#bail out for now
-#my $response = "<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Hello There</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Hello You Big JERK!</H1> Who would take this book seriously if the first eaxample didn't say \"hello world\"? </BODY> </HTML>";
- #return $response;
- warn $request_type;
my $handler = NCIP::Handler->new($request_type);
return $handler->handle($xml);
if ($dom) {
# should check validity with validate at this point
- # if ( $self->validate($dom) ) {
- my $request_type = $self->parse_request($dom);
- # do whatever we should do to initiate, then hand back request_type
- if ($request_type) {
- return $request_type;
+ if ( $self->validate($dom) ) {
+ my $request_type = $self->parse_request($dom);
+ # do whatever we should do to initiate, then hand back request_type
+ if ($request_type) {
+ return $request_type;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Not valid xml";
+ # not valid throw error
+ return;
- # }
- # else {
- # warn "Not valid xml";
- # not valid throw error
- # return;
- # }
else {
sub validate {
# this should perhaps be in it's own module
- my $self = shift;
- my $dom = shift;
- my $validity = $dom->is_valid();
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dom = shift;
+ try {
+ $dom->validate();
+ }
+ catch {
+ warn "Bad xml, caught error: $_";
+ return;
+ }
# we could validate against the dtd here, might be good?
# my $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->parse_string($dtd_str);
- # my $validity = $dom->is_valid($dtd);
+ # $dom->validate($dtd);
# perhaps we could check the ncip version and validate that too
- return $validity;
+ return 1;
sub parse_request {
else {
warn "Invalid XML";
- return 0;
+ return;
- return 0;
+ return;