Standalone ) echo You selected $BUILDTYPE; echo; sleep 1; break ;;
Cluster ) echo You selected $BUILDTYPE; echo; sleep 1; break ;;
Clean ) echo You selected $BUILDTYPE; echo; sleep 1; break ;;
- * ) echo; echo "You must select 1 or 2";;
+ * ) echo; echo "You must select 1, 2, or 3";;
echo Building $BUILDTYPE version..;echo
#TODO: include this in the chunk above
## copy init script for opensrf. dpkg changes the init.d file to the name of the package, in this case opensrf.
-cp -v ${BUILDFILESDIR}/eg_opensrf ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/debian/init.d
+# cp -v ${BUILDFILESDIR}/eg_opensrf ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/debian/init.d
+## copy systemd unit file to debian source folder.
+cp -v ${BUILDFILESDIR}/opensrf.service ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/debian
## set conf files
#echo "$OPENSRF_CONF_DIR/opensrf.xml" > ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/debian/conffiles
Section: net
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Pines Admins <>
-Build-Depends: apache2, apache2-dev, autoconf, automake, autotools-dev, build-essential, check, debconf (>= 0.5), debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), libc6 (>= 2.3), libcache-memcached-perl, libclass-dbi-perl, libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl, libdatetime-perl, libexpat1-dev, libgcrypt11-dev, libgdbm-dev, libjson-xs-perl, libmemcached11, libmemcached-dev, libmodule-build-perl, libncurses5 (>= 5.7+20100313), libncurses5-dev, libnet-dns-perl, libnet-server-perl, libperl-dev, libreadline6 | libreadline5 (>= 5.2), libreadline-dev, libtool, libuniversal-require-perl, libunix-syslog-perl, libxml2 (>= 2.7.4), libxml2-dev, libxml-libxml-perl, libxslt1-dev, ncurses-dev, pkg-config, python-dev, zlib1g-dev
+Build-Depends: apache2, apache2-dev, autoconf, automake, autotools-dev, build-essential, check, debconf (>= 0.5), debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), dh-systemd, libc6 (>= 2.3), libcache-memcached-perl, libclass-dbi-perl, libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl, libdatetime-perl, libexpat1-dev, libgcrypt11-dev, libgdbm-dev, libjson-xs-perl, libmemcached11, libmemcached-dev, libmodule-build-perl, libncurses5 (>= 5.7+20100313), libncurses5-dev, libnet-dns-perl, libnet-server-perl, libperl-dev, libreadline6 | libreadline5 (>= 5.2), libreadline-dev, libtool, libuniversal-require-perl, libunix-syslog-perl, libxml2 (>= 2.7.4), libxml2-dev, libxml-libxml-perl, libxslt1-dev, ncurses-dev, pkg-config, python-dev, zlib1g-dev
Standards-Version: 3.8.4
+++ /dev/null
-#TODO: properly attribute the original authors of this file
-#TODO: add a 'status' command
-#TODO: create an upstart job instead?
-# Provides: opensrf
-# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
-# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
-# X-Interactive: true
-# Short-Description: Start/stop OpenSRF Services
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-REP_NAME="Clark Kent, waiting for trouble"
-export PATH=$PATH:${OPENILS_BASE}/bin
-if [ $(whoami) != 'opensrf' ]; then
- PERL5LIB='/openils/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB';
-start_opensrf() {
- sleep 3
- log_daemon_msg "Starting Evergreen OpenSRF:"
- su - opensrf -c /bin/bash -c "PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:${OPENILS_BASE}/lib/perl5 PATH=${PATH}:${OPENILS_BASE}/bin osrf_control --start-all"
- if [ ! -e ${OPENILS_BASE}/var/web/eg_cache_hash ]
- then
- if dpkg -l | grep "evergreen-ils" | grep "ii"
- then
- log_daemon_msg "Running Autogen...:"
- su - opensrf /bin/bash -c "PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:${OPENILS_BASE}/lib/perl5 PATH=${PATH}:${OPENILS_BASE}/bin -u"
- fi
- fi
-stop_opensrf() {
- log_daemon_msg "Stopping Evergreen OpenSRF:"
- su - opensrf -c /bin/bash -c "PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:${OPENILS_BASE}/lib/perl5 PATH=${PATH}:${OPENILS_BASE}/bin osrf_control --stop-all"
- sleep 3
- rm -f $PIDFILES/*.pid
-autogen() {
- echo "Running Autogen Update"
- su - opensrf /bin/bash -c "PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:${OPENILS_BASE}/lib/perl5 PATH=${PATH}:${OPENILS_BASE}/bin -u"
-case "$1" in
- start)
- start_opensrf
-# /etc/init.d/apache2-websockets stop
-# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
-# /etc/init.d/apache2-websockets start
- ;;
- stop)
- stop_opensrf
- ;;
- restart)
-# /etc/init.d/apache2-websockets stop
-# /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
- log_daemon_msg "Restarting Evergreen OpenSRF:"
- stop_opensrf
- sleep 2
- start_opensrf
-# /etc/init.d/apache2-websockets start
-# /etc/init.d/apache2 start
- ;;
- autogen)
- autogen
- ;;
- echo " * Usage: /etc/init.d/eg_opensrf {start|stop|restart|autogen}"
- exit 1
- ;;
-#if grep -q "^{hosts, \[\"localhost\"]}" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
-if ! grep -q "$HFQDN" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml
+if ! grep -q "$HFQDN" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml
#TODO: make sure these values are current
DEBUG echo "Stock ejabberd detecting. Stopping and modifying config!"
/etc/init.d/ejabberd stop
cp /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml.orig
+ #hosts
sed -i "/^ \- \"localhost\"/a \ \- \"private.$HFQDN\"" $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- sed -i "/^ \- \"localhost\"/a \ \- \"public.$HFQDN\"" $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ sed -i "/^ \- \"localhost\"/a \ \- \"public.$HFQDN\"" $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #max_user_sessions
- sed -i 's/\<all: 10\>/all: 10000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ #max_user_sessions
+ sed -i 's/\<all: 10\>/all: 10000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #max_stanza_size
- sed -i 's/max_stanza_size: 65536/max_stanza_size: 2000000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ #max_stanza_size
+ sed -i 's/max_stanza_size: 65536/max_stanza_size: 2000000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #shaper_normal
- sed -i 's/normal: 1000/normal: 500000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ #shaper_normal
+ sed -i 's/normal: 1000/normal: 500000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #shaper_fast
- sed -i 's/fast: 50000/fast: 500000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ #shaper_fast
+ sed -i 's/fast: 50000/fast: 500000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #mod_offline
- sed -i 's/mod_offline:/#mod_offline:/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- sed -i 's/access_max_user_messages/#access_max_user_messages/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #auth_password_format
- sed -i 's/auth_password_format: scram/auth_password_format: plain/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ #mod_offline
+ sed -i 's/mod_offline:/#mod_offline:/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ sed -i 's/access_max_user_messages/#access_max_user_messages/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
+ #auth_password_format
+ sed -i 's/auth_password_format: scram/auth_password_format: plain/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
#sed -i "s/^{hosts, \[\"localhost\"\]}/{hosts, [\"localhost\", \"private.$HFQDN\", \"public.$HFQDN\"]}/g" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
#sed -i "s/max_user_sessions,\ \[{10,/max_user_sessions,\ \[{10000,/g" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
#sed -i 's/{max_stanza_size, 65536}/{max_stanza_size, 2000000}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
DEBUG echo "Installation of OpenSRF completed!"
-#DEBUG echo "Starting OpenSRF:"
+DEBUG echo "Starting OpenSRF:"
echo "To start opensrf, run /etc/init.d/opensrf start"
echo "Please make sure any pending network changes have taken place before attempting this"
-#/etc/init.d/opensrf start
+/etc/init.d/opensrf start
exit 0
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set +x
-#TODO: insert license GPLv3 tag copyright gpls
-#Can this be fetched from dpkg?
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-HFQDN=$(perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . "\n";')
- if [ $_DEBUG > 0 ]; then $@;fi
-if ! grep -q "$HOSTS_FILE_TAG" /etc/hosts
- then
- cp -f /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.orig
- DEBUG echo "Adding entries to /etc/hosts..."
- sed -i "2i\#$HOSTS_FILE_TAG" /etc/hosts
- sed -i "3i\\tpublic.$HFQDN\tpublic #OPENSRF_DEB" /etc/hosts
- sed -i "4i\\tprivate.$HFQDN\tprivate #OPENSRF_DEB" /etc/hosts
- sed -i '5i\ ' /etc/hosts
- else
- DEBUG echo "Hosts file has already been modified!"
-} #modify_hosts_file()
-add_opensrf_user() {
-if ! grep -q "^opensrf:" /etc/passwd
- then
- DEBUG echo "Opensrf user does not exist! Creating..."
- if ! grep -q "x:2000" /etc/passwd; then
- useradd -m -s /bin/bash -u 2000 opensrf
- else
- useradd -m -s /bin/bash opensrf
- fi
- db_get opensrf/user_password || true
- tfile=`mktemp`
- if [ ! -f "$tfile" ]; then
- echo "ERROR Creating temp file!"
- return 1
- fi
- DEBUG echo "creating tmp pw file as $tfile"
-cat << EOF > $tfile
-DEBUG echo "about to change"
- cat $tfile | chpasswd
-DEBUG echo "about to rm"
- rm $tfile
- DEBUG echo "Set user opensrf's password"
- else
- DEBUG echo "Opensrf user already exists, so not doing anything!"
-if ! grep -q "$OPENSRF_PREFIX/bin" /home/opensrf/.bashrc
- then
- DEBUG echo "Adding path for opensrf user..."
- sed -i "2i\export PATH=$OPENSRF_PREFIX/bin:\$PATH" /home/opensrf/.bashrc
- sed -i '3i\export PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB' /home/opensrf/.bashrc
- else
- DEBUG echo "OpenSRF Path already added!"
-} #add_opensrf_user()
-if grep -q "^{hosts, \[\"localhost\"]}" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- then
- #TODO: make sure these values are current
- DEBUG echo "Stock ejabberd detecting. Stopping and modifying config!"
- EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml"
- /etc/init.d/ejabberd stop
- cp /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg.orig
- sed -i "s/^{hosts, \[\"localhost\"\]}/{hosts, [\"localhost\", \"private.$HFQDN\", \"public.$HFQDN\"]}/g" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- sed -i "s/max_user_sessions,\ \[{10,/max_user_sessions,\ \[{10000,/g" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- sed -i 's/{max_stanza_size, 65536}/{max_stanza_size, 2000000}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- sed -i 's/{max_stanza_size, 131072}/{max_stanza_size, 2000000}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- sed -i 's/{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}/{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 500000}}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- sed -i 's/{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 50000}}/{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 500000}}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- sed -i 's/{mod_offline/%%{mod_offline/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- chown ejabberd.ejabberd /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- /etc/init.d/ejabberd start
- else
- DEBUG echo "Ejabberd has already been modified (or atleast the hosts line has). No Changes made."
-} #reconfigure_ejabberd()
- USER=$1
- HOST=$2
- if ! status=$(ejabberdctl register "$USER" "$HOST" "$PASSWD") ; then
- if echo $status | grep -q "already registered" ; then
- DEBUG echo "User \"$USER@$HOST\" is already registered. Password IS NOT changed."
- else
- echo "Can't register user \"$USER@$HOST\"."
- fi
- else
- DEBUG echo "User \"$USER@$HOST\" is registered successfully."
- fi
-#TODO: check the ejabberd scripts to make sure none of this code was borrowed from it. may need to rewrite the block to make sure it's on the level.
- db_get opensrf/ejabber_password
- #if [ -n "$USER" -a -n "$PASSWD" ]; then
- DEBUG echo -n "Waiting for ejabberd to register admin user"
- if ejabberdctl status >/dev/null || test $? = 1 ; then
- # Ejabberd is starting ($? = 1) or running ($? = 0) already.
- cnt=0
- flag=1
- while ! ejabberdctl status >/dev/null ; do
- DEBUG echo -n "."
- cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
- if [ $cnt -ge 60 ] ; then
- echo
- echo "Can't register Ejabberd users."
- echo -n "Ejabberd is taking too long to start!"
- flag=0
- break
- fi
- sleep 1
- done
- echo
- if [ $flag -eq 1 ] ; then
- add_ejabber_user router private.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- add_ejabber_user opensrf private.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- add_ejabber_user router public.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- add_ejabber_user opensrf public.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- fi
- else
- echo
- echo "Can't register Ejabberd users!"
- echo "Ejabberd server is not started."
- fi
-} #register_ejabberd_users()
-#TODO: check license on Makefile.install to make sure it's compatible with ours.
-#CODE SOURCE: Makefile.install
-for m in ssl osrf_http_translator osrf_json_gateway; do a2enmod $m > /dev/null; done;
-# adds a placeholder module so apxs will be happy
-if [ ! "$(grep mod_placeholder /etc/apache2/httpd.conf)" ]; then
- echo -e "#\n#LoadModule mod_placeholder /usr/lib/apache2/modules/" >> /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
- /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- fi
-} #modify_apache()
-#TODO: decide if this should be opensrf.conf instead of an abbreviation.
-if ! test -e $LD_CONF_FILE
- then
- DEBUG echo "Confgiuring library paths..."
- echo "/usr/local/lib" >> $LD_CONF_FILE
- ldconfig
- else
- DEBUG echo "Library paths already configured!"
-} #configure_ld()
-DEBUG echo "Changing ownership of $OPENSRF_PREFIX (and everything in it) to opensrf..."
-mkdir -p $OPENSRF_PREFIX/var/run
-mkdir -p $OPENSRF_PREFIX/var/log
-mkdir -p $OPENSRF_PREFIX/var/lock
-chown -R opensrf:opensrf $OPENSRF_PREFIX
- db_get opensrf/ejabber_password
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml.example $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf_core.xml.example $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf_core.xml
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/srfsh.xml.example $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/srfsh.xml
- sed -i "s|d>password|d>$RET|g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/*.xml
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/srfsh.xml /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml && \
- chown opensrf /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml && chmod 600 /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml
- HFQDN=$(perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . "\n";')
- sed -i "s/<localhost>/<$HFQDN>/g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- sed -i "s/<\/localhost>/<\/$HFQDN>/g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- sed -i "s/\.localhost</\.$HFQDN</g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf_core.xml
- sed -i "s/\.localhost</\.$HFQDN</g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- sed -i "s/\.localhost</\.$HFQDN</g" /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml
- update-rc.d opensrf defaults > /dev/null
- if [ -e /openils/bin/osrf_control ]
- then
- rm /openils/bin/osrf_control
- ln -s /openils/bin/ /openils/bin/osrf_control
- else
- ln -s /openils/bin/ /openils/bin/osrf_control
- fi
-DEBUG echo "Installation of OpenSRF completed!"
-#DEBUG echo "Starting OpenSRF:"
-echo "To start opensrf, run /etc/init.d/opensrf start"
-echo "Please make sure any pending network changes have taken place before attempting this"
-#/etc/init.d/opensrf start
-exit 0
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set +x
-#TODO: insert license GPLv3 tag copyright gpls
-#Can this be fetched from dpkg?
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-HFQDN=$(perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . "\n";')
- if [ $_DEBUG > 0 ]; then $@;fi
-if ! grep -q "$HOSTS_FILE_TAG" /etc/hosts
- then
- cp -f /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.orig
- DEBUG echo "Adding entries to /etc/hosts..."
- sed -i "2i\#$HOSTS_FILE_TAG" /etc/hosts
- sed -i "3i\\tpublic.$HFQDN\tpublic #OPENSRF_DEB" /etc/hosts
- sed -i "4i\\tprivate.$HFQDN\tprivate #OPENSRF_DEB" /etc/hosts
- sed -i '5i\ ' /etc/hosts
- else
- DEBUG echo "Hosts file has already been modified!"
-} #modify_hosts_file()
-add_opensrf_user() {
-if ! grep -q "^opensrf:" /etc/passwd
- then
- DEBUG echo "Opensrf user does not exist! Creating..."
- if ! grep -q "x:2000" /etc/passwd; then
- useradd -m -s /bin/bash -u 2000 opensrf
- else
- useradd -m -s /bin/bash opensrf
- fi
- db_get opensrf/user_password || true
- tfile=`mktemp`
- if [ ! -f "$tfile" ]; then
- echo "ERROR Creating temp file!"
- return 1
- fi
- DEBUG echo "creating tmp pw file as $tfile"
-cat << EOF > $tfile
-DEBUG echo "about to change"
- cat $tfile | chpasswd
-DEBUG echo "about to rm"
- rm $tfile
- DEBUG echo "Set user opensrf's password"
- else
- DEBUG echo "Opensrf user already exists, so not doing anything!"
-if ! grep -q "$OPENSRF_PREFIX/bin" /home/opensrf/.bashrc
- then
- DEBUG echo "Adding path for opensrf user..."
- sed -i "2i\export PATH=$OPENSRF_PREFIX/bin:\$PATH" /home/opensrf/.bashrc
- sed -i '3i\export PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB' /home/opensrf/.bashrc
- else
- DEBUG echo "OpenSRF Path already added!"
-} #add_opensrf_user()
-if grep -q "^{hosts, \[\"localhost\"]}" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- then
- #TODO: make sure these values are current
- DEBUG echo "Stock ejabberd detecting. Stopping and modifying config!"
- EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml"
- /etc/init.d/ejabberd stop
- cp /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml.orig
- #hosts
- sed -i "/^ \- \"localhost\"/a \ \- \"private.$HFQDN\"" $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- sed -i "/^ \- \"localhost\"/a \ \- \"public.$HFQDN\"" $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #max_user_sessions
- sed -i 's/\<all: 10\>/all: 10000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #max_stanza_size
- sed -i 's/max_stanza_size: 65536/max_stanza_size: 2000000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #shaper_normal
- sed -i 's/normal: 1000/normal: 500000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #shaper_fast
- sed -i 's/fast: 50000/fast: 500000/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #mod_offline
- sed -i 's/mod_offline:/#mod_offline:/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- sed -i 's/access_max_user_messages/#access_max_user_messages/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #auth_password_format
- sed -i 's/auth_password_format: scram/auth_password_format: plain/g' $EJABBERD_CONFIG_FILE
- #sed -i "s/^{hosts, \[\"localhost\"\]}/{hosts, [\"localhost\", \"private.$HFQDN\", \"public.$HFQDN\"]}/g" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- #sed -i "s/max_user_sessions,\ \[{10,/max_user_sessions,\ \[{10000,/g" /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- #sed -i 's/{max_stanza_size, 65536}/{max_stanza_size, 2000000}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- #sed -i 's/{max_stanza_size, 131072}/{max_stanza_size, 2000000}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- #sed -i 's/{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}/{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 500000}}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- #sed -i 's/{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 50000}}/{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 500000}}/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- #sed -i 's/{mod_offline/%%{mod_offline/g' /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- chown ejabberd.ejabberd /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
- /etc/init.d/ejabberd start
- else
- DEBUG echo "Ejabberd has already been modified (or atleast the hosts line has). No Changes made."
-} #reconfigure_ejabberd()
- USER=$1
- HOST=$2
- if ! status=$(ejabberdctl register "$USER" "$HOST" "$PASSWD") ; then
- if echo $status | grep -q "already registered" ; then
- DEBUG echo "User \"$USER@$HOST\" is already registered. Password IS NOT changed."
- else
- echo "Can't register user \"$USER@$HOST\"."
- fi
- else
- DEBUG echo "User \"$USER@$HOST\" is registered successfully."
- fi
-#TODO: check the ejabberd scripts to make sure none of this code was borrowed from it. may need to rewrite the block to make sure it's on the level.
- db_get opensrf/ejabber_password
- #if [ -n "$USER" -a -n "$PASSWD" ]; then
- DEBUG echo -n "Waiting for ejabberd to register admin user"
- if ejabberdctl status >/dev/null || test $? = 1 ; then
- # Ejabberd is starting ($? = 1) or running ($? = 0) already.
- cnt=0
- flag=1
- while ! ejabberdctl status >/dev/null ; do
- DEBUG echo -n "."
- cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
- if [ $cnt -ge 60 ] ; then
- echo
- echo "Can't register Ejabberd users."
- echo -n "Ejabberd is taking too long to start!"
- flag=0
- break
- fi
- sleep 1
- done
- echo
- if [ $flag -eq 1 ] ; then
- add_ejabber_user router private.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- add_ejabber_user opensrf private.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- add_ejabber_user router public.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- add_ejabber_user opensrf public.$HFQDN $EJABBER_PASS
- fi
- else
- echo
- echo "Can't register Ejabberd users!"
- echo "Ejabberd server is not started."
- fi
-} #register_ejabberd_users()
-#TODO: check license on Makefile.install to make sure it's compatible with ours.
-#CODE SOURCE: Makefile.install
-for m in ssl osrf_http_translator osrf_json_gateway; do a2enmod $m > /dev/null; done;
-# adds a placeholder module so apxs will be happy
-if [ ! "$(grep mod_placeholder /etc/apache2/httpd.conf)" ]; then
- echo -e "#\n#LoadModule mod_placeholder /usr/lib/apache2/modules/" >> /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
- /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- fi
-} #modify_apache()
-#TODO: decide if this should be opensrf.conf instead of an abbreviation.
-if ! test -e $LD_CONF_FILE
- then
- DEBUG echo "Confgiuring library paths..."
- echo "/usr/local/lib" >> $LD_CONF_FILE
- ldconfig
- else
- DEBUG echo "Library paths already configured!"
-} #configure_ld()
-DEBUG echo "Changing ownership of $OPENSRF_PREFIX (and everything in it) to opensrf..."
-mkdir -p $OPENSRF_PREFIX/var/run
-mkdir -p $OPENSRF_PREFIX/var/log
-mkdir -p $OPENSRF_PREFIX/var/lock
-chown -R opensrf:opensrf $OPENSRF_PREFIX
- db_get opensrf/ejabber_password
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml.example $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf_core.xml.example $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf_core.xml
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/srfsh.xml.example $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/srfsh.xml
- sed -i "s|d>password|d>$RET|g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/*.xml
- cp -n $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/srfsh.xml /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml && \
- chown opensrf /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml && chmod 600 /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml
- HFQDN=$(perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . "\n";')
- sed -i "s/<localhost>/<$HFQDN>/g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- sed -i "s/<\/localhost>/<\/$HFQDN>/g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- sed -i "s/\.localhost</\.$HFQDN</g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf_core.xml
- sed -i "s/\.localhost</\.$HFQDN</g" $OPENSRF_PREFIX/conf/opensrf.xml
- sed -i "s/\.localhost</\.$HFQDN</g" /home/opensrf/.srfsh.xml
- update-rc.d opensrf defaults > /dev/null
- if [ -e /openils/bin/osrf_control ]
- then
- rm /openils/bin/osrf_control
- ln -s /openils/bin/ /openils/bin/osrf_control
- else
- ln -s /openils/bin/ /openils/bin/osrf_control
- fi
-DEBUG echo "Installation of OpenSRF completed!"
-#DEBUG echo "Starting OpenSRF:"
-echo "To start opensrf, run /etc/init.d/opensrf start"
-echo "Please make sure any pending network changes have taken place before attempting this"
-#/etc/init.d/opensrf start
-exit 0
export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND= -Wno-error=format-security
- dh $@
+ dh $@ --with systemd
autoreconf -ivf
./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf --with-websockets-port=443
rm -f debian/opensrf.substvars
rm -f debian/opensrf.*.debhelper
+ true
#mv ./debian/opensrf/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/lib/perl5/* ./debian/opensrf/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/