IF crad AND NOT pubdate_filters.grep('^' _ filter.name _ '$').size;
remove_filter = 'fi:' _ fname;
- <div class="facet_box_temp filter_box_temp">
- <div class="header">
- <a class="button"
- title="[% l('Remove [_1] filter', (crad.description || crad.label)) %]"
- href="[% mkurl('', {}, [remove_filter]) %]" rel="nofollow" vocab=""> ✘ </a>
+ <div class="adv_filter_results_group">
<h4 class="title">[% IF filter.negate; l('Not'); END %] [% (crad.description || crad.label) | html %]</h4>
- </div>
- <div class="box_wrapper">
- <div class="box">
[% temp = [];
FOR fval IN fvalues;
thing = ctx.search_ccvm('ctype',fname,'code',fval).0;
FOR display_value IN temp.sort;
- <div class="facet_template filter_template">
- <div class="facet filter">
- [% display_value | html%]
- </div>
- </div>
+ <span class="adv_search_result_filter">
+ [% display_value | html %]
+ [% UNLESS loop.last;
+ l('OR');
+ END %]
+ </span>
[% END; # FOR %]
- </div>
- </div> <!-- box_wrapper -->
- </div> <!-- facet_box_temp -->
+ <a class="button remove_filter"
+ title="[% l('Remove [_1] filter', (crad.description || crad.label)) %]"
+ aria-label=[% l('Remove [_1] filter', (crad.description || crad.label)) %]"
+ href="[% mkurl('', {}, [remove_filter]) %]" rel="nofollow" vocab="">× </a>
+ </div>
[%- END; # IF crad -%]
[%- IF filter.name == 'locations'; locs = ctx.search_acpl('id',filter.args) -%]
- <div class="facet_box_temp filter_box_temp">
- <div class="header">
- <a class="button"
- title="[% l('Remove location filter') %]"
- href="[% mkurl('', {}, ['fi:locations']) %]" rel="nofollow" vocab=""> ✘ </a>
+ <div class="adv_filter_results_group">
<h4 class="title">[% IF filter.negate; l('Not'); END %] [% l('Locations') %]</h4>
- </div>
- <div class="box_wrapper">
- <div class="box">
[% temp = [];
FOR loc IN locs;
FOR display_name IN temp.sort; %]
- <div class="facet_template filter_template">
- <div class="facet filter">
+ <span class="adv_search_result_filter">
[% display_name | html%]
- </div>
- </div>
+ </span>
[% END; # FOR %]
- </div>
- </div> <!-- box_wrapper -->
- </div> <!-- facet_box_temp -->
+ <a class="button remove_filter"
+ title="[% l('Remove location filter') %]"
+ href="[% mkurl('', {}, ['fi:locations']) %]" rel="nofollow" vocab=""> ×</a>
+ </div>
[%- END; # IF locations -%]
[%- IF pubdate_filters.grep('^' _ filter.name _ '$').size;
date1 = CGI.param('date1');
date2 = CGI.param('date2');
- <div class="facet_box_temp filter_box_temp">
- <div class="header">
- <a class="button"
- title="[% l('Remove publication date filter') %]"
- href="[% mkurl('', {}, ['pubdate', 'date1', 'date2']) %]" rel="nofollow" vocab=""> ✘ </a>
+ <div class="adv_filter_results_group">
<h4 class="title">[% IF filter.negate; l('Not'); END %] [% l('Publication Year') %]</h4>
- </div>
- <div class="box_wrapper">
- <div class="box">
+ <span class="adv_search_result_filter">
[% IF filter.name == 'date1' %][% l('[_1]', date1) %]
[% ELSIF filter.name == 'before' %][% l('Before [_1]', date1) %]
[% ELSIF filter.name == 'after' %][% l('After [_1]', date1) %]
[% ELSIF filter.name == 'between' %][% l('Between [_1] and [_2]', date1, date2) %]
[% END %]
- </div>
- </div> <!-- box_wrapper -->
- </div> <!-- facet_box_temp -->
+ </span>
+ <a class="button remove_filter"
+ title="[% l('Remove publication date filter') %]"
+ href="[% mkurl('', {}, ['pubdate', 'date1', 'date2']) %]" rel="nofollow" vocab="">× </a>
+ </div>
[%- END; # IF pubdate_filters -%]
[%- END; # FOR -%]