Documentation for new duplicate serials barcode alert in Serials Batch Receive.
Signed-off-by: Angela Kilsdonk <>
. When you are ready to receive the items, click *Receive Selected Items*.
. The items that have been received are cleared from the Batch Receive interface. The remaining disabled item is an unreceived item.
. If the items that you received have a barcode, a copy template that was set to OPAC Visible, and are assigned a shelving location that is OPAC Visible, then you can view the received items in the catalog. Notice that the Holdings Summary has been updated to reflect the most recent addition to the holdings.
+Duplicate Barcode Alert
+Evergreen will now display an alert if a duplicate barcode is entered in the Serials Batch Receive interface. If a staff member enters a barcode that already exists in the database while receiving new serials items in the Serials Batch Receive interface, an alert message will pop up letting the staff member know that the barcode is a duplicate. After the staff member clicks OK to clear the alert, he or she can enter a new barcode.
+image::media/dup_serials_barcode.JPG[Duplicate Barcode Warning]