Remove a block of commented code that was turned up while working on
this issue. This is in its own commit to make it easier to revert, if
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <>
Signed-off-by: Michele Morgan <>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <>
$log->debug("CDBI->remote_update: \$search is $search (".ref($search)." : ".join(',',map{"$_ => $$search{$_}"}keys(%$search)).")",DEBUG);
$log->debug("CDBI->remote_update: \$arg is $arg (".ref($arg)." : ".join(',',map{"$_ => $$arg{$_}"}keys(%$arg)).")",DEBUG);
-# my @objs = $self->search_where($search);
-# throw OpenSRF::EX::WARN ("No objects found for remote_update. Perhaps you meant to use merge?")
-# if (@objs == 0);
-# $_->update($arg) for (@objs);
-# return scalar(@objs);
my @finds = sort keys %$search;
my @sets = sort keys %$arg;