--- /dev/null
+Usage () {
+echo "Usage: $0 [-b item barcode] [-l result limit]"
+echo "If you don't specify item barcode, you'll be prompted"
+echo "to provide one. Result limit defaults to 10."
+while getopts i:l:u:h OPTIONS
+do case "$OPTIONS" in
+ i) ITEM_BARCODE="$OPTARG";; # TODO: allow multiple barcodes
+ l) LIMIT="$OPTARG";;
+ h) Usage; exit 1;;
+ esac
+# Note: it is assumed that you're using .pgpass here
+# if we have no command line arguments, prompt the user
+if [ "$*" = '' ]; then
+ echo "We need an item barcode and/or a user barcode."
+ read -p "Please enter the item barcode (Enter for none): " ITEM_BARCODE
+ read -p "Please enter the user barcode (Enter for none): " USER_BARCODE
+# if we have a user barcode but no item barcode...
+if [ -z "$ITEM_BARCODE" ] && [ ! -z "$USER_BARCODE" ]; then
+ SQL_WHERE="WHERE u_card.barcode = '$USER_BARCODE'"
+# if we have an item barcode but no user barcode...
+elif [ ! -z "$ITEM_BARCODE" ] && [ -z "$USER_BARCODE" ]; then
+ SQL_WHERE="WHERE cp.barcode = '$ITEM_BARCODE'"
+# both are empty, exit the script
+elif [ -z "$ITEM_BARCODE" ] && [ -z "$USER_BARCODE" ]; then
+ echo "We need either an item or user barcode to run this script. Exiting..."
+ exit 1;
+# if we've gotten this far, we have both
+ SQL_WHERE="WHERE u_card.barcode = '$USER_BARCODE' AND cp.barcode = '$ITEM_BARCODE'"
+if [ -z "$LIMIT" ]; then
+ LIMIT=10
+read -d '' SQL <<EOF
+SELECT c.id as "Circ ID",
+ u_card.barcode as "Patron",
+ c.xact_start as "Check Out Date/Time",
+ c.due_date as "Due Date/Time",
+ c.checkin_time as "Check In Date/Time",
+ c.stop_fines_time as "Fines Stopped Date/Time",
+ c.stop_fines as "Fines Stopped Reason",
+ c.xact_finish as "Transaction Closed Date/Time",
+ cp.barcode as "Item Barcode",
+ co_lib.shortname as "Check Out Library",
+ co_ws.name as "Check Out Workstation",
+ co_staff_card.barcode as "Check Out Staff",
+ ci_lib.shortname as "Check In Library",
+ ci_ws.name as "Check In Workstation",
+ ci_staff_card.barcode as "Check In Staff",
+ c.renewal_remaining as "Remaining Renewals",
+ c.duration_rule as "Circulation Duration Rule",
+ c.duration as "Circulation Duration",
+ c.recurring_fine_rule as "Recurring Fine Rule",
+ c.recurring_fine as "Recurring Fine",
+ c.max_fine_rule as "Maximum Fine Rule",
+ c.max_fine as "Maximum Fine",
+ c.grace_period as "Grace Period"
+FROM action.circulation c
+ INNER JOIN actor.usr u ON (c.usr = u.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.card u_card ON (u.card = u_card.id)
+ INNER JOIN asset.copy cp ON (c.target_copy = cp.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.org_unit co_lib ON (c.circ_lib = co_lib.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.workstation co_ws ON (c.workstation = co_ws.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.usr co_staff ON (c.circ_staff = co_staff.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.card co_staff_card ON (co_staff.card = co_staff_card.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.org_unit ci_lib ON (c.checkin_lib = ci_lib.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.workstation ci_ws ON (c.checkin_workstation = ci_ws.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.usr ci_staff ON (c.checkin_staff = ci_staff.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.card ci_staff_card ON (ci_staff.card = ci_staff_card.id)
+ORDER BY c.xact_start desc
+#echo $SQL
+$PSQL -U "$PSQL_USER" -d "$PSQL_DB" -P null="<NULL>" -x -c "$SQL"
--- /dev/null
+Usage () {
+echo "Usage: $0 [-i item barcode] [-u user_barcode ] [-l result limit]"
+echo "If you don't specify item or user barcode, you'll be prompted"
+echo "to provide them. Result limit defaults to 10."
+while getopts i:l:u:h OPTIONS
+do case "$OPTIONS" in
+ i) ITEM_BARCODE="$OPTARG";; # TODO: allow multiple barcodes
+ l) LIMIT="$OPTARG";;
+ h) Usage; exit 1;;
+ esac
+# Note: it is assumed that you're using .pgpass here
+# if we have no command line arguments, prompt the user
+if [ "$*" = '' ]; then
+ echo "We need an item barcode and/or a user barcode."
+ read -p "Please enter the item barcode (Enter for none): " ITEM_BARCODE
+ read -p "Please enter the user barcode (Enter for none): " USER_BARCODE
+# if we have a user barcode but no item barcode...
+if [ -z "$ITEM_BARCODE" ] && [ ! -z "$USER_BARCODE" ]; then
+ SQL_WHERE="WHERE h_usr_card.barcode = '$USER_BARCODE'"
+# if we have an item barcode but no user barcode...
+elif [ ! -z "$ITEM_BARCODE" ] && [ -z "$USER_BARCODE" ]; then
+ SQL_WHERE="WHERE cp.barcode = '$ITEM_BARCODE'"
+# both are empty, exit the script
+elif [ -z "$ITEM_BARCODE" ] && [ -z "$USER_BARCODE" ]; then
+ echo "We need either an item or user barcode to run this script. Exiting..."
+ exit 1;
+# if we've gotten this far, we have both
+ SQL_WHERE="WHERE h_usr_card.barcode = '$USER_BARCODE' AND cp.barcode = '$ITEM_BARCODE'"
+if [ -z "$LIMIT" ]; then
+ LIMIT=10
+read -d '' SQL <<EOF
+SELECT h.id as "Hold ID",
+ h_usr_card.barcode as "Hold Patron",
+ case when h.requestor = h.usr then 'Self-Placed'
+ else h_requestor_card.barcode
+ end as "Hold Requestor",
+ h.request_time as "Request Date/Time",
+ r_lib.shortname as "Request Library",
+ case when hold_type = 'T' then 'Title Hold'
+ when hold_type = 'V' then 'Volume Hold'
+ when hold_type = 'C' then 'Copy Hold'
+ when hold_type = 'M' then 'Metarecord Hold'
+ when hold_type = 'P' then 'Part Hold'
+ end as "Hold Type",
+ case when hold_type = 'T' then 'Bib ID: ' || target::text
+ when hold_type = 'V' then 'Call Number ID: ' || target::text
+ when hold_type = 'C' then 'Copy ID: ' || target::text
+ else target::text
+ end as "Hold Request Target",
+ cp.barcode as "Currently Targeted Item",
+ pu_lib.shortname as "Pick-up Library",
+ h.phone_notify as "Phone Notification Number",
+ h.email_notify as "Email Notification Enabled?",
+ h.sms_notify as "SMS Notification Number",
+ sms_carrier.name as "SMS Carrier",
+ h.frozen as "Hold Request Suspended?",
+ h.thaw_date as "Hold Request Active Date/Time",
+ h.capture_time as "Item Capture Date/Time",
+ h.shelf_time as "Hold Shelf Arrival Date/Time",
+ h.shelf_expire_time as "Hold Shelf Expiration Date/Time",
+ shelf_lib.shortname as "Current Shelf Library",
+ h.behind_desk as "Hold Behind Desk?",
+ h.fulfillment_time as "Hold Fulfillment Date/Time",
+ ff_lib.shortname as "Hold Fulfillment Library",
+ ff_staff_card.barcode as "Hold Fulfillment Staff",
+ h.checkin_time as "Item Checkin Date/Time",
+ h.return_time as "Hold Return Date/Time",
+ h.expire_time as "Request Expiration Date/Time",
+ h.cancel_time as "Hold Cancellation Time",
+ hrcc.label as "Hold Cancellation Cause",
+ h.cancel_note as "Hold Cancellation Note"
+FROM action.hold_request h
+ INNER JOIN actor.usr h_usr ON (h.usr = h_usr.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.card h_usr_card ON (h_usr.card = h_usr_card.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.usr h_requestor ON (h.requestor = h_requestor.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.card h_requestor_card ON (h_requestor.card = h_requestor_card.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.org_unit r_lib ON (h.request_lib = r_lib.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN asset.copy cp ON (h.current_copy = cp.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.org_unit pu_lib ON (h.pickup_lib = pu_lib.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN config.sms_carrier sms_carrier ON (h.sms_carrier = sms_carrier.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.org_unit shelf_lib ON (h.current_shelf_lib = shelf_lib.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.org_unit ff_lib ON (h.fulfillment_lib = ff_lib.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.usr ff_staff ON (h.fulfillment_staff = ff_staff.id)
+ INNER JOIN actor.card ff_staff_card ON (ff_staff.card = ff_staff_card.id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN action.hold_request_cancel_cause hrcc ON (h.cancel_cause = hrcc.id)
+ORDER BY h.request_time desc
+# debugging statements go here
+#echo "Command line arguments are: $*"
+#echo $SQL
+$PSQL -U "$PSQL_USER" -d "$PSQL_DB" -P null="<NULL>" -x -c "$SQL"