whose long overdue item has been paid for.
* Checking in precat items now displays the "Route to Cataloging" alert each
time the item is checked in.
+* Fixes an issue where alerts that had been cleared by a check-in continued
+to display.
* Fixes an issue in which the Adjust to Zero feature
does not close a checked-in lost circ.
* Deleted copies that are still checked out can now be checked in.
* Fixes a mislabeled column in the patron checkout grid.
+* Grocery bills are no longer styled the same way as overdue bills.
* Fixes an error with the missing pieces functionality.
* Courier codes now display in the transit slip receipt preview.
+* Fixes several issues related to adding volumes.
+* Fixes several issues related to empty volumes.
+* Fixes several issues related to item and volume transfers.
+* Fixes several issues with checkboxes in the volume/copy editor.
* The Item Status grid now displays OU shortnames instead of full names
for the "Circulation Library" column.
* The Volume/Copy editor now allows users to remove a value from the Age
* Fixes a performance issue for the Validate button in the MARC Editor.
* Fixes an incorrect close tag in the Print Item Labels toolbar.
* Better scoping of copy tags in search results.
+* Prevents sending invalid search.highlight_display_fields calls.
* Electronic Resource links now open in a new tab.
* Fixes an issue with the fiscal year close-out operation.