organizations who commissioned developments in this release of
- * Georgia Public Library Service
- * Grand Rapids Public Library
- * Kenton County Public Library
- * King County Library System
- * Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
- * NC Cardinal
- * OhioNet
- * Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
+ * **TO DO**
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed
code, documentations patche and tests to this release of Evergreen:
- * Thomas Berezansky
- * Matt Berowski
- * Adam Bowling
- * Jason Boyer
- * Christine Burns
- * Galen Charlton
- * Bill Erickson
- * Jason Etheridge
- * Jeff Davis
- * Lynn Floyd
- * Jeff Godin
- * Angela Kilsdonk
- * Doug Kyle
- * Debbie Luchenbill
- * Kathy Lussier
- * Terran McCanna
- * Stephen Moss
- * Dan Pearl
- * Michael Peters
- * Mike Rylander
- * Jane Sandberg
- * Dan Scott
- * Ben Shum
- * Josh Stompro
- * Remington Steed
- * Jason Stephenson
- * Yamil Suarez
- * Dan Wells
- * Liam Whalen
+ * ** TO DO**
We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed
- * Anderson County Library
- * Berklee College of Music
- * Bibliomation
- * British Columbia Libraries Cooperative
- * Calvin College
- * Catalyst Dev Works
- * Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing
- * Emerald Data Networks, Inc.
- * Equinox Software, Inc.
- * Georgia Public Library Service
- * Grand Rapids Public Library
- * Indiana State Library
- * King County Library System
- * Lake Agassiz Regional Library
- * Laurentian University
- * Linn-Benton Community College
- * Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
- * Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
- * Sigio
- * Traverse Area District Library
+ * **TO DO**
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertantly
missed, please open a bug at