+.directive('egRecordBreaker', function() {
+ return {
+ restrict : 'AE',
+ template : '<pre>{{breaker}}</pre>',
+ scope : {
+ recordId : '=',
+ marcXml : '@',
+ },
+ link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
+ scope.element = angular.element(element);
+ // kill refs to destroyed DOM elements
+ element.bind("$destroy", function() {
+ delete scope.element;
+ });
+ },
+ controller :
+ ['$scope','egCore',
+ function($scope , egCore) {
+ function loadRecordBreaker() {
+ var xml;
+ if ($scope.marcXml) {
+ $scope.breaker = new MARC21.Record({ marcxml : $scope.marcXml }).toBreaker();
+ } else {
+ egCore.pcrud.retrieve('bre', $scope.recordId)
+ .then(function(rec) {
+ $scope.breaker = new MARC21.Record({ marcxml : rec.marc() }).toBreaker();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.$watch('recordId',
+ function(newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (newVal && newVal !== oldVal) {
+ loadRecordBreaker();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ $scope.$watch('marcXml',
+ function(newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (newVal && newVal !== oldVal) {
+ loadRecordBreaker();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if ($scope.recordId || $scope.marcXml)
+ loadRecordBreaker();
+ }
+ ]
+ }
* A record='foo' attribute is required as a storage location of the
* retrieved record