make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <osname>
Note: `centos` and `rhel` are less tested than the `debian`, `fedora`,
and `ubuntu` options. Your patches and suggestions for improvement are
+6. Add `/usr/local/lib/dbd` to the system dynamic library path by issuing
+ the following commands as the root user:
+[source, bash]
+echo "/usr/local/lib/dbd" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/eg.conf
Configuration and compilation instructions:
Installation instructions:
-Once you have configured and compiled Evergreen, issue the following
-command as the root user to install Evergreen:
+1. Once you have configured and compiled Evergreen, issue the following
+ command as the root user to install Evergreen, build the server portion of
+ the staff client, and copy example configuration files to `/openils/conf`.
+ Change the value of the `STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID` variable to match the version
+ of the staff client that you will use to connect to the Evergreen server.
[source, bash]
make STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID=rel_2_1 install
-This command installs Evergreen, including example configuration files in
-`/openils/conf/` that you can use as templates for your own configuration files.
+2. The server portion of the staff client expects `http://hostname/xul/server`
+ to resolve. The following command creates a symbolic link pointing to the
+ `server` subdirectory of the server portion of the staff client that we just
+ built using the staff client ID 'rel_name':
+[source, bash]
+cd /openils/var/web/xul
+ln -sf rel_name/server server
Create the oils_web.xml configuration file:
cp /openils/conf/opensrf.xml.example /openils/conf/opensrf.xml
-When you installed OpenSRF, you will have created four Jabber users on two
+When you installed OpenSRF, you created four Jabber users on two
separate domains and edited the `opensrf_core.xml` file accordingly. Please
refer back to the OpenSRF README and edit the Evergreen version of the
`opensrf_core.xml` file using the same Jabber users and domains as you used
while installing and testing OpenSRF.
-`eg_db_config.pl`, described in the following section, will set the database
+`eg_db_config.pl`, described in the following section, sets the database
connection information in `opensrf.xml` for you.
Creating the Evergreen database:
By default, the `Makefile.install` prerequisite installer does not install
the PostgreSQL 9.0 database server required by every Evergreen system;
-most libraries install the PostgreSQL database server on a dedicated
-machine. You can install the packages required by Debian, Ubuntu, or Fedora
-using the following commands:
+for production use, most libraries install the PostgreSQL database server on a
+dedicated machine. You can install the packages required by Debian, Ubuntu, or
+Fedora on the machine of your choice using the following commands:
-.Installing PostgreSQL 9.0 server packages on Debian and Ubuntu
+.(Debian / Ubuntu) Installing PostgreSQL 9.0 server packages
[source, bash]
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install install_pgsql_server_debs_90
-.Installing PostgreSQL 9.0 server packages on Fedora
+.(Fedora 15) Installing PostgreSQL 9.0 server packages
[source, bash]
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install install_fedora_pgsql_server
+For a standalone PostgreSQL server, install the following Perl modules as the
+root user:
+.(Debian / Ubuntu) Installing additional Perl modules on a standalone PostgreSQL 9.0 server
+[source, bash]
+aptitude install gcc libxml-libxml-perl libxml-libxslt-perl
+cpan Business::ISBN
+cpan JSON::XS
+cpan Library::CallNumber::LC
+cpan MARC::Record
+cpan MARC::File::XML
+cpan UUID::Tiny
+.(Fedora 15) Installing additional Perl modules on a standalone PostgreSQL 9.0 server
+[source, bash]
+yum install gcc perl-XML-LibXML perl-XML-LibXSLT perl-Business-ISBN
+cpan JSON::XS
+cpan Library::CallNumber::LC
+cpan MARC::Record
+cpan MARC::File::XML
+cpan UUID::Tiny
Once the PostgreSQL database server has been installed, you must
create the database and add the appropriate languages and extensions to
support Evergreen. Issue the following commands as the `postgres` user to set
Once you have created the Evergreen database, you need to create a PostgreSQL
user to access the database. Issue the following command as the `postgres`
-user to create a new PostgreSQL user named `evergreen`. When prompted, enter
-the new user's password and answer `yes` to make the new role a superuser:
+user to create a new PostgreSQL superuser named `evergreen`. When prompted,
+enter the new user's password:
[source, bash]
-createuser -P evergreen
+createuser -s -P evergreen
Once you have created the Evergreen database, you also need to create the
--database <dbname> --admin-user <admin-user> --admin-pass <admin-pass>
-This will create the database schema and configure all of the services in
+This creates the database schema and configures all of the services in
your `/openils/conf/opensrf.xml` configuration file to point to that database.
It also creates the configuration files required by the Evergreen cgi-bin
administration scripts, and set the user name and password for the default
Developers working directly with the source code from the Git
-repository will also need to install some extra packages and perform
+repository must also install some extra packages and perform
one more step before they can proceed with the `./configure` step.
Install the following packages:
cp -r /openils/var/web/js/dojo-release-1.3.3/* /openils/var/web/js/dojo/.
+Starting Evergreen
+1. As the root user, start the `memcached` and `ejabberd` services (if they aren't already running):
+[source, bash]
+/etc/init.d/ejabberd start
+/etc/init.d/memcached start
+2. As the opensrf user, start Evergreen. The `-l` flag in the following command
+is only necessary if you want to force Evergreen to treat the hostname as
+`localhost`; if you configured `opensrf.xml` using the real hostname
+of your machine as returned by `perl -ENet::Domain 'print
+Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . "\n";'`, you should not use the `-l` flag.
+[source, bash]
+osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all</code>
+ ** If you receive the error message `bash: osrf_ctl.sh: command not found`,
+ then your environment variable `PATH` does not include the `/openils/bin`
+ directory; this should have been set in the opensrf user's `.bashrc`
+ configuration file. To manually set the `PATH` variable, edit the
+ configuration file `~/.bashrc` as the opensrf user and add the following
+ line:
+[source, bash]
+export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin
+3. As the `opensrf` user, generate the Web files needed by the staff client
+ and catalogue and update the organization unit proximity (you need to do
+ this the first time you start Evergreen, and after that each time you
+ change the library hierarchy in `config.cgi`):
+[source, bash]
+autogen.sh -u
+4. As the `root` user, restart the Apache Web server:
+[source, bash]
+/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
+If the Apache Web server was running when you started the OpenSRF services, you
+might not be able to successfully log in to the OPAC or staff client until the
+Apache Web server is restarted.
+Testing connections to Evergreen
+Once you have installed and started Evergreen, test your connection to
+Evergreen via `srfsh`. Start `srfsh` and try to log onto the Evergreen server
+using the administrator user name and password that you set using the
+`eg_db_config.pl` command:
+[source, bash]
+srfsh% login <admin-user> <admin-pass>
+You should see a result like:
+ Received Data: "250bf1518c7527a03249858687714376"
+ ------------------------------------
+ Request Completed Successfully
+ Request Time in seconds: 0.045286
+ ------------------------------------
+ Received Data: {
+ "ilsevent":0,
+ "textcode":"SUCCESS",
+ "desc":" ",
+ "pid":21616,
+ "stacktrace":"oils_auth.c:304",
+ "payload":{
+ "authtoken":"e5f9827cc0f93b503a1cc66bee6bdd1a",
+ "authtime":420
+ }
+ }
+ ------------------------------------
+ Request Completed Successfully
+ Request Time in seconds: 1.336568
+ ------------------------------------
+If this does not work, it's time to do some troubleshooting.
+ * As the opensrf user, run the `settings-tester.pl` script to see if it
+ finds any system configuration problems. The script is found at
+ `Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings-tester.pl` in the Evergreen source
+ tree.
+ * Follow the steps in the http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=troubleshooting:checking_for_errors[troubleshooting guide].
+ * If you have faithfully followed the entire set of installation steps
+ listed here, you are probably extremely close to a working system.
+ Gather your configuration files and log files and contact the
+ http://open-ils.org/listserv.php[Evergreen development mailing list]
+ for assistance before making any drastic changes to your system
+ configuration.
Getting help: