--- /dev/null
+== Custom Cover Image Uploader ==
+If configured for a given Evergreen instance, staff with the UPLOAD_COVER_IMAGE
+permission may upload a custom jacket/cover image for a given bibliographic
+record for display in the staff client and OPAC. This is done through the Other
+Actions -> Upload Cover Image command from the record details page in the staff
+=== Note for system administrators ===
+The following stanza needs to be added to eg_vhost.conf:
+<Location /jacket-upload>
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlHandler OpenILS::WWW::Vandelay::spool_jacket
+ Options +ExecCGI
+ Require all granted
+and this to the open-ils.vandelay -> app_settings -> databases section of
+with the path appropriately adjusted for your installation. The Apache process
+will need write permissions for that directory.