INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.auth.duplicate.acn', oils_i18n_gettext('import.auth.duplicate.acn', 'Import failed due to Accession Number collision', 'vie', 'description') );
INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.xml.malformed', oils_i18n_gettext('import.xml.malformed', 'Malformed record cause Import failure', 'vie', 'description') );
INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'overlay.xml.malformed', oils_i18n_gettext('overlay.xml.malformed', 'Malformed record cause Overlay failure', 'vie', 'description') );
+-- Seed data for queued record/item exports
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description,passive) VALUES (
+ 'vandelay.queued_bib_record.print',
+ 'vqbr',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'vandelay.queued_bib_record.print',
+ 'Print output has been requested for records in an Importer Bib Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ 'vandelay.queued_bib_record.csv',
+ 'vqbr',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'vandelay.queued_bib_record.csv',
+ 'CSV output has been requested for records in an Importer Bib Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ '',
+ 'vqbr',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ '',
+ 'An email has been requested for records in an Importer Bib Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ 'vandelay.queued_auth_record.print',
+ 'vqar',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'vandelay.queued_auth_record.print',
+ 'Print output has been requested for records in an Importer Authority Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ 'vandelay.queued_auth_record.csv',
+ 'vqar',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'vandelay.queued_auth_record.csv',
+ 'CSV output has been requested for records in an Importer Authority Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ '',
+ 'vqar',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ '',
+ 'An email has been requested for records in an Importer Authority Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ 'vandelay.import_items.print',
+ 'vii',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'vandelay.import_items.print',
+ 'Print output has been requested for Import Items from records in an Importer Bib Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ 'vandelay.import_items.csv',
+ 'vii',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'vandelay.import_items.csv',
+ 'CSV output has been requested for Import Items from records in an Importer Bib Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+ ,(
+ '',
+ 'vii',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ '',
+ 'An email has been requested for Import Items from records in an Importer Bib Queue.',
+ 'ath',
+ 'description'
+ ),
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 38,
+ 1,
+ 'Print Output for Queued Bib Records',
+ 'vandelay.queued_bib_record.print',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'queue.owner',
+ 'print-on-demand',
+[%- USE date -%]
+Queue ID: [% %]
+Queue Name: [% %]
+Queue Type: [% target.0.queue.queue_type %]
+Complete? [% target.0.queue.complete %]
+ [% FOR vqbr IN target %]
+ Title of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('title',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Author of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('author',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Language of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('language',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Pagination | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('pagination',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ ISBN | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('isbn',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ ISSN | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('issn',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Price | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('price',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Accession Number | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('rec_identifier',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ TCN Value | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_tcn',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ TCN Source | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_tcn_source',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Internal ID | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_identifier',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Publisher | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('publisher',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Publication Date | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('pubdate',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Edition | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('edition',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Item Barcode | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('item_barcode',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ [% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 38, 'attributes')
+ ,( 38, 'queue')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 39,
+ 1,
+ 'CSV Output for Queued Bib Records',
+ 'vandelay.queued_bib_record.csv',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'queue.owner',
+ 'print-on-demand',
+[%- USE date -%]
+"Title of work","Author of work","Language of work","Pagination","ISBN","ISSN","Price","Accession Number","TCN Value","TCN Source","Internal ID","Publisher","Publication Date","Edition","Item Barcode"
+[% FOR vqbr IN target %]"[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('title',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('author',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('language',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('pagination',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('isbn',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('issn',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('price',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('rec_identifier',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_tcn',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_tcn_source',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_identifier',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('publisher',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('pubdate',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('edition',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('item_barcode',vqbr.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]"
+[% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 39, 'attributes')
+ ,( 39, 'queue')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 40,
+ 1,
+ 'Email Output for Queued Bib Records',
+ '',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'SendEmail',
+ 'queue.owner',
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- SET user = target.0.queue.owner -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || || 'root@localhost' %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Subject: Bibs from Import Queue
+Queue ID: [% %]
+Queue Name: [% %]
+Queue Type: [% target.0.queue.queue_type %]
+Complete? [% target.0.queue.complete %]
+ [% FOR vqbr IN target %]
+ Title of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('title',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Author of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('author',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Language of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('language',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Pagination | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('pagination',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ ISBN | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('isbn',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ ISSN | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('issn',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Price | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('price',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Accession Number | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('rec_identifier',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ TCN Value | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_tcn',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ TCN Source | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_tcn_source',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Internal ID | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('eg_identifier',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Publisher | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('publisher',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Publication Date | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('pubdate',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Edition | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('edition',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ Item Barcode | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('item_barcode',vqbr.attributes) %]
+ [% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 40, 'attributes')
+ ,( 40, 'queue')
+ ,( 40, 'queue.owner')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 41,
+ 1,
+ 'Print Output for Queued Authority Records',
+ 'vandelay.queued_auth_record.print',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'queue.owner',
+ 'print-on-demand',
+[%- USE date -%]
+Queue ID: [% %]
+Queue Name: [% %]
+Queue Type: [% target.0.queue.queue_type %]
+Complete? [% target.0.queue.complete %]
+ [% FOR vqar IN target %]
+ Record Identifier | [% helpers.get_queued_auth_attr('rec_identifier',vqar.attributes) %]
+ [% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 41, 'attributes')
+ ,( 41, 'queue')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 42,
+ 1,
+ 'CSV Output for Queued Authority Records',
+ 'vandelay.queued_auth_record.csv',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'queue.owner',
+ 'print-on-demand',
+[%- USE date -%]
+"Record Identifier"
+[% FOR vqar IN target %]"[% helpers.get_queued_auth_attr('rec_identifier',vqar.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]"
+[% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 42, 'attributes')
+ ,( 42, 'queue')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 43,
+ 1,
+ 'Email Output for Queued Authority Records',
+ '',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'SendEmail',
+ 'queue.owner',
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- SET user = target.0.queue.owner -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || || 'root@localhost' %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Subject: Authorities from Import Queue
+Queue ID: [% %]
+Queue Name: [% %]
+Queue Type: [% target.0.queue.queue_type %]
+Complete? [% target.0.queue.complete %]
+ [% FOR vqar IN target %]
+ Record Identifier | [% helpers.get_queued_auth_attr('rec_identifier',vqar.attributes) %]
+ [% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 43, 'attributes')
+ ,( 43, 'queue')
+ ,( 43, 'queue.owner')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 44,
+ 1,
+ 'Print Output for Import Items from Queued Bib Records',
+ 'vandelay.import_items.print',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'record.queue.owner',
+ 'print-on-demand',
+[%- USE date -%]
+Queue ID: [% %]
+Queue Name: [% %]
+Queue Type: [% target.0.record.queue.queue_type %]
+Complete? [% target.0.record.queue.complete %]
+ [% FOR vii IN target %]
+ Import Item ID | [% %]
+ Title of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('title',vii.record.attributes) %]
+ ISBN | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('isbn',vii.record.attributes) %]
+ Attribute Definition | [% vii.definition %]
+ Import Error | [% vii.import_error %]
+ Import Error Detail | [% vii.error_detail %]
+ Owning Library | [% vii.owning_lib %]
+ Circulating Library | [% vii.circ_lib %]
+ Call Number | [% vii.call_number %]
+ Copy Number | [% vii.copy_number %]
+ Status | [% %]
+ Shelving Location | [% %]
+ Circulate | [% vii.circulate %]
+ Deposit | [% vii.deposit %]
+ Deposit Amount | [% vii.deposit_amount %]
+ Reference | [% vii.ref %]
+ Holdable | [% vii.holdable %]
+ Price | [% vii.price %]
+ Barcode | [% vii.barcode %]
+ Circulation Modifier | [% vii.circ_modifier %]
+ Circulate As MARC Type | [% vii.circ_as_type %]
+ Alert Message | [% vii.alert_message %]
+ Public Note | [% vii.pub_note %]
+ Private Note | [% vii.priv_note %]
+ OPAC Visible | [% vii.opac_visible %]
+ [% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 44, 'record')
+ ,( 44, 'record.attributes')
+ ,( 44, 'record.queue')
+ ,( 44, 'record.queue.owner')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 45,
+ 1,
+ 'CSV Output for Import Items from Queued Bib Records',
+ 'vandelay.import_items.csv',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'record.queue.owner',
+ 'print-on-demand',
+[%- USE date -%]
+"Import Item ID","Title of work","ISBN","Attribute Definition","Import Error","Import Error Detail","Owning Library","Circulating Library","Call Number","Copy Number","Status","Shelving Location","Circulate","Deposit","Deposit Amount","Reference","Holdable","Price","Barcode","Circulation Modifier","Circulate As MARC Type","Alert Message","Public Note","Private Note","OPAC Visible"
+[% FOR vii IN target %]"[% | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('title',vii.record.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('isbn',vii.record.attributes) | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.definition | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.import_error | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.error_detail | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.owning_lib | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.circ_lib | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.call_number | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.copy_number | replace('"', '""') %]","[% | replace('"', '""') %]","[% | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.circulate | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.deposit | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.deposit_amount | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.ref | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.holdable | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.price | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.barcode | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.circ_modifier | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.circ_as_type | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.alert_message | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.pub_note | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.priv_note | replace('"', '""') %]","[% vii.opac_visible | replace('"', '""') %]"
+[% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 45, 'record')
+ ,( 45, 'record.attributes')
+ ,( 45, 'record.queue')
+ ,( 45, 'record.queue.owner')
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ id,
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ template
+ ) VALUES (
+ 46,
+ 1,
+ 'Email Output for Import Items from Queued Bib Records',
+ '',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'SendEmail',
+ 'record.queue.owner',
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- SET user = target.0.record.queue.owner -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || || 'root@localhost' %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Subject: Import Items from Import Queue
+Queue ID: [% %]
+Queue Name: [% %]
+Queue Type: [% target.0.record.queue.queue_type %]
+Complete? [% target.0.record.queue.complete %]
+ [% FOR vii IN target %]
+ Import Item ID | [% %]
+ Title of work | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('title',vii.record.attributes) %]
+ ISBN | [% helpers.get_queued_bib_attr('isbn',vii.record.attributes) %]
+ Attribute Definition | [% vii.definition %]
+ Import Error | [% vii.import_error %]
+ Import Error Detail | [% vii.error_detail %]
+ Owning Library | [% vii.owning_lib %]
+ Circulating Library | [% vii.circ_lib %]
+ Call Number | [% vii.call_number %]
+ Copy Number | [% vii.copy_number %]
+ Status | [% %]
+ Shelving Location | [% %]
+ Circulate | [% vii.circulate %]
+ Deposit | [% vii.deposit %]
+ Deposit Amount | [% vii.deposit_amount %]
+ Reference | [% vii.ref %]
+ Holdable | [% vii.holdable %]
+ Price | [% vii.price %]
+ Barcode | [% vii.barcode %]
+ Circulation Modifier | [% vii.circ_modifier %]
+ Circulate As MARC Type | [% vii.circ_as_type %]
+ Alert Message | [% vii.alert_message %]
+ Public Note | [% vii.pub_note %]
+ Private Note | [% vii.priv_note %]
+ OPAC Visible | [% vii.opac_visible %]
+ [% END %]
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment ( event_def, path) VALUES (
+ 46, 'record')
+ ,( 46, 'record.attributes')
+ ,( 46, 'record.queue')
+ ,( 46, 'record.queue.owner')