--- /dev/null
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 80;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Const qw(:const);
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+diag("Test LP 1752334 BadContact");
+use constant {
+ BR1_ID => 4,
+ BR3_ID => 6,
+ PHONE => '218-555-0177',
+ EMAIL => 'nouser@evergreen-ils.test',
+ TESTMESSAGE => '123456 TEST Invalidate Message',
+ PROFILE => 2, #patrons
+### Fields that can be invalidated
+# email
+# day_phone
+# evening_phone
+# other_phone
+my @fields = ('email','day_phone','evening_phone','other_phone');
+### Notification data, field index 0 is the penalty type code
+my %data =(
+ email => [ 31,'nouser1@evergreen-ils.test','nouser2@evergreen-ils.test',
+ 'nouser3@evergreen-ils.test','nouser4@example.com',
+ 'nouser5@example.test'],
+ day_phone => [32,'218-555-0177','218-555-0129','218-555-0110','218-555-0196','218-555-0181'],
+ evening_phone => [33,'701-555-0130','701-555-0104','701-555-0155','701-555-0156','701-555-0143'],
+ other_phone => [34,'612-555-0111','612-555-0115','612-555-0157','612-555-0162','612-555-0192'],
+### Options for invalidation
+# Additional Note
+# Penalty Org Unit -- ignore
+# Notification string - invalidates all occurences of that type of notification.
+# We are deliberately NOT using the admin user to check for a perm failure.
+my $credentials = {
+ username => 'br1mtownsend',
+ password => 'maryt1234',
+ type => 'staff'
+sub remove_penalty_from_patron {
+ my $penalty = shift;
+ #Fetch the ausp object, we have aump
+ my $ausp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.search.ausp.atomic',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ {id => $penalty->id() }
+ );
+ #Use the ausp to remove the penalty
+ return $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.penalty.remove',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ $ausp->[0]
+ );
+sub set_notifications {
+ my ($user,$i) = @_;
+ #Set notifications
+ $user->email($data{email}[$i]);
+ $user->day_phone($data{day_phone}[$i]);
+ $user->evening_phone($data{evening_phone}[$i]);
+ $user->other_phone($data{other_phone}[$i]);
+ $user->ischanged(1); ## Has to be included or update won't happen
+ my $resp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.patron.update',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ $user
+ );
+ return($resp);
+sub invalidate {
+ my ($userid,$type,$note,$ou,$search) = @_;
+ my $respi = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.invalidate.'.$type,
+ $script->authtoken,
+ $userid,
+ $note,
+ $ou,
+ $search
+ );
+ return $respi
+sub invalidate_all {
+ my ($userid,$note,$ou,$search) = @_;
+ foreach( @fields ){
+ my $respi = invalidate($userid,$_,$note,$ou, defined($search) ? $data{$_}[$search] : undef);
+ is($respi->{textcode},'SUCCESS',$_.' Invalidation was a success');
+ }
+sub check_all_penalties {
+ my ($userid,$note,$ou,$search,$i) = @_;
+ foreach( @fields ){
+ my $respi = check_penalty($userid,$_,$note,$ou,
+ defined($search) ? $data{$_}[$search] : undef,$i);
+ }
+sub check_penalty {
+ my ($userid,$type,$note,$ou,$search,$i) = @_;
+ my $code = $data{$type}[0]; #Penalty Type Code
+ my $ausp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.search.aump.atomic',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ {usr => $userid, standing_penalty => $code, stop_date => undef },
+ {limit => 1}
+ );
+ my $penalty = $ausp->[0];
+ #print ref($penalty)."\n";
+ my $message = $data{$type}[$i].($note ? ' '.$note : '');
+ isa_ok($penalty, 'Fieldmapper::actor::usr_message_penalty', 'User Penalty Found -- '.$type);
+ is($penalty->message(), $message, $type.' penalty note matches expected format.');
+ ## Remove penalty
+ ok( ! ref (remove_penalty_from_patron($penalty)), $type.' invalid notification penalty pemoved');
+# Log in as staff.
+my $authtoken = $script->authenticate($credentials);
+ $authtoken,
+ 'Logged in'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Must log in');
+# Get a cstore editor for later use.
+my $editor = $script->editor(authtoken=>$script->authtoken);
+# Find a patron to use.
+my $aus = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.search.au.atomic',
+ $authtoken,
+ {profile => PROFILE, active => 't', home_ou => BR1_ID },
+ {limit => 5}
+ok(@{$aus} == 5, 'Found 5 patrons');
+my $user = $aus->[0];
+ $user,
+ 'Fieldmapper::actor::user',
+ 'Found a patron'
+) or BAIL_OUT('Patron not found');
+my $resp = set_notifications($user,1);
+isa_ok($resp, 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Notifications added patron 1');
+#print Dumper($resp);
+## Next user
+$user = $aus->[1];
+$resp = set_notifications($user,2);
+isa_ok($resp, 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Notifications added patron 2');
+## Users 3,4,5 have the same notifications set
+$user = $aus->[2];
+$resp = set_notifications($user,3);
+isa_ok($resp, 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Notifications added patron 3');
+$user = $aus->[3];
+$resp = set_notifications($user,3);
+isa_ok($resp, 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Notifications added patron 4');
+$user = $aus->[4];
+$resp = set_notifications($user,3);
+isa_ok($resp, 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Notifications added patron 5');
+#Invalidate all notifications for user 1 - default settings
+diag("Patron 1 - default invalidate settings");
+$user = $aus->[0];
+#Invalidate all notifications for user 2 - added note
+diag("Patron 2 - Added note");
+$user = $aus->[1];
+#Invalidate notifications for users 3,4,5 - using search method with test message
+diag("Patron 3,4,5 - Added note - same contact info");
+$user = $aus->[2];
+invalidate_all(undef,TESTMESSAGE,$user->home_ou(),3); #Search is index to notification data
+## Check and clear standing penalties
+diag("Patron 1 - default invalidate settings");
+$user = $aus->[0];
+diag("Patron 2 - Added note");
+$user = $aus->[1];
+diag("Patron 3 - Added note - same contact info");
+$user = $aus->[2];
+diag("Patron 4 - Added note - same contact info");
+$user = $aus->[3];
+diag("Patron 5 - Added note - same contact info");
+$user = $aus->[4];
+# Logout
+$script->logout(); # Not a test, just to be pedantic.
\ No newline at end of file