Signed-off-by: Andrea Buntz Neiman <>
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <>
* Fixes the owning library default when adding a new course ([LP1917809])
* Fixes an issue that allowed unreasonable Course-Term mappings ([LP1906058])
+==== Documentation ====
+* Updates the Glossary & Apache Rewrite Tricks docs to define 'TLD' ([LP1837753])
+* Updates Address Alert docs for web client ([LP1776977])
==== OPAC ====
* Fixes alignment issue on mobile devices ([LP1928005])
* Fixes the owning library default when adding a new course ([LP1917809])
* Fixes an issue that allowed unreasonable Course-Term mappings ([LP1906058])
+==== Documentation ====
+* Updates the Glossary & Apache Rewrite Tricks docs to define 'TLD' ([LP1837753])
+* Updates Address Alert docs for web client ([LP1776977])
+* Updates to library settings docs & filename corrections (;a=commit;h=c6e50ae7aca514a3b3db441df29162680279e0fb[commit])
+* Updated Shelving Locations docs for Angular ([LP1901758])
+* Fixes to 3.7 Report Sources doc (;a=commit;h=efe8d20613f65c8a568f66f3cd2e334fe12e4341[commit])
==== OPAC ====
* Fixes alignment issue on mobile devices ([LP1928005])
* Jeff Davis
* Bill Erickson
* Jason Etheridge
+* Lynn Floyd
* Ruth Frasur
* Rogan Hamby
* Elaine Hardy