my @formats = qw/USMARC UNIMARC XML BRE/;
-my ($config,$format,$encoding,$location,$dollarsign,$idl,$help,$holdings) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml','USMARC','MARC8','','$');
+my ($config,$format,$encoding,$location,$dollarsign,$idl,$help,$holdings,$timeout) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml','USMARC','MARC8','','$',0);
'help' => \$help,
'format=s' => \$format,
'xml-idl=s' => \$idl,
'encoding=s' => \$encoding,
+ 'timeout=i' => \$timeout,
if ($help) {
--xml-idl or -x Location of the IDL XML
--location or -l MARC Location Code for holdings from
+ --timeout Timeout for exporting a single record; increase if you
+ are using --holdings and are exporting bibs that
+ have a lot of items attached to them.
+if ($timeout <= 0) {
+ # set default timeout and/or correct silly user who
+ # supplied a negative timeout; default timeout of
+ # 300 seconds if exporting items determined empirically.
+ $timeout = $holdings ? 300 : 1;
OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
if (!$idl) {
my $bib;
try {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "TIMEOUT\n" };
- alarm(1);
+ alarm($timeout);
$bib = $ses->request( '', $i, $flesh )->gather(1);
} otherwise {