if $self->{stderr_log_path};
$self->{min_spare_children} ||= 0;
- $self->{max_backlog_queue} ||= 1000;
$self->{max_spare_children} = $self->{min_spare_children} + 1 if
$self->{max_spare_children} and
my $wait_time = 1;
- my @max_children_msg_queue;
# main server loop
while(1) {
- my $from_network = 0;
$self->{child_died} = 0;
- my $msg = shift(@max_children_msg_queue);
- # no pending message, so wait for the next one forever
- $from_network = $wait_time = -1 if (!$msg);
- $msg ||= $self->{osrf_handle}->process($wait_time);
+ my $msg = $self->{osrf_handle}->process($wait_time);
!$from_network and $chatty and $logger->debug("server: attempting to process previously queued message");
$from_network and $chatty and $logger->internal("server: no queued messages, processing due to network or signal");
$logger->warn("server: no children available, waiting... consider increasing " .
"max_children for this application higher than $self->{max_children} ".
"in the OpenSRF configuration if this message occurs frequently");
+ $self->check_status(1); # block until child is available
- if ($from_network) {
- $chatty and $logger->debug("server: queuing new message");
- push @max_children_msg_queue, $msg;
- } else {
- $chatty and $logger->debug("server: re-queuing old message");
- unshift @max_children_msg_queue, $msg;
- }
- $logger->warn("server: backlog queue size is now ". scalar(@max_children_msg_queue));
- if (@max_children_msg_queue < $self->{max_backlog_queue}) {
- # We still have room on the queue. Set the wait time to
- # 1s, waiting for a drone to be freed up and reprocess
- # this (and any other) queued messages.
- $wait_time = 1;
- if (!$from_network) {
- # if we got here, we had retrieved a message from the queue
- # but couldn't process it... but also hadn't fetched any
- # additional messages from the network. Doing so now,
- # as otherwise only one message will ever get queued
- $msg = $self->{osrf_handle}->process($wait_time);
- if ($msg) {
- $chatty and $logger->debug("server: queuing new message after a re-queue");
- push @max_children_msg_queue, $msg;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!$from_network) {
- # The queue is full, and we just requeued a message. We'll
- # now see if there is a request available from the network;
- # if so, we'll see if a child is available again or else
- # drop it
- $msg = $self->{osrf_handle}->process($wait_time);
- if ($msg) {
- $self->check_status();
- if (@{$self->{idle_list}}) {
- # child now available, so we'll go ahead and queue it
- $chatty and $logger->debug("server: queuing new message after a re-queue with a full queue");
- push @max_children_msg_queue, $msg;
- } else {
- # ok, need to drop this one
- my $resp = OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMessage->new();
- $resp->type('STATUS');
- $resp->payload(
- OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException->new(
- status => "Service unavailable: no available children and backlog queue at limit",
- )
- );
- $resp->threadTrace(1);
- $logger->set_osrf_xid($msg->osrf_xid);
- $self->{osrf_handle}->send(
- to => $msg->from,
- osrf_xid => $msg->osrf_xid, # Note that this is ignored, which
- # is why we called $logger->set_osrf_xid above.
- # We probably don't want that to be necessary
- # if osrf_xid is explicitly set here, but that'll
- # be a FIXME for later
- thread => $msg->thread,
- body => OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON([ $resp ])
- );
- $logger->warn("Backlog queue full for $self->{service}; forced to drop message " .
- $msg->thread . " from " . $msg->from);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ my $child = pop(@{$self->{idle_list}});
+ push(@{$self->{active_list}}, $child);
+ $self->write_child($child, $msg);
} else {