrr": {
+    "name": "rhrr",
+    "label": "Hold Request Record",
+    "table": "reporter.hold_request_record",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "name": "id",
+        "label": "Hold ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "ahr",
+        "reltype": "might_have",
+        "datatype": "id"
+      },
+      { "name": "target", "label": "Hold Target", "datatype": "int" },
+      { "name": "hold_type", "label": "Hold Request Type", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "bib_record",
+        "label": "Target Bib Record",
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "bre",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
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+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "rlc",
+    "label": "Last Circulation or Creation Date",
+    "source": "( SELECT, COALESCE(MAX(actac.xact_start), ac.create_date) AS last_circ_or_create, MAX(actac.xact_start) AS last_circ FROM asset.copy ac LEFT JOIN action.all_circulation actac ON = actac.target_copy GROUP BY )",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "biblio.record_entry",
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+      {
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+        "class": "acp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_circ_or_create",
+        "label": "Last Circulation or Creation Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_circ",
+        "label": "Last Circulation Date",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": {} }
+  },
+  "rlcd": {
+    "name": "rlcd",
+    "label": "Last Copy Delete Time",
+    "core": true,
+    "source": "( SELECT, MAX(dcp.edit_date) AS last_delete_date FROM   biblio.record_entry b JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.record = JOIN asset.copy dcp ON ( = dcp.call_number) WHERE  NOT b.deleted GROUP BY HAVING SUM( CASE WHEN NOT dcp.deleted THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0  )",
+    "pkey": "id",
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+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "id"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "last_delete_date",
+        "label": "Delete Date/Time",
+        "datatype": "timestamp"
+      }
+    ],
+    "permacrud": { "retrieve": {} }
+  },
+  "rmobbcol": {
+    "name": "rmobbcol",
+    "label": "Open Circulation Balance by Circulating Library and Owning Library",
+    "table": "money.open_balance_by_circ_and_owning_lib",
+    "core": true,
+    "pkey": "circ_lib",
+    "fields": [
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+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "aou",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+        "key": "id",
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+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+      { "name": "balance", "label": "Balance", "datatype": "money" }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "rmobbhol",
+    "label": "Open Circulation Balance by User Home Library and Owning Library",
+    "table": "money.open_balance_by_usr_home_and_owning_lib",
+    "core": true,
+    "pkey": "home_ou",
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+        "name": "home_ou",
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+    ]
+  },
+  "rmobbol": {
+    "name": "rmobbol",
+    "label": "Open Circulation Balance by Owning Library",
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+    "pkey": "owning_lib",
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+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "rmocbbcol",
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
+      },
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+      },
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+      { "name": "billed", "label": "Total Billed", "datatype": "money" }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "rmocbbhol",
+    "label": "Open Circulation Billing by User Home Library and Owning Library",
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+        "datatype": "org_unit"
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+  },
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+    ]
+  },
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+      {
+        "name": "quality",
+        "label": "Overall Record Quality",
+        "datatype": "int"
+      },
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+  },
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+      },
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+      },
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+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "left_operand",
+        "label": "Left Operand",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "cast_type",
+        "label": "Cast Type",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qdt",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xcol": {
+    "name": "xcol",
+    "label": "Column Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xcol",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "name": "xex",
+    "label": "Exists Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xex",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "seq_no", "label": "Sequence Number", "datatype": "int" },
+      {
+        "name": "subquery",
+        "label": "Subquery",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qsq",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xfunc": {
+    "name": "xfunc",
+    "label": "Function Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xfunc",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "function_id",
+        "label": "Function ID",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qfs",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xin": {
+    "name": "xin",
+    "label": "In Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xin",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "left_operand",
+        "label": "Left Operand",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "subquery",
+        "label": "Subquery",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qsq",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xisnull": {
+    "name": "xisnull",
+    "label": "IS NULL Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xisnull",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
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+      {
+        "name": "left_operand",
+        "label": "Left Operand",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xnull": {
+    "name": "xnull",
+    "label": "Null Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xnull",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "seq_no", "label": "Sequence Number", "datatype": "int" },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xnum": {
+    "name": "xnum",
+    "label": "Number Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xnum",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "seq_no", "label": "Sequence Number", "datatype": "int" },
+      { "name": "literal", "label": "Literal", "datatype": "text" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xop": {
+    "name": "xop",
+    "label": "Operator Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xop",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "seq_no", "label": "Sequence Number", "datatype": "int" },
+      {
+        "name": "left_operand",
+        "label": "Left Operand",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "operator", "label": "Operator", "datatype": "text" },
+      {
+        "name": "right_operand",
+        "label": "Right Operand",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xser": {
+    "name": "xser",
+    "label": "Operator Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xser",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "seq_no", "label": "Sequence Number", "datatype": "int" },
+      { "name": "operator", "label": "Operator", "datatype": "text" },
+      { "name": "negate", "label": "Negate?", "datatype": "bool" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xstr": {
+    "name": "xstr",
+    "label": "String Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xstr",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "seq_no", "label": "Sequence Number", "datatype": "int" },
+      { "name": "literal", "label": "Literal", "datatype": "text" }
+    ]
+  },
+  "xsubq": {
+    "name": "xsubq",
+    "label": "Subquery Expression",
+    "table": "query.expr_xsubq",
+    "pkey": "id",
+    "pkey_sequence": "query.expression_id_seq",
+    "fields": [
+      { "name": "id", "label": "Expression ID", "datatype": "id" },
+      {
+        "name": "parenthesize",
+        "label": "Is Parenthesized",
+        "datatype": "bool"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "parent_expr",
+        "label": "Parent Expression",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qxp",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      },
+      { "name": "seq_no", "label": "Sequence Number", "datatype": "int" },
+      {
+        "name": "subquery",
+        "label": "Subquery",
+        "type": "link",
+        "key": "id",
+        "class": "qsq",
+        "reltype": "has_a",
+        "datatype": "link"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
index f66a5d3..788e25b 100644 (file)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class templateController {
                                        else {  //display the template form
                                                $typeListData = $templateObj->getTemplateTypesList();
                                                $groupListData = $templateObj->getTemplategroupsList();
-                                               $template->doc_url=json_decode($template->dataDecoded)->docURL;
+                                               isset($template->doc_url) ? $template->doc_url=json_decode($template->dataDecoded)->docURL : false;
                                                $templateView->displayTemplateInfoForm($template, $typeListData, $groupListData);
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4721609
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/PINESLogo.gif differ
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d793822
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/pinetree-banner.png differ
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 97f10f0..b1ee082 100644 (file)
@@ -156,7 +156,23 @@ class report extends db
                                        return $fieldDocArray;
+                               case 'config.circ_modifier':
+                                       $query = 'select code as id, name from config.circ_modifier order by name';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'config.item_form_map':
+                                       $query = 'select code as id, value as name from config.item_form_map order by value';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'config.language_map':
+                                       $query = 'select code as id, value as name from config.language_map order by value';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'config.audience_map':
+                                       $query = 'select code as id, value as name from config.audience_map order by value';
+                                       break;
                                        return NULL;
diff --git a/models/temp.json b/models/temp.json
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f91c4cf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"docURL":"","reportColumns":{"0":{"name":"Circulating Library","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"1":{"name":"Shelving Location","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"2":{"name":"Copy Status","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"3":{"name":"Precat Title","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"4":{"name":"Precat Author","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"5":{"name":"Precat Call Number","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"6":{"name":"Barcode","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"7":{"name":"Creation Date\/Time","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"8":{"name":"Last Edit Date\/Time","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"9":{"name":"Name","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"},"10":{"name":"OPAC\/Staff Client User Name","aggregate":false,"transformLabel":"Raw Data"}},"userParams":{"0":{"column":"Item","transform":"Bare","transformLabel":"Raw Data","op":"=","opLabel":"Equals","param":"::P0","fieldDoc":"","aggregate":"","dataType":"bool","table":"asset.copy","paramType":"user"}},"staticParams":{"0":{"column":"Item -> Call Number\/Volume","transform":"Bare","transformLabel":"Raw Data","op":"=","opLabel":"Equals","param":"1","fieldDoc":"","aggregate":"","dataType":"org_unit","table":"asset.call_number","paramType":"static"},"1":{"column":"Item -> Call Number\/Volume","transform":"Bare","transformLabel":"Raw Data","op":"=","opLabel":"Equals","param":"UNCATALOGED","fieldDoc":"","aggregate":"","dataType":"org_unit","table":"asset.call_number","paramType":"static"},"2":{"column":"Item","transform":"Bare","transformLabel":"Raw Data","op":"=","opLabel":"Equals","param":"f","fieldDoc":"","aggregate":"","dataType":"bool","table":"asset.copy","paramType":"static"}}}
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..89e6f75
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@@ -7,127 +7,172 @@ class templateDecoder
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-               if (NULL == $jsonData) {
-                       new displayMessageView('JSON format error decoding template data.');
-                       return NULL;
-               }
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-                       new displayMessageView('Error: Invalid template version: '.$version);
-                       return NULL;
-               }
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+                   new displayMessageView( "Error: Invalid template version. Must be Version 5." );
+                    return NULL;
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+                if ( isset( $clause ) ) {
+                    foreach ( $clause as $cl ) {
+                        $paramsArray = (object) $this->returnClause( $cl, $jsonData );
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+                            }
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+                       return($returnObj);
+               } else {
+                       new displayMessageView( "JSON format error decoding template data." );
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-                       if ('where' == $c) {
-                               if (NULL == $where) continue;
-                               $clause = $where;
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               if (NULL == $having) continue;
-                               $clause = $having;
-                       }
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-                                       $filterTab=$relCache->$relation->fields->filter_tab;
-                               else
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-                               $columnLabel = str_replace('::','->',$relCache->$relation->label) .' -> '. $cl->alias;
-                               //Transform
-                               //*** Some templates do not have a transform label
-                               $transform = $cl->column->transform;
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-                                       $transformLabel = $cl->column->transform_label;
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       $transformLabel = '';
-                               }
-                               //Data Type
-                               $dataType=$filterTab->$colName->datatype;
-                               $tableName=$relCache->$relation->table;
-                               //Action / Operation            
-                               $op=$filterTab->$colName->op;
-                               $opLabel=$filterTab->$colName->op_label;
-                               $fieldDoc = isset($filterTab->$colName->field_doc) ? $filterTab->$colName->field_doc : NULL;
-                               $aggregate = isset($filterTab->$colName->aggregate) ? $filterTab->$colName->aggregate : NULL;                           
-                               $P=$cl->condition;      
-                               list($key, $opValue) = each($P);                                                        //get the first (and only) value
-                               if (is_array($opValue)) $opValue = implode(',', $opValue);      //if array convert it back to a string
-                               $paramsArray = array(
-                                                       'column' => $columnLabel
-                                                       ,'transform' => $transform
-                                                       ,'transformLabel' => $transformLabel
-                                                       ,'op' => $op
-                                                       ,'opLabel' => $opLabel
-                                                       ,'param'=> $opValue
-                                                       ,'fieldDoc' => $fieldDoc
-                                                       ,'aggregate' => $aggregate
-                                                       ,'dataType' => $dataType
-                                                       ,'table' => $relCache->$relation->table
-                                                       );
-                               //if (mb_substr($opValue,0,3,'UTF-8')=='::P') {
-                               if (substr($opValue,0,3) == '::P') {
-                                       $userParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       $staticParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
+       }
+       function pullLabel ( $d, $str, &$out, $tag, $subtag, $val ) {
+               if ( $d->$tag == $str ) {
+                       $out = $d->$val;
+                       return;
+               } else {
+                       if ( isset( $d->$subtag ) ) {
+                               if ( $d->$subtag ) {
+                                       foreach ( $d->$subtag as $j ) {
+                                               $this->pullLabel( $j, $str, $out, $tag, $subtag, $val );
+                                       }
+                       } else {
+                               return;
-               $returnObj->docURL = isset($jsonData->doc_url) ? $jsonData->doc_url : NULL;             //version 4 templates only
-               $returnObj->reportColumns = (object) $reportColumnsArray;
-               $returnObj->userParams = (object) $userParamsArray;
-               $returnObj->staticParams = (object) $staticParamsArray;
-               return($returnObj);
+    function returnClause( $cl, $jsonData ) {
+        $relation = isset( $cl->relation ) ? $cl->relation : null;
+        $colName = isset( $cl->column->colname ) ? $cl->column->colname : null; 
+        $columnLabel = "";
+        $this->pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $columnLabel, "alias", "join", "label" );
+        $columnLabelFull = $columnLabel . " -> " . $cl->alias;
+        $transform = isset( $cl->column->transform ) ? $cl->column->transform : null;
+        $transformLabel = isset( $cl->column->transform_label ) ? $cl->column->transform_label : "";
+        $dataType = "";
+        $op = "";
+        $opLabel = "";
+        $opValue = "";
+        $fieldDoc = "";
+        $aggregate = "";
+        if ( isset( $jsonData->filter_cols ) ) {
+            foreach ( $jsonData->filter_cols as $fc ) {
+                    if ( $fc->path_label === $columnLabel ) {
+                        $dataType = $fc->datatype;
+                        $op = $fc->operator->op;
+                        $opLabel = $fc->operator->label;
+                        isset( $fc->doc_text ) ? $fieldDoc = $fc->doc_text : false;
+                        if ( isset( $fc->transform->aggregate ) ) {
+                            if ( $fc->transform->aggregate != "undefined" ) {
+                                $aggregate = $fc->transform->aggregate;
+                            }
+                        }   
+                        break;
+                    }
+            }
+        }
+        $tableName = "";
+        $this->pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $tableName, "alias", "join", "table" );
+        $P = isset( $cl->condition ) ? $cl->condition : null; 
+        if ( isset( $P ) ) {
+                list( $key, $opValue ) = each( $P );  //get the first (and only) value
+        }
+        if ( isset( $opValue ) ) {
+              if ( is_array( $opValue ) ) $opValue = implode( ',', $opValue );      //if array convert it back to a string
+        } else {
+            $opValue = "";
+        }
+        $paramType = strlen( $opValue ) > 2 ? substr( $opValue, 0, 3 ) == "::P" ? "user" : "static" : "static"; 
+        return array(  
+                'column' => $columnLabelFull
+                ,'transform' => $transform
+                ,'transformLabel' => $transformLabel
+                ,'op' => $op
+                ,'opLabel' => $opLabel
+                ,'param'=> $opValue
+                ,'fieldDoc' => $fieldDoc
+                ,'aggregate' => $aggregate
+                ,'dataType' => $dataType
+                ,'table' => $tableName
+                ,'paramType' => $paramType
+        );
+    }
+    function returnColumnLabel( $d, $rel, $tag, $val, $retVal ) {
+        $val = "";
+        foreach( $d as $d1 ) {
+            if ( isset( $d1->$tag ) ) {
+                if ( $d1->$tag == $val ) {
+                    $val = $d1->$retVal;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $val;
+    }
diff --git a/models/templateDecoder.class.php.20201216 b/models/templateDecoder.class.php.20201216
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..11cd50a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+class templateDecoder
+       function __construct( ){}
+       function createTemplateObject ($reporterTemplateID) {
+               $templateObj = new stdClass();
+               $templateObj->id = $result["id"];
+               $templateObj->name = $result["name"];
+               $templateObj->description = $result["description"];
+               $templateObj->owner = $result["owner"];
+               $templateObj->folder = $result["folder"];
+               $templateObj->createTime = $result["create_time"];
+               $templateObj->data = $result["data"];
+               $templateObj->dataDecoded = $this->getDecodedTemplateData($result["data"]);             
+       }
+       public function decodeTemplateData ($templateData) {
+               $validData = false;
+               $version = 3;
+               $userParamsArray = array();
+               $staticParamsArray = array();
+               $reportColumnsArray = array();
+               $returnObj = new stdClass();
+               $jsonData = json_decode( $templateData, false );
+               if ( $jsonData != NULL ) {
+                       $validData = $jsonData->version != NULL ? true : false;
+                       $version = $jsonData->version;
+               }
+               if ( $validData ) {
+                       $version === 3 || $version === 4 ? $jsonData = $this->convertXULTemplate( $jsonData ) : false;
+                       $select = $jsonData->select;
+                       $where = ( isset( $jsonData->where ) ? $jsonData->where : NULL );
+                       $having = ( isset( $jsonData->having ) ? $jsonData->having : NULL );
+                       foreach ( $select as $s ) {
+                               $columnName = $s->column->colname;
+                               $r = $s->relation;
+                               $relCol = $s->column;
+                               $displayAggregate = isset( $relCol->aggregate ) ? $relCol->aggregate : NULL;
+                               $displayTransformLabel = isset ( $relCol->transform_label ) ? $relCol->transform_label : NULL;
+                               $columnArray = array(
+                                       "name" => $s->alias,
+                                       "aggregate" => $displayAggregate,
+                                       "transformLabel"=>$displayTransformLabel
+                               );
+                               $reportColumnsArray[] = (object) $columnArray;
+                               $where = isset( $jsonData->where ) ?
+                                       array(
+                                               "name" => "where",
+                                               "columns" => $jsonData->where
+                                       ) : NULL;
+                               $having = isset( $jsonData->having ) ?
+                                       array(
+                                               "name" => "having",
+                                               "columns" => $jsonData->having
+                                       ) : NULL;
+                               foreach ( array( "where", "having" ) as $c ) {
+                                       if ( $c == "where" ) {
+                                               if ( !isset( $where ) ) continue;
+                                               $clause = $where;
+                                       }
+                                       if ( $c == "having" ) {
+                                               if ( !isset( $having ) ) continue;
+                                               $clause = $having;
+                                       }
+                                       foreach ( $clause as $cl ) {
+                                               $relation = isset( $cl->relation ) ? $cl->relation : null;
+                                               $colName = isset( $cl->column->colname ) ? $cl->column->colname : null;
+                                               $columnLabel = "";
+                                               $this->pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $columnLabel, "alias", "join", "label" );
+                                               $columnLabel = str_replace( '::', '->', $columnLabel);
+                                               $transform = isset( $cl->column->transform ) ? $cl->column->transform : null;
+                                               $transformLabel = isset( $cl->column->transform_label ) ? $cl->column->transform_label : "";
+                                               $dataType = "";
+                                               $op = "";
+                                               $opLabel = "";
+                                               $fieldDoc = "";
+                                               $aggregate = "";
+                                               foreach ( $jsonData->filter_cols as $fc ) {
+                                                       if ( $fc->name === $colName ) {
+                                                               $dataType = $fc->datatype;
+                                                               $op = $fc->operator->op;
+                                                               $opLabel = $fc->operator->label;
+                                                               isset( $fc->doc_text ) ? $fieldDoc = $fc->doc_text : false;
+                                                               if ( isset( $fc->transform->aggregate ) ) {
+                                                                       if ( $fc->transform->aggregate != "undefined" ) {
+                                                                               $aggregate = $fc->transform->aggregate;
+                                                                       }
+                                                               }
+                                                               break;
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                               $tableName = "";
+                                               $this->pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $tableName, "alias", "join", "table" );
+                                               $P = isset( $cl->condition ) ? $cl->condition : null;
+                                               if ( isset( $P ) ) {
+                                                       list($key, $opValue) = each($P);  //get the first (and only) value
+                                               }
+                                               if ( isset( $opValue ) ) {
+                                                       if (is_array($opValue)) $opValue = implode(',', $opValue);      //if array convert it back to a string
+                                               } else {
+                                                       $opValue = null;
+                                               }
+                                               $paramsArray = array(
+                                                  'column' => $columnLabel
+                                                  ,'transform' => $transform
+                                                  ,'transformLabel' => $transformLabel
+                                                  ,'op' => $op
+                                                  ,'opLabel' => $opLabel
+                                                  ,'param'=> $opValue
+                                                  ,'fieldDoc' => $fieldDoc
+                                                  ,'aggregate' => $aggregate
+                                                  ,'dataType' => $dataType
+                                                  ,'table' => $tableName
+                                                  );
+                                       //if (mb_substr($opValue,0,3,'UTF-8')=='::P') {
+                                               if (substr($opValue,0,3) == '::P') {
+                                                       $userParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
+                                               }
+                                               else {
+                                                       $staticParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
+                                               }                                       
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               $returnObj->docURL = isset($jsonData->doc_url) ? $jsonData->doc_url : NULL;             //version 4 templates only
+                               $returnObj->reportColumns = (object) $reportColumnsArray;
+                               $returnObj->userParams = (object) $userParamsArray;
+                               $returnObj->staticParams = (object) $staticParamsArray;
+                               return($returnObj);
+                       }               
+               } else {
+                       new displayMessageView( "JSON format error decoding template data." );
+               }
+       }
+       function convertXULTemplate ( $template ) {
+               $data = ( object )[
+                       "version" => 5,
+                       "core_class" => $template->core_class,
+                       "select" => $template->select,
+                       "from" => $template->from,
+                       "where" => $template->where,
+                       "having" => $template->having,
+                       "display_cols" => array(),
+                       "filter_cols" => array()
+               ];
+               $rels = [];
+               $order_by = "";
+               foreach( $template->rel_cache as $k => $v ) {
+                       $k == "order_by" ? $order_by = $v : $rels{$k} = $v; //array_push( $rels, $v );
+               }
+               $select = $template->select;
+               $sel_order = array();
+               $idx = 0;
+               foreach ( $select as $s ) {
+                       $sel_order[strval($s->relation) . strval($s->column->colname)] = $idx;
+                       $idx++;
+               }
+               $idx = 0;
+               $IDL = json_decode( file_get_contents( 'config/IDL.json' ) );
+               foreach ( $rels as $r ) {
+                       if ( is_array($r) || is_object($r) ) {
+                               $this->buildCols( $r, 'dis_tab', $sel_order, $data->display_cols, $IDL);
+                               $this->buildCols( $r, 'filter_tab', NULL, $data->filter_cols, $IDL);
+                               $this->buildCols( $r, 'aggfilter_tab', NULL, $data->filter_cols, $IDL);
+                       }
+               }
+               return $data;
+       }
+       function buildCols( $r, $tt, $sel_order, &$d, $IDL ) {
+               $colType = $tt == 'dis_tab' ? 'display_cols' : 'filter_cols';
+               $ci = 0;
+               foreach ( $r->fields->{$tt} as $n =>$c ) {
+                       $orig = $r->fields->{$tt}->$n;
+                       $col = ( object ) [
+                               "name" => $c->colname,
+                               "path" => $this->convertPath( $orig, $r , $IDL),        //needs fixed
+                               "label" => $orig->alias,
+                               "datatype" => $c->datatype,
+                               "doc_text" => $c->field_doc,
+                               "transform" => ( object ) [
+                                       "label" => $orig->transform_label,
+                                       "transform" => $orig->transform,
+                                       "aggregate" => !isset( $orig->aggregate ) ? NULL : $orig->aggregate
+                               ],
+                               "path_label" => preg_replace( "/\:\:/", "->", $r->label),
+                               "index" => false
+                       ];
+                       if ( $colType == "filter_cols" ) {
+                               @$col->operator = [
+                                       "op" => $orig->op,
+                                       "label" => $orig->op_label
+                               ];
+                               @$col->index = $ci++;
+                               isset( $orig->op_value->value ) ? @$col->value = $orig->op_value->value : FALSE;
+                       } else {
+                               isset( $sel_order[$r->alias . $orig->colname] ) ? @$col->index = $sel_order[$r->alias . $orig->colname] : @$col->index = false;
+                       }
+                       array_push( $d, $col );
+               }                       
+       }
+       function buildNode( $cls, $args, $IDL ) {
+               if ( !isset( $cls ) || !isset( $args ) ) {
+                       return null;
+               } else {
+                       $n = isset( $IDL->{ $cls } ) ? $IDL->{ $cls } : null;
+               }
+               if ( !$n ) {
+                       return null;
+               } else {
+                       if ( !$args ) {
+                               $args = ( object ) [
+                                       "label" => $n->label
+                               ];
+                       }
+                       $args->id = $cls;
+                       if ( isset( $args->from ) ) {
+                               $args->id = $args->from . "." . $args->id;
+                       }
+                       $links = array();
+                       foreach( $n->fields as $x ) {
+                            if ( isset( $x->type ) ) {
+                               $x->type == "link" ? array_push( $links, $x ) : false;
+                            }
+                       }
+                       $args->idl = $this->service($cls, null);
+                       $args->uplink = isset( $args->link ) ? $args->link : null;
+                       $args->classname = $cls;
+                       $args->struct = $n;
+                       $args->table = isset( $n->table ) ? $n->table : null;
+                       $args->fields = $this->_sort_class_fields($n->fields);
+                       $args->links = $this->_sort_class_fields($links);
+                       $args->children = [];
+                       $args = json_encode( $args );
+                       return $args;
+               }
+       }
+       function convertPath( $orig, $rel, $IDL ) {
+               $new_path = [];
+               $table_path = preg_split( "/\./", $rel->path );
+               if ( count( $table_path ) > 1 || strpos( $rel->path, "-" ) ) {
+                       array_push( $table_path, $rel->idlclass );
+               }
+               $prev_type= "";
+               $prev_link = "";
+               foreach( $table_path as $tp ) {
+                       $cl_split = preg_split( "/-/", $tp);
+                       $cls = $cl_split[0];
+                       $fld = isset( $cl_split[1] ) ? $cl_split[1] : null;
+                       $args = ( object )[
+                               "label" => isset( $IDL->{$cls}->label ) ? $IDL->{$cls}->label : null
+                       ];
+                       if( $prev_link != "" ) {
+                               $link_parts = preg_split( "/-/", $prev_link );
+                               $args->from = $link_parts[0];
+                               $join_parts = preg_split( "/>/", $link_parts[1]);
+                               $prev_col = $join_parts[0];
+                               foreach( $IDL->{$link_parts[0]}->fields as $f ) {
+                                       if ( $prev_col == $f->name ) {
+                                               $args->link = $f;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               $args->jtype = isset( $join_parts[1] ) ? $join_parts[1] : null;
+                       }
+                       array_push( $new_path, $this->buildNode($cls, $args, $IDL));
+                       $prev_link = $tp;
+               }
+       }
+       function pullLabel ( $d, $str, &$out, $tag, $subtag, $val ) {
+               if ( $d->$tag == $str ) {
+                       $out = $d->$val;
+                       return;
+               } else {
+                       if ( isset( $d->$subtag ) ) {
+                               if ( $d->$subtag ) {
+                                       foreach ( $d->$subtag as $j ) {
+                                               $this->pullLabel( $j, $str, $out, $tag, $subtag, $val );
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               return;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       function service( $cls, $seed) {
+               return ( object ) [
+                       "a" => ( $seed ? $seed : ( object )[] ),
+                       "classname" => $cls,
+                       "_isfieldmapper" => true
+               ];
+       }
+       function _sort_class_fields( $arr ) {
+               $out = array();
+               if ( isset( $arr[0] ) ) {
+                   array_push( $out, $arr[0] );
+                   array_shift($arr);
+                   $i = 0;
+                   while ( count($arr) > 0 ) {
+                       $arrLabel = isset( $arr[0]->label  ) ? $arr[0]->label : "";
+                        $arrName = isset( $arr[0]->name ) ? $arr[0]->name : "";
+                        //$aname = $arr[0]->label ? $arr[0]->label : $arr[0]->name;
+                        $bName = isset( $out[$i]->label  ) ? $out[$i]->label : "";
+                        $bLabel = isset( $out[$i]->label ) ? $out[$i]->label : $bName;
+                       $bName = isset( $bLabel ) ? $bLabel : $bName; //$out[$i]->label ? $out[$i]->label : $out[$i]->name;
+                       while ( strcmp( $arrName, $bName) > 0 && $i < count( $arr ) ) {
+                               $i++;
+                       }
+                       array_splice( $out, $i, 0, array( $arr[0] ) );
+                       array_shift( $arr );
+                       $i = 0;
+                   }
+                }
+               return $out;
+       }
diff --git a/models/templateDecoder.class.php.202012162234.php b/models/templateDecoder.class.php.202012162234.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..11cd50a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+class templateDecoder
+       function __construct( ){}
+       function createTemplateObject ($reporterTemplateID) {
+               $templateObj = new stdClass();
+               $templateObj->id = $result["id"];
+               $templateObj->name = $result["name"];
+               $templateObj->description = $result["description"];
+               $templateObj->owner = $result["owner"];
+               $templateObj->folder = $result["folder"];
+               $templateObj->createTime = $result["create_time"];
+               $templateObj->data = $result["data"];
+               $templateObj->dataDecoded = $this->getDecodedTemplateData($result["data"]);             
+       }
+       public function decodeTemplateData ($templateData) {
+               $validData = false;
+               $version = 3;
+               $userParamsArray = array();
+               $staticParamsArray = array();
+               $reportColumnsArray = array();
+               $returnObj = new stdClass();
+               $jsonData = json_decode( $templateData, false );
+               if ( $jsonData != NULL ) {
+                       $validData = $jsonData->version != NULL ? true : false;
+                       $version = $jsonData->version;
+               }
+               if ( $validData ) {
+                       $version === 3 || $version === 4 ? $jsonData = $this->convertXULTemplate( $jsonData ) : false;
+                       $select = $jsonData->select;
+                       $where = ( isset( $jsonData->where ) ? $jsonData->where : NULL );
+                       $having = ( isset( $jsonData->having ) ? $jsonData->having : NULL );
+                       foreach ( $select as $s ) {
+                               $columnName = $s->column->colname;
+                               $r = $s->relation;
+                               $relCol = $s->column;
+                               $displayAggregate = isset( $relCol->aggregate ) ? $relCol->aggregate : NULL;
+                               $displayTransformLabel = isset ( $relCol->transform_label ) ? $relCol->transform_label : NULL;
+                               $columnArray = array(
+                                       "name" => $s->alias,
+                                       "aggregate" => $displayAggregate,
+                                       "transformLabel"=>$displayTransformLabel
+                               );
+                               $reportColumnsArray[] = (object) $columnArray;
+                               $where = isset( $jsonData->where ) ?
+                                       array(
+                                               "name" => "where",
+                                               "columns" => $jsonData->where
+                                       ) : NULL;
+                               $having = isset( $jsonData->having ) ?
+                                       array(
+                                               "name" => "having",
+                                               "columns" => $jsonData->having
+                                       ) : NULL;
+                               foreach ( array( "where", "having" ) as $c ) {
+                                       if ( $c == "where" ) {
+                                               if ( !isset( $where ) ) continue;
+                                               $clause = $where;
+                                       }
+                                       if ( $c == "having" ) {
+                                               if ( !isset( $having ) ) continue;
+                                               $clause = $having;
+                                       }
+                                       foreach ( $clause as $cl ) {
+                                               $relation = isset( $cl->relation ) ? $cl->relation : null;
+                                               $colName = isset( $cl->column->colname ) ? $cl->column->colname : null;
+                                               $columnLabel = "";
+                                               $this->pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $columnLabel, "alias", "join", "label" );
+                                               $columnLabel = str_replace( '::', '->', $columnLabel);
+                                               $transform = isset( $cl->column->transform ) ? $cl->column->transform : null;
+                                               $transformLabel = isset( $cl->column->transform_label ) ? $cl->column->transform_label : "";
+                                               $dataType = "";
+                                               $op = "";
+                                               $opLabel = "";
+                                               $fieldDoc = "";
+                                               $aggregate = "";
+                                               foreach ( $jsonData->filter_cols as $fc ) {
+                                                       if ( $fc->name === $colName ) {
+                                                               $dataType = $fc->datatype;
+                                                               $op = $fc->operator->op;
+                                                               $opLabel = $fc->operator->label;
+                                                               isset( $fc->doc_text ) ? $fieldDoc = $fc->doc_text : false;
+                                                               if ( isset( $fc->transform->aggregate ) ) {
+                                                                       if ( $fc->transform->aggregate != "undefined" ) {
+                                                                               $aggregate = $fc->transform->aggregate;
+                                                                       }
+                                                               }
+                                                               break;
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                               $tableName = "";
+                                               $this->pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $tableName, "alias", "join", "table" );
+                                               $P = isset( $cl->condition ) ? $cl->condition : null;
+                                               if ( isset( $P ) ) {
+                                                       list($key, $opValue) = each($P);  //get the first (and only) value
+                                               }
+                                               if ( isset( $opValue ) ) {
+                                                       if (is_array($opValue)) $opValue = implode(',', $opValue);      //if array convert it back to a string
+                                               } else {
+                                                       $opValue = null;
+                                               }
+                                               $paramsArray = array(
+                                                  'column' => $columnLabel
+                                                  ,'transform' => $transform
+                                                  ,'transformLabel' => $transformLabel
+                                                  ,'op' => $op
+                                                  ,'opLabel' => $opLabel
+                                                  ,'param'=> $opValue
+                                                  ,'fieldDoc' => $fieldDoc
+                                                  ,'aggregate' => $aggregate
+                                                  ,'dataType' => $dataType
+                                                  ,'table' => $tableName
+                                                  );
+                                       //if (mb_substr($opValue,0,3,'UTF-8')=='::P') {
+                                               if (substr($opValue,0,3) == '::P') {
+                                                       $userParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
+                                               }
+                                               else {
+                                                       $staticParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
+                                               }                                       
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               $returnObj->docURL = isset($jsonData->doc_url) ? $jsonData->doc_url : NULL;             //version 4 templates only
+                               $returnObj->reportColumns = (object) $reportColumnsArray;
+                               $returnObj->userParams = (object) $userParamsArray;
+                               $returnObj->staticParams = (object) $staticParamsArray;
+                               return($returnObj);
+                       }               
+               } else {
+                       new displayMessageView( "JSON format error decoding template data." );
+               }
+       }
+       function convertXULTemplate ( $template ) {
+               $data = ( object )[
+                       "version" => 5,
+                       "core_class" => $template->core_class,
+                       "select" => $template->select,
+                       "from" => $template->from,
+                       "where" => $template->where,
+                       "having" => $template->having,
+                       "display_cols" => array(),
+                       "filter_cols" => array()
+               ];
+               $rels = [];
+               $order_by = "";
+               foreach( $template->rel_cache as $k => $v ) {
+                       $k == "order_by" ? $order_by = $v : $rels{$k} = $v; //array_push( $rels, $v );
+               }
+               $select = $template->select;
+               $sel_order = array();
+               $idx = 0;
+               foreach ( $select as $s ) {
+                       $sel_order[strval($s->relation) . strval($s->column->colname)] = $idx;
+                       $idx++;
+               }
+               $idx = 0;
+               $IDL = json_decode( file_get_contents( 'config/IDL.json' ) );
+               foreach ( $rels as $r ) {
+                       if ( is_array($r) || is_object($r) ) {
+                               $this->buildCols( $r, 'dis_tab', $sel_order, $data->display_cols, $IDL);
+                               $this->buildCols( $r, 'filter_tab', NULL, $data->filter_cols, $IDL);
+                               $this->buildCols( $r, 'aggfilter_tab', NULL, $data->filter_cols, $IDL);
+                       }
+               }
+               return $data;
+       }
+       function buildCols( $r, $tt, $sel_order, &$d, $IDL ) {
+               $colType = $tt == 'dis_tab' ? 'display_cols' : 'filter_cols';
+               $ci = 0;
+               foreach ( $r->fields->{$tt} as $n =>$c ) {
+                       $orig = $r->fields->{$tt}->$n;
+                       $col = ( object ) [
+                               "name" => $c->colname,
+                               "path" => $this->convertPath( $orig, $r , $IDL),        //needs fixed
+                               "label" => $orig->alias,
+                               "datatype" => $c->datatype,
+                               "doc_text" => $c->field_doc,
+                               "transform" => ( object ) [
+                                       "label" => $orig->transform_label,
+                                       "transform" => $orig->transform,
+                                       "aggregate" => !isset( $orig->aggregate ) ? NULL : $orig->aggregate
+                               ],
+                               "path_label" => preg_replace( "/\:\:/", "->", $r->label),
+                               "index" => false
+                       ];
+                       if ( $colType == "filter_cols" ) {
+                               @$col->operator = [
+                                       "op" => $orig->op,
+                                       "label" => $orig->op_label
+                               ];
+                               @$col->index = $ci++;
+                               isset( $orig->op_value->value ) ? @$col->value = $orig->op_value->value : FALSE;
+                       } else {
+                               isset( $sel_order[$r->alias . $orig->colname] ) ? @$col->index = $sel_order[$r->alias . $orig->colname] : @$col->index = false;
+                       }
+                       array_push( $d, $col );
+               }                       
+       }
+       function buildNode( $cls, $args, $IDL ) {
+               if ( !isset( $cls ) || !isset( $args ) ) {
+                       return null;
+               } else {
+                       $n = isset( $IDL->{ $cls } ) ? $IDL->{ $cls } : null;
+               }
+               if ( !$n ) {
+                       return null;
+               } else {
+                       if ( !$args ) {
+                               $args = ( object ) [
+                                       "label" => $n->label
+                               ];
+                       }
+                       $args->id = $cls;
+                       if ( isset( $args->from ) ) {
+                               $args->id = $args->from . "." . $args->id;
+                       }
+                       $links = array();
+                       foreach( $n->fields as $x ) {
+                            if ( isset( $x->type ) ) {
+                               $x->type == "link" ? array_push( $links, $x ) : false;
+                            }
+                       }
+                       $args->idl = $this->service($cls, null);
+                       $args->uplink = isset( $args->link ) ? $args->link : null;
+                       $args->classname = $cls;
+                       $args->struct = $n;
+                       $args->table = isset( $n->table ) ? $n->table : null;
+                       $args->fields = $this->_sort_class_fields($n->fields);
+                       $args->links = $this->_sort_class_fields($links);
+                       $args->children = [];
+                       $args = json_encode( $args );
+                       return $args;
+               }
+       }
+       function convertPath( $orig, $rel, $IDL ) {
+               $new_path = [];
+               $table_path = preg_split( "/\./", $rel->path );
+               if ( count( $table_path ) > 1 || strpos( $rel->path, "-" ) ) {
+                       array_push( $table_path, $rel->idlclass );
+               }
+               $prev_type= "";
+               $prev_link = "";
+               foreach( $table_path as $tp ) {
+                       $cl_split = preg_split( "/-/", $tp);
+                       $cls = $cl_split[0];
+                       $fld = isset( $cl_split[1] ) ? $cl_split[1] : null;
+                       $args = ( object )[
+                               "label" => isset( $IDL->{$cls}->label ) ? $IDL->{$cls}->label : null
+                       ];
+                       if( $prev_link != "" ) {
+                               $link_parts = preg_split( "/-/", $prev_link );
+                               $args->from = $link_parts[0];
+                               $join_parts = preg_split( "/>/", $link_parts[1]);
+                               $prev_col = $join_parts[0];
+                               foreach( $IDL->{$link_parts[0]}->fields as $f ) {
+                                       if ( $prev_col == $f->name ) {
+                                               $args->link = $f;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               $args->jtype = isset( $join_parts[1] ) ? $join_parts[1] : null;
+                       }
+                       array_push( $new_path, $this->buildNode($cls, $args, $IDL));
+                       $prev_link = $tp;
+               }
+       }
+       function pullLabel ( $d, $str, &$out, $tag, $subtag, $val ) {
+               if ( $d->$tag == $str ) {
+                       $out = $d->$val;
+                       return;
+               } else {
+                       if ( isset( $d->$subtag ) ) {
+                               if ( $d->$subtag ) {
+                                       foreach ( $d->$subtag as $j ) {
+                                               $this->pullLabel( $j, $str, $out, $tag, $subtag, $val );
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               return;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       function service( $cls, $seed) {
+               return ( object ) [
+                       "a" => ( $seed ? $seed : ( object )[] ),
+                       "classname" => $cls,
+                       "_isfieldmapper" => true
+               ];
+       }
+       function _sort_class_fields( $arr ) {
+               $out = array();
+               if ( isset( $arr[0] ) ) {
+                   array_push( $out, $arr[0] );
+                   array_shift($arr);
+                   $i = 0;
+                   while ( count($arr) > 0 ) {
+                       $arrLabel = isset( $arr[0]->label  ) ? $arr[0]->label : "";
+                        $arrName = isset( $arr[0]->name ) ? $arr[0]->name : "";
+                        //$aname = $arr[0]->label ? $arr[0]->label : $arr[0]->name;
+                        $bName = isset( $out[$i]->label  ) ? $out[$i]->label : "";
+                        $bLabel = isset( $out[$i]->label ) ? $out[$i]->label : $bName;
+                       $bName = isset( $bLabel ) ? $bLabel : $bName; //$out[$i]->label ? $out[$i]->label : $out[$i]->name;
+                       while ( strcmp( $arrName, $bName) > 0 && $i < count( $arr ) ) {
+                               $i++;
+                       }
+                       array_splice( $out, $i, 0, array( $arr[0] ) );
+                       array_shift( $arr );
+                       $i = 0;
+                   }
+                }
+               return $out;
+       }
diff --git a/models/ver5_formatted.json b/models/ver5_formatted.json
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..01fa721
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+  "version": 5,\r
+  "core_class": "acp",\r
+  "select": [\r
+    {\r
+      "alias": "Barcode",\r
+      "column": {\r
+        "colname": "barcode",\r
+        "transform": "Bare",\r
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data"\r
+      },\r
+      "path": "acp-barcode",\r
+      "relation": "7d74f3b92b19da5e606d737d339a9679"\r
+    },\r
+    {\r
+      "alias": "TCN Value",\r
+      "column": {\r
+        "colname": "tcn_value",\r
+        "transform": "Bare",\r
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data"\r
+      },\r
+      "path": "acp-call_number-acn-record-bre-tcn_value",\r
+      "relation": "640e9f1ba83104cf4de312413f51b877"\r
+    },\r
+    {\r
+      "alias": "Creation Date/Time",\r
+      "column": {\r
+        "colname": "create_date",\r
+        "transform": "date",\r
+        "transform_label": "Date"\r
+      },\r
+      "path": "acp-create_date",\r
+      "relation": "7d74f3b92b19da5e606d737d339a9679"\r
+    },\r
+    {\r
+      "alias": "Call Number Label",\r
+      "column": {\r
+        "colname": "label",\r
+        "transform": "Bare",\r
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data"\r
+      },\r
+      "path": "acp-call_number-acn-label",\r
+      "relation": "286d7899ae25bee8bdd7dcde49f9e0b7"\r
+    },\r
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+    },\r
+    {\r
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+    {\r
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+    },\r
+    {\r
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+        "colname": "pubdate",\r
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+    {\r
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+    },\r
+    {\r
+      "alias": "Circulation Modifier",\r
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+    },\r
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+        "type": "left",\r
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+            "type": "left",\r
+            "key": "id",\r
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+            "table": "biblio.record_entry",\r
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+                "type": "left",\r
+                "key": "id",\r
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+                "label": "Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bibliographic Record :: Simple Record Extracts ",\r
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+    {\r
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+    },\r
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+    },\r
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+    }\r
+  ],\r
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+    {\r
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+        "colname": "id",\r
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+    }\r
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+      },\r
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+      },\r
+      "path_label": "Item",\r
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+    },\r
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+    },\r
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+    },\r
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+      },\r
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+    },\r
+    {\r
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+      },\r
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+      },\r
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+      },\r
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+    },\r
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+      },\r
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+      "operator": { "op": "<=", "label": "Less than or equal to" }\r
+    },\r
+    {\r
+      "name": "id",\r
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+      "label": "Organizational Unit ID",\r
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+        "label": "Raw Data",\r
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+      },\r
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+      "operator": { "op": "in", "label": "In list" }\r
+    }\r
+  ]\r
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
diff --git a/tester.20201216.php.bak b/tester.20201216.php.bak
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..112387e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+    $data = file_get_contents( "/openils/var/web/report-creator/ver5.json" );
+    $data = json_encode( decodeTemplateData( $data ) ); 
+    // print_r( $data );
+       function decodeTemplateData ($templateData) {
+               $userParamsArray = array();
+               $staticParamsArray = array();
+               $reportColumnsArray = array();
+               $returnObj = new stdClass();
+               $jsonData = json_decode( $templateData, false );
+        $select = $jsonData->select;
+        // $returnObj->select = $select;
+        $where = ( isset( $jsonData->where ) ? $jsonData->where : NULL );
+        $having = ( isset( $jsonData->having ) ? $jsonData->having : NULL );
+        // $returnObj->where = $where;
+        // $returnObj->having = $having;
+                       foreach ( $select as $s ) {
+                               $columnName = $s->column->colname;
+                               $r = $s->relation;
+                               $relCol = $s->column;
+                               $displayAggregate = isset( $relCol->aggregate ) ? $relCol->aggregate : NULL;
+                               $displayTransformLabel = isset ( $relCol->transform_label ) ? $relCol->transform_label : NULL;
+                               $columnArray = array(
+                                       "name" => $s->alias,
+                                       "aggregate" => $displayAggregate,
+                                       "transformLabel"=>$displayTransformLabel
+                               );
+                               $reportColumnsArray[] = (object) $columnArray;
+                               $where = $jsonData->where ?? null;
+                                $having = $jsonData->having ?? null;
+                               if ( isset( $where ) ) {                        
+                                    foreach ( $where as $w ) {
+                                       $relation = $w->relation;
+                                        $colName = $w->column->colname;
+                                       print_r( $colName );
+                                        $columnLabel = "";
+                                        pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $columnLabel, "alias", "join", "label");
+                                   }
+                               }        
+                       }
+                       //      $returnObj->docURL = isset($jsonData->doc_url) ? $jsonData->doc_url : NULL;             //version 4 templates only
+                               $returnObj->reportColumns = (object) $reportColumnsArray;
+                       //      $returnObj->userParams = (object) $userParamsArray;
+                       //      $returnObj->staticParams = (object) $staticParamsArray;
+                               return($returnObj);
+       }
+       // function convertXULTemplate ( $template ) {
+       //      $data = ( object )[
+       //              "version" => 5,
+       //              "core_class" => $template->core_class,
+       //              "select" => $template->select,
+       //              "from" => $template->from,
+       //              "where" => $template->where,
+       //              "having" => $template->having,
+       //              "display_cols" => array(),
+       //              "filter_cols" => array()
+       //      ];
+       //      $rels = [];
+       //      $order_by = "";
+       //      foreach( $template->rel_cache as $k => $v ) {
+       //              $k == "order_by" ? $order_by = $v : $rels{$k} = $v; //array_push( $rels, $v );
+       //      }
+       //      $select = $template->select;
+       //      $sel_order = array();
+       //      $idx = 0;
+       //      foreach ( $select as $s ) {
+       //              $sel_order[strval($s->relation) . strval($s->column->colname)] = $idx;
+       //              $idx++;
+       //      }
+       //      $idx = 0;
+       //      $IDL = json_decode( file_get_contents( 'config/IDL.json' ) );
+       //      foreach ( $rels as $r ) {
+       //              if ( is_array($r) || is_object($r) ) {
+       //                      $this->buildCols( $r, 'dis_tab', $sel_order, $data->display_cols, $IDL);
+       //                      $this->buildCols( $r, 'filter_tab', NULL, $data->filter_cols, $IDL);
+       //                      $this->buildCols( $r, 'aggfilter_tab', NULL, $data->filter_cols, $IDL);
+       //              }
+       //      }
+       //      return $data;
+       // }
+//     function buildCols( $r, $tt, $sel_order, &$d, $IDL ) {
+//             $colType = $tt == 'dis_tab' ? 'display_cols' : 'filter_cols';
+//             $ci = 0;
+//             foreach ( $r->fields->{$tt} as $n =>$c ) {
+//                     $orig = $r->fields->{$tt}->$n;
+//                     $col = ( object ) [
+//                             "name" => $c->colname,
+//                             "path" => $this->convertPath( $orig, $r , $IDL),        //needs fixed
+//                             "label" => $orig->alias,
+//                             "datatype" => $c->datatype,
+//                             "doc_text" => $c->field_doc,
+//                             "transform" => ( object ) [
+//                                     "label" => $orig->transform_label,
+//                                     "transform" => $orig->transform,
+//                                     "aggregate" => !isset( $orig->aggregate ) ? NULL : $orig->aggregate
+//                             ],
+//                             "path_label" => preg_replace( "/\:\:/", "->", $r->label),
+//                             "index" => false
+//                     ];
+//                     if ( $colType == "filter_cols" ) {
+//                             @$col->operator = [
+//                                     "op" => $orig->op,
+//                                     "label" => $orig->op_label
+//                             ];
+//                             @$col->index = $ci++;
+//                             isset( $orig->op_value->value ) ? @$col->value = $orig->op_value->value : FALSE;
+//                     } else {
+//                             isset( $sel_order[$r->alias . $orig->colname] ) ? @$col->index = $sel_order[$r->alias . $orig->colname] : @$col->index = false;
+//                     }
+//                     array_push( $d, $col );
+//             }                       
+//     }
+//     function buildNode( $cls, $args, $IDL ) {
+//             if ( !isset( $cls ) || !isset( $args ) ) {
+//                     return null;
+//             } else {
+//                     $n = isset( $IDL->{ $cls } ) ? $IDL->{ $cls } : null;
+//             }
+//             if ( !$n ) {
+//                     return null;
+//             } else {
+//                     if ( !$args ) {
+//                             $args = ( object ) [
+//                                     "label" => $n->label
+//                             ];
+//                     }
+//                     $args->id = $cls;
+//                     if ( isset( $args->from ) ) {
+//                             $args->id = $args->from . "." . $args->id;
+//                     }
+//                     $links = array();
+//                     foreach( $n->fields as $x ) {
+//                             if ( isset( $x->type ) ) {
+//                             $x->type == "link" ? array_push( $links, $x ) : false;
+//                             }
+//                     }
+//                     $args->idl = $this->service($cls, null);
+//                     $args->uplink = isset( $args->link ) ? $args->link : null;
+//                     $args->classname = $cls;
+//                     $args->struct = $n;
+//                     $args->table = isset( $n->table ) ? $n->table : null;
+//                     $args->fields = $this->_sort_class_fields($n->fields);
+//                     $args->links = $this->_sort_class_fields($links);
+//                     $args->children = [];
+//                     $args = json_encode( $args );
+//                     return $args;
+//             }
+//     }
+//     function convertPath( $orig, $rel, $IDL ) {
+//             $new_path = [];
+//             $table_path = preg_split( "/\./", $rel->path );
+//             if ( count( $table_path ) > 1 || strpos( $rel->path, "-" ) ) {
+//                     array_push( $table_path, $rel->idlclass );
+//             }
+//             $prev_type= "";
+//             $prev_link = "";
+//             foreach( $table_path as $tp ) {
+//                     $cl_split = preg_split( "/-/", $tp);
+//                     $cls = $cl_split[0];
+//                     $fld = isset( $cl_split[1] ) ? $cl_split[1] : null;
+//                     $args = ( object )[
+//                             "label" => isset( $IDL->{$cls}->label ) ? $IDL->{$cls}->label : null
+//                     ];
+//                     if( $prev_link != "" ) {
+//                             $link_parts = preg_split( "/-/", $prev_link );
+//                             $args->from = $link_parts[0];
+//                             $join_parts = preg_split( "/>/", $link_parts[1]);
+//                             $prev_col = $join_parts[0];
+//                             foreach( $IDL->{$link_parts[0]}->fields as $f ) {
+//                                     if ( $prev_col == $f->name ) {
+//                                             $args->link = $f;
+//                                     }
+//                             }
+//                             $args->jtype = isset( $join_parts[1] ) ? $join_parts[1] : null;
+//                     }
+//                     array_push( $new_path, $this->buildNode($cls, $args, $IDL));
+//                     $prev_link = $tp;
+//             }
+//     }
+       function pullLabel ( $d, $str, &$out, $tag, $subtag, $val ) {
+               if ( $d->$tag == $str ) {
+                       $out = $d->$val;
+                       return;
+               } else {
+                       if ( isset( $d->$subtag ) ) {
+                               if ( $d->$subtag ) {
+                                       foreach ( $d->$subtag as $j ) {
+                                               pullLabel( $j, $str, $out, $tag, $subtag, $val );
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               return;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+//     function service( $cls, $seed) {
+//             return ( object ) [
+//                     "a" => ( $seed ? $seed : ( object )[] ),
+//                     "classname" => $cls,
+//                     "_isfieldmapper" => true
+//             ];
+//     }
+//     function _sort_class_fields( $arr ) {
+//             $out = array();
+//             if ( isset( $arr[0] ) ) {
+//                 array_push( $out, $arr[0] );
+//                 array_shift($arr);
+//                 $i = 0;
+//                 while ( count($arr) > 0 ) {
+//                     $arrLabel = isset( $arr[0]->label  ) ? $arr[0]->label : "";
+//                         $arrName = isset( $arr[0]->name ) ? $arr[0]->name : "";
+//                         //$aname = $arr[0]->label ? $arr[0]->label : $arr[0]->name;
+//                         $bName = isset( $out[$i]->label  ) ? $out[$i]->label : "";
+//                         $bLabel = isset( $out[$i]->label ) ? $out[$i]->label : $bName;
+//                     $bName = isset( $bLabel ) ? $bLabel : $bName; //$out[$i]->label ? $out[$i]->label : $out[$i]->name;
+//                     while ( strcmp( $arrName, $bName) > 0 && $i < count( $arr ) ) {
+//                             $i++;
+//                     }
+//                     array_splice( $out, $i, 0, array( $arr[0] ) );
+//                     array_shift( $arr );
+//                     $i = 0;
+//                 }
+//                 }
+//             return $out;
+//     }
+// }   
diff --git a/tester.php b/tester.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6155426
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+    $data = file_get_contents( "/openils/var/web/report-creator/ver5.json" );
+    $data = json_encode( decodeTemplateData( $data ) );
+    function decodeTemplateData ($templateData) {
+        $userParamsArray = array();
+        $staticParamsArray = array();
+        $reportColumnsArray = array();
+        $returnObj = new stdClass();
+        $jsonData = json_decode( $templateData, false );
+        $select = $jsonData->select;
+        $where = ( isset( $jsonData->where ) ? $jsonData->where : NULL );
+        $having = ( isset( $jsonData->having ) ? $jsonData->having : NULL );
+        foreach ( $select as $s ) {
+                $columnName = $s->column->colname;
+                $r = $s->relation;
+                $relCol = $s->column;
+                $displayAggregate = isset( $relCol->aggregate ) ? $relCol->aggregate : NULL;
+                $displayTransformLabel = isset ( $relCol->transform_label ) ? $relCol->transform_label : NULL;
+                $columnArray = array(
+                    "name" => $s->alias,
+                    "aggregate" => $displayAggregate,
+                    "transformLabel"=>$displayTransformLabel
+                );
+                $reportColumnsArray[] = (object) $columnArray;
+        }
+        foreach( array( $where, $having ) as $clause ) {
+                if ( isset( $clause ) ) {
+                    foreach ( $clause as $cl ) {
+                        $paramsArray = returnClause( $cl, $jsonData );
+                        if ( substr( $paramsArray->param, 0, 3) == "::P" ) {
+                                $userParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
+                        } else {
+                                $staticParamsArray[] = (object) $paramsArray;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+        $returnObj->docURL = isset($jsonData->doc_url) ? $jsonData->doc_url : NULL;             //version 4 templates only
+        $returnObj->reportColumns = (object) $reportColumnsArray;
+        $returnObj->userParams = (object) $userParamsArray;
+        $returnObj->staticParams = (object) $staticParamsArray;
+       print_r( $returnObj );
+        return($returnObj);
+    }
+    function pullLabel ( $d, $str, &$out, $tag, $subtag, $val ) {
+        if ( $d->$tag == $str ) {
+                $out = $d->$val;
+                return;
+        } else {
+            if ( isset( $d->$subtag ) ) {
+                if ( $d->$subtag ) {
+                        foreach ( $d->$subtag as $j ) {
+                            pullLabel( $j, $str, $out, $tag, $subtag, $val );
+                        }
+                }
+            } else {
+                    return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function returnClause( $cl, $jsonData ) {
+        $relation = isset( $cl->relation ) ? $cl->relation : null;
+        $colName = isset( $cl->column->colname ) ? $cl->column->colname : null;
+        $columnLabel = "";
+        pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $columnLabel, "alias", "join", "label" );
+        $columnLabel = str_replace( '::', '->', $columnLabel);
+        $transform = isset( $cl->column->transform ) ? $cl->column->transform : null;
+        $transformLabel = isset( $cl->column->transform_label ) ? $cl->column->transform_label : "";
+        $dataType = "";
+        $op = "";
+        $opLabel = "";
+        $fieldDoc = "";
+        $aggregate = "";
+        foreach ( $jsonData->filter_cols as $fc ) {
+                if ( $fc->name === $colName ) {
+                    $dataType = $fc->datatype;
+                    $op = $fc->operator->op;
+                    $opLabel = $fc->operator->label;
+                    isset( $fc->doc_text ) ? $fieldDoc = $fc->doc_text : false;
+                    if ( isset( $fc->transform->aggregate ) ) {
+                        if ( $fc->transform->aggregate != "undefined" ) {
+                            $aggregate = $fc->transform->aggregate;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+        }
+        $tableName = "";
+        pullLabel( $jsonData->from, $relation, $tableName, "alias", "join", "table" );
+        $P = isset( $cl->condition ) ? $cl->condition : null;
+        if ( isset( $P ) ) {
+                list( $key, $opValue ) = each( $P );  //get the first (and only) value
+        }
+        if ( isset( $opValue ) ) {
+                if ( is_array( $opValue ) ) $opValue = implode( ',', $opValue );      //if array convert it back to a string
+        } else {
+                $opValue = "";
+        }
+        return array(
+                'column' => $columnLabel
+                ,'transform' => $transform
+                ,'transformLabel' => $transformLabel
+                ,'op' => $op
+                ,'opLabel' => $opLabel
+                ,'param'=> $opValue
+                ,'fieldDoc' => $fieldDoc
+                ,'aggregate' => $aggregate
+                ,'dataType' => $dataType
+                ,'table' => $tableName
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ac85baf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+BRICK_HEADS="brick02-head brick03-head brick04-head brick05-head brick06-head"
+# back up what's already installed
+if [ ! -d "$PROD_BACKUP" ]; then
+       echo "Production backup directory $PROD_BACKUP not found, creating it..."
+       mkdir "$PROD_BACKUP"
+rsync -auv "$OSRF_WEB_ROOT"/"$REPO_NAME"/ "$PROD_BACKUP"/
+date > "$PROD_BACKUP"/last_sync_date
+# quick sed to change the prod URL in a config file
+sed -i 's/' $GIT_LOCATION/config/production.config.php
+# now copy the git files over to the web dir
+rsync -auv --exclude="install*.sh" --exclude=".git" "$GIT_LOCATION"/ "$OSRF_WEB_ROOT"/"$REPO_NAME"/
+# and now do the rest of the bricks
+for i in $BRICK_HEADS; do
+       rsync -auvz --exclude="install*.sh" --exclude=".git" "$OSRF_WEB_ROOT"/"$REPO_NAME"/ "$i":"$OSRF_WEB_ROOT"/"$REPO_NAME"/
diff --git a/ver5.json b/ver5.json
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..db96040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ver5.json
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+  "version": 5,
+  "core_class": "ahr",
+  "select": [
+    {
+      "alias": "Hold ID",
+      "path": "ahr-id",
+      "field_doc": "",
+      "relation": "3b0d7d05c65006de7b2ca20f5fe39690",
+      "column": {
+        "colname": "id",
+        "transform": "Bare",
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data",
+        "aggregate": false
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "alias": "Request Date/Time",
+      "path": "ahr-request_time",
+      "field_doc": "",
+      "relation": "3b0d7d05c65006de7b2ca20f5fe39690",
+      "column": {
+        "colname": "request_time",
+        "transform": "Bare",
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data",
+        "aggregate": false
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "alias": "Target Object ID",
+      "path": "ahr-target",
+      "field_doc": "",
+      "relation": "3b0d7d05c65006de7b2ca20f5fe39690",
+      "column": {
+        "colname": "target",
+        "transform": "Bare",
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data",
+        "aggregate": false
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "alias": "Currently Frozen",
+      "path": "ahr-frozen",
+      "field_doc": "",
+      "relation": "3b0d7d05c65006de7b2ca20f5fe39690",
+      "column": {
+        "colname": "frozen",
+        "transform": "Bare",
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data",
+        "aggregate": false
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "alias": "Pickup Lib",
+      "path": "aou-shortname",
+      "field_doc": "",
+      "relation": "413df8472eb3495de6137209d94c2539",
+      "column": {
+        "colname": "shortname",
+        "transform": "Bare",
+        "transform_label": "Raw Data",
+        "aggregate": false
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "alias": "Request Lib",
+      "path": "aou-shortname",
+      "field_doc": "",
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index abec704..d1eacab 100644 (file)
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ class reportView extends baseReportView {
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@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class templateView {
                <tr><td></td><td>Created by <?php echo ($template->usrname)==''?'id# '.$template->owner:$template->usrname, ' on ', date('m/d/Y \a\t h:i:s A', strtotime($template->create_time)); ?></td></tr>
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