placeholder="e.g. Required" class="flex-grow-1" />
- <eg-marc-simplified-editor (xmlRecordEvent)="associateBriefRecord($event)" buttonLabel="Add material" i18n-buttonLabel>
- <eg-marc-simplified-editor-field tag="245" subfield="a"></eg-marc-simplified-editor-field>
- <eg-marc-simplified-editor-field tag="856" subfield="u"></eg-marc-simplified-editor-field>
- <eg-marc-simplified-editor-field tag="856" subfield="9" defaultValue="CONS"></eg-marc-simplified-editor-field>
- <eg-marc-simplified-editor-field tag="990" subfield="a" i18n-defaultValue
- defaultValue="This record was created using the Course Materials Module -- please edit it there">
- </eg-marc-simplified-editor-field>
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor (xmlRecordEvent)="associateBriefRecord($event)"
+ buttonLabel="Add material" i18n-buttonLabel defaultMarcForm="o">
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-field tag="245" ind1="0" ind2="0">
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield code="a"></eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield>
+ </eg-marc-simplified-editor-field>
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-field tag="856" ind1="4" ind2="0">
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield code="u"></eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield>
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield code="y"></eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield>
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield code="9" [defaultValue]="currentCourse.owning_lib().shortname()"></eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield>
+ </eg-marc-simplified-editor-field>
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-field tag="990">
+ <eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield code="a" i18n-defaultValue
+ defaultValue="This record was created using the Course Materials Module -- please edit it there">
+ </eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield>
+ </eg-marc-simplified-editor-field>
<div class="mt-3" [ngClass]="isDialog() ? 'col-md-12' : 'col-md-8'">
- <eg-grid #materialsGrid [dataSource]="materialsDataSource" [useLocalSort]="true">
+ <eg-grid #materialsGrid [dataSource]="materialsDataSource" [useLocalSort]="true" [disablePaging]="true">
<eg-grid-toolbar-action label="Remove Selected" i18n-label (onClick)="deleteSelectedMaterials($event)">
<eg-grid-toolbar-action label="Edit Selected" i18n-label (onClick)="editSelectedMaterials($event)">
getCourses(course_ids?: Number[]): Promise<IdlObject[]> {
if (!course_ids) {
return this.pcrud.retrieveAll('acmc',
- {}, {atomic: true}).toPromise();
+ {flesh: 1, flesh_fields: {'acmc': ['owning_lib']}},
+ {atomic: true}).toPromise();
} else {
return'acmc', {id: course_ids},
- {}, {atomic: true}).toPromise();
+ {flesh: 1, flesh_fields: {'acmc': ['owning_lib']}},
+ {atomic: true}).toPromise();
+++ /dev/null
-import {Component, Host, Input, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
-import {MarcSimplifiedEditorComponent} from './simplified-editor.component';
-import {MarcSubfield} from '../marcrecord';
- * A field that a user can edit, which will later be
- * compiled into MARC
- */
- selector: 'eg-marc-simplified-editor-field',
- template: '<ng-template></ng-template>'
-export class MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldComponent implements OnInit {
- @Input() tag: string;
- @Input() subfield: string;
- @Input() defaultValue: string;
- constructor(@Host() private editor: MarcSimplifiedEditorComponent) {}
- ngOnInit() {
- this.editor.addField({
- tag: this.tag,
- subfields: [[
- this.subfield,
- this.defaultValue ? this.defaultValue : '',
- 0
- ]],
- authValid: false,
- authChecked: false,
- isCtrlField: false,
- isControlfield: () => false,
- indicator: (ind: number) => '0',
- deleteExactSubfields: (...subfield: MarcSubfield[]) => 0,
- });
- }
--- /dev/null
+import {Directive, Host, Input, OnInit, AfterViewInit} from '@angular/core';
+import {MarcSimplifiedEditorComponent} from './simplified-editor.component';
+import {MarcField, MarcSubfield} from '../marcrecord';
+import {MarcSimplifiedEditorSubfieldDirective} from './simplified-editor-subfield.directive';
+ * A field that a user can edit, which will later be
+ * compiled into MARC
+ */
+ selector: 'eg-marc-simplified-editor-field',
+export class MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldDirective implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
+ @Input() tag = 'a';
+ @Input() ind1 = ' ';
+ @Input() ind2 = ' ';
+ subfieldIndex = 1;
+ marcVersion: MarcField;
+ addSubfield: (code: string, defaultValue?: string) => void;
+ constructor(@Host() private editor: MarcSimplifiedEditorComponent) {}
+ ngOnInit() {
+ this.marcVersion = {
+ tag: this.tag,
+ subfields: [],
+ authValid: false,
+ authChecked: false,
+ isCtrlField: false,
+ isControlfield: () => false,
+ indicator: (ind: number) => (ind === 1) ? this.ind1 : this.ind2,
+ deleteExactSubfields: (...subfield: MarcSubfield[]) => 0, // not used by the simplified editor
+ };
+ this.addSubfield = (code: string, defaultValue?: string) => {
+ this.marcVersion.subfields.push(
+ [
+ code,
+ defaultValue ? defaultValue : '',
+ this.subfieldIndex
+ ]
+ );
+ this.subfieldIndex += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ngAfterViewInit() {
+ this.editor.addField(this.marcVersion);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+import {Directive, Input, Host, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
+import {MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldDirective} from './simplified-editor-field.directive';
+ * A subfield that a user can edit, which will later be
+ * compiled into MARC
+ */
+ selector: 'eg-marc-simplified-editor-subfield',
+export class MarcSimplifiedEditorSubfieldDirective implements OnInit {
+ @Input() code: string;
+ @Input() defaultValue: string;
+ constructor(@Host() private field: MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldDirective) {}
+ ngOnInit() {
+ this.field.addSubfield(this.code, this.defaultValue);
+ }
-<ng-container *ngIf="editor">
+<ng-container *ngIf="editor && subfieldLabels && marcForms && marcTypes">
<form [formGroup]="editor">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-lg-3" i18n>Form</div>
+ <div class="col-lg-9">
+ <eg-combobox #formCombobox [entries]="marcForms" formControlName="marcForm">
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId=" " entryLabel="Default" [selected]="true"></eg-combobox-entry>
+ </eg-combobox>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-lg-3" i18n>Type</div>
+ <div class="col-lg-9">
+ <eg-combobox #typeCombobox [entries]="marcTypes" formControlName="marcType"></eg-combobox>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<ng-container *ngFor="let field of fields">
- <div class="row" *ngIf="!field.subfields[0][1]">
- <div class="col-lg-3">
- <label for="{{idPrefix}}-{{field.tag}}{{field.subfields[0]}}">
- {{fieldLabels[field.fieldId]}}
- </label>
- </div>
- <div class="col-lg-9">
- <input id="{{idPrefix}}-{{field.tag}}{{field.subfields[0]}}" formControlName="{{field.fieldId}}" />
- </div>
+ <div class="row" *ngFor="let subfield of field.subfields">
+ <ng-container *ngIf="!subfield[1]">
+ <div class="col-lg-3">
+ <label for="{{idPrefix}}-{{editorFieldIdentifier(field, subfield)}}">
+ {{subfieldLabels[editorFieldIdentifier(field, subfield)]}}
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-lg-9">
+ <input id="{{idPrefix}}-{{editorFieldIdentifier(field, subfield)}}" formControlName="{{editorFieldIdentifier(field, subfield)}}" />
+ </div>
+ </ng-container>
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="emitXml()">
import {AfterViewInit, Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output} from '@angular/core';
-import {FormGroup, FormControl, ValidationErrors, ValidatorFn, FormArray} from '@angular/forms';
+import {FormGroup, FormControl} from '@angular/forms';
import {MarcField, MarcRecord} from '../marcrecord';
import {TagTableService} from '../tagtable.service';
+import {NetService} from '@eg/core/net.service';
+import { ComboboxEntry } from '@eg/share/combobox/combobox.component';
+import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
+import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
* A simplified editor for basic MARC records, which
@Input() buttonLabel: string;
@Output() xmlRecordEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
+ @Input() defaultMarcForm: string;
fields: MarcField[] = [];
editor: FormGroup;
+ marcForms: ComboboxEntry[];
+ marcTypes: ComboboxEntry[];
// DOM id prefix to prevent id collisions.
idPrefix: string;
fieldIndex = 0;
- fieldLabels: string[] = [];
+ subfieldLabels = {};
addField: (field: MarcField) => void;
+ editorFieldIdentifier: (field: MarcField, subfield: Array<any>) => string;
+ private net: NetService,
private tagTable: TagTableService
) {}
ngOnInit() {
// Add some randomness to the generated DOM IDs to ensure against clobbering
this.idPrefix = 'marc-simplified-editor-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
- this.editor = new FormGroup({});
+ this.editor = new FormGroup({
+ marcForm: new FormControl(),
+ marcType: new FormControl()
+ });
// Add a fieldId, and then add a new field to the array
this.addField = (field: MarcField) => {
field.fieldId = this.fieldIndex;
- this.editor.addControl(String(this.fieldIndex), new FormControl(null, []));
+ field.subfields.forEach((subfield) => {
+ this.editor.addControl(this.editorFieldIdentifier(field, subfield), new FormControl(null, []));
+ })
+ this.editorFieldIdentifier = (field: MarcField, subfield: Array<any>) => {
+ return field.tag + subfield[0]; // e.g. 245a
+ }
+ '',
+ .subscribe((forms) => {
+ this.marcForms = forms['Form'].map((form) => {
+ return {id: form[0], label: form[1]}
+ })
+ });
+ '',
+ .subscribe((types) => {
+ this.marcTypes = types['Type'].map((type) => {
+ return {id: type[0], label: type[1]}
+ })
+ });
ngAfterViewInit() {
- this.tagTable.loadTags({marcRecordType: 'biblio', ffType: 'BKS'}).then(table => {
+ this.tagTable.loadTags({marcRecordType: 'biblio', ffType: DEFAULT_RECORD_TYPE}).then(table => {
this.fields.forEach((field) => {
- this.fieldLabels[field.fieldId] = table.getSubfieldLabel(field.tag, field.subfields[0][0]);
+ field.subfields.forEach((subfield) => {
+ this.subfieldLabels[this.editorFieldIdentifier(field, subfield)] = table.getSubfieldLabel(field.tag, subfield[0]);
+ })
const record = new MarcRecord('<record xmlns=""></record>');
// need to add the value to field.subfields[0][1]
this.fields.forEach((field) => {
- if (field.subfields[0][1] === '') { // Default value has not been applied
- field.subfields[0][1] = this.editor.get(String(field.fieldId)).value;
- }
+ field.subfields.forEach((subfield) => {
+ if (subfield[1] === '') { // Default value has not been applied
+ subfield[1] = this.editor.get(this.editorFieldIdentifier(field, subfield)).value;
+ }
+ })
record.fields = this.fields;
+ // We need to generate an accurate 008 before setting the Form fixed field
+ const field008 = record.newField({tag: '008', data: record.generate008()});
+ record.insertOrderedFields(field008);
+ record.setFixedField('Type', this.appropriateMarcType);
+ record.setFixedField('Form', this.appropriateMarcForm);
+ get appropriateMarcType(): string {
+ return this.editor.get('marcType').value ? this.editor.get('marcType') : 'a';
+ }
+ get appropriateMarcForm(): string {
+ if (this.editor.get('marcForm').value) {
+ return this.editor.get('marcForm');
+ }
+ return this.defaultMarcForm ? this.defaultMarcForm : ' ';
+ }
import {StaffCommonModule} from '@eg/staff/common.module';
import {CommonWidgetsModule} from '@eg/share/common-widgets.module';
import {MarcSimplifiedEditorComponent} from './simplified-editor.component';
-import {MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldComponent} from './simplified-editor-field.component';
+import {MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldDirective} from './simplified-editor-field.directive';
+import {MarcSimplifiedEditorSubfieldDirective} from './simplified-editor-subfield.directive';
import {TagTableService} from '../tagtable.service';
declarations: [
- MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldComponent,
+ MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldDirective,
+ MarcSimplifiedEditorSubfieldDirective,
imports: [
exports: [
- MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldComponent,
+ MarcSimplifiedEditorFieldDirective,
+ MarcSimplifiedEditorSubfieldDirective
providers: [