# returns a join clause AND a string representing the deepest join alias
# generated.
-sub _flattened_search_single_join_clause {
- my ($column_name, $hint, $path) = @_;
+sub _flattened_search_add_join_clause {
+ my ($column_name, $hint, $path, $core_join, $path_tracker) = @_;
my $class = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->lookup_class($hint);
my $last_ident = $class->Identity;
pop @$path; # last part is just field
- my $core_join = {};
my $last_join;
my $piece;
my $alias; # yes, we need it out at this scope.
+ my @path_key_parts;
while ($piece = shift @$path) {
my $link = _fm_link_from_class($class, $piece);
if ($link) {
$hint = $link->{class};
$class = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->lookup_class($hint);
+ push (@path_key_parts, ${piece});
+ my $path_key = "__" . join('__', @path_key_parts);
+ my $path_count;
+ if (!$path_tracker->{$hint}) {
+ # first time finding this IDL hint anywhere in the map,
+ # give it #1
+ $path_tracker->{$hint} = {$path_key => 1};
+ $path_count = 1;
+ } elsif ($path_count = $path_tracker->{$hint}{$path_key}) {
+ # we already have this exact path for this hint,
+ # pass
+ } else {
+ # we found a new path to this class, increment and store
+ # the version number
+ $path_count = keys %{$path_tracker->{$hint}}; # count the keys
+ $path_count++;
+ $path_tracker->{$hint}{$path_key} = $path_count;
+ }
+ $alias = "__${hint}_${path_count}";
+ # if we have already joined this segment, climb the tree
+ if ($last_join and $last_join->{join}{$alias}) {
+ $last_join = $last_join->{join}{$alias};
+ next;
+ } elsif ($core_join->{$alias}) {
+ $last_join = $core_join->{$alias};
+ next;
+ }
my $reltype = $link->{reltype};
my $field = $link->{key};
if ($link->{map}) {
- $alias = "__${column_name}_${hint}";
my $new_join;
if ($reltype eq "has_a") {
$new_join = {
-sub _flattened_search_merge_join_clause {
- my ($old, $new) = @_;
- %$old = ( %$old, %$new );
sub _flattened_search_expand_filter_column {
my ($o, $key, $map) = @_;
# redundant joins.
my $join_coverage = {};
+ # we need to be able to reference specific joined tables, but building
+ # aliases directly from the paths can exceed Postgres alias length limits
+ # (generally 63 characters). Instead, we'll increment for each unique
+ # path to a given IDL class.
+ my $path_tracker = {};
foreach my $k (keys %$map) {
my $column = $map->{$k} =
($clause, $last_join_alias) = @{ $join_coverage->{$joinkey} };
} else {
($clause, $last_join_alias) =
- _flattened_search_single_join_clause(
- $k, $hint, $column->{path}
+ _flattened_search_add_join_clause(
+ $k, $hint, $column->{path}, $jffolo->{join}, $path_tracker
$join_coverage->{$joinkey} = [$clause, $last_join_alias];
$map->{$k}{last_join_alias} = $last_join_alias;
- _flattened_search_merge_join_clause($jffolo->{join}, $clause);