--- /dev/null
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0577.schema.vandelay-item-import-copy-loc-ancestors.sql
+-- Ingest items copy location inheritance
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0577', :eg_version); -- berick
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.ingest_items ( import_id BIGINT, attr_def_id BIGINT ) RETURNS SETOF vandelay.import_item AS $$
+ owning_lib TEXT;
+ circ_lib TEXT;
+ call_number TEXT;
+ copy_number TEXT;
+ status TEXT;
+ location TEXT;
+ circulate TEXT;
+ deposit TEXT;
+ deposit_amount TEXT;
+ ref TEXT;
+ holdable TEXT;
+ price TEXT;
+ barcode TEXT;
+ circ_modifier TEXT;
+ circ_as_type TEXT;
+ alert_message TEXT;
+ opac_visible TEXT;
+ pub_note TEXT;
+ priv_note TEXT;
+ attr_def RECORD;
+ tmp_attr_set RECORD;
+ attr_set vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
+ xpath TEXT;
+ SELECT * INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.import_item_attr_definition WHERE id = attr_def_id;
+ attr_set.definition := attr_def.id;
+ -- Build the combined XPath
+ owning_lib :=
+ WHEN attr_def.owning_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.owning_lib ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.owning_lib || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.owning_lib
+ END;
+ circ_lib :=
+ WHEN attr_def.circ_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_lib ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_lib || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circ_lib
+ END;
+ call_number :=
+ WHEN attr_def.call_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.call_number ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.call_number || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.call_number
+ END;
+ copy_number :=
+ WHEN attr_def.copy_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.copy_number ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.copy_number || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.copy_number
+ END;
+ status :=
+ WHEN attr_def.status IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.status ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.status || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.status
+ END;
+ location :=
+ WHEN attr_def.location IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.location ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.location || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.location
+ END;
+ circulate :=
+ WHEN attr_def.circulate IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circulate ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circulate || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circulate
+ END;
+ deposit :=
+ WHEN attr_def.deposit IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.deposit
+ END;
+ deposit_amount :=
+ WHEN attr_def.deposit_amount IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit_amount ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit_amount || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.deposit_amount
+ END;
+ ref :=
+ WHEN attr_def.ref IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.ref ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.ref || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.ref
+ END;
+ holdable :=
+ WHEN attr_def.holdable IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.holdable ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.holdable || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.holdable
+ END;
+ price :=
+ WHEN attr_def.price IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.price ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.price || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.price
+ END;
+ barcode :=
+ WHEN attr_def.barcode IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.barcode ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.barcode || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.barcode
+ END;
+ circ_modifier :=
+ WHEN attr_def.circ_modifier IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_modifier ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_modifier || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circ_modifier
+ END;
+ circ_as_type :=
+ WHEN attr_def.circ_as_type IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_as_type ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_as_type || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circ_as_type
+ END;
+ alert_message :=
+ WHEN attr_def.alert_message IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.alert_message ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.alert_message || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.alert_message
+ END;
+ opac_visible :=
+ WHEN attr_def.opac_visible IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.opac_visible ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.opac_visible || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.opac_visible
+ END;
+ pub_note :=
+ WHEN attr_def.pub_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.pub_note ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.pub_note || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.pub_note
+ END;
+ priv_note :=
+ WHEN attr_def.priv_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+ WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.priv_note ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.priv_note || '"]'
+ ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.priv_note
+ END;
+ xpath :=
+ owning_lib || '|' ||
+ circ_lib || '|' ||
+ call_number || '|' ||
+ copy_number || '|' ||
+ status || '|' ||
+ location || '|' ||
+ circulate || '|' ||
+ deposit || '|' ||
+ deposit_amount || '|' ||
+ ref || '|' ||
+ holdable || '|' ||
+ price || '|' ||
+ barcode || '|' ||
+ circ_modifier || '|' ||
+ circ_as_type || '|' ||
+ alert_message || '|' ||
+ pub_note || '|' ||
+ priv_note || '|' ||
+ opac_visible;
+ -- RAISE NOTICE 'XPath: %', xpath;
+ FOR tmp_attr_set IN
+ FROM oils_xpath_table( 'id', 'marc', 'vandelay.queued_bib_record', xpath, 'id = ' || import_id )
+ AS t( id INT, ol TEXT, clib TEXT, cn TEXT, cnum TEXT, cs TEXT, cl TEXT, circ TEXT,
+ dep TEXT, dep_amount TEXT, r TEXT, hold TEXT, pr TEXT, bc TEXT, circ_mod TEXT,
+ circ_as TEXT, amessage TEXT, note TEXT, pnote TEXT, opac_vis TEXT )
+ tmp_attr_set.pr = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.pr, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+ tmp_attr_set.dep_amount = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+ tmp_attr_set.pr := NULLIF( tmp_attr_set.pr, '' );
+ tmp_attr_set.dep_amount := NULLIF( tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, '' );
+ SELECT id INTO attr_set.owning_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.ol); -- INT
+ SELECT id INTO attr_set.circ_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.clib); -- INT
+ SELECT id INTO attr_set.status FROM config.copy_status WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cs); -- INT
+ -- search up the org unit tree for a matching copy location
+ WITH RECURSIVE anscestor_depth AS (
+ SELECT ou.id,
+ out.depth AS depth,
+ ou.parent_ou
+ FROM actor.org_unit ou
+ JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+ WHERE ou.id = COALESCE(attr_set.owning_lib, attr_set.circ_lib)
+ SELECT ou.id,
+ out.depth,
+ ou.parent_ou
+ FROM actor.org_unit ou
+ JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+ JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
+ ) SELECT cpl.id INTO attr_set.location
+ FROM anscestor_depth a
+ JOIN asset.copy_location cpl ON (cpl.owning_lib = a.id)
+ WHERE LOWER(cpl.name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cl)
+ ORDER BY a.depth DESC
+ LIMIT 1;
+ attr_set.circulate :=
+ LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.circ, 1, 1)) IN ('t','y','1')
+ OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.circ) = 'circulating'; -- BOOL
+ attr_set.deposit :=
+ LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.dep, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+ OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.dep) = 'deposit'; -- BOOL
+ attr_set.holdable :=
+ LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.hold, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+ OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.hold) = 'holdable'; -- BOOL
+ attr_set.opac_visible :=
+ LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.opac_vis, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+ OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.opac_vis) = 'visible'; -- BOOL
+ attr_set.ref :=
+ LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.r, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+ OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.r) = 'reference'; -- BOOL
+ attr_set.copy_number := tmp_attr_set.cnum::INT; -- INT,
+ attr_set.deposit_amount := tmp_attr_set.dep_amount::NUMERIC(6,2); -- NUMERIC(6,2),
+ attr_set.price := tmp_attr_set.pr::NUMERIC(8,2); -- NUMERIC(8,2),
+ attr_set.call_number := tmp_attr_set.cn; -- TEXT
+ attr_set.barcode := tmp_attr_set.bc; -- TEXT,
+ attr_set.circ_modifier := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod; -- TEXT,
+ attr_set.circ_as_type := tmp_attr_set.circ_as; -- TEXT,
+ attr_set.alert_message := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
+ attr_set.pub_note := tmp_attr_set.note; -- TEXT,
+ attr_set.priv_note := tmp_attr_set.pnote; -- TEXT,
+ attr_set.alert_message := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
+ RETURN NEXT attr_set;