private secondaryGroupsDialog: SecondaryGroupsDialogComponent;
@ViewChild('addrAlert') private addrAlert: AlertDialogComponent;
+ @ViewChild('addrRequiredAlert')
+ private addrRequiredAlert: AlertDialogComponent;
autoId = -1;
identTypes: ComboboxEntry[];
inetLevels: ComboboxEntry[];
statCats: StatCat[] = [];
+ grpList: IdlObject;
+ editProfiles: IdlObject[] = [];
userStatCats: {[statId: number]: ComboboxEntry} = {};
userSettings: {[name: string]: any} = {};
userSettingTypes: {[name: string]: IdlObject} = {};
// All locations we have the specified permissions
permOrgs: {[name: string]: number[]};
- // True if a given perm is grnated at the current home_ou of the
+ // True if a given perm is granted at the current home_ou of the
// patron we are editing.
hasPerm: {[name: string]: boolean} = {};
ngAfterViewInit() {
+ // Do this after view init so we can leverage
load(): Promise<any> {
.then(_ => this.getCloneUser())
.then(_ => this.getSecondaryGroups())
.then(_ => this.applyPerms())
+ .then(_ => this.setEditProfiles())
.then(_ => this.setIdentTypes())
.then(_ => this.setInetLevels())
.then(_ => this.setOptInSettings())
.then(_ => this.loading = false);
+ setEditProfiles(): Promise<any> {
+ return this.pcrud.retrieveAll('pgt', {}, {atomic: true}).toPromise()
+ .then(list => this.grpList = list)
+ .then(_ => this.applyEditProfiles());
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // Share the set of forbidden groups with the 2ndary groups selector.
+ applyEditProfiles(): Promise<any> {
+ const appPerms = [];
+ const failedPerms = [];
+ const profiles = this.grpList;
+ // extract the application permissions
+ profiles.forEach(grp => {
+ if (grp.application_perm()) {
+ appPerms.push(grp.application_perm());
+ }
+ });
+ const traverseTree = (grp: IdlObject, failed: boolean) => {
+ if (!grp) { return; }
+ failed = failed || failedPerms.includes(grp.application_perm());
+ if (!failed) { this.editProfiles.push(grp.id()); }
+ const children = profiles.filter(p => p.parent() === grp.id());
+ children.forEach(child => traverseTree(child, failed));
+ }
+ return this.perms.hasWorkPermAt(appPerms, true).then(orgs => {
+ appPerms.forEach(p => {
+ if (orgs[p].length === 0) { failedPerms.push(p); }
+ traverseTree(this.grpList[0], false);
+ });
+ });
+ }
getCloneUser(): Promise<any> {
if (!this.cloneId) { return Promise.resolve(); }
createNewPatron() {
const patron = this.idl.create('au');
- patron.addresses([]);
+ patron.id(-1);
+ patron.home_ou(this.auth.user().ws_ou());
- patron.cards([]);
- patron.cards().push(card);
+ patron.cards([card]);
+ const addr = this.idl.create('aua');
+ addr.isnew(true);
+ addr.usr(-1);
+ addr.valid('t');
+ addr.country(this.context.settingsCache['ui.patron.default_country']);
+ patron.billing_address(addr);
+ patron.mailing_address(addr);
+ patron.addresses([addr]);
this.patron = patron;
const invalidInput = document.querySelector('.ng-invalid');
- if (invalidInput) {
- console.debug('Field is invalid', invalidInput.id);
- }
const canSave = (
- invalidInput === null &&
- !this.dupeBarcode &&
- !this.dupeUsername
+ invalidInput === null
+ && !this.dupeBarcode
+ && !this.dupeUsername
+ && !this.selfEditForbidden()
+ && !this.groupEditForbidden()
userSettingChange(name: string, value: any) {
this.userSettings[name] = value;
+ switch (name) {
+ case 'opac.default_phone':
+ case 'opac.default_sms_notify':
+ case 'opac.default_sms_carrier':
+ // TODO hold related contact info updated
+ break;
+ }
`Modifying field path=${path || ''} field=${field} value=${value}`);
switch (field) {
- // TODO: do many more
+ case 'dob':
+ this.maintainJuvFlag();
+ break;
case 'profile':
case 'day_phone':
- // TODO: patron.password.use_phone
- // TODO: hold related contact info
- this.dupeValueChange(field, value);
- break;
case 'evening_phone':
case 'other_phone':
- // TODO hold related contact info
- this.dupeValueChange(field, value);
+ this.handlePhoneChange(field, value);
case 'ident_value':
+ maintainJuvFlag() {
+ if (!this.patron.dob()) { return; }
+ const interval =
+ this.context.settingsCache['global.juvenile_age_threshold']
+ || '18 years';
+ const cutoff = new Date();
+ cutoff.setTime(cutoff.getTime() -
+ Number(DateUtil.intervalToSeconds(interval) + '000'));
+ const isJuve = new Date(this.patron.dob()) > cutoff;
+ this.fieldValueChange(null, null, 'juvenile', isJuve);
+ this.afterFieldChange(null, null, 'juvenile');
+ }
+ handlePhoneChange(field: string, value: string) {
+ this.dupeValueChange(field, value);
+ // TODO: hold contact info stuff
+ const pwUsePhone =
+ this.context.settingsCache['patron.password.use_phone'];
+ if (field === 'day_phone' && value &&
+ this.patron.isnew() && !this.patron.passwd() && pwUsePhone) {
+ this.fieldValueChange(null, null, 'passwd', value.substr(-4));
+ this.afterFieldChange(null, null, 'passwd');
+ }
+ }
handlePostCodeChange(addr: IdlObject, postCode: any) {
'open-ils.search', 'open-ils.search.zip', postCode
// Propagate username with barcode value by default.
// This will apply the value and fire the dupe checker
+ this.updateUsernameRegex();
this.fieldValueChange(null, null, 'usrname', value);
this.afterFieldChange(null, null, 'usrname');
promise.then(required => {
if (required) {
- // TODO alert and exit
+ this.addrRequiredAlert.open();
setFieldPatterns() {
let regex;
- if (regex = this.context.settingsCache['opac.username_regex']) {
- this.fieldPatterns.au.usrname = new RegExp(regex);
- }
if (regex =
this.context.settingsCache['ui.patron.edit.ac.barcode.regex']) {
this.fieldPatterns.ac.barcode = new RegExp(regex);
const name = parts[2];
this.fieldPatterns[cls][name] = new RegExp(val);
+ this.updateUsernameRegex();
// The username must match either the configured regex or the
this.fieldPatterns.au.usrname = new RegExp('.*');
+ selfEditForbidden(): boolean {
+ return (
+ this.patron.id() === this.auth.user().id()
+ && !this.hasPerm.EDIT_SELF_IN_CLIENT
+ );
+ }
+ groupEditForbidden(): boolean {
+ return (
+ this.patron.profile()
+ && !this.editProfiles.includes(this.patron.profile())
+ );
+ }