argc => 2,
stream => 1,
max_chunk_size => 0,
- record_type => 'bib'
+ record_type => 'bib',
+ signature => {
+ desc => q/
+ Attempts to import all non-imported records for the selected queue.
+ Will also attempt import of all non-imported items.
+ /
+ }
max_chunk_size => 0,
record_type => 'auth'
- api_name => "open-ils.vandelay.bib_queue.nomatch.import",
- method => 'import_queue',
- api_level => 1,
- argc => 2,
- stream => 1,
- signature => {
- desc => q/Only import records that have no collisions/
- },
- max_chunk_size => 0,
- record_type => 'bib'
- api_name => "open-ils.vandelay.auth_queue.nomatch.import",
- method => 'import_queue',
- api_level => 1,
- argc => 2,
- stream => 1,
- signature => {
- desc => q/Only import records that have no collisions/
- },
- max_chunk_size => 0,
- record_type => 'auth'
sub import_queue {
my($self, $conn, $auth, $q_id, $options) = @_;
my $e = new_editor(authtoken => $auth, xact => 1);
my $type = $self->{record_type};
my $class = ($type eq 'bib') ? 'vqbr' : 'vqar';
+ # First, collect the not-yet-imported records
my $query = {queue => $q_id, import_time => undef};
+ my $search = ($type eq 'bib') ?
+ 'search_vandelay_queued_bib_record' :
+ 'search_vandelay_queued_authority_record';
+ my $rec_ids = $e->$search($query, {idlist => 1});
- if($self->api_name =~ /nomatch/) {
- my $matched_recs = queued_records_with_matches($e, $type, $q_id, undef, undef, {import_time => undef});
- $query->{id} = {'not in' => $matched_recs} if @$matched_recs;
+ # Now add any imported records that have un-imported items
+ if($type eq 'bib') {
+ my $item_recs = $e->json_query({
+ select => {vqbr => ['id']},
+ from => {vqbr => 'vii'},
+ where => {
+ '+vqbr' => {
+ queue => $q_id,
+ import_time => {'!=' => undef}
+ },
+ '+vii' => {import_time => undef}
+ },
+ distinct => 1
+ });
+ push(@$rec_ids, map {$_->{id}} @$item_recs);
- my $search = ($type eq 'bib') ?
- 'search_vandelay_queued_bib_record' : 'search_vandelay_queued_authority_record';
- my $rec_ids = $e->$search($query, {idlist => 1});
my $err = import_record_list_impl($self, $conn, $rec_ids, $e->requestor, $options);
try {$e->rollback} otherwise {}; # only using this to make the read authoritative -- don't die from it
return $err if $err;
# returns a list of queued record IDs for a given queue that
# have at least one entry in the match table
sub queued_records_with_matches {
my($e, $type, $q_id, $limit, $offset, $filter) = @_;
- $$report_args{rec} = $rec;
if($rec->import_time) {
+ # if the record is already imported, that means it may have
+ # un-imported copies. Add to success list for later processing.
+ push(@success_rec_ids, $rec_id);
+ $$report_args{rec} = $rec;
$queues{$rec->queue} = 1;
my $record;
if($res->{$auto_overlay_best_func} eq 't') {
$logger->info("vl: $type overlay-1match succeeded for queued rec $rec_id");
$imported = 1;
+ # re-fetch the record to pick up the imported_as value from the DB
+ $$report_args{rec} = $rec = $e->$retrieve_func([
+ $rec_id, {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {$rec_class => ['matches']}}]);
} else {
$$report_args{import_error} = 'overlay.record.quality' if $match_quality_ratio > 0;
$logger->info("vl: $type overlay-1match failed for queued rec $rec_id");
if($res->{$auto_overlay_func} eq 't') {
$logger->info("vl: $type auto-overlay succeeded for queued rec $rec_id");
$imported = 1;
+ # re-fetch the record to pick up the imported_as value from the DB
+ $$report_args{rec} = $rec = $e->$retrieve_func([
+ $rec_id, {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {$rec_class => ['matches']}}]);
} else {
$logger->info("vl: $type auto-overlay failed for queued rec $rec_id");
if($res->{$auto_overlay_best_func} eq 't') {
$logger->info("vl: $type auto-overlay-best succeeded for queued rec $rec_id");
$imported = 1;
+ # re-fetch the record to pick up the imported_as value from the DB
+ $$report_args{rec} = $rec = $e->$retrieve_func([
+ $rec_id, {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {$rec_class => ['matches']}}]);
} else {
$$report_args{import_error} = 'overlay.record.quality' if $match_quality_ratio > 0;
$logger->info("vl: $type auto-overlay-best failed for queued rec $rec_id");
/* set up options */
- var mergeOpt = false;
var options = {overlay_map : currentOverlayRecordsMap};
if(vlUploadQueueImportNoMatch.checked) {
if(vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayExact.checked) {
options.auto_overlay_exact = true;
vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayExact.checked = false;
- mergeOpt = true;
if(vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayBestMatch.checked) {
options.auto_overlay_best_match = true;
vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayBestMatch.checked = false;
options.match_quality_ratio = vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayBestMatchRatio.attr('value');
- mergeOpt = true;
if(vlUploadQueueAutoOverlay1Match.checked) {
options.auto_overlay_1match = true;
vlUploadQueueAutoOverlay1Match.checked = false;
options.match_quality_ratio = vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayBestMatchRatio.attr('value');
- mergeOpt = true;
var profile = vlUploadMergeProfile.attr('value');
if(type == 'auth')
method = method.replace('bib', 'auth');
- if(!mergeOpt) {
- // in the interest of speed, if no merge options are
- // chosen, tell the back-end code to only process records
- // that have no matches
- method = method.replace(/\.import/, '.nomatch.import');
- }
var params = [authtoken, queueId, options];
if(recList) {
method = 'open-ils.vandelay.'+currentType+'_record.list.import';