method => "user_transactions",
api_name => "open-ils.actor.user.transactions.have_balance",
+ authoritative => 1,
notes => <<" NOTES");
Returns a list of all open user transactions (mbts objects) that have a balance
Params are login_session, user_id
method => "user_transactions",
api_name => "open-ils.actor.user.transactions.have_balance.fleshed",
+ authoritative => 1,
notes => <<" NOTES");
Returns an object/hash of transaction, circ, title where transaction = an open
user transaction that has a balance (mbts objects), circ is the attached
method => "user_transactions",
api_name => "open-ils.actor.user.transactions.have_balance.count",
+ authoritative => 1,
notes => <<" NOTES");
Returns an object/hash of transaction, circ, title where transaction = an open
user transaction that has a balance (mbts objects), circ is the attached
method => "user_transactions",
api_name => "open-ils.actor.user.transactions.have_balance.total",
+ authoritative => 1,
notes => <<" NOTES");
Returns an object/hash of transaction, circ, title where transaction = an open
user transaction that has a balance (mbts objects), circ is the attached