use bytes;
use Apache2::Log;
-use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK REDIRECT DECLINED NOT_FOUND FORBIDDEN :log);
use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error SUCCESS);
use APR::Table;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
use Text::CSV;
+use GD;
use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
use OpenSRF::Utils::Cache;
our @formats = qw/USMARC UNIMARC XML BRE/;
my $MAX_FILE_SIZE = 10737418240; #10G
+my $MAX_JACKET_SIZE = 10737418240; #10G
my $FILE_READ_SIZE = 4096;
# set the bootstrap config and template include directory when
return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub spool_jacket {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $cgi = new CGI;
+ my $auth = $cgi->param('ses') || $cgi->cookie('ses');
+ my $user = verify_login($auth);
+ my $perm_check = verify_permission($auth, $user, $user->ws_ou, ['UPLOAD_COVER_IMAGE']);
+ unless($user) {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: authentication failed on jacket image import: $auth");
+ print '"session not found"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ unless($perm_check) {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: authorization failed on jacket image import: $auth");
+ print '"permission denied"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.cstore');
+ my $compression_flag = $ses->request( '', 'opac.cover_upload_compression' )->gather(1);
+ my $compression_level = ($compression_flag && OpenILS::Application::AppUtils->is_true($compression_flag->enabled)) ? $compression_flag->value : -1;
+ if ($compression_level < -1 || $compression_level > 9) {
+ $r->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ print '"invalid compression level"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ $logger->debug("spool_jacket: PNG compression set to $compression_level");
+ my $max_jacket_size = OpenILS::Application::AppUtils->ou_ancestor_setting_value($user->ws_ou, 'opac.cover_upload_max_file_size') || $MAX_JACKET_SIZE;
+ my $infile = $cgi->param('jacket_upload') || '';
+ my $bib_record = $cgi->param('bib_record') || '';
+ unless ($bib_record =~ /^-?\d+$/) {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: passed bib_record = $bib_record");
+ $r->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ print '"bib not found"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ $logger->debug("infile = $infile, bib_record = $bib_record");
+ my $conf = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
+ my $dir = $conf->config_value(
+ apps => 'open-ils.vandelay' => app_settings => databases => 'jackets');
+ unless(-w $dir) { # FIXME: good or bad idea to fallback to /openils/var/web/opac/extracs/ac if opensrf.xml is not updated?
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: We need some place to store our jacket files");
+ print '"jacket location not configured"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ if($infile and -e $infile) {
+ my $memcache = OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new('global');
+ my ($total_bytes, $buf, $bytes) = (0);
+ my $outfile_large = "$dir/jacket/large/r/$bib_record";
+ my $outfile_medium = "$dir/jacket/medium/r/$bib_record";
+ my $outfile_small = "$dir/jacket/small/r/$bib_record";
+ unless(open(OUTFILE_LARGE, ">$outfile_large.temp")) {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: unable to open jacket file [$outfile_large.temp] for writing: $@");
+ return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
+ print '"unable to open file for writing"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ while($bytes = sysread($infile, $buf, $FILE_READ_SIZE)) {
+ $total_bytes += $bytes;
+ if($total_bytes >= $max_jacket_size) {
+ unlink $outfile_large . ".temp";
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: import exceeded upload size: $max_jacket_size");
+ print '"file too large"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ print OUTFILE_LARGE $buf;
+ }
+ my $image;
+ eval { $image = GD::Image->newFromPng("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ eval { $image = $image || GD::Image->newFromJpeg("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ eval { $image = $image || GD::Image->newFromGif("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ eval { $image = $image || GD::Image->newFromXpm("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ eval { $image = $image || GD::Image->newFromWBMP("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ eval { $image = $image || GD::Image->newFromXbm("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ eval { $image = $image || GD::Image->newFromGd("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ eval { $image = $image || GD::Image->newFromGd2("$outfile_large.temp"); };
+ unless ($image) {
+ unlink $outfile_large . ".temp";
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: unable to parse $outfile_large.temp");
+ $r->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ print '"parse error"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ my ($image_width, $image_height) = $image->getBounds();
+ #### resizing for small
+ my $target_width = 55; # FIXME: get these from settings, but for now, using customer desired width and aspect ratio observed from OpenLibrary
+ my $target_height = 91;
+ my $width_ratio = $target_width / $image_width;
+ my $height_ratio = $target_height / $image_height;
+ my $best_ratio = $width_ratio < $height_ratio ? $width_ratio : $height_ratio;
+ my ($new_width, $new_height) = ($image_width * $best_ratio, $image_height * $best_ratio);
+ my $new_image = $image->copyScaleInterpolated($new_width, $new_height);
+ unless(open(OUTFILE_SMALL, ">$outfile_small.temp")) {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: unable to open jacket file [$outfile_small.temp] for writing: $@");
+ print '"unable to open file for writing"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ print OUTFILE_SMALL $new_image->png($compression_level);
+ #### resizing for medium
+ $target_width = 120;
+ $target_height = 200;
+ $width_ratio = $target_width / $image_width;
+ $height_ratio = $target_height / $image_height;
+ $best_ratio = $width_ratio < $height_ratio ? $width_ratio : $height_ratio;
+ ($new_width, $new_height) = ($image_width * $best_ratio, $image_height * $best_ratio);
+ $new_image = $image->copyScaleInterpolated($new_width, $new_height);
+ unless(open(OUTFILE_MEDIUM, ">$outfile_medium.temp")) {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: unable to open jacket file [$outfile_medium.temp] for writing: $@");
+ print '"unable to open file for writing"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ print OUTFILE_MEDIUM $new_image->png($compression_level);
+ #### resizing for large
+ $target_width = 475;
+ $target_height = 787;
+ $width_ratio = $target_width / $image_width;
+ $height_ratio = $target_height / $image_height;
+ $best_ratio = $width_ratio < $height_ratio ? $width_ratio : $height_ratio;
+ ($new_width, $new_height) = ($image_width * $best_ratio, $image_height * $best_ratio);
+ $new_image = $image->copyScaleInterpolated($new_width, $new_height);
+ unless(open(OUTFILE_LARGE, ">$outfile_large.temp")) {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: unable to open jacket file [$outfile_large.temp] for writing: $@");
+ print "'unable to open file for writing'\n";
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ print OUTFILE_LARGE $new_image->png($compression_level);
+ #### renaming temp files to final images
+ rename "$outfile_small.temp", $outfile_small;
+ rename "$outfile_medium.temp", $outfile_medium;
+ rename "$outfile_large.temp", $outfile_large;
+ #### clearing memcache
+ my @jacket_sizes = ('large','medium','small');
+ foreach my $size (@jacket_sizes) {
+ my $key = "ac.jacket.$size.record_$bib_record";
+ $memcache->delete_cache($key);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $logger->error("spool_jacket: image not uploaded? check form action and encoding");
+ print '"upload error"';
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+ }
+ $logger->info("spool_jacket: uploaded jacket file for record $bib_record");
+ $r->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ print "1";
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub verify_login {
my $auth_token = shift;
return undef unless $auth_token;
return undef;
+sub verify_permission { # FIXME: could refactor these verify_ subs in WWW/
+ my ($token, $user, $org_unit, $permissions) = @_;
+ my $failures = OpenSRF::AppSession
+ ->create('')
+ ->request('', $token, $user->id, $org_unit, $permissions)
+ ->gather(1);
+ return !scalar(@$failures);