--- /dev/null
+dojo.requireLocalization('openils.actor', 'register');
+var localeStrings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization('openils.actor', 'register');
+var pcrud;
+var fmClasses = ['au', 'ac', 'aua', 'actsc', 'asv', 'asvq', 'asva'];
+var fieldDoc = {};
+var statCats;
+var statCatTemplate;
+var surveys;
+var staff;
+var patron;
+var uEditUsePhonePw = false;
+var widgetPile = [];
+var uEditCardVirtId = -1;
+var uEditAddrVirtId = -1;
+var orgSettings = {};
+var userSettings = {};
+var userSettingsToUpdate = {};
+var userSettingTypes;
+var tbody;
+var addrTemplateRows;
+var cgi;
+var cloneUser;
+var cloneUserObj;
+var stageUser;
+var optInSettings;
+var allCardsTemplate;
+var uEditCloneCopyAddr; // if true, copy addrs on clone instead of link
+var homeOuTypes = {};
+var dupeUsrname = false;
+var dupeBarcode = false;
+if(!window.xulG) var xulG = null;
+var lock_ready = false;
+var already_locked = false;
+function load() {
+ staff = new openils.User().user;
+ pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
+ cgi = new openils.CGI();
+ cloneUser = cgi.param('clone');
+ var userId = cgi.param('usr');
+ var stageUname = cgi.param('stage');
+ saveButton.attr("label", localeStrings.SAVE);
+ saveCloneButton.attr("label", localeStrings.SAVE_CLONE);
+ replaceBarcode.attr("label", localeStrings.REPLACE_BARCODE);
+ dojo.byId('uedit-show-required').innerHTML = localeStrings.SHOW_REQUIRED;
+ dojo.byId('uedit-show-suggested').innerHTML = localeStrings.SHOW_SUGGESTED;
+ dojo.byId('uedit-show-all').innerHTML = localeStrings.SHOW_ALL;
+ dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-barcode-warning').innerHTML = localeStrings.BARCODE_IN_USE;
+ allCards.attr("label", localeStrings.SEE_ALL);
+ dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-username-warning').innerHTML = localeStrings.DUPE_USERNAME;
+ generatePassword.attr("label", localeStrings.RESET_PASSWORD);
+ dojo.byId('verifyPassword').innerHTML = localeStrings.VERIFY_PASSWORD;
+ dojo.byId('parentGuardian').innerHTML = localeStrings.PARENT_OR_GUARDIAN;
+ dojo.byId('userSettings').innerHTML = localeStrings.USER_SETTINGS;
+ dojo.byId('statCats').innerHTML = localeStrings.STAT_CATS;
+ dojo.query("td[name='addressHeader']").forEach( function(item) { item.innerHTML = localeStrings.ADDRESS_HEADER; });
+ dojo.query("span[name='mailingAddress']").forEach( function(item) { item.innerHTML = localeStrings.ADDRESS_MAILING; });
+ dojo.query("span[name='billingAddress']").forEach( function(item) { item.innerHTML = localeStrings.ADDRESS_BILLING; });
+ dojo.query("span[name='addressPending']").forEach( function(item) { item.innerHTML = localeStrings.ADDRESS_PENDING; });
+ dojo.query("button[name='approve-button']").forEach( function(item) { item.innerHTML = localeStrings.ADDRESS_APPROVE; });
+ dojo.query("span[name='address-already-owned']").forEach( function(item) { item.innerHTML = localeStrings.ADDRESS_OWNED; });
+ dojo.query("button[name='addressNew']").forEach( function(item) { item.innerHTML = localeStrings.ADDRESS_NEW; });
+ if(xulG) {
+ if(xulG.ses) openils.User.authtoken = xulG.ses;
+ if(typeof xulG.clone != 'undefined') cloneUser = xulG.clone;
+ if(typeof xulG.usr != 'undefined') userId = xulG.usr
+ if(typeof xulG.params != 'undefined') {
+ var parms = xulG.params;
+ if(typeof parms.ses != 'undefined')
+ openils.User.authtoken = parms.ses;
+ if(typeof parms.clone != 'undefined')
+ cloneUser = parms.clone;
+ if(typeof parms.usr != 'undefined')
+ userId = parms.usr;
+ if(typeof parms.stage != 'undefined')
+ stageUname = parms.stage
+ }
+ }
+ orgSettings = fieldmapper.aou.fetchOrgSettingBatch(staff.ws_ou(), [
+ 'global.password_regex',
+ 'global.juvenile_age_threshold',
+ 'patron.password.use_phone',
+ 'ui.patron.default_inet_access_level',
+ 'ui.patron.default_ident_type',
+ 'ui.patron.default_country',
+ 'ui.patron.registration.require_address',
+ 'circ.holds.behind_desk_pickup_supported',
+ 'circ.patron_edit.clone.copy_address',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.second_given_name.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.second_given_name.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.suffix.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.suffix.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.alias.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.alias.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.dob.require',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.dob.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.dob.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.dob.calendar',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.juvenile.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.juvenile.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.ident_value.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.ident_value.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.ident_value2.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.ident_value2.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.email.require',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.email.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.email.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.email.regex',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.email.example',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.day_phone.require',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.day_phone.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.day_phone.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.day_phone.regex',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.day_phone.example',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.evening_phone.require',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.evening_phone.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.evening_phone.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.evening_phone.regex',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.evening_phone.example',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.other_phone.require',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.other_phone.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.other_phone.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.other_phone.regex',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.other_phone.example',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.phone.regex',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.phone.example',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.active.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.active.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.barred.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.barred.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.master_account.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.master_account.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.claims_returned_count.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.claims_returned_count.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.claims_never_checked_out_count.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.claims_never_checked_out_count.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.alert_message.show',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.au.alert_message.suggest',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.aua.post_code.regex',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.aua.post_code.example',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.aua.county.require',
+ 'format.date',
+ 'ui.patron.edit.default_suggested'
+ ]);
+ for(k in orgSettings)
+ if(orgSettings[k])
+ orgSettings[k] = orgSettings[k].value;
+ uEditCloneCopyAddr = orgSettings['circ.patron_edit.clone.copy_address'];
+ uEditUsePhonePw = orgSettings['patron.password.use_phone'];
+ uEditFetchUserSettings(userId);
+ if(userId) {
+ patron = uEditLoadUser(userId);
+ } else {
+ if(stageUname) {
+ patron = uEditLoadStageUser(stageUname);
+ } else {
+ patron = uEditNewPatron();
+ if(cloneUser)
+ uEditCopyCloneData(patron);
+ }
+ }
+ var list = pcrud.search('fdoc', {fm_class:fmClasses});
+ for(var i in list) {
+ var doc = list[i];
+ if(!fieldDoc[doc.fm_class()])
+ fieldDoc[doc.fm_class()] = {};
+ fieldDoc[doc.fm_class()][doc.field()] = doc;
+ }
+ list = pcrud.search('aout', {can_have_users: 'true'});
+ for(var i in list) {
+ var type = list[i];
+ homeOuTypes[type.id()] = true;
+ }
+ tbody = dojo.byId('uedit-tbody');
+ if(orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.default_suggested'])
+ uEditToggleRequired(2);
+ addrTemplateRows = dojo.query('tr[type=addr-template]', tbody);
+ dojo.forEach(addrTemplateRows, function(row) { row.parentNode.removeChild(row); } );
+ statCatTemplate = tbody.removeChild(dojo.byId('stat-cat-row-template'));
+ surveyTemplate = tbody.removeChild(dojo.byId('survey-row-template'));
+ surveyQuestionTemplate = tbody.removeChild(dojo.byId('survey-question-row-template'));
+ checkGrpAppPerm(); // to do the initial load
+ loadStaticFields();
+ if(patron.isnew() && patron.addresses().length == 0)
+ uEditNewAddr(null, uEditAddrVirtId, true);
+ else loadAllAddrs();
+ loadStatCats();
+ loadSurveys();
+ checkClaimsReturnCountPerm();
+ checkClaimsNoCheckoutCountPerm();
+ dojo.connect(replaceBarcode, 'onClick', replaceCardHandler);
+ dojo.connect(allCards, 'onClick', drawAllCards);
+ if(patron.cards().length > 1)
+ dojo.removeClass(dojo.byId('uedit-all-barcodes'), 'hidden');
+ var input = findWidget('ac', 'barcode');
+ if (patron.isnew()) {
+ replaceBarcode.attr('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ input.widget.attr('disabled', true).attr('readOnly', true);
+ }
+ dojo.connect(generatePassword, 'onClick', generatePasswordHandler);
+ if(!patron.isnew() && !checkGrpAppPerm(patron.profile()) && patron.id() != openils.User.user.id()) {
+ // we are not allowed to edit this user, so disable the save option
+ saveButton.attr('disabled', true);
+ saveCloneButton.attr('disabled', true);
+ }
+ lock_ready = true;
+var permGroups;
+var noPermGroups = [];
+// Returns true if the user is allowed to edit the selected group
+function checkGrpAppPerm(grpId) {
+ if(!permGroups) {
+ // get the groups
+ permGroups = new openils.PermaCrud().retrieveAll('pgt');
+ var permGroupPerms = []
+ // collect the group permissions
+ dojo.forEach(permGroups,
+ function(grp) {
+ if(grp.application_perm())
+ permGroupPerms.push(grp.application_perm());
+ }
+ );
+ // see which of the group application perms I do not have
+ var myPerms = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.user.has_work_perm_at.batch'],
+ [openils.User.authtoken, permGroupPerms]
+ );
+ var failedPerms = [];
+ for(var p in myPerms) {
+ if(myPerms[p].length == 0)
+ failedPerms.push(p);
+ }
+ // identify which groups I cannot edit because I do not have permisssion
+ function checkTree(grp, failed) {
+ failed = failed || failedPerms.indexOf(grp.application_perm()) > -1;
+ if(failed) noPermGroups.push(grp.id()+'');
+ dojo.forEach(
+ permGroups.filter(function(g) { return g.parent() == grp.id() } ),
+ function(child) {
+ checkTree(child, failed);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ checkTree(permGroups.filter(function(g) { return g.parent() == null })[0]);
+ }
+ return noPermGroups.indexOf(grpId+'') == -1;
+function drawAllCards() {
+ var tbody = dojo.byId('uedit-all-cards-tbody');
+ if(!allCardsTemplate) {
+ allCardsTemplate = tbody.removeChild(dojo.byId('uedit-all-cards-tr-template'));
+ } else {
+ while(tbody.childNodes[0])
+ tbody.removeChild(tbody.childNodes[0]);
+ }
+ var first = true;
+ dojo.forEach(
+ [patron.card()].concat(patron.cards()), // grab the main card first
+ function(card) {
+ if(!first) {
+ if(card.id() == patron.card().id())
+ return;
+ }
+ var row = allCardsTemplate.cloneNode(true);
+ getByName(row, 'barcode').innerHTML = card.barcode();
+ getByName(row, 'active').appendChild(
+ openils.Util.isTrue(card.active()) ?
+ dojo.byId('true').cloneNode(true) :
+ dojo.byId('false').cloneNode(true)
+ );
+ tbody.appendChild(row);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ );
+ allCardsDialog.show();
+ * Mark the current card inactive, create a new primary card
+ */
+function replaceCardHandler() {
+ var input = findWidget('ac', 'barcode');
+ input.widget.attr('disabled', false).attr('readOnly', false).attr('value', null).focus();
+ replaceBarcode.attr('disabled', true);
+ // pull old card off the cards list so we don't have a dupe sitting in there
+ if (patron.cards().length > 0) {
+ var old = patron.cards().filter(function(c){return (c.id() == patron.card().id())})[0];
+ old.active('f');
+ old.ischanged(1);
+ }
+ var newc = new fieldmapper.ac();
+ newc.id(uEditCardVirtId--);
+ newc.isnew(1);
+ newc.active('t');
+ patron.card(newc);
+ var t = patron.cards();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(newc);
+ patron.cards(t);
+ * Generate a random password for the patron.
+ */
+function generatePasswordHandler() {
+ uEditMakeRandomPw(patron);
+ var f = findWidget('au', 'passwd');
+ f.widget.attr('value', patron.passwd());
+ f = findWidget('au', 'passwd2');
+ f.widget.attr('value', patron.passwd());
+ * Loads a staged user and turns them into something the editor can understand
+ */
+function uEditLoadStageUser(stageUname) {
+ var data = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.user.stage.retrieve.by_username'],
+ { params : [openils.User.authtoken, stageUname] }
+ );
+ stageUser = data.user;
+ patron = uEditNewPatron();
+ if(!stageUser)
+ return patron;
+ // copy the data into our new user object
+ for(var key in fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.stgu.field_map) {
+ if(fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.au.field_map[key] && !fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.stgu.field_map[key].virtual) {
+ if(data.user[key]() !== null)
+ patron[key]( data.user[key]() );
+ }
+ }
+ // copy the data into our new address objects
+ // TODO: uses the first mailing address only
+ if(data.mailing_addresses.length) {
+ var mail_addr = new fieldmapper.aua();
+ mail_addr.id(-1); // virtual ID
+ mail_addr.usr(-1);
+ mail_addr.isnew(1);
+ patron.mailing_address(mail_addr);
+ var t = patron.addresses();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(mail_addr);
+ patron.addresses(t);
+ for(var key in fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.stgma.field_map) {
+ if(fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.aua.field_map[key] && !fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.stgma.field_map[key].virtual) {
+ if(data.mailing_addresses[0][key]() !== null)
+ mail_addr[key]( data.mailing_addresses[0][key]() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // copy the data into our new address objects
+ // TODO uses the first billing address only
+ if(data.billing_addresses.length) {
+ var bill_addr = new fieldmapper.aua();
+ bill_addr.id(-2); // virtual ID
+ bill_addr.usr(-1);
+ bill_addr.isnew(1);
+ patron.billing_address(bill_addr);
+ var t = patron.addresses();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(bill_addr);
+ patron.addresses(t);
+ for(var key in fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.stgba.field_map) {
+ if(fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.aua.field_map[key] && !fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses.stgba.field_map[key].virtual) {
+ if(data.billing_addresses[0][key]() !== null)
+ bill_addr[key]( data.billing_addresses[0][key]() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: uses the first card only
+ if(data.cards.length) {
+ var card = new fieldmapper.ac();
+ card.id(-1); // virtual ID
+ patron.card().barcode(data.cards[0].barcode());
+ }
+ return patron;
+ * clone the home org, phone numbers, and billing/mailing address
+ */
+function uEditCopyCloneData(patron) {
+ cloneUserObj = uEditLoadUser(cloneUser);
+ var cloneFields = [
+ 'home_ou',
+ 'day_phone',
+ 'evening_phone',
+ 'other_phone',
+ 'usrgroup'
+ ];
+ if(!uEditCloneCopyAddr)
+ cloneFields = cloneFields.concat(['mailing_address', 'billing_address']);
+ dojo.forEach(
+ cloneFields,
+ function(field) {
+ patron[field](cloneUserObj[field]());
+ }
+ );
+ if(uEditCloneCopyAddr) {
+ var billAddr, mailAddr;
+ // copy the billing and mailing addresses into new addresses
+ function cloneAddr(addr) {
+ var newAddr = addr.clone();
+ newAddr.isnew(true);
+ newAddr.id(uEditAddrVirtId--);
+ newAddr.usr(patron.id());
+ patron.addresses().push(newAddr);
+ return newAddr;
+ }
+ if(billAddr = cloneUserObj.billing_address())
+ patron.billing_address(cloneAddr(billAddr));
+ if(mailAddr = cloneUserObj.mailing_address()) {
+ if (billAddr && billAddr.id() == mailAddr.id()) {
+ patron.mailing_address(patron.billing_address());
+ } else {
+ patron.mailing_address(cloneAddr(mailAddr));
+ }
+ }
+ if(!billAddr) // if there was no billing addr, use the mailing addr
+ patron.billing_address(patron.mailing_address());
+ } else {
+ // link the billing and mailing addresses
+ if(patron.billing_address()) {
+ var t = patron.addresses();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(patron.billing_address());
+ patron.addresses(t);
+ }
+ if(patron.mailing_address() && (
+ patron.addresses().length == 0 ||
+ patron.mailing_address().id() != patron.billing_address().id()) ) {
+ var t = patron.addresses();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(patron.mailing_address());
+ patron.addresses(t);
+ }
+ }
+function uEditFetchUserSettings(userId) {
+ var baseNode = fieldmapper.aou.findOrgUnit(staff.ws_ou());
+ var orgs = fieldmapper.aou.orgNodeTrail(baseNode);
+ orgs = orgs.map(function(node) { return node.id(); });
+ /* fetch any user setting types we need + any that offer opt-in */
+ userSettingTypes = pcrud.search('cust', {
+ '-or' : [
+ {name:['circ.holds_behind_desk']},
+ {name : {
+ 'in': {
+ select : {atevdef : ['opt_in_setting']},
+ from : 'atevdef',
+ // we only care about opt-in settings for event_defs our users encounter
+ where : {'+atevdef' : {owner : orgs}}
+ }
+ }}
+ ]
+ });
+ var names = userSettingTypes.map(function(obj) { return obj.name() });
+ /* fetch any values set for this user */
+ if(userId) {
+ userSettings = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.patron.settings.retrieve.authoritative'],
+ {params : [openils.User.authtoken, userId, names]});
+ }
+function uEditLoadUser(userId) {
+ var patron = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.user.fleshed.retrieve.authoritative'],
+ {params : [openils.User.authtoken, userId]}
+ );
+ openils.Event.parse_and_raise(patron);
+ return patron;
+function loadStaticFields() {
+ for(var idx = 0; tbody.childNodes[idx]; idx++) {
+ var row = tbody.childNodes[idx];
+ if(row.nodeType != row.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
+ var fmcls = row.getAttribute('fmclass');
+ if(fmcls) {
+ fleshFMRow(row, fmcls);
+ } else {
+ if(row.id == 'uedit-settings-divider') {
+ var template = tbody.removeChild(dojo.byId('uedit-user-setting-template'));
+ dojo.forEach(userSettingTypes, function(type) { uEditDrawSettingRow(tbody, row, template, type); } );
+ if(userSettingTypes.length > 1 || orgSettings['circ.holds.behind_desk_pickup_supported']) {
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-settings-divider', 'table-row');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function uEditDrawSettingRow(tbody, dividerRow, template, stype) {
+ var row = template.cloneNode(true);
+ row.setAttribute('user_setting', stype.name());
+ getByName(row, 'label').innerHTML = stype.label();
+ var cb = new dijit.form.CheckBox({scrollOnFocus:false}, getByName(row, 'widget'));
+ cb.attr('value', userSettings[stype.name()]);
+ dojo.connect(cb, 'onChange', function(newVal) { userSettingsToUpdate[stype.name()] = newVal; });
+ tbody.insertBefore(row, dividerRow.nextSibling);
+ openils.Util.show(row, 'table-row');
+ if(stype.name() == 'circ.collections.exempt') {
+ checkCollectionsExemptPerm(cb);
+ }
+function uEditUpdateUserSettings(userId) {
+ return fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.patron.settings.update'],
+ {params : [openils.User.authtoken, userId, userSettingsToUpdate]});
+function loadAllAddrs() {
+ dojo.forEach(patron.addresses(),
+ function(addr) {
+ uEditNewAddr(null, addr.id());
+ }
+ );
+function loadStatCats() {
+ statCats = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.circ', 'open-ils.circ.stat_cat.actor.retrieve.all'],
+ {params : [openils.User.authtoken, staff.ws_ou()]}
+ );
+ // draw stat cats
+ for(var idx in statCats) {
+ var stat = statCats[idx];
+ var row = statCatTemplate.cloneNode(true);
+ row.id = 'stat-cat-row-' + idx;
+ row.setAttribute('stat_cat_owner',stat.owner());
+ row.setAttribute('stat_cat_name',stat.name());
+ row.setAttribute('stat_cat_id',stat.id());
+ tbody.appendChild(row);
+ getByName(row, 'name').innerHTML = stat.name();
+ var valtd = getByName(row, 'widget');
+ var span = valtd.appendChild(document.createElement('span'));
+ var store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore(
+ {data:fieldmapper.actsc.toStoreData(stat.entries())});
+ var comboBox = new dijit.form.ComboBox({store:store,scrollOnFocus:false,fetchProperties:{sort:[{attribute: 'value'}]}}, span);
+ comboBox.labelAttr = 'value';
+ comboBox.searchAttr = 'value';
+ comboBox._wtype = 'statcat';
+ comboBox._statcat = stat.id();
+ widgetPile.push(comboBox);
+ // populate existing cats
+ var map = patron.stat_cat_entries().filter(
+ function(mp) { return (mp.stat_cat() == stat.id()) })[0];
+ if(map) comboBox.attr('value', map.stat_cat_entry());
+ }
+function loadSurveys() {
+ surveys = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.circ', 'open-ils.circ.survey.retrieve.all'],
+ {params : [openils.User.authtoken]}
+ );
+ // draw surveys
+ for(var idx in surveys) {
+ var survey = surveys[idx];
+ var required = openils.Util.isTrue(survey.required());
+ var srow = surveyTemplate.cloneNode(true);
+ if(required) srow.setAttribute('required','required');
+ tbody.appendChild(srow);
+ getByName(srow, 'name').innerHTML = survey.name();
+ for(var q in survey.questions()) {
+ var quest = survey.questions()[q];
+ var qrow = surveyQuestionTemplate.cloneNode(true);
+ if(required) qrow.setAttribute('required','required');
+ tbody.appendChild(qrow);
+ getByName(qrow, 'question').innerHTML = quest.question();
+ var span = getByName(qrow, 'answers').appendChild(document.createElement('span'));
+ var store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore(
+ {data:fieldmapper.asva.toStoreData(quest.answers())});
+ var select = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({store:store,scrollOnFocus:false}, span);
+ if (! required ) {
+ select.isValid = function() { return true; };
+ }
+ select.labelAttr = 'answer';
+ select.searchAttr = 'answer';
+ select._wtype = 'survey';
+ select._survey = survey.id();
+ select._question = quest.id();
+ widgetPile.push(select);
+ }
+ }
+function fleshFMRow(row, fmcls, args) {
+ var fmfield = row.getAttribute('fmfield');
+ var wclass = row.getAttribute('wclass');
+ var wstyle = row.getAttribute('wstyle');
+ var wconstraints = row.getAttribute('wconstraints');
+ /* use CSS to set the zindex for widgets you want to disable. */
+ var disabled = dojo.style(row, 'zIndex') == -1 ? true : false;
+ var isphone = (fmcls == 'au') && (fmfield.search('_phone') != -1);
+ var isPasswd2 = (fmfield == 'passwd2');
+ if(isPasswd2) fmfield = 'passwd';
+ var fieldIdl = fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[fmcls].field_map[fmfield];
+ if(!args) args = {};
+ var existing = dojo.query('td', row);
+ var htd = existing[0] || row.appendChild(document.createElement('td'));
+ var ltd = existing[1] || row.appendChild(document.createElement('td'));
+ var wtd = existing[2] || row.appendChild(document.createElement('td'));
+ var ftd = existing[3] || row.appendChild(document.createElement('td'));
+ openils.Util.addCSSClass(htd, 'uedit-help');
+ if(fieldDoc[fmcls] && fieldDoc[fmcls][fmfield]) {
+ var link = dojo.byId('uedit-help-template').cloneNode(true);
+ link.id = '';
+ link.onclick = function() { ueLoadContextHelp(fmcls, fmfield) };
+ openils.Util.removeCSSClass(link, 'hidden');
+ htd.appendChild(link);
+ }
+ if(!ltd.textContent) {
+ ltd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(fieldIdl.label));
+ }
+ if(!ftd.textContent) {
+ if(orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.' + fmcls + '.' + fmfield + '.example']) {
+ ftd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(localeStrings.EXAMPLE + orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.' + fmcls + '.' + fmfield + '.example']));
+ }
+ else if(isphone && orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.phone.example']) {
+ ftd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(localeStrings.EXAMPLE + orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.phone.example']));
+ }
+ else if(fieldIdl.datatype == 'timestamp') {
+ ftd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(localeStrings.EXAMPLE + dojo.date.locale.format(new Date(1970,0,31),{selector: "date", fullYear: true, datePattern: (orgSettings['format.date'] ? orgSettings['format.date'] : null)})));
+ }
+ }
+ var span = document.createElement('span');
+ wtd.appendChild(span);
+ var fmObject = null;
+ switch(fmcls) {
+ case 'au' : fmObject = patron; break;
+ case 'ac' : fmObject = patron.card(); break;
+ case 'aua' :
+ fmObject = patron.addresses().filter(
+ function(i) { return (i.id() == args.addr) })[0];
+ if(fmObject && fmObject.usr() != patron.id())
+ disabled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Adjust required value by org settings
+ var curRequired = row.getAttribute('required');
+ var required = curRequired == 'required';
+ if(orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.' + fmcls + '.' + fmfield + '.require']) {
+ row.setAttribute('required', 'required');
+ required = true;
+ }
+ else if (curRequired != 'required' && orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.' + fmcls + '.' + fmfield + '.show']) {
+ row.setAttribute('required', 'show');
+ }
+ else if (curRequired != 'required' && curRequired != 'show' && orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.' + fmcls + '.' + fmfield + '.suggest']) {
+ row.setAttribute('required', 'suggested');
+ }
+ // password data is not fetched/required/displayed for existing users
+ if(!patron.isnew() && 'passwd' == fmfield)
+ required = false;
+ var dijitArgs = {
+ style: wstyle,
+ required : required,
+ constraints : (wconstraints) ? eval('('+wconstraints+')') : {}, // the ()'s prevent Invalid Label errors with eval
+ disabled : disabled
+ };
+ // Org settings provided regex?
+ if(orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.' + fmcls + '.' + fmfield + '.regex']) {
+ dijitArgs.regExp = orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.' + fmcls + '.' + fmfield + '.regex'];
+ }
+ else if(isphone && orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.phone.regex']) {
+ dijitArgs.regExp = orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.phone.regex'];
+ }
+ if(fmcls == 'au' && fmfield == 'passwd') {
+ if (orgSettings['global.password_regex']) {
+ dijitArgs.regExp = orgSettings['global.password_regex'];
+ }
+ }
+ if(fmcls == 'au' && fmfield == 'dob' && !orgSettings['ui.patron.edit.au.dob.calendar'])
+ dijitArgs.popupClass = "";
+ var value = row.getAttribute('wvalue');
+ if(value !== null)
+ dijitArgs.value = value;
+ var wargs = {
+ idlField : fieldIdl,
+ fmObject : fmObject,
+ fmClass : fmcls,
+ parentNode : span,
+ widgetClass : wclass,
+ dijitArgs : dijitArgs,
+ orgDefaultsToWs : true,
+ orgLimitPerms : ['UPDATE_USER'],
+ };
+ if(fmfield == 'profile') {
+ // fetch profile groups non-async so existing expire_date is
+ // not overwritten when the profile groups arrive and update
+ wargs.forceSync = true;
+ wargs.disableQuery = {usergroup : 'f'};
+ if(!patron.isnew() && !checkGrpAppPerm(patron.profile()))
+ wargs.readOnly = true;
+ } else {
+ wargs.forceSync = false;
+ }
+ if(fmcls == 'au' && fmfield == 'home_ou'){
+ wargs.labelAttr = 'name';
+ wargs.searchAttr = 'name';
+ }
+ var widget = new openils.widget.AutoFieldWidget(wargs);
+ widget.build(
+ function(w, ww) {
+ if(fmfield == 'profile') { trimGrpTree(ww); }
+ }
+ );
+ // now put it back before we register the widget
+ if(isPasswd2) fmfield = 'passwd2';
+ widget._wtype = fmcls;
+ widget._fmfield = fmfield;
+ widget._addr = args.addr;
+ widgetPile.push(widget);
+ attachWidgetEvents(fmcls, fmfield, widget);
+ return widget;
+function trimGrpTree(autoWidget) {
+ var store = autoWidget.widget.store;
+ if(!store) return;
+ // remove all groups that this user are not allowed to edit,
+ // except the profile group of an existing user
+ store.fetch({onItem :
+ function(item) {
+ if(!checkGrpAppPerm(item.id[0]) && patron.profile() != item.id[0])
+ store.deleteItem(item);
+ }
+ });
+function findWidget(wtype, fmfield, callback) {
+ return widgetPile.filter(
+ function(i){
+ if(i._wtype == wtype && i._fmfield == fmfield) {
+ if(callback) return callback(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ ).pop();
+ * if the user does not have the UPDATE_PATRON_CLAIM_RETURN_COUNT,
+ * they are not allowed to directly alter the claim return count.
+ * This function checks the perm and disable/enables the widget.
+ */
+function checkClaimsReturnCountPerm() {
+ new openils.User().getPermOrgList(
+ function(orgList) {
+ var cr = findWidget('au', 'claims_returned_count');
+ if(orgList.indexOf(patron.home_ou()) == -1)
+ cr.widget.attr('disabled', true);
+ else
+ cr.widget.attr('disabled', false);
+ },
+ true,
+ true
+ );
+function checkClaimsNoCheckoutCountPerm() {
+ new openils.User().getPermOrgList(
+ function(orgList) {
+ var cr = findWidget('au', 'claims_never_checked_out_count');
+ if(orgList.indexOf(patron.home_ou()) == -1)
+ cr.widget.attr('disabled', true);
+ else
+ cr.widget.attr('disabled', false);
+ },
+ true,
+ true
+ );
+var collectExemptCBox;
+function checkCollectionsExemptPerm(cbox) {
+ if(cbox) collectExemptCBox = cbox;
+ new openils.User().getPermOrgList(
+ function(orgList) {
+ if(orgList.indexOf(patron.home_ou()) == -1)
+ collectExemptCBox.attr('disabled', true);
+ else
+ collectExemptCBox.attr('disabled', false);
+ },
+ true,
+ true
+ );
+function usePhonePw(newVal) {
+ if(newVal && newVal.length >= 4) {
+ var newPw = newVal.substring(newVal.length - 4);
+ var pw1 = findWidget('au', 'passwd').widget;
+ var pw2 = findWidget('au', 'passwd2').widget;
+ pw1.attr('value', newPw);
+ pw2.attr('value', newPw);
+ return newPw;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function attachWidgetEvents(fmcls, fmfield, widget) {
+ dojo.connect(
+ widget.widget,
+ 'onKeyPress',
+ function(ev){
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
+ if (!(ev.altKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey)) {
+ if (lock_ready && xulG && typeof xulG.lock_tab == 'function') {
+ if (! already_locked) {
+ xulG.lock_tab();
+ already_locked = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ dojo.connect(
+ widget.widget,
+ 'onChange',
+ function(){
+ if (lock_ready && xulG && typeof xulG.lock_tab == 'function') {
+ if (! already_locked) {
+ xulG.lock_tab();
+ already_locked = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if(fmcls == 'ac') {
+ if(fmfield == 'barcode') {
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function() {
+ var barcode = this.attr('value');
+ dupeBarcode = false;
+ dojo.addClass(dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-barcode-warning'), 'hidden');
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.barcode.exists'],
+ {
+ params: [openils.User.authtoken, barcode],
+ oncomplete : function(r) {
+ var res = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ if(res == '1') {
+ dupeBarcode = true;
+ dojo.removeClass(dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-barcode-warning'), 'hidden');
+ } else {
+ dupeBarcode = false;
+ dojo.addClass(dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-barcode-warning'), 'hidden');
+ var un = findWidget('au', 'usrname');
+ if(!un.widget.attr('value'))
+ un.widget.attr('value', barcode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(fmcls == 'au') {
+ switch(fmfield) {
+ case 'usrname':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function() {
+ var input = findWidget('au', 'usrname');
+ var usrname = input.widget.attr('value');
+ if(!usrname) {
+ dupeUsrname = false;
+ dojo.addClass(dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-username-warning'), 'hidden');
+ return;
+ }
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.username.exists'],
+ {
+ params: [openils.User.authtoken, usrname],
+ oncomplete : function(r) {
+ var res = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ if(res) {
+ dupeUsrname = true;
+ dojo.removeClass(dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-username-warning'), 'hidden');
+ } else {
+ dupeUsrname = false;
+ dojo.addClass(dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-username-warning'), 'hidden');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ case 'profile': // when the profile changes, update the expire date
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function() {
+ var self = this;
+ var expireWidget = findWidget('au', 'expire_date');
+ function found(items) {
+ if(items.length == 0) return;
+ var item = items[0];
+ var interval = self.store.getValue(item, 'perm_interval');
+ expireWidget.widget.attr('value', dojo.date.add(new Date(),
+ 'second', openils.Util.intervalToSeconds(interval)));
+ }
+ this.store.fetch({onComplete:found, query:{id:this.attr('value')}});
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ case 'dob':
+ widget.widget.isValid = function() {
+ return this.attr("value") < new Date();
+ };
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(newDob) {
+ if(!newDob) return;
+ var oldDob = patron.dob();
+ if(dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(oldDob) == newDob) return;
+ var juvInterval = orgSettings['global.juvenile_age_threshold'] || '18 years';
+ var juvWidget = findWidget('au', 'juvenile');
+ var base = new Date();
+ base.setTime(base.getTime() - Number(openils.Util.intervalToSeconds(juvInterval) + '000'));
+ if(newDob <= base) // older than global.juvenile_age_threshold
+ juvWidget.widget.attr('value', false);
+ else
+ juvWidget.widget.attr('value', true);
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ case 'first_given_name':
+ case 'family_name':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(newVal) { uEditDupeSearch('name', newVal); });
+ return;
+ case 'email':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(newVal) { uEditDupeSearch('email', newVal); });
+ return;
+ case 'ident_value':
+ case 'ident_value2':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(newVal) { uEditDupeSearch('ident', newVal); });
+ return;
+ case 'day_phone':
+ // if configured, use the last four digits of the day phone number as the password
+ if(uEditUsePhonePw && patron.isnew()) {
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange', widget.widget, usePhonePw);
+ if (patron.day_phone()) {
+ usePhonePw(patron.day_phone());
+ }
+ }
+ case 'evening_phone':
+ case 'other_phone':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(newVal) { uEditDupeSearch('phone', newVal); });
+ return;
+ case 'home_ou':
+ widget.widget.isValid = function() {
+ if(this.item) {
+ if(homeOuTypes[this.store.getValue(this.item, 'ou_type')]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(newVal) {
+ checkClaimsReturnCountPerm();
+ checkClaimsNoCheckoutCountPerm();
+ checkCollectionsExemptPerm();
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ case 'passwd':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(newVal) {
+ var pw1 = findWidget('au', 'passwd').widget;
+ var pw2 = findWidget('au', 'passwd2').widget;
+ var preserved_value = pw2.attr('value');
+ // Ensure that the pw2 field match the pw1 field to validate
+ pw2.regExp = newVal.replace(/([.\\^$*+?\(\)\[\]\{\}])/g, '\\$1');
+ pw2.reset();
+ pw2.attr('value',preserved_value);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(fmclass = 'aua') {
+ switch(fmfield) {
+ case 'post_code':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(e) {
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.search', 'open-ils.search.zip'],
+ { async: true,
+ params: [e],
+ oncomplete : function(r) {
+ var res = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ if(!res) return;
+ var callback = function(w) { return w._addr == widget._addr; };
+ if(res.city) findWidget('aua', 'city', callback).widget.attr('value', res.city);
+ if(res.state) findWidget('aua', 'state', callback).widget.attr('value', res.state);
+ if(res.county) findWidget('aua', 'county', callback).widget.attr('value', res.county);
+ if(res.alert) alert(res.alert);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ case 'street1':
+ case 'street2':
+ case 'city':
+ dojo.connect(widget.widget, 'onChange',
+ function(e) {
+ var callback = function(w) { return w._addr == widget._addr; };
+ var args = {
+ street1 : findWidget('aua', 'street1', callback).widget.attr('value'),
+ street2 : findWidget('aua', 'street2', callback).widget.attr('value'),
+ city : findWidget('aua', 'city', callback).widget.attr('value'),
+ post_code : findWidget('aua', 'post_code', callback).widget.attr('value')
+ };
+ if(args.street1 && args.city && args.post_code)
+ uEditDupeSearch('address', args);
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+function uEditDupeSearch(type, value) {
+ if(!value) return;
+ var search;
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'name':
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-dupe-names-link');
+ var fname = findWidget('au', 'first_given_name').widget.attr('value');
+ var lname = findWidget('au', 'family_name').widget.attr('value');
+ if( !(fname && lname) ) return;
+ search = {
+ first_given_name : {value : fname, group : 0},
+ family_name : {value : lname, group : 0},
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'email':
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-dupe-email-link');
+ search = {email : {value : value, group : 0}};
+ break;
+ case 'ident':
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-dupe-ident-link');
+ search = {ident : {value : value, group : 2}};
+ break;
+ case 'phone':
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-dupe-phone-link');
+ search = {phone : {value : value, group : 2}};
+ break;
+ case 'address':
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-dupe-address-link');
+ search = {};
+ dojo.forEach(['street1', 'street2', 'city', 'post_code'],
+ function(field) {
+ if(value[field])
+ search[field] = {value : value[field], group: 1};
+ }
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ // find possible duplicate patrons
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.patron.search.advanced'],
+ { async: true,
+ params: [openils.User.authtoken, search],
+ oncomplete : function(r) {
+ var resp = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ resp = resp.filter(function(id) { return (id != patron.id()); });
+ if(resp && resp.length > 0) {
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-help-div');
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-dupe-div');
+ var link;
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'name':
+ link = dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-names-link');
+ link.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.DUPE_PATRON_NAME, [resp.length]);
+ break;
+ case 'email':
+ link = dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-email-link');
+ link.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.DUPE_PATRON_EMAIL, [resp.length]);
+ break;
+ case 'ident':
+ link = dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-ident-link');
+ link.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.DUPE_PATRON_IDENT, [resp.length]);
+ break;
+ case 'phone':
+ link = dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-phone-link');
+ link.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.DUPE_PATRON_PHONE, [resp.length]);
+ break;
+ case 'address':
+ link = dojo.byId('uedit-dupe-address-link');
+ link.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.DUPE_PATRON_ADDR, [resp.length]);
+ break;
+ }
+ openils.Util.show(link);
+ link.onclick = function() {
+ search.search_sort = js2JSON(["penalties", "family_name", "first_given_name"]);
+ if(window.xulG)
+ window.xulG.spawn_search(search);
+ else
+ console.log("running XUL patron search " + js2JSON(search));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+function getByName(node, name) {
+ return dojo.query('[name='+name+']', node)[0];
+function ueLoadContextHelp(fmcls, fmfield) {
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-dupe-div');
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-help-div');
+ dojo.byId('uedit-help-field').innerHTML = fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[fmcls].field_map[fmfield].label;
+ dojo.byId('uedit-help-text').innerHTML = fieldDoc[fmcls][fmfield].string();
+/* creates a new patron object with card attached */
+function uEditNewPatron() {
+ patron = new au();
+ patron.isnew(1);
+ patron.id(-1);
+ card = new ac();
+ card.id(uEditCardVirtId--);
+ card.isnew(1);
+ patron.active(1);
+ patron.card(card);
+ patron.cards([card]);
+ patron.net_access_level(orgSettings['ui.patron.default_inet_access_level'] || 1);
+ patron.ident_type(orgSettings['ui.patron.default_ident_type']);
+ patron.stat_cat_entries([]);
+ patron.survey_responses([]);
+ patron.addresses([]);
+ uEditMakeRandomPw(patron);
+ return patron;
+function uEditMakeRandomPw(patron) {
+ var rand = Math.random();
+ rand = parseInt(rand * 10000) + '';
+ while(rand.length < 4) rand += '0';
+ appendClear($('ue_password_plain'),text(rand));
+ unHideMe($('ue_password_gen'));
+ patron.passwd(rand);
+ return rand;
+function uEditWidgetVal(w) {
+ var val = (w.getFormattedValue) ? w.getFormattedValue() : w.attr('value');
+ if(val === '') val = null;
+ return val;
+function uEditSave() { _uEditSave(); }
+function uEditSaveClone() { _uEditSave(true); }
+function _uEditSave(doClone) {
+ if ( (! myForm.isValid()) || dupeUsrname || dupeBarcode ) {
+ alert(localeStrings.INVALID_FORM);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(var idx in widgetPile) {
+ var w = widgetPile[idx];
+ var val = uEditWidgetVal(w);
+ switch(w._wtype) {
+ case 'au':
+ if(w._fmfield != 'passwd2')
+ patron[w._fmfield](val);
+ break;
+ case 'ac':
+ patron.card()[w._fmfield](val);
+ break;
+ case 'aua':
+ var addr = patron.addresses().filter(function(i){return (i.id() == w._addr)})[0];
+ if(!addr) {
+ addr = new fieldmapper.aua();
+ addr.id(w._addr);
+ addr.isnew(1);
+ addr.usr(patron.id());
+ addr.country(orgSettings['ui.patron.default_country']);
+ var t = patron.addresses();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(addr);
+ patron.addresses(t);
+ } else {
+ if(addr[w._fmfield]() != val)
+ addr.ischanged(1);
+ }
+ addr[w._fmfield](val);
+ if(dojo.byId('uedit-billing-address-' + addr.id()).checked)
+ patron.billing_address(addr.id());
+ if(dojo.byId('uedit-mailing-address-' + addr.id()).checked)
+ patron.mailing_address(addr.id());
+ break;
+ case 'survey':
+ if(val == null) break;
+ var resp = new fieldmapper.asvr();
+ resp.isnew(1);
+ resp.survey(w._survey)
+ resp.usr(patron.id());
+ resp.question(w._question)
+ resp.answer(val);
+ var t = patron.survey_responses();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(resp);
+ patron.survey_responses(t);
+ break;
+ case 'statcat':
+ var map = patron.stat_cat_entries().filter(
+ function(m){
+ return (m.stat_cat() == w._statcat) })[0];
+ if(map) {
+ if(map.stat_cat_entry() == val)
+ break;
+ if(val == null) {
+ val = '';
+ map.isdeleted(1);
+ } else {
+ map.ischanged(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(val == null)
+ break;
+ map = new fieldmapper.actscecm();
+ map.isnew(1);
+ }
+ map.stat_cat(w._statcat);
+ map.stat_cat_entry(val);
+ map.target_usr(patron.id());
+ var t = patron.stat_cat_entries();
+ if (!t) { t = []; }
+ t.push(map);
+ patron.stat_cat_entries(t);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ patron.ischanged(1);
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.patron.update'],
+ { async: true,
+ params: [openils.User.authtoken, patron],
+ oncomplete: function(r) {
+ lock_ready = false;
+ if (xulG && typeof xulG.unlock_tab == 'function') {
+ xulG.unlock_tab();
+ already_locked = false;
+ }
+ newPatron = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ if(newPatron) {
+ uEditUpdateUserSettings(newPatron.id());
+ if(stageUser) uEditRemoveStage();
+ uEditFinishSave(newPatron, doClone);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+function uEditRemoveStage() {
+ var resp = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.user.stage.delete'],
+ { params : [openils.User.authtoken, stageUser.row_id()] }
+ )
+function uEditFinishSave(newPatron, doClone) {
+ if(doClone && cloneUser == null)
+ cloneUser = newPatron.id();
+ if( doClone ) {
+ if(xulG && typeof xulG.spawn_editor == 'function' && !patron.isnew() ) {
+ window.xulG.spawn_editor({ses:openils.User.authtoken,clone:cloneUser});
+ uEditRefresh();
+ } else {
+ location.href = location.href.replace(/\?.*/, '') + '?clone=' + cloneUser;
+ }
+ } else {
+ uEditRefresh();
+ }
+ uEditRefreshXUL(newPatron);
+function uEditRefresh() {
+ var usr = cgi.param('usr');
+ var href = location.href.replace(/\?.*/, '');
+ href += ((usr) ? '?usr=' + usr : '');
+ location.href = href;
+function uEditRefreshXUL(newuser) {
+ if (window.xulG && typeof window.xulG.on_save == 'function')
+ window.xulG.on_save(newuser);
+ * Create a new address and insert it into the DOM
+ * @param evt ignored
+ * @param id The address id
+ * @param mkLinks If true, set the new address as the
+ * mailing/billing address for the user
+ */
+function uEditNewAddr(evt, id, mkLinks) {
+ if(id == null)
+ id = --uEditAddrVirtId; // new address
+ var addr = patron.addresses().filter(
+ function(i) { return (i.id() == id) })[0];
+ dojo.forEach(addrTemplateRows,
+ function(row) {
+ row = tbody.insertBefore(row.cloneNode(true), dojo.byId('new-addr-row'));
+ row.setAttribute('type', '');
+ row.setAttribute('addr', id+'');
+ if(row.getAttribute('fmclass')) {
+ var widget = fleshFMRow(row, 'aua', {addr:id});
+ // make new addresses a default address type
+ if(id < 0 && row.getAttribute('fmfield') == 'address_type')
+ widget.widget.attr('value', localeStrings.DEFAULT_ADDRESS_TYPE);
+ // make new addresses valid by default
+ if(id < 0 && row.getAttribute('fmfield') == 'valid')
+ widget.widget.attr('value', true);
+ // make new addresses use the org setting for default country
+ if(id < 0 && row.getAttribute('fmfield') == 'country')
+ widget.widget.attr('value',orgSettings['ui.patron.default_country']);
+ } else if(row.getAttribute('name') == 'uedit-addr-pending-row') {
+ // if it's a pending address, show the 'approve' button
+ if(addr && openils.Util.isTrue(addr.pending())) {
+ openils.Util.show(row, 'table-row');
+ dojo.query('[name=approve-button]', row)[0].onclick =
+ function() { uEditApproveAddress(addr); };
+ if(addr.replaces()) {
+ var div = dojo.query('[name=replaced-addr]', row)[0]
+ var replaced = patron.addresses().filter(
+ function(i) { return (i.id() == addr.replaces()) })[0];
+ div.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.REPLACED_ADDRESS, [
+ replaced.address_type() || '',
+ replaced.street1() || '',
+ replaced.street2() || '',
+ replaced.city() || '',
+ replaced.state() || '',
+ replaced.post_code() || ''
+ ]);
+ } else {
+ openils.Util.hide(dojo.query('[name=replaced-addr-div]', row)[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(row.getAttribute('name') == 'uedit-addr-owner-row') {
+ // address is owned by someone else. provide option to load the
+ // user in a different tab
+ if(addr && addr.usr() != patron.id()) {
+ openils.Util.show(row, 'table-row');
+ var link = getByName(row, 'addr-owner');
+ // fetch the linked user so we can present their name in the UI
+ var addrUser;
+ if(cloneUserObj && cloneUserObj.id() == addr.usr()) {
+ addrUser = [
+ cloneUserObj.first_given_name(),
+ cloneUserObj.second_given_name(),
+ cloneUserObj.family_name()
+ ];
+ } else {
+ addrUser = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.user.retrieve.parts'],
+ {params: [
+ openils.User.authtoken,
+ addr.usr(),
+ ['first_given_name', 'second_given_name', 'family_name']
+ ]}
+ );
+ }
+ link.innerHTML = (addrUser.map(function(name) { return (name) ? name+' ' : '' })+'').replace(/,/g,''); // TODO i18n
+ link.onclick = function() {
+ if(openils.XUL.isXUL()) {
+ window.xulG.spawn_editor({ses:openils.User.authtoken, usr:addr.usr()})
+ } else {
+ parent.location.href = location.href.replace(/clone=\d+/, 'usr=' + addr.usr());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(row.getAttribute('name') == 'uedit-addr-divider') {
+ // link up the billing/mailing address and give the inputs IDs so we can access the later
+ // billing address
+ var ba = getByName(row, 'billing_address');
+ ba.id = 'uedit-billing-address-' + id;
+ if(mkLinks || (patron.billing_address() && patron.billing_address().id() == id))
+ ba.checked = true;
+ // mailing address
+ var ma = getByName(row, 'mailing_address');
+ ma.id = 'uedit-mailing-address-' + id;
+ if(mkLinks || (patron.mailing_address() && patron.mailing_address().id() == id))
+ ma.checked = true;
+ var btn = dojo.query('[name=delete-button]', row)[0];
+ if(btn) btn.onclick = function(){ uEditDeleteAddr(id) };
+ }
+ }
+ );
+function uEditApproveAddress(addr) {
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.actor', 'open-ils.actor.user.pending_address.approve'],
+ { async: true,
+ params: [openils.User.authtoken, addr],
+ oncomplete : function(r) {
+ var oldId = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ // remove addrs from UI
+ dojo.forEach(
+ patron.addresses(),
+ function(addr) { uEditDeleteAddr(addr.id(), true); }
+ );
+ if(oldId != null) {
+ // remove the replaced address
+ if(oldId != addr.id()) {
+ patron.addresses(
+ patron.addresses().filter(
+ function(i) { return (i.id() != oldId); }
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // fix the the new address
+ addr.id(oldId);
+ addr.replaces(null);
+ addr.pending('f');
+ }
+ // redraw addrs
+ loadAllAddrs();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+function uEditDeleteAddr(id, noAlert) {
+ if (patron.isnew() && orgSettings['ui.patron.registration.require_address']) {
+ if (dojo.query('tr[name=uedit-addr-divider]').length < 2) {
+ alert(localeStrings.NEED_ADDRESS);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!noAlert) {
+ if(!confirm(dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.DELETE_ADDRESS, [id]))) return;
+ }
+ var addr = patron.addresses().filter(function(i){return (i.id() == id)})[0];
+ if (addr) { addr.isdeleted(1); }
+ var m_a = patron.mailing_address();
+ if (typeof m_a == 'object' && m_a != null) { m_a = m_a.id(); }
+ if (m_a == id) { patron.mailing_address(null); }
+ var b_a = patron.billing_address();
+ if (typeof b_a == 'object' && b_a != null) { b_a = b_a.id(); }
+ if (b_a == id) { patron.billing_address(null); }
+ var rows = dojo.query('tr[addr='+id+']', tbody);
+ for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
+ rows[i].parentNode.removeChild(rows[i]);
+ widgetPile = widgetPile.filter(function(w){return (w._addr != id)});
+function uEditToggleRequired(level) {
+ openils.Util.removeCSSClass(tbody, 'hide-non-required');
+ openils.Util.removeCSSClass(tbody, 'hide-non-suggested');
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-show-required');
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-show-required-br');
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-show-suggested');
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-show-suggested-br');
+ openils.Util.show('uedit-show-all');
+ switch(level) {
+ case 1:
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-show-required');
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-show-required-br');
+ openils.Util.addCSSClass(tbody, 'hide-non-required');
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-show-suggested');
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-show-suggested-br');
+ openils.Util.addCSSClass(tbody, 'hide-non-suggested');
+ break;
+ default:
+ openils.Util.hide('uedit-show-all');
+ break;
+ }
+function printable_output() {
+ var temp; var s = '=-=-=-=\r\n';
+ for (var idx in widgetPile) {
+ var w = widgetPile[idx];
+ var val = uEditWidgetVal(w);
+ var label;
+ if (typeof w.idlField == 'undefined') {
+ label = w._wtype;
+ if (w._wtype == 'statcat') {
+ var stat = statCats.filter(
+ function(m){
+ return (m.id() == w._statcat) })[0];
+ label = stat.name();
+ } else if (w._wtype == 'survey') {
+ var survey = surveys.filter(
+ function(m){
+ return (m.id() == w._survey) })[0];
+ var question = survey.questions().filter(
+ function(m){
+ return (m.id() == w._question) })[0];
+ label = survey.name() + ' : ' + question.question();
+ } else {
+ label = 'FIXME';
+ }
+ } else {
+ label = w.idlField.label;
+ }
+ if (temp != w._wtype) {
+ temp = w._wtype;
+ s += '-------\r\n';
+ }
+ s += label + ':\t' + (typeof val == 'object' ? '' : val) + '\r\n';
+ }
+ s += '=-=-=-=\r\n';
+ return s;