* the prescribed fields from the IDL (and database view), while the
* 'mfde' hash-based objects contain all configured display fields,
* including local/custom fields.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * --
+ * // Display well-known fields
+ *
+ * $scope.record = copy.call_number().record();
+ *
+ * // translate wide display entry values inline
+ * egBibDisplay.mwdeJSONToJS($scope.record.wide_display_entry());
+ *
+ * <div>Title:</div>
+ * <div>{{record.wide_display_entry().title()}}</div>
+ *
+ * ---
+ * // Display any field using known keys
+ *
+ * $scope.all_display_fields =
+ * egBibDisplay.mfdeToHash(record.flat_display_entries());
+ *
+ * <div>Title:</div>
+ * <div>{{all_display_fields.title}}</div>
+ *
+ * ---
+ * // Display all fields dynamically, using confgured labels
+ *
+ * $scope.all_display_fields_with_meta =
+ * egBibDisplay.mfdeToMetaHash(record.flat_display_entries());
+ *
+ * <div ng-repeat="(key, content) in all_display_fields_with_meta">
+ * <div>Field Label</div><div>{{content.label}}</div>
+ * <div ng-if="content.multi == 't'">
+ * <div ng-repeat="val in content.value">
+ * <div>Field Value</div><div>{{val}}</div>
+ * </div>
+ * </div>
+ * <div ng-if="content.multi == 'f'">
+ * <div>Field Value</div><div>{{content.value}}</div>
+ * </div>
+ * </div>
+ *
.factory('egBibDisplay', ['$q', 'egCore', function($q, egCore) {
var service = {};