use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI::Translator;
-use OpenILS::Utils::LooseEDI;
-use Business::EDI;
+use OpenILS::Utils::EDIReader;
use Data::Dumper;
our $verbose = 0;
$logger->error("(S)FTP get($description) failed");
- my $incoming = __PACKAGE__->process_retrieval($content, $remote_file, $server, $account->id, $e);
+ my $incoming = __PACKAGE__->process_retrieval($content, $remote_file, $server, $account->id);
# $server->delete(remote_file => $_); # delete remote copies of saved message
- push @return, $incoming->id;
+ push @return, @$incoming;
return \@return;
-# my $in = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_retrieval($file_content, $remote_filename, $server, $account_id, $editor);
+# my $msg_ids = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_retrieval(
+# $file_content, $remote_filename, $server, $account_id, $editor);
sub process_retrieval {
- my $incoming = Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message->new;
- my ($class, $content, $remote, $server, $account_or_id, $e) = @_;
+ my ($class, $content, $filename, $server, $account_or_id) = @_;
$content or return;
- $e ||= new_editor;
- my $account = __PACKAGE__->record_activity( $account_or_id, $e );
+ my $e = new_editor;
+ my $account = __PACKAGE__->record_activity($account_or_id, $e);
- my $z; # must predeclare
- $z = ( $content =~ s/('UNH\+\d+\+ORDRSP:)0(:96A:UN')/$1D$2/g )
- and $logger->warn("Patching bogus spec reference ORDRSP:0:96A:UN => ORDRSP:D:96A:UN ($z times)"); # Hack/fix some faulty "0" in (B&T) data
+ # a single EDI blob can contain multiple messages
+ # create one edi_message per included message
- $incoming->remote_file($remote);
- $incoming->account($account->id);
- $incoming->edi($content);
- $incoming->message_type(($content =~ /'UNH\+\d+\+(\S{6}):/) ? $1 : 'ORDRSP'); # cheap sniffing, ORDRSP fallback
- __PACKAGE__->attempt_translation($incoming);
- $e->xact_begin;
- $e->create_acq_edi_message($incoming);
- $e->xact_commit;
- # refresh: send process_jedi the updated row
- $e->xact_begin;
+ my $messages = OpenILS::Utils::EDIReader->new->read($content);
+ my @return;
+ for my $msg_hash (@$messages) {
+ my $incoming = Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message->new;
+ $incoming->remote_file($filename);
+ $incoming->account($account->id);
+ $incoming->edi($content);
+ $incoming->message_type($msg_hash->{message_type});
+ $incoming->jedi(OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($msg_hash)); # jedi-2.0
+ $incoming->status('translated');
+ $incoming->translate_time('NOW');
+ if ($msg_hash->{purchase_order}) {
+ $logger->info("EDI: processing message for PO " . $msg_hash->{purchase_order});
+ $incoming->purchase_order($msg_hash->{purchase_order});
+ }
+ $e->xact_begin;
+ unless($e->create_acq_edi_message($incoming)) {
+ $logger->error("EDI: unable to create edi_message " . $e->die_event);
+ next;
+ }
+ # refresh to pickup create_date, etc.
+ $incoming = $e->retrieve_acq_edi_message($incoming->id);
+ $e->xact_commit;
+ # since there's a fair chance of unhandled problems
+ # cropping up, particularly with new vendors, wrap w/ eval.
+ eval { $class->process_parsed_msg($account, $incoming, $msg_hash) };
- # LFW: I really don't understand in what sense you could call this
- # message 'outgoing', except from the vendor's point of view?
- my $outgoing = $e->retrieve_acq_edi_message($incoming->id); # refresh again!
- $e->xact_rollback;
- my $res = __PACKAGE__->process_jedi($outgoing, $server, $account, $e);
- $e->xact_begin;
- $outgoing = $e->retrieve_acq_edi_message($incoming->id); # refresh again!
- $e->xact_rollback;
- $outgoing->status($res ? 'processed' : 'proc_error');
- if ($res) {
- $e->update_acq_edi_message($outgoing);
+ $incoming = $e->retrieve_acq_edi_message($incoming->id);
+ if ($@) {
+ $incoming->status('proc_error');
+ $incoming->error($@);
+ } else {
+ $incoming->status('processed');
+ }
+ $e->update_acq_edi_message($incoming);
+ push(@return, $incoming->id);
- return $outgoing;
+ return \@return;
# ->send_core
my $tran = translator();
my $ret = $to_edi ? $tran->json2edi($edi_message->jedi) : $tran->edi2json($edi_message->edi);
# $logger->error("json: " . Dumper($json)); # debugging
if (not $ret or (! ref($ret)) or $ret->is_fault) { # RPC::XML::fault on failure
("$pre, Error " . $ret->code . ": " . __PACKAGE__->nice_string($ret->string)) :
("$pre: " . __PACKAGE__->nice_string($ret) ) ;
- $logger->error( $message);
+ $logger->error($message);
if ($to_edi) {
$edi_message->edi($ret->value); # translator returns an object
} else {
# return substr($string,0,$head) . "... " . substr($string, -1*$tail);
-sub jedi2perl {
- my ($class, $jedi) = @_;
- $jedi or return;
- my $msg = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->JSON2perl( $jedi );
- open (FOO, ">>/tmp/JSON2perl_dump.txt");
- print FOO Dumper($msg), "\n\n";
- close FOO;
- $logger->warn("Dumped JSON2perl to /tmp/JSON2perl_dump.txt");
- return $msg;
+# parts of this process can fail without the entire
+# thing failing. If a catastrophic error occurs,
+# it will occur via die.
+sub process_parsed_msg {
+ my ($class, $account, $incoming, $msg_hash) = @_;
-our @datecodes = (35, 359, 17, 191, 69, 76, 75, 79, 85, 74, 84, 223);
-our @noop_6063 = (21);
-# ->process_jedi($message, $server, $remote, $e)
-# $message is an edi_message object
-# This method has lots of logic to process ORDRSP messages (and theoretically
-# OSTRPT messages) and to make changes based on those to EG acq objects.
-# If it gets an INVOIC message, it hands that off to
-# create_acq_invoice_from_edi() following a new model (this code all wants
-# cleaned-up/refactored).
-# This method currently returns an array of message objects, but no callers use
-# that except in a boolean evaluation to test for success. So don't count on
-# that array being there or containing anything specific in the future: it
-# might get changed.
-sub process_jedi {
- my ($class, $message, $server, $remote, $e) = @_;
- $message or return;
- $server ||= {}; # context
- $remote ||= {}; # context
- $e ||= new_editor;
- my $jedi;
- unless (ref($message) and $jedi = $message->jedi) { # assignment, not comparison
- $logger->warn("EDI process_jedi missing required argument (edi_message object with jedi)!");
- return;
- }
- my $perl = __PACKAGE__->jedi2perl($jedi);
- my $error = '';
- if (ref($message) and not $perl) {
- $error = ($message->error || '') . " JSON2perl (jedi2perl) FAILED to convert jedi";
- }
- elsif (! $perl->{body}) {
- $error = "EDI interchange body not found!";
- }
- elsif (! $perl->{body}->[0]) {
- $error = "EDI interchange body not a populated arrayref!";
- }
- if ($error) {
- $logger->warn($error);
- $message->error($error);
- $message->error_time('NOW');
- $e->xact_begin;
- $e->update_acq_edi_message($message) or $logger->warn("EDI update_acq_edi_message failed! $!");
- $e->xact_commit;
- return;
+ if ($incoming->message_type eq 'INVOIC') {
+ return $class->create_acq_invoice_from_edi(
+ $msg_hash, $account->provider, $incoming);
-# Crazy data structure. Most of the arrays will be 1 element... we think.
-# JEDI looks like:
-# {'body' => [{'ORDERS' => [['UNH',{'0062' => '4635','S009' => {'0057' => 'EAN008','0051' => 'UN','0052' => 'D','0065' => 'ORDERS', ...
-# So you might access it like:
-# $obj->{body}->[0]->{ORDERS}->[0]->[0] eq 'UNH'
- $logger->info("EDI interchange body has " . scalar(@{$perl->{body}}) . " message(s)");
- my @ok_msg_codes = qw/ORDRSP OSTRPT INVOIC/;
- my @messages;
- my $i = 0;
- foreach my $part (@{$perl->{body}}) {
- $i++;
- unless (ref $part and scalar keys %$part) {
- $logger->warn("EDI interchange message $i lacks structure. Skipping it.");
+ for my $li_hash (@{$msg_hash->{lineitems}}) {
+ my $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
+ my $li_id = $li_hash->{id};
+ my $li = $e->retrieve_acq_lineitem($li_id);
+ if (!$li) {
+ $logger->error("EDI: reqest for invalid lineitem ID '$li_id'");
+ $e->rollback;
- foreach my $key (keys %$part) {
- if (! grep {$_ eq $key} @ok_msg_codes) { # We only do one type for now. TODO: other types here
- $logger->warn("EDI interchange $i contains unhandled '$key' message. Ignoring it.");
+ if ($li_hash->{expected_date}) {
+ my ($y, $m, $d) = $li_hash->{expected_date} =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/g;
+ my $recv_time = $y;
+ $recv_time .= "-$m" if $m;
+ $recv_time .= "-$d" if $d;
+ $li->expected_recv_time($recv_time);
+ }
+ $li->estimated_unit_price($li_hash->{unit_price});
+ if (not $incoming->purchase_order) {
+ # PO should come from the EDI message, but if not...
+ # fetch the latest copy
+ $incoming = $e->retrieve_acq_edi_message($incoming->id);
+ $incoming->purchase_order($li->purchase_order);
+ unless($e->update_acq_edi_message($incoming)) {
+ $logger->error("EDI: unable to update edi_message " . $e->die_event);
- if ($key eq 'INVOIC') {
- # XXX TODO Maybe subclass O::U::LooseEDI::Message as
- # something like OpenILS::Acq::{VendorInvoice,OrderReponse},
- # each one knowing how to read itself and update EG acq
- # objects (not under OpenILS::Application perhaps).
- my $invoice_message =
- new OpenILS::Utils::LooseEDI::Message($part->{$key});
- push @messages, $invoice_message if
- $class->create_acq_invoice_from_edi(
- $e, $invoice_message, $remote->provider, $message
- );
+ }
+ my $lids = $e->json_query({
+ select => {acqlid => ['id']},
+ from => 'acqlid',
+ where => { lineitem => $li->id }
+ });
+ my @lids = map { $_->{id} } @$lids;
+ my $lid_count = scalar(@lids);
+ my $lids_covered = 0;
+ my $lids_touched = 0;
+ for my $qty (@{$li_hash->{quantities}}) {
+ my $qty_count = $qty->{quantity} or next;
+ my $qty_code = $qty->{code};
+ if (!$qty_code) {
+ $logger->warn("EDI: Response for LI $li_id specifies quantity ".
+ "$qty_count with no 6063 code! Contact vendor to resolve.");
- my $msg = __PACKAGE__->message_object($part->{$key}) or next;
- push @messages, $msg;
+ $logger->info("EDI: LI $li_id processing quantity count=$qty_count / code=$qty_code");
- my $bgm = $msg->xpath('BGM') or $logger->warn("EDI No BGM segment found?!");
- my $tag4343 = $msg->xpath('BGM/4343');
- my $tag1225 = $msg->xpath('BGM/1225');
- if (ref $tag4343) {
- $logger->info(sprintf "EDI $key BGM/4343 Response Type: %s - %s", $tag4343->value, $tag4343->label)
- } else {
- $logger->warn("EDI $key BGM/4343 Response Type Code unrecognized"); # next; #?
- }
- if (ref $tag1225) {
- $logger->info(sprintf "EDI $key BGM/1225 Message Function: %s - %s", $tag1225->value, $tag1225->label);
- } else {
- $logger->warn("EDI $key BGM/1225 Message Function Code unrecognized"); # next; #?
+ if ($qty_code eq '21') { # "ordered quantity"
+ $logger->info("EDI: LI $li_id -- vendor confirms $qty_count ordered");
+ $logger->warn("EDI: LI $li_id -- order count $qty_count ".
+ "does not match LID count $lid_count") unless $qty_count == $lid_count;
+ next;
- # TODO: currency check, just to be paranoid
- # *should* be unnecessary (vendor should reply in currency we send in ORDERS)
- # That begs a policy question: how to handle mismatch? convert (bad accuracy), reject, or ignore? I say ignore.
- # ALL those codes below are basically some form of (lastest) delivery date/time
- # see, e.g.:
- # The order is the order of definitiveness (first match wins)
- # Note: if/when we do serials via EDI, dates (and ranges/periods) will need massive special handling
- my @dates;
- my $ddate;
- foreach my $date ($msg->xpath('delivery_schedule')) {
- my $val_2005 = $date->xpath_value('DTM/2005') or next;
- (grep {$val_2005 eq $_} @datecodes) or next; # no match means some other kind of date we don't care about
- push @dates, $date;
- }
- if (@dates) {
- DATECODE: foreach my $dcode (@datecodes) { # now cycle back through hits in order of dcode definitiveness
- foreach my $date (@dates) {
- $date->xpath_value('DTM/2005') == $dcode or next;
- $ddate = $date->xpath_value('DTM/2380') and last DATECODE;
- # TODO: conversion based on format specified in DTM/2379 (best encapsulated in Business::EDI)
- }
- }
+ $lids_covered += $qty_count;
+ if ($qty_code eq '12') {
+ $logger->info("EDI: LI $li_id -- vendor dispatched $qty_count");
+ next;
+ } elsif ($qty_code eq '57') {
+ $logger->info("EDI: LI $li_id -- $qty_count in transit");
+ next;
- foreach my $detail ($msg->part('line_detail')) {
- my $eg_line = __PACKAGE__->eg_li($detail, $remote, $server->{remote_host}, $e) or next;
- my $li_date = $detail->xpath_value('DTM/2380') || $ddate;
- my $price = $detail->xpath_value('line_price/PRI/5118') || '';
- $eg_line->expected_recv_time($li_date) if $li_date;
- $eg_line->estimated_unit_price($price) if $price;
- if (not $message->purchase_order) { # first good lineitem sets the message PO link
- $message->purchase_order($eg_line->purchase_order); # EG $message object NOT Business::EDI $msg object
- $e->xact_begin;
- $e->update_acq_edi_message($message) or $logger->warn("EDI update_acq_edi_message (for PO number) failed! $!");
- $e->xact_commit;
+ # 84: urgent delivery
+ # 118: quantity manifested
+ # ...
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # All of the remaining quantity types require that we apply a cancel_reason
+ # DB populated w/ 6063 keys in 1200's
+ my $eg_reason = $e->retrieve_acq_cancel_reason(1200 + $qty_code);
+ if (!$eg_reason) {
+ $logger->warn("EDI: Unhandled quantity qty_code '$qty_code' ".
+ "for li $li_id. $qty_count items unprocessed");
+ next;
+ }
+ my $break = 0;
+ foreach (1 .. $qty_count) {
+ my $lid_id = shift @lids;
+ if (!$lid_id) {
+ $logger->warn("EDI: Used up all $lid_count LIDs. ".
+ "Ignoring extra status '" . $eg_reason->label . "'");
+ last;
- # $e->search_acq_edi_account([]);
- my $touches = 0;
- my $eg_lids = $e->search_acq_lineitem_detail({lineitem => $eg_line->id}); # should be the same as $eg_line->lineitem_details
- my $lidcount = scalar(@$eg_lids);
- $lidcount == $eg_line->item_count or $logger->warn(
- sprintf "EDI: LI %s itemcount (%d) mismatch, %d LIDs found", $eg_line->id, $eg_line->item_count, $lidcount
- );
- foreach my $qty ($detail->part('all_QTY')) {
- my $ubound = $qty->xpath_value('6060') or next; # nothing to do if qty is 0
- my $val_6063 = $qty->xpath_value('6063');
- $ubound > 0 or next; # don't be crazy!
- if (! $val_6063) {
- $logger->warn("EDI: Response for LI " . $eg_line->id . " specifies quantity $ubound with no 6063 code! Contact vendor to resolve.");
- next;
- }
- my $eg_reason = $e->retrieve_acq_cancel_reason(1200 + $val_6063); # DB populated w/ 6063 keys in 1200's
- if (! $eg_reason) {
- $logger->warn("EDI: Unhandled quantity code '$val_6063' (LI " . $eg_line->id . ") $ubound items unprocessed");
- next;
- } elsif (grep {$val_6063 == $_} @noop_6063) { # an FYI like "ordered quantity"
- $ubound eq $lidcount
- or $logger->warn("EDI: LI " . $eg_line->id . " -- Vendor says we ordered $ubound, but we have $lidcount LIDs!)");
- next;
- }
- # elsif ($val_6063 == 83) { # backorder
- #} elsif ($val_6063 == 85) { # cancel
- #} elsif ($val_6063 == 12 or $val_6063 == 57 or $val_6063 == 84 or $val_6063 == 118) {
- # despatched, in transit, urgent delivery, or quantity manifested
- #}
- if ($touches >= $lidcount) {
- $logger->warn("EDI: LI " . $eg_line->id . ", We already updated $touches of $lidcount LIDS, " .
- "but message wants QTY $ubound more set to " . $eg_reason->label . ". Ignoring!");
- next;
- }
- $e->xact_begin;
- foreach (1 .. $ubound) {
- my $eg_lid = shift @$eg_lids or $logger->warn("EDI: Used up all $lidcount LIDs! Ignoring extra status " . $eg_reason->label);
- $eg_lid or next;
- $logger->debug(sprintf "Updating LID %s to %s", $eg_lid->id, $eg_reason->label);
- $eg_lid->cancel_reason($eg_reason->id);
- $e->update_acq_lineitem_detail($eg_lid);
- $touches++;
- }
- $e->xact_commit;
- if ($ubound == $eg_line->item_count) {
- $eg_line->cancel_reason($eg_reason->id); # if ALL the items have the same cancel_reason, the PO gets it too
- }
+ my $lid = $e->retrieve_acq_lineitem_detail($lid_id);
+ $lid->cancel_reason($eg_reason->id);
+ $e->update_acq_lineitem_detail($lid);
+ $lids_touched++;
+ # if ALL the items have the same cancel_reason, the LI gets it too
+ $li->cancel_reason($eg_reason->id) if $qty_count == $lid_count;
+ $li->edit_time('now');
+ unless ($e->update_acq_lineitem($li)) {
+ $logger->error("EDI: update_acq_lineitem failed " . $e->die_event);
+ $break = 1;
+ last;
- $eg_line->edit_time('NOW'); # TODO: have this field automatically updated via ON UPDATE trigger.
- $e->xact_begin;
- $e->update_acq_lineitem($eg_line) or $logger->warn("EDI: update_acq_lineitem FAILED");
- $e->xact_commit;
- # print STDERR "Lineitem update: ", Dumper($eg_line);
+ # non-recoverable transaction error
+ # note in this case the commit below will be a silent no-op
+ last if $break;
+ # LI and LIDs updated, let's wrap this one up.
+ $e->commit;
+ $logger->info("EDI LI $li_id -- $lids_covered LIDs mentioned; ".
+ "$lids_touched LIDs had cancel_reason's applied");
- return \@messages;
# process_jedi().
# Return boolean success indicator.
sub create_acq_invoice_from_edi {
- my ($class, $e, $invoice, $provider, $message) = @_;
- # $invoice is O::U::LooseEDI::Message, representing the EDI invoice message.
+ my ($class, $invoice, $provider, $message) = @_;
+ # $invoice is O::U::EDIReader hash
# $provider is only a pkey
# $message is Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message
+ my $e = new_editor();
my $log_prefix = "create_acq_invoice_from_edi(..., <acq.edi_message #" .
$message->id . ">): ";
# distinguish provider and shipper?
- # Find the buyer's identifier in the invoice.
- my $buyer_san;
- foreach (@{$invoice->{SG2}}) {
- my $nad = $_->{NAD}[0];
- if ($nad->{3035} eq 'BY' and $nad->{C082}{3055} eq '91') {
- $buyer_san = $nad->{C082}{3039};
- }
- }
+ my $buyer_san = $invoice->{buyer_san};
if (not $buyer_san) {
$logger->error($log_prefix . "could not find buyer SAN in INVOIC");
return 0;
+ # some vendors encode the SAN as "$SAN $vendcode"
+ $buyer_san =~ s/\s.*//g;
# Find the matching org unit based on SAN via 'aoa' table.
my $addrs =
$e->search_actor_org_address({valid => "t", san => $buyer_san});
# XXX Should we verify that this matches PO ordering agency later?
- try {
- $eg_inv->inv_ident($invoice->{BGM}[0]{1004});
- } catch Error with {
+ $eg_inv->inv_ident($invoice->{invoice_ident});
+ if (!$eg_inv->inv_ident) {
$log_prefix . "no invoice ID # in INVOIC message; " . shift
- };
- return 0 unless $eg_inv->inv_ident;
+ return 0;
+ }
my @eg_inv_entries;
- # The invoice message will have once instance of segment group 25
- # per lineitem.
- foreach my $sg25 (@{ $invoice->{SG25} }) {
- # quantity
- my $c186 = $sg25->{QTY}[0]{C186};
- my $quantity = $c186->{6060};
- # $c186->{6411} will probably say 'PCE', but need we check it?
- # identifiers (typically ISBN for us, and we may not need these)
- my @identifiers = ();
- # from LIN...
- try {
- my $c212 = $sg25->{LIN}[0]{C212};
- push @identifiers, [$c212->{7143}, $c212->{7140}] if
- $c212 and ref $c212 eq 'HASH';
- } catch Error with {
- # move on
- };
- # from PIA...
- try {
- foreach my $pia (@{ $sg25->{PIA} }) {
- foreach my $h (@{$pia->{C212}}) {
- push @identifiers, [$h->{7143}, $h->{7140}];
- }
- }
- } catch Error with {
- # move on
- };
- # @identifiers now contains lists of, say,
- # ['IB', '0786222735'], # ISBN 10
- # ['EN','9780786222735'] # ISBN 13
- # Segment Group 26-47 are all descendants of SG25.
+ $message->purchase_order($invoice->{purchase_order});
- # Segment Group 26 concerns *lineitem* price (i.e, total for all copies
- # on this lineitem).
+ for my $lineitem (@{$invoice->{lineitems}}) {
+ my $li_id = $lineitem->{id};
- my $lineitem_price = $sg25->{SG26}[0]{MOA}[0]{C516}{5004};
+ if (!$li_id) {
+ $logger->warn($log_prefix . "no lineitem ID");
+ next;
+ }
- # Segment Group 28 concerns *unit* (lineitem detail) price. We may
- # not actually use this. TBD.
- my $per_unit_price;
- foreach my $sg28 (@{$sg25->{SG28}}) {
- my $c509 = $sg28->{PRI}[0]{C509};
- my ($price_qualifier, $price_qualifier_type);
- ($per_unit_price, $price_qualifier, $price_qualifier_type) = (
- $c509->{5118}, $c509->{5125}, $c509->{5387}
- );
+ my $li = $e->retrieve_acq_lineitem($li_id);
- # price_qualifier=AAA seems to be the price to use. Otherwise,
- # take what we can get.
- last if $price_qualifier eq 'AAA';
+ if (!$li) {
+ $logger->warn($log_prefix .
+ "no LI found with ID: $li_id : " . $e->event);
+ return 0;
- # Segment Group 29 will have references to LI and PO numbers
- my $acq_identifiers = {};
- foreach my $sg29 (@{$sg25->{SG29}}) {
- foreach my $rff (@{$sg29->{RFF}}) {
- my $c506 = $rff->{C506};
- if ($c506->{1153} eq 'ON') {
- $acq_identifiers->{po} = $c506->{1154};
- } elsif ($c506->{1153} eq 'LI') {
- my ($po, $li) = split m./., $c506->{1154};
- if ($po and $li) {
- if ($acq_identifiers->{po}) {
- $logger->warn(
- $log_prefix .
- "RFFs within lineitem disagree on PO # ?"
- ) unless $acq_identifiers->{po} eq $po;
- }
- $acq_identifiers->{li} = $li;
- $acq_identifiers->{po} = $po;
- } else {
- $logger->warn(
- $log_prefix .
- "RFF 1154 doesn't match expectations (.+/.+) " .
- "where 1153 is 'LI'"
- );
- }
- }
- }
+ my ($quant) = grep {$_->{code} eq '47'} @{$lineitem->{quantities}};
+ my $quantity = ($quant) ? $quant->{quantity} : 0;
+ if (!$quantity) {
+ $logger->warn($log_prefix .
+ "no invoice quantity specified for LI $li_id");
+ next;
- if ($acq_identifiers->{po}) {
- # First PO number seen in INVOIC sets the purchase_order field for
- # the entry in acq.edi_message (which model may need a rethink).
+ # NOTE: if needed, we also have $lineitem->{net_unit_price}
+ # and $lineitem->{gross_unit_price}
+ my $lineitem_price = $lineitem->{amount_billed};
- $message->purchase_order($acq_identifiers->{po}) unless
- $message->purchase_order;
- } else {
- $logger->warn(
- $log_prefix .
- "SG29 missing or refers to no purchase order that we can tell"
- );
- }
- if (not $acq_identifiers->{li}) {
- $logger->warn(
- $log_prefix .
- "SG29 missing or refers to no lineitem that we can tell"
- );
- }
+ # if the top-level PO value is unset, get it from the first LI
+ $message->purchase_order($li->purchase_order)
+ unless $message->purchase_order;
my $eg_inv_entry = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice_entry->new;
# XXX Validate by making sure the LI is on-order and belongs to
# the right provider and ordering agency and all that.
- $eg_inv_entry->lineitem($acq_identifiers->{li});
+ $eg_inv_entry->lineitem($li_id);
# XXX Do we actually need to link to PO directly here?
- $eg_inv_entry->purchase_order($acq_identifiers->{po});
+ $eg_inv_entry->purchase_order($li->purchase_order);
# This is the total price for all units billed, not per-unit.
my @eg_inv_items;
- # Find any taxes applied to the whole invoice.
- try {
- if ($invoice->{SG50}) {
- foreach my $sg50 (@{ $invoice->{SG50} }) {
- if ($sg50->{TAX} and $sg50->{MOA}) {
- my $tax_amount = $sg50->{MOA}[0]{C516}{5004};
+ my %charge_type_map = (
+ 'TX' => ['TAX', 'Tax from electronic invoice'],
+ 'CA' => ['PRO', 'Cataloging services'],
+ 'DL' => ['SHP', 'Delivery']
+ );
- my $eg_inv_item = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice_item->new;
- $eg_inv_item->inv_item_type('TAX');
- $eg_inv_item->cost_billed($tax_amount);
- # XXX i18n somehow? or maybe omit the note.
- $eg_inv_item->note('Tax from electronic invoice');
+ for my $charge (@{$invoice->{misc_charges}}) {
+ my $eg_inv_item = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice_item->new;
- push @eg_inv_items, $eg_inv_item;
- }
- }
+ my $amount = $charge->{charge_amount};
+ if (!$amount) {
+ $logger->warn($log_prefix . "charge with no amount");
+ next;
+ }
+ my $map = $charge_type_map{$charge->{charge_type}};
+ if (!$map) {
+ $map = [
+ 'PRO',
+ 'Unknown charge type ' . $charge->{charge_type}
+ ];
- } catch Error with {
- # move on
- };
+ $eg_inv_item->inv_item_type($$map[0]);
+ $eg_inv_item->note($$map[1]);
+ $eg_inv_item->cost_billed($amount);
+ push @eg_inv_items, $eg_inv_item;
+ }
+ $logger->info($log_prefix .
+ sprintf("creating invoice with %d entries and %d items.",
+ scalar(@eg_inv_entries), scalar(@eg_inv_items)));
return 1;
-# returns message object if processing should continue
-# returns false/undef value if processing should abort
-sub message_object {
- my $class = shift;
- my $body = shift or return;
- my $key = shift if @_;
- my $keystring = $key || 'UNSPECIFIED';
- my $msg = Business::EDI::Message->new($body);
- unless ($msg) {
- $logger->error("EDI interchange message: $keystring body failed Business::EDI constructor. Skipping it.");
- return;
- }
- $key = $msg->code if ! $key; # Now we set the key for reference if it wasn't specified
- my $val_0065 = $msg->xpath_value('UNH/S009/0065') || '';
- unless ($val_0065 eq $key) {
- $logger->error("EDI $key UNH/S009/0065 ('$val_0065') conflicts w/ message type $key. Aborting");
- return;
- }
- my $val_0051 = $msg->xpath_value('UNH/S009/0051') || '';
- unless ($val_0051 eq 'UN') {
- $logger->warn("EDI $key UNH/S009/0051 designates '$val_0051', not 'UN' as controlling agency. Attempting to process anyway");
- }
- my $val_0054 = $msg->xpath_value('UNH/S009/0054') || '';
- if ($val_0054) {
- $logger->info("EDI $key UNH/S009/0054 uses Spec revision version '$val_0054'");
- # Possible Spec Version limitation
- # my $yy = $tag_0054 ? substr($val_0054,0,2) : '';
- # unless ($yy eq '00' or $yy > 94 ...) {
- # $logger->warn("EDI $key UNH/S009/0051 Spec revision version '$val_0054' not supported");
- # }
- } else {
- $logger->warn("EDI $key UNH/S009/0054 does not reference a known Spec revision version");
- }
- return $msg;
-=head2 ->eg_li($lineitem_object, [$remote, $server_log_string, $editor])
-my $line_item = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->eg_li($edi_line, $remote, "test_server_01", $e);
- $remote is a acq.edi_account Fieldmapper object.
- $server_log_string is an arbitrary string use to identify the remote host in potential log messages.
- acq.lineitem.estimated_unit_price,
- acq.lineitem.state (dependent on mapping codes),
- acq.lineitem.expected_recv_time,
- acq.lineitem.edit_time (consequently)
-sub eg_li {
- my ($class, $line, $server, $server_log_string, $e) = @_;
- $line or return;
- $e ||= new_editor();
- my $id;
- # my $rff = $line->part('line_reference/RFF') or $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP line_detail/RFF missing!");
- my $val_1153 = $line->xpath_value('line_reference/RFF/1153') || '';
- my $val_1154 = $line->xpath_value('line_reference/RFF/1154') || '';
- my $val_1082 = $line->xpath_value('LIN/1082') || '';
- my @po_nums;
- $val_1154 =~ s#^(.*)\/##; # Many sources send the ID as 'order_ID/LI_ID'
- $1 and push @po_nums, $1;
- $val_1082 =~ s#^(.*)\/##; # Many sources send the ID as 'order_ID/LI_ID'
- $1 and push @po_nums, $1;
- # TODO: possible check of po_nums
- # now do a lot of checking
- if ($val_1153 eq 'LI') {
- $id = $val_1154 or $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP RFF/1154 reference to LI empty. Attempting failover to LIN/1082");
- } else {
- $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP RFF/1153 unexpected value ('$val_1153', not 'LI'). Attempting failover to LIN/1082");
- }
- # FIXME - the line item ID in LIN/1082 ought to match RFF/1154, but
- # not all materials vendors obey this. Commenting out check for now
- # as being too strict.
- #if ($id and $val_1082 and $val_1082 ne $id) {
- # $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP LIN/1082 Line Item ID mismatch ($id vs. $val_1082): cannot target update");
- # return;
- #}
- $id ||= $val_1082 || '';
- if ($id eq '') {
- $logger->warn('Cannot identify line item from EDI message');
- return;
- }
- $logger->info("EDI retrieve/update lineitem $id");
- my $li = OpenILS::Application::Acq::Lineitem::retrieve_lineitem_impl($e, $id, {
- flesh_li_details => 1,
- }, 1); # Could send more {options}. The 1 is for no_auth.
- if (! $li or ref($li) ne 'Fieldmapper::acq::lineitem') {
- $logger->error("EDI failed to retrieve lineitem by id '$id' for server $server_log_string");
- return;
- }
- unless ((! $server) or (! $server->provider)) { # but here we want $server to be acq.edi_account instead of RemoteAccount
- if ($server->provider != $li->provider) {
- # links go both ways: acq.provider.edi_default and acq.edi_account.provider
- $logger->info("EDI acct provider (" . $server->provider. ") doesn't match lineitem provider("
- . $li->provider . "). Checking acq.provider.edi_default...");
- my $provider = $e->retrieve_acq_provider($li->provider);
- if ($provider->edi_default != $server->id) {
- $logger->error(sprintf "EDI provider/acct %s/%s (%s) is blocked from updating lineitem $id belonging to provider/edi_default %s/%s",
- $server->provider, $server->id, $server->label, $li->provider, $provider->edi_default);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- my @lin_1229 = $line->xpath('LIN/1229') or $logger->warn("EDI LIN/1229 Action Code missing!");
- my $key = $lin_1229[0] or return;
- my $eg_reason = $e->retrieve_acq_cancel_reason(1000 + $key->value); # DB populated w/ spec keys in 1000's
- $eg_reason or $logger->warn(sprintf "EDI LIN/1229 Action Code '%s' (%s) not recognized in acq.cancel_reason", $key->value, $key->label);
- $eg_reason or return;
- $li->cancel_reason($eg_reason->id);
- unless ($eg_reason->keep_debits) {
- $logger->warn("EDI LIN/1229 Action Code '%s' (%s) has keep_debits=0", $key->value, $key->label);
- }
- my @prices = $line->xpath_value("line_price/PRI/5118");
- $li->estimated_unit_price($prices[0]) if @prices;
- return $li;
-# caching not needed for now (edi_fetcher is asynchronous)
-# sub get_reason {
-# my ($class, $key, $e) = @_;
-# $reasons->{$key} and return $reasons->{$key};
-# $e ||= new_editor();
-# $reasons->{$key} = $e->retrieve_acq_cancel_reason($key);
-# return $reasons->{$key};
-# }
-Example JSON data.
-Note the pseudo-hash 2-element arrays.
- 'SG26',
- [
- [
- 'LIN',
- {
- '1229' => '5',
- '1082' => 1,
- 'C212' => {
- '7140' => '9780446360272',
- '7143' => 'EN'
- }
- }
- ],
- [
- 'IMD',
- {
- '7081' => 'BST',
- '7077' => 'F',
- 'C273' => {
- '7008' => [
- ]
- }
- }
- ],
- [
- 'QTY',
- {
- 'C186' => {
- '6063' => '21',
- '6060' => 10
- }
- }
- ],
- [
- 'QTY',
- {
- 'C186' => {
- '6063' => '12',
- '6060' => 10
- }
- }
- ],
- [
- 'QTY',
- {
- 'C186' => {
- '6063' => '85',
- '6060' => 0
- }
- }
- ],
- [
- 'FTX',
- {
- '4451' => 'LIN',
- 'C107' => {
- '4441' => '01',
- '3055' => '28',
- '1131' => '8B'
- }
- }
- ],
- [
- 'SG30',
- [
- [
- 'PRI',
- {
- 'C509' => {
- '5118' => '4.5',
- '5387' => 'SRP',
- '5125' => 'AAB'
- }
- }
- ]
- ]
- ],
- [
- 'SG31',
- [
- [
- 'RFF',
- {
- 'C506' => {
- '1154' => '8/1',
- '1153' => 'LI'
- }
- }
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ]