NOTE: All paths are relative to `/openils/var/templates/opac`
* `parts/config.tt2`: contains many configuration settings that affect the
behavior of the TPAC, including:
** hiding the *Place Hold* button for available items
** disallowing password or e-mail changes (useful for libraries that use centralized authentication or single sign-on systems)
** displaying a maintenance message in the public catalog and KPAC (this is controlled by the _ctx.maintenance_message_ variable)
** displaying previews of books when available from Google Books. This is controlled by the _ctx.google_books_preview_ variable, which is set to 0 by default to protect the privacy of users who might not want to share their browsing behavior with Google.
+ ** disabling the "Group Formats and Editions" search. This is controlled by
+setting the metarecords.disabled variable to 1.
+ ** setting the default search to a 'Group Formats and Editions' search. This
+is done by setting the search.metarecord_default variable to 1.
* `parts/footer.tt2` and `parts/topnav_links.tt2`: contains customizable
links. Defaults like 'Link 1' will not mean much to your users!
* `parts/homesearch.tt2`: holds the large Evergreen logo on the home page
Metarecords are compilations of individual bibliographic records that represent the same work. This compilation allows for several records to be represented on a single line on the TPAC search results page, which can help to reduce result duplications.
*Advanced Search Page*
Selecting the *Group Formats and Editions* checkbox on the Advanced Search page allows the user to perform a metarecord search.
+Administrators can also configure the catalog to default to a *Group Formats and
+Editions* search by enabling the <<configtt2, relevant config.tt2 setting>> on
+the server. Setting this option will pre-select the checkbox on the Advanced
+Search and Search Result Pages. Users can remove the checkmark, but new searches
+will revert to the default search behavior.
*Search Results Page*
Within the Search Results page, users can also refine their searches and filter on metarecord search results by selecting the *Group Formats and Editions* checkbox.