--- /dev/null
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Const qw(:const);
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+diag('LP1883171&1940663 Copy Inventory Date');
+use constant {
+ BR1_ID => 4,
+ BR2_ID => 5,
+ SYS1_ID => 2,
+ SYS1_FGROUP => "Sys1 Floating Group",
+ CIRC_USER => 'br1mtownsend',
+ CIRC_USER_PWD => 'maryt1234',
+ CIRC_WORKSTATION => 'BR1-lp1883171-live_t',
+# Login as staff
+my $credentials = {
+ username => CIRC_USER,
+ password => CIRC_USER_PWD,
+ type => 'staff'
+my $authtoken = $script->authenticate($credentials);
+ $authtoken,
+ 'Logged in'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Must log in');
+# Find or register the workstation:
+my $ws = $script->find_or_register_workstation(CIRC_WORKSTATION, BR1_ID);
+ ! ref $ws,
+ 'Found or registered workstation'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Need workstation');
+# Logout so we can use the workstation.
+ ! $script->authtoken,
+ 'Logged out'
+# Login with workstation
+$credentials->{workstation} = CIRC_WORKSTATION;
+$credentials->{password} = CIRC_USER_PWD; # Have to reset the password.
+$authtoken = $script->authenticate($credentials);
+ $script->authtoken,
+ 'Logged in with workstation'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Must log in with workstation');
+# Create an cstore editor with our current authtoken
+my $editor = $script->editor(authtoken=>$authtoken);
+# Create a floating group for SYS1:
+my $cfg = Fieldmapper::config::floating_group->new;
+$cfg = $editor->create_config_floating_group($cfg);
+ $cfg,
+ 'Floating Group created successfully'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Need Floating Group');
+$cfg = $editor->search_config_floating_group({name=>SYS1_FGROUP})->[0];
+# Add SYS1 as a member:
+my $cfgm = Fieldmapper::config::floating_group_member->new;
+$cfgm = $editor->create_config_floating_group_member($cfgm);
+ $cfgm,
+ 'Floating group member created successfully'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Need floating group member');
+# find 2 BR1 copies checked out at BR1:
+my $copies = $editor->search_asset_copy([
+ {
+ circ_lib => BR1_ID,
+ status => 1
+ },
+ {
+ join => {
+ circ => {
+ filter => {
+ circ_lib => BR1_ID,
+ checkin_scan_time => undef
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ limit=>2
+ }
+ $copies && scalar(@$copies) == 2,
+ 'Got two checked out copies'
+# Check first in without inventory update and the other with:
+my $do_inventory = 0;
+foreach my $copy (@$copies) {
+ my $args = {
+ barcode => $copy->barcode,
+ do_inventory_update => $do_inventory
+ };
+ my $resp = $script->do_checkin($args);
+ is(
+ $resp->{textcode},
+ 'Copy checked in'
+ );
+ my $circ = $resp->{payload}->{circ};
+ isa_ok(
+ $circ,
+ 'Fieldmapper::action::circulation'
+ );
+ my $scan_time = substr($circ->checkin_scan_time, 0, 19);
+ $copy = $resp->{payload}->{copy};
+ isa_ok(
+ $copy,
+ 'Fieldmapper::asset::copy'
+ );
+ my $inventory = $copy->latest_inventory();
+ if ($inventory) {
+ my $inv_time = substr($inventory->inventory_date(), 0, 19);
+ if ($do_inventory) {
+ is(
+ $inv_time,
+ $scan_time,
+ 'Inventory date equals checkin scan time'
+ );
+ } else {
+ isnt(
+ $inv_time,
+ $scan_time,
+ 'Inventory date does not equal checkin scan time'
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($do_inventory) {
+ BAIL_OUT('Inventory not created on checkin');
+ }
+ }
+ $do_inventory++;
+# Find 2 BR2 copies checked out at BR1:
+$copies = $editor->search_asset_copy([
+ {
+ circ_lib => BR2_ID,
+ status => 1
+ },
+ {
+ join => {
+ circ => {
+ circ_lib => BR1_ID,
+ checkin_scan_time => undef
+ }
+ },
+ limit=>2
+ }
+ $copies && scalar(@$copies) == 2,
+ 'Got two checked out copies'
+# Set the first one to floating:
+my $fcopy = $copies->[0];
+$fcopy = $editor->update_asset_copy($fcopy);
+ $fcopy,
+ 'First BR2 copy set to floating group'
+# Check them both in with inventory update.
+for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$copies); $i++) {
+ my $copy = $copies->[$i];
+ my $args = {
+ barcode => $copy->barcode,
+ do_inventory_update => $do_inventory
+ };
+ my $resp = $script->do_checkin($args);
+ is(
+ $resp->{textcode},
+ ($i == 0) ? 'SUCCESS' : 'ROUTE_ITEM',
+ 'Copy checked in'
+ );
+ my $circ = $resp->{payload}->{circ};
+ isa_ok(
+ $circ,
+ 'Fieldmapper::action::circulation'
+ );
+ my $scan_time = substr($circ->checkin_scan_time, 0, 19);
+ $copy = $resp->{payload}->{copy};
+ isa_ok(
+ $copy,
+ 'Fieldmapper::asset::copy'
+ );
+ my $inventory = $copy->latest_inventory();
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ if ($inventory) {
+ my $inv_time = substr($inventory->inventory_date(), 0, 19);
+ is(
+ $inv_time,
+ $scan_time,
+ 'Inventory date equals checkin scan time'
+ );
+ } else {
+ BAIL_OUT('Inventory not created on checkin');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($inventory) {
+ my $inv_time = substr($inventory->inventory_date(), 0, 19);
+ isnt(
+ $inv_time,
+ $scan_time,
+ 'Inventory date does not equal checkin scan time'
+ );
+ } else {
+ pass('Second copy does not have inventory');
+ }
+ }
+# Find an available copy at BR1:
+$copies = $editor->search_asset_copy([
+ {
+ circ_lib => BR1_ID,
+ status => 0
+ },
+ {limit=>1}
+ $copies && scalar(@$copies) == 1,
+ 'Got an available copy'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Need an available copy');
+my $resp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.circ',
+ 'open-ils.circ.circulation.update_copy_inventory',
+ $authtoken,
+ {copy_list=>[$copies->[0]->id()]}
+ $resp->[0],
+ 1,
+ 'Update copy inventory succeeded'
+my $inventories = $editor->search_asset_copy_inventory([
+ {
+ copy => $copies->[0]->id
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => [
+ {
+ class => 'aci',
+ field => 'inventory_date',
+ direction => 'desc'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ $inventories && scalar(@$inventories),
+ 'Got copy inventory'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Need copy inventory');
+my $aci = $inventories->[0];
+my $alci = $editor->retrieve_asset_latest_inventory($aci->id());
+ $alci,
+ 'Got latest inventory for copy'
+ $alci->id(),
+ $aci->id(),
+ 'Inventory IDs match'
+ $alci->inventory_date(),
+ $aci->inventory_date(),
+ 'Inventory dates match'
+ $alci->inventory_workstation(),
+ $aci->inventory_workstation(),
+ 'Inventory workstations match'
+ $alci->copy(),
+ $aci->copy(),
+ 'Inventory copies match'
+# Now, try 2 copies at BR2
+$copies = $editor->search_asset_copy([
+ {
+ circ_lib => BR2_ID,
+ status => 0
+ },
+ {limit=>2}
+ $copies && scalar(@$copies) == 2,
+ 'Got two copies'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Need 2 copies');
+$resp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.circ',
+ 'open-ils.circ.circulation.update_copy_inventory',
+ $authtoken,
+ {copy_list=>[$copies->[0]->id()]}
+ $resp->[0],
+ 0,
+ 'Update copy inventory should have 0 success'
+ $resp->[1],
+ 1,
+ 'Update copy inventory should have 1 failure'
+# Make the second one float and it should succeed.
+$fcopy = $copies->[1];
+if ($editor->update_asset_copy($fcopy)) {
+ $editor->xact_commit;
+ $resp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.circ',
+ 'open-ils.circ.circulation.update_copy_inventory',
+ $authtoken,
+ {copy_list=>[$fcopy->id()]}
+ );
+ is(
+ $resp->[0],
+ 1,
+ 'Update inventory for floating copy'
+ );
+} else {
+ $editor->xact_rollback;
+ BAIL_OUT('Set copy floating failed');
+# Test a batch update where some succeed and some fail.
+$resp = $editor->search_asset_copy([
+ {circ_lib => BR2_ID, status => 0, floating => undef},
+ {limit => 5, idlist => 1}
+ $resp && scalar(@{$resp}) == 5,
+ 'Got 5 copies from branch 2'
+push(@{$copies}, @{$resp});
+$resp = $editor->search_asset_copy([
+ {circ_lib => BR1_ID, status => 0},
+ {limit => 5, idlist => 1}
+ $resp && scalar(@{$resp}) == 5,
+ 'Got 5 copies from branch 1'
+push(@{$copies}, @{$resp});
+$resp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.circ',
+ 'open-ils.circ.circulation.update_copy_inventory',
+ $authtoken,
+ {copy_list=>$copies}
+ $resp->[0],
+ 5,
+ 'Updated inventory on 5 copies'
+ $resp->[1],
+ 5,
+ 'Did not update inventory on 5 copies'
+# We could run 36 or more tests depending on what we find in the
+# database, so we don't specify a number of tests.
+# Just to make sure we're done.