* patron - has several fields from the patron object, including a financial summary
- * prefix
- * first_given_name
- * second_given_name
- * family_name
- * suffix
- * pref_prefix
- * pref_first_given_name
- * pref_second_given_name
- * pref_family_name
- * pref_suffix
- * card.barcode
- * money_summary.balance_owed - current balance
- * money_summary.total_paid - payments made on outstanding fines/fees
- * money_summary.total_owed - total of outstanding fines/fees
- * expire_date
- * alias - aka Holds Alias
- * has_email - boolean value to show/hide elements on the receipt
- * has_phone - same as has_email
- * juvenile - boolean value (t/f) to show/hide elements on the receipt
+ * patron.prefix
+ * patron.first_given_name
+ * patron.second_given_name
+ * patron.family_name
+ * patron.suffix
+ * patron.pref_prefix
+ * patron.pref_first_given_name
+ * patron.pref_second_given_name
+ * patron.pref_family_name
+ * patron.pref_suffix
+ * patron.card.barcode
+ * patron.money_summary.balance_owed - current balance
+ * patron.money_summary.total_paid - payments made on outstanding fines/fees
+ * patron.money_summary.total_owed - total of outstanding fines/fees
+ * patron.expire_date
+ * patron.alias - aka Holds Alias
+ * patron.has_email - boolean value to show/hide elements on the receipt
+ * patron.has_phone - same as has_email
+ * patron.juvenile - boolean value (t/f) to show/hide elements on the receipt
* circulations - list of loans made during this session. Each
checkout includes:
* patron - has several fields from the patron object, including a financial summary
- * first_given_name
- * second_given_name
- * family_name
- * suffix
- * pref_ versions of all name fields (e.g. pref_family_name);
- * card.barcode
- * money_summary.balance_owed - current balance
- * money_summary.total_paid - payments made on outstanding fines/fees
- * money_summary.total_owed - total of outstanding fines/fees
- * expire_date
- * alias - aka Holds Alias
- * has_email - boolean value to show/hide elements on the receipt
- * has_phone - same as has_email
- * juvenile - boolean value (t/f) to show/hide elements on the receipt
+ * patron.first_given_name
+ * patron.second_given_name
+ * patron.family_name
+ * patron.suffix
+ * patron.pref_ versions of all name fields (e.g. pref_family_name);
+ * patron.card.barcode
+ * patron.money_summary.balance_owed - current balance
+ * patron.money_summary.total_paid - payments made on outstanding fines/fees
+ * patron.money_summary.total_owed - total of outstanding fines/fees
+ * patron.expire_date
+ * patron.alias - aka Holds Alias
+ * patron.has_email - boolean value to show/hide elements on the receipt
+ * patron.has_phone - same as has_email
+ * patron.juvenile - boolean value (t/f) to show/hide elements on the receipt
* circulations - list of current loans, including for each checkout